WHY opinions? Women seeking "unvaxxed" sperm spikes

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NEWS HEADLINE READS in todays News -
EXCLUSIVE: Demand for 'unvaxxed' sperm spikes: Women are turning to shady Facebook groups looking for donors who refused to get the Covid shot

Why do you think are they looking for unvaxxed sperm ? ?
Good luck finding it girls, as over 90% of AU population is vaxxed.

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      • You don’t care about “science” when it doesn’t effect you. ADHD isn’t a laughing matter, it can be deliberating.

        • ADHD might NOT be a laughing matter. But faking it for an easy ride is.

          Ever noticed how bushfire arsonists and other filthy scum like that, only contract ADHD when they get caught?

          And like it or not the fact is there's a huge amount of self and misdiagnosis.So tes, I do care about science. All legit sufferers should be properly diagnosed and treated by specialists.That does not include the average GP/

          • @Protractor: Yes faking it is so easy you say. It's maybe medical practitioners and neurological specialists are becoming more knowledgeable about the condition. That's what science is, nothing stays the same, it evolves into more evidence and learning. You're also using an extreme counter argument to give you credit for your original claim. Why would arsonists state they have ADHD? they most likely have other neurological or mental issues that contributed to their irrational decisions. Again it's getting off topic and not making a valid point.

            • @Griffindinho: "it's getting off topic and not making a valid point"
              according to you

              "faking it is so easy"

              Case rested

        • What are they deliberating on though?

  • -2

    Cooker logic responses confirm this was cooker click bait all along.
    The forum needs a specific category for conspiracies,cookers and fairy dust, and a way to vote it as click bait

    • +1

      Yet you can't stop shitposting in it, like you secretly love a wrestle in the swill.

      • " Don't let it bring you down, it's only castles burning.."

  • Gonna be a tough ask to find decent quality sperm.

    Out of the 10% of Aussies that are unvaxxed, I imagine there's a decent percentage of them who are uneducated / unemployed, homeless, sovereign citizens, sick in some way to get an exemption, etc.

    Of course there will be some that refused on health principles and just not wanting to essentially be part of an experiment (for the right reasons) but good luck finding them.

    I'd be keen to understand the logic behind this, surely it can't be related to fertility as we're seeing typical, if not more, numbers of births since the vaccines were given. In fact some people reported hyper ovulation and ending up with twins shortly (days) after getting the jab.

    • +1

      i not taking sides of vaxx or not vaxx, or vaxxed sperm vs unvaxed sperm
      bty its been documented in America, were they have about 10 times the population of AU
      that -
      !/- Vast majority of highly educated people, ie doctors,lawyers, judges engineers etc opposed been vaxxed
      2/- Yes the majority of uneducated people were also opposed been vaxxed
      then the majority in the middle of the the above people were all happy to be vaxxed, vaxed and more vaxed
      so most ozbargains fall into the middle category, simpletons.
      Where ozbargainers are in the middle of the road, lost soles ,unsure, easily convinced, believe whatevers on MSM and government, whether its correct or not, good or bad for them.
      So in essence, the lower uneducated people think like the top 25% of highly educated people,
      strictly regarding covid vaxx ONLY. documented and true.

      • +1

        !/- Vast majority of highly educated people, ie doctors,lawyers, judges engineers etc opposed been vaxxed

        What is your source on this? I cannot find much but was I did find was things like Survey shows 96% of doctors fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and adds "Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated."

        Anecdotally I work in a company of 40+ engineers who all were vaccinated, none spoken to have voiced opposition.

        • +2

          none spoken to have voiced opposition.

          That's unsurprising given the social pressure to conform.

          Anecdotally I work with ~15 people and 2 refused to get it, 1 refused to talk about what should be private medical information, 2 were outspoken vaxxers, and most went along with whatever the TV told them without caring too much.

          I think the OP is wrong that "vast majority" of educated were opposed, however it is the case that, of the people opposed to vaccination in western countries, a majority of them are educated. This has been a talking point at several health conference i've seen excerpts of, where they discuss promoting vaccine adoption and how to deal with "vaccine hesitancy".

          • @ssfps:

            however it is the case that, of the people opposed to vaccination in western countries, a majority of them are educated.

            Do you have any evidence to back that? Genuinely interested in what the stats are for those that oppose/support the vax broken down by education, income, etc.

