• expired

Sign up & Fund Any Amount into Your Account and Maintain 30 Days, Get 20 Free Fractional Tesla Shares Worth $200 @ Webull



Ending 17 Nov 2023! Time to sign up if you haven't or complete application and/or funding!

You need to sign up using an eligible referral link, can click from the pool of links from end of this post. An eligible referral will look like this in the Webull App(ibb.co)

For the referee:
Fund ANY amount and get 20 free fractional TESLA US shares $10 value each, total value $200. Use a invite only referral and receive the 20 free fractional TESLA shares after holding initial deposit for 30days. A 1 cent deposit is all that’s needed.

For the referrer:
Upon a successful referral, you get 20 fractional TESLA shares with the above values. Limited to ten referrals.

Terms & Conditions(webull.com.au)

The Reward Programme:
Reward 20 Free US Fractional Shares each valued at AUD$10 each.
• Participant has an existing or opens a new individual account via the inviter unique referral link within the Campaign period.
• Deposits an initial deposit of any amount (or the equivalent in USD) must successfully arrive in the Participant’s Webull Australia individual account within the Campaign period.

• Participants must maintain the initially deposited funds in their Webull Australia individual account for a minimum period of 30 days.

Screenshot of new promo from Webull app:


As the referral code might be invalid/old. If it looks the same as above, then your in luck!

Referral Links

Maintain deposit for trading vouchers reward: random (91)

Referee: Sign-up for 20 fee-free trades. Deposit & maintain minimum $2,000 for $50 in trading vouchers, deposit & maintain minimum $20,000 for $200 in trading vouchers.

Referrer: Limit of 10 referrals. Get 12-month commission free trading of AU/US stock markets.

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closed Comments

  • Anyone know, how to withdraw fund? I deposited $1. My balance is now $280 but I can withdraw only $1
    Is there any catch?
    Thank you.

    • +2

      Trade needs to settle. Funds will move into your withdrawable USD balance at which point you can use currency exchange and finally an AUD withdrawal.

  • Thank you. I will try again after trade settlement.

  • -1

    How to sell??

  • sorry repeating here just incase someone know:

    how to buy the smart portfolio ?
    i have exchanged and now i have USD 100.
    after selecting the portfolio, it says minimum investment amount is US100, but estimated maximum is US90.90
    if i enter buy USD 100 it says greater than maximum amount - cant
    if i enter buy USD 90 it says less than minimum amount - cant

    • I suspect you might have to have a bit more than 100 USD to account for the fees. Possibly the "maximum investment amount", which it shows in small writing, is how much you're able to invest taking into account the fees. For example in my account, it says the maximum investment amount is 13.90 USD, which is slightly less than my balance of 15.29 USD. So with my 15.29 USD balance, I'm only able to invest 13.90 USD after fees are taken out.

      Also if you click on the small info symbol (next to your maximum investment amount) it tells you more about this and says you have to be careful to have sufficient funds for the fees.

      • +1

        ah so i just need to exchange more and watch out till the estimated maximum is exactly us100 or more.
        cheers man

  • +2

    Last 5 days to go. Suggest people complete their registration, application and/or funding sooner than later!

    • How do you work out the AUD price? Do Webull do the conversion for you or you need to workout yourself? If you need to workout yourself? Which conversation rate do you need to use? Xe rates?

      • +1

        Why do you need to work out the AUD price? Also the app allows you to toggle between displaying AUD/USD at any time.

  • Getting offer is no longer available for a referred invite, sounds like it's over early?

    • Worked for me, just submitted an application to open an account, just waiting for them to process

  • +3

    I signed up and the first batch of referral shares came through yesterday. Although this is great, I feel Webull as a product is scary because:

    • It feels more like a gambling app than an investing app
    • Its hard/confusing to navigate.
    • Many features are available in-app only, not via web

    I feel it targets younger investors, and would encourage short term trading, rather than long-term investing and wealth building.

    • Short term trading is how they make money though? Who’s gonna pay for the referrals bonuses if everyone pays the $4.90 transaction fee once a year?

  • I notice that my referral link keeps changing… Does this happen to you too?

