This was posted 12 years 5 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Woolworths Petrol Station - Free 'Glaceau Vitaminwater'


For those who remember the Pump Flavoured Water Promotion, this pretty much works the same.

No purchase required, simply present the voucher to claim a free 500ml 'Glaceau Vitaminwater' at participating Woolworths Petrol Outlets between 1-28 October. You do need to be a member of CCA Clubhouse (easy sign up) to access the voucher which will have your name and a voucher number. Terms and conditions insists that this offer can only be redeemed once during the promotional period.

4 flavours to choose from: Antioxidant, Power, Radiance & Revive.

Starts tomorrow! Enjoy!

Other offers are also available, be sure to check them out as well

Related Stores

CCA Clubhouse
CCA Clubhouse

closed Comments

    • +1

      :) Just be aware that some staff may know about the name and voucher number section at the bottom, although many won't. Barcode is the same on vouchers.

      • +3

        Easy, my printer didn't print it :p

        • +7

          I've uploaded a template that allows you to change the name and voucher number. :)

        • +3

          Flawless victory!

          Input my name and random no. and showed the attendant the voucher (in .docx form) on my phone. After trying to scan the enlarged barcode off the highly reflective Gorilla Glass (derp) we just input the barcode number straight into the system, and then scanned the drink.

          The dude was as eager as I was to get this working! +1 free Vitamin Water.

  • +1

    Any chance to list Participating Outlets? Doesn't display without registration.

  • +2

    Mmmm…. sugar. It's telling how thoroughly they hide the nutrition information on the website.

    • +11

      Correction: free sugar

      • damn straight

  • +12

    After drinking the beverage be sure to go back for refills at the pump, which should only equate to about $0.65 for half a litre of refreshment

    • +9

      what the f

      • +7

        Petrol is cheaper than water…

    • +5

      I have no idea why you got so many negs, I cracked up laughing.

      • +4

        Why you all mad, this guy said nothing bad.

        • +2

          To be completely fair I probably have a bit of a rubbish reputation for making useless throw-away comments like this in bargain posts, lol.

          Just attempting to add another dimension to the daily bargain grind!

        • you just need to use the odd emoticon to make it a bit clearer you're being witty :)

        • +2

          Emoticons take away the dry humour element. Unless it's a rubbish deal or inflammatory comment, don't neg.

        • You clearly have no idea who the target neg audience are…

        • +2

          people with no brains/sense of humour?

    • +5

      I didnt understand what you wrote at first but now I am cracking up laughing. In a way it's kinda sad too because we all complain about the price of petrol but its cheaper than a processed drink.

      • Exactly! I was merely highlighting how much we are prepared to spend daily on something containing electrolytes, sugar or guarana. (or all of them)

        I don't mind the negs though, It is my job to absorb the daily neg-limits of our fellow community, so consider me your martyr!

      • +1

        True, but I personally never want to buy 40 Litres of processed drink in a go ;)

  • +3

    For those that are registering on the site, there are other offers available:

  • Yes! Good deal - these drinks are great but given that they are basically cordial you always feel ripped off paying retail for them. Not sure about their so called vitamin / nutrient impact though.

    • whats worse is the one with acai berries and them claiming the benefits of that - I think the bottle states less 0.05% - im not even sure if that even amounts to ONE acai berry lol

  • ahh…the free food/drink keep coming B-)

  • +10

    For those who remember the Pump Flavoured Water Promotion, this .pretty much works the same

    Oh I remember that promo - never got one despite going to so many Woolies Petrol outlets on the list. And the list changed by the end of the promo! If this promo is using the same participating outlets - this tip may help.

    A Caltex staffer helped me & found out that promo was only available at Woolies OWNED petrol stations, but not franchised Woolworths Petrol servos - and there are none of those in my area of Brissie. So this deal depends on luck of being in a Woolies company area.

    In Melbourne, people reported no problems as most are owned by Woolies. (This deal is posted in Victoria.) Other places like Brissie have Caltex staff behind the counter of Woolies Petrol. They said they were not participating. The staff uniform tells you who owns the outlet - look for Woolies uniforms.

    I won't be wasting my time again!

    • +1

      Not just the staff uniform, it's usually just on the sign. It also says on the website which are co-branded and which are wholly owned.

    • I also had problems in Adelaide. Signage at the stores didn't help. After trying about 4 stores, I looked up the "participating outlet" list on the site, and went to one nearby, the staff member said I had to buy one to get one free - which was clearly BS - I think he just felt uncomfortable giving away something for free. He said that the manager wouldn't be in for a couple of days, so he couldn't find out until then. Couldn't be bothered after that. Great deal if you live/work near a participating outlet, with staff that have some clue about the promo (or that can read plainly worded English).

      • Where is the participating outlet list on the website?

        The 'Store Finder' link on the page just seems to redeem the voucher :(

  • Free… about what this stuff is worth. LOLL Buying bottled water in OZ is a joke.

    • Coming back recently from Europe, bottled mineral water is like 20c there for like 600ml! So damn cheap compared to here

  • -8

    I think we should not be posting any more Woolworths deals here until they stop advertising on the Alan Jones segment. I do not believe this is a political issue, but one of common human decency. If you look at the Woolworths face book page there are now hundreds of comments from angry customers who are appalled at his comments. I understand that this and other Woolies deals may be bargains but we really need to take a stand. There are some things more important than saving a buck.

