This was posted 12 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sony NEX-5N 18-55mm & 55-210mm Dual Lens Kits from Graysonline Only $699 Free Ship


Hi All

To add to other NEX-5N deals already in the past few weeks. This one is for the telezoom dual lens kit.

I have been watching the price drop on this model the past few weeks because of new model due soon. IMHO this outgoing model has the best bang for buck.

Same dual lens telezoom kit in Paxtons NSW last week was $1050 in catalogue. The only place that lists this kit online HK is citiwide and thats 700+90 and grey import.

They are trying to run out the leftover stock so Graysonline has a number of them. Local stock so 12 months Aus warranty.

Black, Silver, Buy Now style listing and auction style listing, just do a search for NEX.

Note: do your calculations carefully with the auction style listing may end up being $$$ watching out for auctioneer's commission and shipping.


UPDATE: Auction style listings had finished lastnight - 8th of October 2012 - so only the buy it now at $699 remain - some of the prices at the end of auction would work out to be around 640 delivered which is A FANTASTIC DEAL. Now that's over the 699 is still very very good value.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Very good deal for the 55-210MM Lens Kit.

    • +1

      yep standard kit is like $550 grey so extra $150 for the extra telezoom lens and local stock is a pretty sweet deal. Thats why i ordered mine already this arvo.

      For those looking for EVF the best price is on ebay. i will be buying that tomorrow.

  • If anyone wants to sell the 55-210 from the pack, happy to pick it up.

    • how much are u offering?

      • $200. pm me if u keen to sell

      • If someone would like to offload theirs, i would be interested, too!

  • I bought bigger lens separate for $500 =/

  • How do you guys based the quality of these to a full sized SLR?

    • Comparable to entry-to-mid range DSLR(everyone has different standards), there are plenty of reviews online so do the research yourself and convince yourself.

      I found lots of reviews of this model punching above its class, for example comparisons of 5N to EM-5, bodies without lens thats twice the current price of this with twin lens.

  • If you are looking for a nice camera for video, the NEX-5n has the same sized Image processor [APS-C] as the NEX-20VG (the 3 grand video camera sony sell) So keep that in mind.

    • but this camera heats up when used in video mode for extended periods of time but still good video quality

  • Very good price, especially this is with the 55-210mm lens. This camera takes comparable photos to full sized DSLR. There are comparisons and reviews between this NEX-5N and the Canon 5D on the internet

    • Yep, Ted's lists this package at $1099, i assume they will do a bit of discount but not to this extent. Note
      there could be carton damage on these run-out items tho but still well worth it. If you need a nice square box, go buy it in retail shops.

      What tips the deal into bargain-land is the inclusion of the 55-210mm lens, which you get for a little over $100 - for something that's more like $500 worth.

      I was told orders will be shipped out early next week - so not super fast delivery, but acceptable.

  • Hi Guys,

    Anyone know if buy this one with 55-210 mm lens and not 16 mm one

    The price for this camera looks so good. I hope buying it will be a good decision.

    • +1

      Depends on what kind of photography you intend to do.

      16mm lens is good for outdoor/building/wide shots, capture alot more - BIG PICTURE VIEW
      55-210mm lens is good for the opposit - zooming into the field of view - ZOOMED IN - DETAILED VIEW


      $530 NEX-5N US Stock with 18-55mm standard lens -
      $613 NEX-5N HK Stock with 18-55mm + 16mm -
      Or this $699 NEX-5N AUS Stock with 18-55mm + 55-210mm + local warranty

      PS: I ordered mine yesterday arvo, just got the eparcel shipping advice from Graysonline - I'm in Sydney metro so I should get it Monday. Sweeeeet!

      PPS: Both US and China/HK are on public holidays atm - so you will wait atleast another couple more days for your order to even be processed.

  • I ordered this morning and already have the shipping confirmation email - pretty quick!

    I had never purchased from Grays before and they rang up to do a quick fraud check shortly after I placed my order. No a big deal - they didn't ask me to repeat credit card details or anything dodgy like that so it seemed legit. Wasn't expecting it though; in my illustrious history of purchasing stuff online, I've never had a fraud check call!

    Apparently this camera does decent hi-def video as well as stills, but from what I can tell, the PAL (ie, Australian) version will record at 50p, with no option for 60p. This is a minor drawback for me but not enough to offset the great price and the security of a proper Australian model with associated local manufacturer warranty. Just thought I'd mention it.

    • Grays has a bad reputation for many here as their warranty commitment is rather shocking.

      • The warranty would be handled by Sony surely? Grays are just the seller.

        They are auctioning some too. I got a silver one for $652 all up (exorbitant fees and delivery).

        • yup, it says manf. warranty. You got the good price while bidding.

        • I got a silver one too. $646.55 all up.