    • Yes, I noticed that too. At first I thought I copied the wrong thing. Then i kept copying the referral link and pasting to check and saw it kept changing. So weird. Sent two different ones to family members and it worked though. Hope one in OzB referral system does too but no one has used it so far

      • All of them work the same, if u click either link, it’d show the same masking inviter. Ur old one (luckily) will still work, as long as it was for this campaign and not the previous

  • Signed up. Everything looks OK for now. Fingers crossed.

  • Can someone with more understanding explain to me how taxation works on this? I have $280 worth of Tesla shares from sign up bonuses.
    If I was to sell the shares at a price lower than the share price on transfer to my account, do I still pay tax?
    Am I taxed on the whole $280 as capital gains? Or just the price they go up while holding?

    Really would love someone's input who has done this before and understands how this works better than I do!

    Thanks in advance.

    • +6

      You would pay CGT on the difference between the value of the shares when you were given them and the value when you sell.


      Say it was 10 shares and they were worth $10 each when they were given to you.

      You then sold them for $11 each.

      The CGT payable would be as follows

      Shares when you acquired them = 10 x $10 = $100
      Shares when you disposed of them = 10 x $11 = $110

      CGT is payable on the difference, e.g $10.

      If you sold them at a loss then no CGT would be payable and you could carry the loss forward to offset other capital gains.

      • Thanks so much mate, this is exactly what I was after!
        I will pop the share received date into Sharesight and use that as a benchmark for the price I should sell for to get a slight loss!

        Legend, much appreciated :D

  • Thanks OP and all the comments gave me confidence to finally jumped on albeit a little late.

    Account opened, deposited $0.01 this morning and now 10 TSLA rewards appear in my account. There’s an option to Claim each of them or all of them at once.

    Do I click on the Claim buttons, or leave them there for 30 days before claiming them?

    • +1

      You can claim them at any time within that 30 days. When you do you will then get an expected delivery date which is usually 2 weeks later although the shares are typically delivered within 7 days.

    • Make sure you set a reminder to claim the remaining 10 after 30 days.

  • Got the Tesla stocks delivered fee days ago, but only worth 117AUD. Anyone ?

    • +3

      The other 117 is 1 month from opening

  • +2

    Finally… Someone that used my referral 6/11, it has been approved 12/11 not sure why taking a week. Now let's fund it bro/sis!

    • 31/10 and still counting… :(

    • Got 1 registered on 2 Oct … No funding yet
      2nd Clicked on 31 Oct …. But not registered yet
      Still counting……

  • Great work OP just referred and signed up partner as well

  • -1

    Where in the app can one see the funds that have been deposited?

    • +3

      Click the webull symbol (the one at bottom middle of screen in the app) to see your balance. Click the blue "Detail" button next to it to see the breakdown of your funds.

      • +4

        Thanks! The app is a bit confusing.

  • just signed up today 14 nov. how long does it take for account to open after submission?

    Not sure if I can make the cut off date 15 Nov?

    • +3

      just follow all the steps, for me it was like total 20mins all done including deposit 1c.

      • So mine still hasn't been processed after few hours now.

        However did for my partner and hers was done in 20 mins.

        Not sure what's the hold up? Hopefully at least my partner got her shares and mine got the referral bit.

  • +1

    Worked a treat!

  • Hurry up Mystery OzBargainer who used my referral link on 31/10, you've got less than 24hrs now to fund your account and get $200 (currently $230) free money!

    • How do you know it is pending fund transfer? Did the share price went up?

      • You can check your invites under Menu > Promotion Center in the Webull app. And yes $TSLA up 5% since the weekend (and ~10% since this promotion started).

  • I'm having a lot of trouble with transferring my money. I am doing it all on an Android phone. Can it be in AUD or does it have to be in USD? I have tried depositing with payto with 3 different bank accounts and I've received emails saying "deposit unsuccessful" for all of them. I've then tried to do a bank transfer using macquarie and it does show the money of $0.01 cleared on the macquarie bank app, I have also uploaded the proof. However nothing has shown up on the webull app. How long does it take to show up? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • +1

      It's usually instantly but some people have reported it taking a couple days. Message support if you're concerned, I've found them to be pretty good.

      • Managed to deposit a dollar in the end on desktop. Cheers for the help guys.

    • +1

      Deposit from ing bank is instant for me.
      AUD. Also for me was I sent from ing bank app not from webull. Get your webull BSB and account and reference and then just enter them on ing app

  • +2

    Tesla up to $235 at the moment and could go a bit higher in the coming session. Nice bonus for those getting confirmed tonight/tomorrow!