            • @Dr Ginger: No, as I said i've seen it spoken about/referenced by people - iirc speakers were from the CDC and maybe GAVI/WHO, I haven't looked into it too much.

        • I wouldn't voice my opposition at work but I was against it and only got it for the freedom to travel - I don't think you can assume all of those 40+ are for it

      • AMA (US) 96% of doctors vaxxed as of Jun 21

        • +2

          they have to be vaxxed to keep their jobs, like here in AU
          I SAID ONLY " they oppose been vaxxed ",
          if it was their choice majority would not be vaxxed
          they are force to be vaxxed against their beliefs, knowledge,etc
          on the experimental vaxx, to keep their jobs

          • +5

            @mickrb30: I don't think we know the real numbers of opposed-but-complied.

            I will say that they weren't forced. I opposed the jab and was willing to lose my job for it, I have little respect for people on high incomes that were coerced financially.
            I have immense respect for the doctors, scientists, and other professionals who gave up their careers to oppose it - that's putting your money where your mouth is - and grants them far more credibility than the goons on pharma's payroll.

          • @mickrb30: You have shown no evidence of that other than trust me bro. So your point holds zero weight

            • -1

              @curtturtle: is the link

              theres a graph showing the percentages
              I assume, not saying i am correct, you probaly fall in the middle, where the lost soles are/reside
              otherwise you could of checked it out, googled it your self.

              unfortunely the numbers of highy educated people would be substantially higher if their jobs were not threatened
              no jab - sit at home - look at your ceiling - go on the dole - or clean, push the broom, use your degree as toilet paper

              • @mickrb30: Note in that study:

                • The survey was offered to US adult Facebook users
                • The study employs a novel sampling method with a soft ask and low response rate, the effect of which has not yet been fully studied.
                • it was assumed that the survey was completed in good faith.

                Kinda like how Ozbargain has a 2.7/5 rating on Productreview, everyone is on a $300k salary on here/whirlpool and bikies is the best solution to anything. While there may be some honest reponses in it, It would be contaminated by trolls, as identified and acknowledged by the authors.

                • @Ughhh: Majority of people are all for the vax
                  so if the percentages show the educated shunning the vax, I believe it,its not abnormal
                  I personlly know on heard of people that did not get the vax
                  However to all the people they know they claimed to been, actually vaxx
                  reason given to me, they did not want to loose friends and be talked about

      • -1

        Ozb simpletons? Read what you just posted. No REALLY> read it. It's hilarious, and it bursts the pipe on hypocrisy.


        • -1

          If I was to do a study, would you think basing my conclusion on a survey I post on facebook to be credible or not?

          Would/do you completely trust ozbargain poll results?

        • I would say analyzing 5 million survey responses in facebook data is
          more credible than a single disparaging comment on a bargain forum.
          You got anything credible to offer?

          • @sn00ze: Interesting, you compared credibility to a single disparaging comment on a bargain forum.

            Better than a poll on the back of a public bathroom door I guess.

            Should we based our next research on tik tok, I think they've got a bigger market share than fb now.

        • anything?

          • -1

            @sn00ze: I'm sorry that raising awareness on the credibility of a study offends you.
            How dare I.

    • Gonna be a tough ask to find decent quality sperm.

      As written before again and again, to find a decent quality womb and then find decent quality ovules and then find a decent quality gestating carrier within those seeking sperm donors is the impossible part, and that is the proverbial elephant in the room.

    • What about vaxxed but non mRNA? As in waited for the novavax vaccine.

  • Conspiracy theorists are rife.

    There's a bunch of people on my facebook friends list, mostly white males over 55, who seem to have nothing better to do than rage about immigration and repost conspiracy stuff about vaccines, climate change etc. Some actually were vaxxed at the time and supportive of it. Too much time on your hands in retirement sitting in echo chambers will lead to this stuff. Going back a few years several of these people used to be quite normal. For the next week or so they are obsessing about poppies, as they do every November.

    • +3

      Why do you use Facebook ?

      • +1

        Just an old habit really. Don't go on there much these days beyond doing football predictions a mate runs on there.

        Also keeping in touch with old contacts from the UK, in a couple of groups for employers I used to work for there etc.

    • mostly white males over 55

      Only old men will do that.

  • Thanks to the internet. All comers are satisfied / entertained by whatever notions they might have

    • There's a Rule 35 for everyone on the internet :)

  • Cann't wait for the next threath:

    NEWS HEADLINE READS in todays News -

    EXCLUSIVE: Demand for non-vegetarian sperm spikes: Women are turning to shady Facebook groups looking for donors who refused to get into the vegan mob.