      • As mentioned by others, this item comes with full Aus manufacturer's warranty. In this case, do Grays really have any effect on the warranty?

    • Black or Silver?

      You getting the EVF ?

      • I ordered a black one. I'm migrating from an aging DSLR to this thing but still I'm not sure if I really need an EVF, as long as the display is good. What's your opinion?

        • For that SLR feel you need it. There's no doubt the EVF is excellent (lots of reviews) the best comment and reasoning I've read is…without the EVF it feels like a point and shoot to operate, with he EVF it allows for better focusing and framing which makes it feel like a rounded off DSLR. It is really $$$ tho.

          I'm tossing between EVF or a 50mm 1.4…might just shop for a cheap one and save money for the EVF.

        • I may have to read up on the EVF a bit more. Not disagreeing with your reasons (or that it's an effective piece of kit), but I think I will try out manual focussing with the included screen first to see whether it is acceptable for me.

          As far as framing goes, from what I've read the viewfinder has the same coverage as the screen so I don't know if it would make a difference for me in that respect.

          I don't think I will particularly miss the SLR feel, but I haven't used it yet so time will tell. The EVF is too expensive for me to buy without trying the camera on its own for a little while.

          I'm more interested in something like a 50mm 1.4 because that is something I definitely can imagine using.

          Having said all that, I've seen several forum posts etc where people are very happy with their EVFs and wouldn't use the camera without them. I suspect it's almost as much about personal preference as it is about utility. If you got the cash and the desire, go ahead I guess! :)

        • Yup, EVF cost half the price of the camera. I also think it is a personal preference, but I doubt if you could see exacting focusing on LCD screen.
          Either spend extra $$$ to get the Nex 6 with inbuilt VF or get this one without it.

  • if anybody wants to sell either lens, hit me up..

    • I guess you expect bargain basement price?

  • Anyone got theirs yet? Mine still says 'shipping information received'

    UPDATE: Lame…invoice friday, only shipped today. Status is now shipping information approved. :(

    • I'm waiting for mine too.

      In the mean time I have ordered these accessories from ebay including;
      1. Case/cover
      2. Protector for screen
      3. Lens cleaning kit
      4. Extra battery

      • don't forget to get 2x Hoya UV for protecting the lenses

        • I totally forgot about UV filters. Where is the best place to get these and possibly an extra battery? I'm not a massive ebay fan but I'll probably use it if it's got the best deals.

          Is the thread diameter for these lenses 49mm? I cannot find it in the specs on the official site

          Also: I suspect I've got the same shipping status as you - 'approved' yesterday arvo. No further details yet.

        • UPDATE: Got mine! I'm in Sydney CBD less than 20KM from where it was so overnight once it is dispatched.

          No carton damage, good as retail stock!

          I know some of the others may have gotten a better deal in the autions - good on them!

          Thread is 49mm yes and Ebay does the best deal on them yeah.

          Update when you get yours!

        • I order mine on Friday and still no confirmation on Gray's with delivery time but I'm not super fussy on when it arrives, but i do need to order the Hoya ND and UV filters and a decent bag (Like a Lowepro Sling Passport to fit all my gear as well as a Tablet). How much did your accessories cost, Hippo?

        • Hoya UV filters were $11 each (i got 2, one for each)
          GGS glass protector was $4
          Already have CPL & bag
          Very close to placing order for EVF…tossing b/n EVF or a 50mm 1.8.

        • I think EVF will make life easier. I almost bought NEX5N, but will wait and go for NEX6, which have inbuilt EVF.

        • huh….still havent received an approved email yet, so i flicked them a reminder! anyway what's the cheapest price you saw on the EVF anyway? I already got some polarizer and UV filters from before, just got a few more but that EVF i had a look at JB is awesome, but still over $300. BH Photo i guess you saw the price?

        • Yes, got mine too.
          No carton damage.

        • They still have them in stock. How do you find your camera? Are you happy with it?

        • In line with expectation and agree with reviews. very good camera and fantastic image quality under all conditions. UI is a little clunky but livable. Fantastic price in this deal.

          Latest price for NEX 7 is 1049 from an ebay group buy but thats without the telephoto zoom lens.

          For me i am zoom hungry coming from a powerzoom of 20x the 210mm lens is just short of that so for me this kit was perfect.

          It has opened up the world of old 35mm lens too which is fantastic.

          If you haven't ordered do it sooner rather than later you never know when they will sell out.

        • Thanks for the feedback hippo. I have always used a point and shoot camera earlier and was thinking to get into DSLR. AFter looking at few deals for NEX5 and reviews, I changed my mind to get these due to their build & censor size and quality. But only worried about the EVF(Addnl. $250 for 5n). I think in case of manual zooming, EVF will be helpful. NEX5R is coming out soon with inbuilt EVF and hybrid autofocus.

