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Sony A7 III Camera $2,499 ($2069.1 with Price Match & New Account) Delivered + $400 Cashback via Redemption @ Sony


Saw the Sony A7 III listed for $2299 on Amazon and this is also eligible for the $400 Cashback via online redemption from Sony.

You can price match on the Sony Online Store with the Amazon Price and also stack with the 10% off New MySony Customer discount/coupon code. This brings down the price to $2069.10

After redeeming the $400 cashback, the price of the camera will be $1669.10. I don't think this is a historical low, but still a great price for this camera.

Note: Cashrewards/Shopback will likely not track or be approved if you use the MySony Coupon Code as per the terms and conditions.

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closed Comments

  • What is the best price for this camera

    • +2

      There was previously a deal with 14% cashrewards offer that made the price $1602. Because cashrewards doesn’t stack with coupon codes (MySony Discount) the price is slightly higher on this deal.

  • I'm still undecided between this and xt5. I know this is full frame and Fuji isn't but in terms of lens, colour and post production I'm still thinking xt5 is a bit ahead of the A7iii. Am I way off here?

    • The Sony one is 4 years older. I'd expect the Fuji to be better.

    • +2

      It's a question of trade offs. In regards to pure stills image quality in low light situations the A7iii would be better. What you plan on shooting mostly/use the camera for will set the requirements of whether Sony or Fuji.

      Are you shooting video, stills, or hybrid? Is size and weight a requirement? Do you plan on upgrading to a full frame camera at some point? If you take stills are you landscape, street, portrait, wildlife, travel?

      • +1

        It's a question of trade offs. In regards to pure stills image quality in low light situations the A7iii would be better.

        In low light you're encouraged to use a tripod anyway… I have a Z6 for example, anything i can't get away with my Fuji body i can't get away with the Z6 either if the composition itself is the issue. For instance, why would i be shooting in less-than-ideal condition without a tripod , or should i use a flash or use other sources of light to light up my subject?

        Many so called "Youtubers" love to compare low light performance by just shooting at some blank space or some completely uninspiring subject with lots of shadows in low light conditions and then do pixel peeping, but don't recognise the fact that no competent photographer will ever use their camera to take boring shots like that..

        • In that case why bother with a Fuji, everyone should grab a m43. With on OM-1 you don't even need a tripod with it's up to 8 stops IBIS.

          There are plenty of reasons why people might be shooting in less that ideal light situations and situations where a tripod is not practical. Full frame will give you better noise performance. I can shoot 6400 ISO on full frame and the output is clean. 6400 ISO on aps-c is grainy. Full frame does allow you to recover shadows better as well. You might be shooting at those ISO if you have a slower lens, or at challenging events such as night sporting events, wildlife where you will be wanting fast shutter speeds, as well as general purpose travel where being able to bump up the ISO gives you more flexibility.

          • @Goonos:

            In that case why bother with a Fuji, everyone should grab a m43. With on OM-1 you don't even need a tripod with it's up to 8 stops IBIS.

            Sure i don't see why not if it works for you. they are small, tiny, cheaper to buy. Some pros do in fact use OM systems.

            There are plenty of reasons why people might be shooting in less that ideal light situations and situations where a tripod is not practical. Full frame will give you better noise performance. I can shoot 6400 ISO on full frame and the output is clean. 6400 ISO on aps-c is grainy. Full frame does allow you to recover shadows better as well. You might be shooting at those ISO if you have a slower lens, or at challenging events such as night sporting events, wildlife where you will be wanting fast shutter speeds, as well as general purpose travel where being able to bump up the ISO gives you more flexibility.

            People are too obsessed with paper specs and don't really care about composition all that much lol. Surely you've heard of the saying - the best camera is the one you have with you. As a photographer you can make any tool work regardless of the condition if you have the skills. Just make good use of what you have.

            Also consider the cost/benefit and ROI tho. not cheap to buy into full frame ecosystem and have holy trinity + multiple fast primes.. unless you're getting paid to shoot it's never worth it. But if you really need to get the job done and have gone pro, definitely full frame. For hobbysits and part-time photographers Fuji is honestly fine.

            • @dukeGR4:

              they are small, tiny, cheaper to buy.

              not any more

    • +1

      just go and pick up a used XH-1 my guy, only 1299 on Ted's with 1 year warranty. should be a bit cheaper on FB Marketplace. If you don't want the XH-1 you could also pick up used XT-3 for around the same budget.

    • +1

      I've got the A7iii and used a cheaper Fuji. My 2 cents:

      If you're doing this for a hobby or just want good snaps straight out of the camera, go fuji all the way as:
      1. Their colour is cracked
      2. film emulation presets etc. are fun
      3. autofocus is not bad.

      If you are going to edit all your stuff in lightroom, or you're going to do stuff professionally, I'd go with the Sony as:
      1. The autofocus is just a bit snappier IMO which can matter in $$$ situations
      2. The great dynamic range gives you lots to work with in the raw files
      3. The sony platform has the best lens ecosystem if that's a priority for you

      The Fuji is also newer and Sony aren't good with delivering software updates to older devices.

    • +1

      I have Sony A7R IV and Fuji XT5. I have sony when I want to spend time with raw and critically control my pictures. I use XT5 for fun when I share my photos quickly and don't give a crap about editing. Those film colours are pretty unique. You can replicate them to certain extend on Sony in Capture One and Lightroom.

      When I am lazy, FUJI. When I want to be critical with my pictures, then Sony.

    • +1

      i owned 2 off xt3, 1 off xt4
      bought a7iii on last ozb deal

      in term of colour, fuji is unbeatable (in my own prespective)

      in term of noise and High ISO, sony is better.

      in term of other tech and functions, xt3 is better than a7iii, and i am sure xt5 is even better.

      a7iii, video doesnt have 4k 50fps, while xt3 already have it

      i bought a7iii, just for the ISO and noise… the rest, i think fuji stands out more.

      i used my XT units for wedding, corporate, commercial, but upgrading to full frame, due to noise and ISO
      honestly, if financial is not a problem, i will prioritise a Fuji GFX, second with Canon (for corporate and commercial)

  • This or A6700? :| Do i really need full frame?

    • How are you set for lenses?

    • a6700

  • -1

    Camera: Sony
    SSD: Samsung
    SB/sound system: Yamaha
    Phone: Nokia
    Car: German
    RAM: Kingston
    Computer/Tablet: Lenovo/ThinkPad

    • 2/7


    • Hotel: Trivago

    • Box of clues; missing.

    • Home appliance: German

    • toilet paper?

    • Brain: not installed

  • Any deals on fx3?

  • Now showing as $2,399 on Amazon :(
    But I'm sure it was 2,299 yesterday

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