    • +1

      wheres the link

      • Working on one as we speak type!

    • So where does vegetarians stand in all of this because it seems like you missed out vegetarians there.

      Maybe there is a group for sperm from donors that have common sense and basic math too

  • So does the article mean that women have trouble finding desirable counterparts?

    • -3

      No it means they'll sleep with anyone. Even cookers.

      • They don't!!
        That is the problem!

        Sexually frustrated and unsatisfied.

        So they just want to get impregnated as the clock is ticking away.
        Sad really.

        • Breeding based on time constraints. Nice.
          Why not wait till the next LNP govt and get a cash bonus as well?

          Too many humans is never enough /s

          • @Protractor:

            Breeding based on time constraints.

            Well, is that or nothing at all!

            Please be kind, they are really desperate.

            • @LFO: "If not now,when" excuse to breed, is as repugnant, as having one for the country.

              • @Protractor: I gather you are not a woman "knowing" the clock is ticking …and fast … and no action since who knows when …

                • -1

                  @LFO: "Clock is ticking" is a western privilege construct . I gather you are not a proud non parent woman exposed to the guilt trip of expectations in a patriarchal world. You know the pariah deliberately barren who let the team down…s/

                  These women just want a designer baby via a political belief that is becoming as shrill as religious zealotry.
                  I guess that's a few extra meaningless adjectives they can add to their birth cetificate or ebay listing when they sell the golden child off. Oh, and I'm sure these vestal virgins all avoid smoking,drinking,drugs,car fumes,fast food,preservatives etc.

                  • @Protractor: … western privilege construct …
                    … expectations in a patriarchal world …
                    … pariah deliberately barren …
                    … religious zealotry …
                    … vestal virgins …



                    • -1

                      @LFO: ChatGPT comes to me for content.

                      Quick history revision for you>There's this thing called 'language' that humans used to use before their pea sized brains slid out of their arses , as they swapped them for social media.

                      • @Protractor: Written language that is …

                        • @LFO: Communication via a functioning set of synapses rather than parroting conspiracy shit for a start.Outsourced intelligence has reached it's end point. And AI makes us look smarter than we will ever be.What could possibly go wrong. "Hi, I'm here to apply for Homer Simpsons job, here's my fresh CV"

                          • @Protractor:

                            "Hi, I'm here to apply for Homer Simpsons job, here's my fresh CV"

                            You are hired!

                            Welcome to our team :-]

  • +2

    "News" article from "Dailymail"? No such thing.

  • -2

    I do find it interesting these women are looking for sperm donors. As far down the crazy train ride they are they can’t stomach sleeping with the antivaxxer blokes either.

    • +1

      Female incels

    • I do find it interesting that you're a paragon of rational discourse, thus the odd sucker-punch is scientifically justified.

      • -1

        Yup, I will own up to the odd flash of annoyance that some people give any of this credence with so little supporting information. As I keep saying follow the logic and the science.

        • Logic relies on axioms, i think you meant to say evidence, but maybe that doesn't sound as Socratic and esteemed? "Follow the evidence" is something cookers say, not us scientific folk!

          • @ssfps: I didn’t say follow the evidence, I said follow the logic and the science. I said look at studies from reputable sources.

  • +3

    First word in the URL instantly says "do not waste time reading rest of post"



  • +5

    Some people still thinking that the people in charge have our best interests at heart LOL. Off course unvaxed sperm is going to be more valuable. Those who took an experimental gene therapy have no way in telling what the long term effects are on them or their off spring.

    • -1

      I’m taking an experimental gene therapy. And they don’t know all the side effects, that’s why I’m testing it for them. If your children ever have the disease it treats you’ll be thanking me.

      • No, they'll still be laughing at you.

        • -2

          Doubt it, the disease they hope to treat with this gene therapy is pretty miserable.

    • -3

      Actually it is only more valuable to a person with a certain mindset who can be exploited for money by paranoia. This is shown by the comments of the people in the article.

      The “experimental gene therapy” had been in development for over 40 years in many labs around the world. Billions around the world have bern vaccinated and thousands of scientists have studied the effects of Covid and the vaccine.

      So you think some random on the internet has your best interests at heart rather than people we have elected to lead us? Imagine a world lead by these randoms? I will leave people with that thought.