          So I am a bit confused to get this one or wait and spend a little more to get NEX5R.

        • Hi, NEX is a great bridge between point and shoot and DSLR, like me I am going from powerzoom to DSLR, but i hate the bulk so NEX was perfect for me.

          RE: EVF -

          1. It's $280 on ebay the cheapest - where did you see for 250?
          2. 5R won't have built in EVF. That's the 6. Even then, both 5R and 6 won't be as anywhere near good value as 5N now. suggested prices for these are at sony website now so it's guess work how much on grey market.
          3. I would like to have EVF, but I really have only found the need for it ONCE, it was under bright sunlightat an angle which meant i couldn't see the preview on screen, so can't justify for it. I have found manual focusing on screen is fine - you need the focus peaking anyway so bigger screen is good.
        • Yup. apologies, EVF comes in NEX6 onwards.

          Thanks hippo again for the feedback about it. Yup you are right. The price here for 5N is too good to be missed and features added in 5R are only Wifi and hybrid auto focus. I dont know how bad auto focus is in 5N.
          Also, I am sure the prices for viewfinder will also go down, as they will not be required for the new NEX products.

          Viewfinder was USD250 with free shipping, if I remember last time from bhphoto. But not sure now how much it is now.

          Stock is still there at Greys. Let me try buying it soon after convincing the better half :)

        • i heard from Sony store rep that his exp In camera wifi = battery drain plus i dont really use wifi at home anyway. ability to install apps…meh. auto focus is fine on 5N. The hybrid focus just means its able to track and change focus automatically = only useful if you take video or sequemtial shots of fast moving objects…which is not my thing so for me 5R didnt present enough new things for me to wait and pay new tech money for.

          Re EVF i will check out US sites thanks.

          I picked up a SEL50F18…enjoying it atm.

        • wow. how much you paid for the SEL 50mm?

        • $240. On Ebay one got sold lastnight at $275 (+$35 for shipping) so $310. Finding the focus to wander a bit…and hate the focus ring…

          For anyone really short on cash I have found the SEL55210 (the zoom lens) included in this $699 package to go for $330 on Ebay, sell that and you get the best bargain ever local warranty, get it in a couple of days, not a week, for only $360. That is the cheapest standard 5N kit listed here ever! Cheaper than even the grey imports!

          Bought myself a 50mm and a 35mm manual focus lens too off ebay, just really cheap ones to play with to see if I can live with using MF lens. I expect to need to offload some lenses soon, luckily this stuff is in demand so i won't lose too much value.

        • Did your camera come with the Flash?

        • Flash comes in the standard kit, yes.

          It's detachable and can be carried in it's smaller carrier container, which the manual said to attach to the neck strap.

          I haven't found a need for it. NEX is very very very (the best in market in compact system) good in low light condition - i tend to want to capture low light condition so i don't use flash.

        • Finally bought from graysonline. Pity I had to pay for shipping.
          Fingers crossed.

        • Also which SD card you purchased? I am buying Sandisk Extreme 32 GB from memorycity today.

        • +1

          Same card - best value for the last couple of months.

        • Surprisingly I got it on Saturday due to Post working on weekends to cover Christmas deliveries and the SD card from memorycity too.
          Next thing to buy is a good bag. Any suggestions for the bag or any other accessories for this beauty?

        • Still not settled on my lens choices yet so can't buy a bag, been using my old camera bag atm.

        • ok. I can't use my old camera bag as it was quite sleek and small :)

  • The 16mm kit lens is selling unbundled for approx $130 including shipping from HK (look on e-bay).

    Supposedly the Sigma 19mm is a better lens and goes for for around $195 including shipping.

    I ordered on the Nex 5N from Grays last Monday, still waiting for delivery in North Shore, NSW.

    The memory card ordered on the same day turned up on Wednesday.

    Any tips on ebay sellers for 2nd batteries, filters, camera bags, etc?

    • My camera came in after 4 days of putting the order in Sydney. I am also waiting for a good bag deal.
      Where did you see the 16mm kit for $130?
      I could not find anything new at that price. The cheapest one was $150 delivered.

      • Search on SEL16F28. I've ordered the lens from a HK seller.

        There's a bunch of them around the USD$130-USD$140 including delivery.


        • Thanks for that. Somehow it was not coming when I was searching for Sony 16mm. I hope they are selling new products as it is not in retail box and might be from users selling their 16mm from twin lens kit.

          I am interested in this lens only due to the size, otherwise 18-55 starts from 18mm too. So I dont see, if it will make a huge difference in extra wide pictures.

        • Depends on what kind of photos you take… if you do landscape or architectural photography, or even macro, the 16mm is useful.

          I saw lots on ebay from ex-NEX owners.

          I sold my 55-210 this week got a sweet price which mean that my standard kit ended up costing LESS than any of the gray import deals.

