pccasegear are selling the Corsair HX-1050 80 PLUS Silver Power Supply for $179 - $100 off and apart from one other store on staticice is $70 cheaper than anywhere else ($210 on Amazon).
Also looks to have some really good reviews.
pccasegear are selling the Corsair HX-1050 80 PLUS Silver Power Supply for $179 - $100 off and apart from one other store on staticice is $70 cheaper than anywhere else ($210 on Amazon).
Also looks to have some really good reviews.
Great price, reviews, and performance but overkill for majority of users.
Unless you have 3-way or 4-way SLI, you don't need a kilowatt PSU.
eyefinity anyone?
You can run eyefinity on a single gpu and 520w PSU, like stated this is for multiple GPU setups. Also its made by Channel Well Team who generally make average at best PSU's.
I have a HX-1000 in a basic system at the moment, have owned it for quite some time, works like a dream.
Initially I was running twin Zotac GTX295 units but later switched them out for 2 Gigabyte GTX590's. No problems with load or heat. Rest of the system is basic, very basic Gigabyte X58 mobo, 2x SSD, old i7 CPU (one of the first, 960 or what ever it was), Corsair H80 Cooler, all packed in an old Silverstone Raven V1.0
Going by my experience with the 1000, the 1050 would be even better :)
You're doing it wrong if your computer draws one kilowatt! :P
Mine draws 2.1 jiggawatts
Great Scott! You only needed 1.21 gigawatts for a flux capacitor… what are you running!!!
"One point twenty-one jiggawatts."
I wish they'd get pretty basic maths/science things right in movies.
Doc Brown should have said:
"One point two one gigawatts"
It only draws that much if it needs it. I don't know anyone who needs a kilowatt though, unless they go for dual or tri 690s maybe and a heavily OC'd 6 core CPU.
Good price though. I bought a 650 for $129.
Review for anyone thats interested. Seems like its just a replacement for the HX1000 in terms of performance :)
Good deal, I just purchased the HX-650 last week for $149. Good warranty (7 Years) but seems a bit overkill for what I would use - You'd probably use this for a sli/crossfire setup.
You got ripped off if you paid $149 for a 650. They've been $129 everywhere for ages now.
that comment is very ozbargain like. You should help by providing a link and telling him to get a refund, that's what a bro would do
Well, I thought "everywhere" was self explanatory. Didn't think I'd need a link.
http://msy.com.au/Parts/PARTS.pdf - $132 (Actually went up, I got mine from them for $129 a few months ago)
http://www.centrecom.com.au/catalog/cmpsu-650hx-corsair-p-41… - $132
I smell the carbon tax for that increase.
149 for the HX650 v2 gold plus I would assume
Anyone know how long the promotion will last?
Got my own answer:
"The promotion on the Corsair HX-1050 V1 is only whilst stock lasts. A rough estimate would be that we will clear our remaining stock within 1-2 weeks."
Good deal, been looking for a beefy PS for my rig - have grabbed one, thanks.
Finally I can get the old Cray-2 back up and running!
Nice. ePenis upgrade time
I like how a whole bunch of people negged you for saying this. What are we being attacked by the christian lobby now?
What has the Christian Lobby got to do with anything lsdbeta? are you some kind of closet bigot?
I'm fairly certain I'm not in the closet about it if that's what you're asking.
point proven, i'll hold off for now.
sorry but how do you mean "hardly $100 off" the first line of the link I supplied states that it is discounted down and you save exactly $100 from pccasegear's normal price.
Show me where I have compared it to the wrong product and I will happily update the post to show the right information.
Is this the equivalent silver v1 psu for $255? http://www.umart.com.au/pro/products_listnew.phtml?id=10&id2…
Yes, it should be
Ive got a crossfire setup with 2 6870s and a amd 6 core processor overclocked to 3.8ghz.
Im wondering if i need to change my 650w andyson psu which has served me for more than 4 years. (before this bronze, silver rating was available)
Ive got a little problem when i play guild wars 2, where my game itself freezes up randomly. but windows itself is still running, im wondering if this is due to insufficient power. I have no other problems with other games such as diablo 3 or starcraft 2.
I did not have enough pcie connectors (because i need 4…. and the psu only had 2) so i Y joined 4 of those 4 pin connectors to make 2 more pcie connections. fyi
any ideas guys?
If ur PSU was causing you issues, your PC would reboot or turn off.
Im assuming its your GPU. Download FurMark and run some tests to see if your GPU is giving you issues.
Then again, if you look at the GW2 support page - its littered with bugs and problems for various PC setups. It could be the game shutting down.
Best of luck.
ive used OCCT to test. but i only ran it for at most 30 mins. power test/stability test. etc. probably just gw2… just like when d3 launched. o well. thnx for the heads up
before replacing the power supply try taking out one videocard (update to the latest drivers) and running with only 1 for a few days,, if the problems solved then it could be 1 faulty card or faultily PCI-e lain
If you then test the other card and PCI-E lain and still have no issues.. it could be the power supply.. but you would NOT require a 1050w power supply… a small jump up to a 750-850w 80 Plus would be more then enough for your 2 6870 or even two HD7970's if you had them …. the 6870 DO not use much power at all
any OB's opinion on this?