      • +1

        "Imagine a world lead by these randoms? I will leave people with that thought." = Trump/Putin/Erdogan/Mental Yahoo.

      • So you think some random on the internet has your best interests at heart rather than people we have elected to lead us?

        Interesting point you made there, since more than half of the elected leaders in the world chose not to mandate or allow the use of the Covid jabs at all.

  • +1

    Simple answer in case you have never noticed: a lot of people are morons.

  • +1

    This is hilarious.

    It's illegal to receive money for sperm donations in Australia, so any financial incentive is not there. If the man makes a private agreement with a woman to donate sperm, what's stopping her then claiming 18 years of child support from the man? Nothing. And finally, what's stopping the man lying about his vaccination status to knock up a woman or two? Nothing.

    Good luck ladies. This sounds more like a fantasy from the involuntarily celibate.

    • -1

      Maybe the women are actually secretly vaccinated and intend to milk the anti vaxxer cohort of $$$ via that 18 long years child support. A wonderfully serendipitous opportunistic silver lining.( Apart from the impact of all those extra humans,of course. )
      But then according to the cookers millions of dead vaccinated ppl need replacing.

      Would love to see a doco on this 'sperm swapmeet' (swapmeat?) , with particular focus on what the donors look like and images of the 'handover' sequence.

    • -1

      what's stopping her then claiming 18 years of child support from the man?

      Well, pretty obvious why not! … he will be dead … all non-vaccinated will be dead.
      Listen to science please :-|

      • Get your own fantasy

        • Fantasy is supposed to be happy.
          Wrong word indeed.

          • @LFO: Fantasy is just that.Much like conspiracy.

            • @Protractor: And what exactly is "just that".

              Both actually.

    • Easy peasy. Money under the table and the donation is a gift.
      Combined with a binding legal document absolving the gifter from financial responsibility
      and any legal rights to the child. The legality would of course depend on state laws.

      • Combined with a binding legal document absolving the gifter from financial responsibility
        and any legal rights to the child.

        I'd say you've been watching too many law shows but the level of legal knowledge you're showing here suggests you're watching too many cartoons.

        I like that you had the forethought to add "the legality of the "binding legal agreement" would depend on state laws". Or in other words, It's binding right up until the actual laws show up and reveal it's not.

        • I like that you had the forethought to add "the legality of the "binding legal agreement" would depend on state laws". Or in other words, It's binding right up until the actual laws show up and reveal it's not.

          Bemused that you liked my comment. The last sentence was purely there indicate that the legality would depend on location. You don't seem to get that. Different countries and states have different laws and obviously a lawyer would be involved to ascertain the legally binding nature of the contract.

          • @bigticket:

            You don't seem to get that.

            Heh. Here's the thing you don't seem to get:

            There isn't a single state law in all of Australia that can be overridden/nullified by a private contract drawn up between two parties.

            "Nice try, government, but me and her decided the child support rules don't apply to us! We opted out on our own terms, and that's legally binding on you!"

            Back to your cartoons.

            • @Crow K: Are you implying that no where in the world the said binding contract is legal. Are you a international lawyer?
              It is known that a sperm donor relinquishes his legal and financial rights in most if not all states. Please explain the legality of the situation I presented and not the strawman argument BS about overridden/nullified by a private contract that was not posted, nor claimed by me.

              • @bigticket: I love how your "easy peasy" answer now relies on international law, maybe? Is that a part of the simple process you forgot to mention, chartering flights to another country? It's not something a panicking tool pulled out of his arse at the last second when it's clear his arguments were collapsing like a tent made of shit?

                No, for the record, I'm not an "international lawyer" (whatever that is). I wasn't aware I needed to know Belize or Grenada's constitution to tell you your "easy peasy" answer to what Australians can do was both dumb and wrong. Maybe you can educate us and let us know which overseas country is a key part of this process (but not so key it didn't need to be mentioned until now)?

                The legal and financial rights to a child are determined by a court on a variety of factors including the ongoing living arrangements (so no, we don't "know that he relinquishes" either, but I think we've come to accept you're talking out of your arse by imagining what the law actually is, and you're not really across any of the subjects you're advising on).

                Writing "the laws don't apply to me" on a piece of paper is a c hair away from the magical thinking of sovereign citizens. If you have some actual examples of people drawing up contracts that let them get out of child support in Australia, this is an excellent time to whip them out. Otherwise, it's time to pop the dunce hat on and sit in the corner, rather than ask me to prove it's not impossible on some goddamn international level.