          Purchase an A mount adapter as i intend to buy cheaper A mount lenses.

        • wow. That sounds good. Did you sell it on ebay? and how much you finally got after ebay and paypal fee?
          I know nothing about lenses, but I will search for A mount adapter and lenses as you suggested.
          As yet, I am pretty happy with the product.

        • +2

          Got 330 minus free shipping $16 minus about $15 commissions.. so say $300.

          There is another listing right now, someone obviously purchased from this post is selling their kit 18-55 lens (prob fetch $150) as well as the zoom lens (fetch about $300) - so he will end up with body for only $250 AUD. THAT IS SWEEEEET.

          The a mount adapter is f#$king expensive, but the A mount lenses are cheaper than E and I can get faster focus lens for action photos. If you are not taking action photos you can get away with really cheap prime lenses.

          Lots to learn!

        • yea, I hope the adapter is expensive as it has got image stab. and motor to auto focus. cheap one don't have. So worth a buy.

        • Got the EA2 adapter and love it. Focus is so much faster than E mount. Even with non SSM lenses! I wanted faster focus and cheaper lenses and I have it.

          Very happy now!

          Now time to shop for lenses to replace standard kit lense and the 50 1.8

        • It is quite expensive. But it is alone 200 gms. Looks quite big. how much you paid for it. Dont you think the 3 lenses 16mm, 18-55 mm and 55-200mm are enough?

        • oh don't get me wrong the E mount lenses are good enough for most of the time. I am keeping the 50 1.8 for sure and maybe the 18-55. I do have a 3.5 year old running and bopping toddler indoors so I needed faster focus the adapter can provide as it works with larger lenses.

          IMHO it starts to look like a serious camera with the adapter and larger lens.

        • lol. Mine are 2 and 4 years. I do feel sometimes it takes time to focus. But will live with them for some time. Will buy 16mm later sometime due to its good size, Camera bag and a tripod, in case of going to holidays.

        • Any suggestions for a tripod (or bag)?

        • Waiting to settle on my lenses before buying bag. Tripod…anything cheap!

          I am looking for something that can extend the grip, finding it straining my hands as the height of the camera body allows only two fingers to grip.

          Not found anything so far, i may have to DIY.

  • hmm, wonder if this will still work with the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) since i'm heading overseas soon. Anyone help me with this? (:
    It's needs:
    "A tax invoice prominently states the words 'tax invoice' and the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the retailer, the purchase price including the GST paid, a description of the goods, the name of the retailer and the date the purchase was made."

    • +1

      Yes definately as it is local stock and you get a tax invoice. So I think getting Tax back wont be a problem. Also $20 code were floating around in ozbargarin for graysoutlet ( same company), if you want it cheaper.

    • +1

      ^ cheers mate, gave them a call today and they said it should be fine to get the TRS through. I think the $20 code was for November but all good, still an amazing price, especially after the TRS refund.

      • The standard invoice is e-mail (with your e-mail headers, etc). You may want to cut and paste into another program and print the invoice again before taking to TRS. :)

      • Wanna do a dodgy? I'll give you my invoice and you join queue twice with same one camera to claimed twice. For your trouble u can keep half? Muhahahahahaa

  • For comparisons. NEX 5R and 6 are out!

    5R telephoto dual lens kit is around $1050 - grey import, landed. 6 is $1200 or so.

    Considering the 5R which gives you wifi and PDAF…to me those things are not worth additional 40% premium.

    • Yes. I think 6 is a worth buying with view finder and hybrid auto focus( Not sure how good that is).

  • Got this bag for $47 free shipping:

    and also 16mm lens from ebay for $123 USD delivered:…

    • looks like a great bag! short on cash this month so it will just hang around my neck for now.

      You got the EVF yet?

      • No and I dont think I will be getting one. The screen is quite sharp and I am not in a mood now to extra money on camera. Wife will kill me :)

        • Only thing, I am getting now is the Tripod. Will go ahead with Slik F630 available for 48 in Teds, but Target sells them for 19 dollars. Confirmed the stock of the same in my local Target.
          hope the quality is decent, if not excellent.

  • Hmm, i can't seem to be able to edit the post anymore.

    UPDATE: There is now 5N standard kit (with 18-55mm lens) at $429 also at Greysonline.

    • Wow. That is a great price. but for some reason,I could not find it on their site.

      • sold out i guess…

  • +1

    UPDATE: Just noticed that Greysonline now have 20 units of this kit in Silver only, going at auction rate.

    At time of this writing there are 0 bids and $579, with 2 days: 5 hours to go I'd say NOW IS THE TIME to jump in.

    Those of you thinking 5R, Phase AF and Wifi are not worth double the price. Save the money and buy yourself a good lens.

    • Thanks - went online to check the auction.

      $579.00 + 14% commission + $14 delivery

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