  • +2

    I dont know why its even called 'water' if theres sugar and colour and flavouring added to it…using the same logic all drinks could be considered water.

    • It's because soft drinks are carbonated hence don't fall under the term 'water', even thought it is mostly made of water.

  • what's the best flavour?

    • 'Petrol Flavour' - It's been a favourite for many years.

  • Personally I would not waste my time with these waters with a drop of something in them.

    • Then why are you wasting your time writing a comment about something you're not interested in?

  • +1

    Buy petrol and get a free drink at the same time. Now if only they could bring back the ice cream (just in time for the warmer days)

    • Now if they could only reverse that and make it "buy a drink and get free petrol"…NOW THAT'D BE A DEAL!!! :)

      • i can imagine ozbargain'ers going there with their cars, and lots of jerry cans. maximising every drop from the bowser.

  • +1
  • Been to 2 participating stores in Adelaide and both did not honor the deal but offered their own of buy 1 get 1 free.

    Would change my vote to neg if I knew how.

    • Send in a complaint, they might just send you a $20 gift voucher your way.

      Last time woolies screwed up, they sent me $50 gift card :)

      • How did they screw up the last time?

        • caltex - stores wont honor the voucher despite being on the participating list

          woolies - had one douche of a manager accuse me of being a deli owner because i wanted 5 boxes (not cartons!) of shapes. also refused to sell me any products on special as i was apparently a "trade customer" (im a student! :P)

        • Wow at the woolies manager… I got a raincheck for 10 Kettle chips at my woolies if he worked their he might think I'm a distributor.

  • None of the Woolworths Caltex are honouring it, there is always a lame excuse - we aren't Woolworths owned (even though the sign says Woolworths Caltex), out of stock, too small a store to honour it, blah blah. Waste of time.

    • only the stores on the list are participating. there is a caltex woolies near my place that although accepts woolies fuel vouchers do not accept the said free drinks voucher.

    • Had warned about that above. Needs to be Woolies owned - check their uniforms.

      • If the signage says Woolworths Caltex surely these are owned by Woolworths?

        • not always. there is one that accepts woolies vouchers but wear starmart uniform (thus indicating that they are not a CW store)

        • Those are Franchised operations of Caltex & staff wear Caltex/Starmart uniforms.
          In Woolies OWNED outlets, staff wear Woolies uniforms.

  • no caltex woolies stores on the participating list i went to were aware of the promo, and it's been going nearly a week now?
    i was still able to claim after they entered the voucher manually, even at a CW that wasn't on The List

    • which one did you go to? ignoring that it isnt a very good drink to start with, the places on the list arent exactly convenient to get to (for me at least!)

      • ellenbrook: hadn't heard of it but tried to scan it anyway. didn't scan but came up when manually entered.

        beechboro: not on list. attendant scanned it, error beeped twice but he gave it to me anyway

        morley: attendant didn't even bother scanning :) just read and said 'yep, all done'

        dianella: got the last bottle…the xxx one? :o anyway, it didn't scan. attendant thought it was to be redeemed at the woolies shop. i pointed out the caltex woolworths bit. i suggested to enter in manually, he said he "didn't have that option" but after some poking on the touchscreen, it came up \o/

        now i'm going to see which one tastes best hehe

        • morley is good. also have 2 subways within 1km of each other ;).

          dianella i couldve tried but ran out of vouchers at that point.

        • i like suburbs with high subway density :)

  • had a hell of a time redeeming these of late…
    Mirrabooka: woman who served me didn't know about it but the other two staff there did; one pointed out that a message was sent out to all staff. so there's proof they are told about it just some don't bother reading communications from head office. in the end, they entered barcode manually and i got my sugar water. she sure wasn't happy about it though lol

    Floreat and South Fremantle: too small to have any in stock.

    South Lake: was actually directed to this store from CW Alfred Cove (not participating). they had all flavours in stock but because the voucher didn't scan, they said i couldn't redeem it. the "manager" said if they couldn't scan it, they could enter it manually. i know this was BS but they were adamant with their version of reality.

    strangely, the only one i redeemed today was from the O'Connor CW not on the list

    • Got mine from south lake yesterday. Barcode didnt scan because I had shrunk it. But they entered the code manually and I got my sugar water

      • hmmm…might go another day/time then. i need my sugar fix!!1 :p

      • I think it depends on who do you dealing with. Some staff didn't bother to process it. They will straight away said not participating. Yesterday I tried to claim it and they straight away didn't bother to process it.

    • Tried to claim it at South Lake yesterday, the staff didn't know so she asked someone else. That person straight away said not valid, we are not participating. What ?? The list said they are participating. And few weeks ago I managed to claim it (with different person without any trouble except he needs to put in the barcode manually). How do I lodge the complaint ??

      • i complained via the CCA website feedback link. will be interesting to see what the response is.

        and those lies about not being able to manually enter the barcode….what about those fuel vouchers that sometimes don't scan? you always seem them punch it in; if it's valid, they don't say to you 'no we can't process it, go away'

  • Managed to claim mine without any problems other than the cashier checking to see if my ID matched up with the name on the voucher. Caltex on Liverpool Rd, Strathfield NSW.

  • HA! finally managed to redeem one from South Lake WA \o/

    • a few places sold out or had none on display.

      • Southern River, Canning Vale and Maddington West all had stock last night. no problems redeeming at those ones either :)

        • good work. might head down later if i pass by. but pepsi from woolies is better :)

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