                Why the (profanity) would I need to quote every law in existence to prove the thing you (profanity) made up isn't legally possible? Prove your work, bozo.

                You have no idea what you are purporting to discuss, go back to your cartoons, it's bedtime soon.

                • @Crow K:

                  I love how your "easy peasy" answer now relies on international law, maybe? Is that a part of the simple process you forgot to mention,

                  No I did not forget to mention it…. "Different countries and states…"

                  No, for the record, I'm not an "international lawyer"

                  So you know shit too!

                  If you have some actual examples of people drawing up contracts that let them get out of child support in Australia

                  Already given. A sperm donor

                  Writing "the laws don't apply to me" on a piece of paper…

                  Uhhh…. no. Said no such thing. What I did say was… Different countries and states have different laws and obviously a lawyer would be involved to ascertain the legally binding nature of the contract.
                  You do know how to directly quote, don't you? Maybe not.

                  This is getting tiring and its getting late to go through all the false accusations, so I'll stop here.
                  What the h*ll triggered you?

                  Anyway I am calling you Mr Strawman; your go to choice of presenting an argument.


              • @bigticket:

                Please explain the legality of the situation I presented and not the strawman argument BS about overridden/nullified by a private contract that was not posted, nor claimed by me.

                I thought I had spelt it out pretty damn simple, but let's dial it back even further and see if any of the words sink in.

                "You Not Boss. State is Boss. State Look At Child And Where Child Live And Who Pay For What And State Say Who Pay Child Support And Get Visit Rights. Your Contract Saying What You Reckon About Who Pay Is Garbage Because You Not Boss. You Know How You No Decide Speed Limit In Road Near Your House? Same Thing. Watch Cartoons, Stay Out Of Grownup Talk"

                No Strawmen here. Just your inability to understand you can't make personal contracts that override a higher authority.

                The reason it's "easy peasy" to you is because you don't understand any of the rules that apply. Like the pigeon on the chessboard. "Thanks for playing".

  • +6

    How much are they paying?

    I'm unvaccinated 😂

    • +3

      all you can eat

      • -1

        All you can slap, all day and night, its free, difficult to find males with unvaxx sperm,
        pure organic free range unpolluted sperm, like they had in the good old days
        Your in and out in no time, or take your time, whatever suits you
        The ladies have a big smile on their face, a win win situation for both ladies and men.

        • Good old days like in the 1800s?

          So hot when a guy describes himself like a chicken lol

          • -1

            @Ughhh: Choox today are probably smarter than cookers, and ironically are also eaten by cookers. Not just free range chooks.Those chooks are fed on stuff worse than a covid vaccine.
            Laughable pushback from ppl needing a non existent war to fight.

            Not so laughable is how many vulnerable ppl die from covid because of that deluded irresponsible selfish entitled pushback. Because anti vaxxers don't just stop there. Most of they disregard all common sense prevention and spread methods as well.

    • Post on Facebook and find out.

      Agree on a price and then don't forget a baster, contract, some "material"(eg Thai Honey), and a nice bottle of wine.

  • +3

    And what about the selfishness of wanting to raise a kid without the father?

    Why is a kid supposed be the victim of one's selfishness, desperation and narcissism?

    We should talk about this first.

    • +1

      Because the advent of social media and influencing means that kids are bling,status symbols and items to show and impress.
      Society is expected to sponsor breeding at all turns these days.Even those who can't, want the costs carried.Even in the face of what's happening in thew world as we speak, the entitlement of preserving 'entitled' "chosen one", DNA comes before anything else.

    • -1

      Actually given some of the “father’s” out there it might not be a bad thing.

      • +1

        That is not a reason, that is a consequence of bad marriages.

        • -1

          No it is a consequence of people who commit DV incidents, are heavy gamblers or drinkers, who are selfish and have no respect for anyone else. Sometimes this stuff doesn’t come out until after the woman is pregnant. Frankly I can see why woman who can afford it do decide to gave a child on their own, it saves a lot of stress with getting stuck with a dud partner.

          • +1

            @try2bhelpful: Bad parenting only applies to men?

            • -1

              @baldur: Nope. There are bad women too. However, the vast majority of DV perpetrators are men. Statistically they do have more of an issue with problem drinking and gambling. You are the one that said that it is selfish to bring up a child without a father. All I did was point out that sometimes the guy is not fit to parent.

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