  • Hey guys, I did the whole process and it now says “Tesla shares in transit, expected delivery 29/11/2023”

    Is that okay?

    • Yes but check in a week instead 29th

  • +1

    Any chance I could squeeze this in if I do it today? Most people seem to say they get their accounts approved within a few hours?

    • +2

      Yeah, u have a chance unless they can’t verify u

    • +2

      Can't hurt, takes half an hour, just cancel the account if it doesn't get approved in time

      It's free money

  • Took forever for the SMS code to come through last time, so much so that I didn't sign up. Have to see how we go this time.

  • +2

    Just did it, verified within minutes. Got 10 Tesla shares immediately? Wasn't expecting that.

  • +1

    Great! I've received my 10 shares and another 20 from inviting a friend.

  • someone that I referred said they only get 10 shares instead of 20, is this correct?

    • +2

      10 now and 10 again later after a month

    • +3

      Applicant get 10 now and 10 after 30 days. Referrer gets 20 now.

  • +2

    someone with phone number ending 488 applying 14/11, thank you very much Sir/Madam

    • Approved and funded?

      • +1

        yes all done in one day! what an express guy/girl

    • Will they sell personal data in black market?

      • +3

        probably, but no one will buy our data, because most hackers have them already (thanks to optus medibank latitute etc)

        • +1

          Yeah, can't lose if you're already compromised!

    • I would also like to thank *662 for their last minute click

      • I am 662, but I did not do it in the last minute lol

    • even I did within an hour. I guess this promotion is ending in another 4hrs

  • +1

    Got 3 referrals, all sitting on "Application Submitted", I don't think we'll make it…big rip.

    • +1

      🙏praying for you bro

  • Sorry I'm a bit thick…

    In 'My Invites', I have an Invitee that's in the Registered state… It's got Registered > Account Application > Funding (top to bottom).

    Does the Invitee need to complete following two steps in Account Application > Funding for me to successfully get the referral?

    TIA 🙏

    • +1

      Yep. They'll need a deposit before the rewards are sent out.

      • Argh… In that case, +61****246 get a hurry on!!!

  • Okay just used a lucky persons now I hope someone uses mine :)

  • I had someone use my referral link and got 20 stocks! Ending in 651, thanks!

    it seems someone else has done it today too (ending in 505). It looks like it is in the funding stage which they may not be able to make it to the cut off time. I would try it from a few banks… HSBC and CBA i know does it within minutes, ANZ took 2 days, same with Revolut! Good luck to you and me!

  • pity I didn't see this earlier! have just applied, waiting for application to be processed

    edit: done!

  • -5

    Need 1 more to meet the the full 10 referrals!

  • +1

    Whoever applied and approved need to fund ASAP to get the rewards.

  • +1

    Literally only found this an hour ago, now waiting to be approved. 5mins left so not happening - but interestingly the counter is based on your timezone? So I really dont think it'll actually end in 5 minutes…

    Update: The T&Cs says 6.59pm local Sydney time so RIP probably over

    • still showing in the app under menu tab.

      • Fingers crossed - PLEASE just approve me lol

        • +1

          Extended for 48 hours

          • @lilkid28: Made my day! Still no approval though, everyone else seems to have gotten it within ~10-15mins

  • Expired, expired?

    • +1

      Extended for 48 hours, go go go!

      • o ma gaawd! Thanks bro!

  • +2

    Promotion extend for another 48 hours

  • +2

    Extended for 48 hours, whoever hasnt signed up or havent completed have a couple days to complete.

    • But the referral link stays the same or not?

    • Sadly I think my random OzB sign-up click from 31/10 who still hasn't funded is dead in the water. RIP $235.

      • Now $240. C'mon and complete your funding little guy!

      • Yeah I have one of these also. Paging ****683

  • I signed up and referred my wife. Easy money.

    • Your wife's boyfriend will be pleased with the extra spending money.

      Edit: lol at the negs, y'all need to appreciate a WSB meme! 😂

      • +2

        In the interest of protecting the general public, what happens on r/WallStreetBets stays on r/WallStreetBets

  • Someone with phone number ending in 204, fill out your application and get that account funded :)

  • +1

    Amazed how much money Webull is pumping into these referrals.

    • -2

      maybe elon is all behind it

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