You can play Diablo IV for free until the 30 of October.
Source: X -Twitter
You can play Diablo IV for free until the 30 of October.
Source: X -Twitter
I am enjoying Season 2 thoroughly, I dunno if I’d call it a flop.
Season 1 was abysmal but they've managed to make very significant improvements in Season 2 in terms of both quality of life and variety of content.
Can someone please explain a “season” for a video game to someone who loaded counterstrike to their computer via a CD?
Season is a time period where there are major updates and refreshes.
in Diablo there are normal character and season character, if the season finished then your season character become normal character and you need to start over new character in the new season.
but the season character can enjoy benefit of the current season, and mechanic / quest that available for that season
seasons/leagues are separate characters on a separate server, seasons/leagues have their own specific gimmicks. once the season/league is over (usually 3 months), those characters are transferred to the 'normal' servers. rinse repeat
@Kozhutki: As someone who had no idea what a season was, this is the only explanation that clearly covered why one would opt for a season character vs a standard one (i.e. the specific gimmicks). Cheers @Kozhutki
Yep. Very underwhelming. Honestly think it will take a few years for the game to be actually good. Right now, it's shallow af.
yeah dude PoE has 500 million people playing everyday, compared to that what a flop
Not worth the download really is it, even if its free.
Ahh we can but do we want to…
Season 2 has been extremely fun, sorceress can finally do some damage
Oh god another Diablo of doing the same thing over and over again until I hit level 80. It’s the only game where I say to myself “my finger hurts”
Never played a Diablo game. Might give it a shot.
Better start downloading if you want it this week.
20min download max.
bnet download servers are shit house
50 GB for the base install.
So 30 min if you have 250Mb/s and can max it out.
Just buy D2R and enjoy a real Diablo game. Still going strong 2 decades later…
Cow Level
Median xl if you ask me. You actually progress through different content, not just farming the same area. It does become a bit soulslike at the true endgame, but I was never good enough to get there haha.
I'm sure it'll get better, just needs that 2.0 patch to deliver what should have come at release, same story with D3
If we're talking D2 mods, Project Diablo 2 if you ask me
Oh that looks pretty cool! I'll have to give that a go. I was looking at if they do off-line/lan play but didn't see anything? Do you know if they do?
Exactly, just like age of empires 2!
Amazing game! Must go find it now
Or you can go the fitgirl route
I've played Diablo since the first one in the nineties, never got into the online component and never played D2 much in the day. I enjoyed the D2 remake though and I just started playing D4 recently on ps5 and have been thoroughly enjoying it.
All of the monetisation stuff is annoying, but easy to navigate around and it's a great single player game for people who aren't obsessed with class tiers and end game meta and all that sorta shit.
I second this
its only up to lvl 20 which is stuff all
Pretty much just a demo then.
I think I hit lvl 16 day 1 of the beta, so this is good for about a day
Do the characters stay for the season or do they get deleted
they'd be linked to the account, so even if you purchased the game in 6 months the characters would be there (albeit not on the seasonal server)
So you can't even finish the story…? Endgame we already know is a dud but at least being able to complete the story might have been worth the time.
So you want to be able to complete the story for free?
Yes please
Unironically yes, given their business model for this game is all the pointless microtransactions for cosmetics and endgame grind. Finishing the story is merely the "start" of the game, is it not?
This should be in the post summary..
They give you 4 days for free, as it takes a week to know there is no end-game and it is as boring as it gets.
I was going to say why they didn't do it until the 31st..
Can't believe I (profanity) paid for this shit. Waste of money..
Too be fair, its was incredibly obvious it was going to be a flop, blizzard havent made a good game in 10 years.
Blizzard's dead, baby :(
Good thing we have Stormgate coming
Blizzard used to be the top game studio back in the days
Diablo, Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo 2, Warcraft 2, StarCraft 2, Warcraft 3, WoW, great times….
Remembered getting Warcraft on 13 floppy disks :)
They went downhill when Mike Morhaime left.
Microsoft basically paid $69bn for call of duty. And I stopped at MW3 first edition.
Microsoft wants to dominate the Gaming market.
They see a potential huge upside.
4 months post release and they're already offering free weekends. The player drop off prior to Season 2 must have been huge
There is a good YouTube video of how much of a flop it is… "Gamings Biggest Tragedy, the rise and fall of Diablo 4"
Gamings Biggest Tragedy
so you are one of those people who hate watch youtube lmao
Not sure what this even means, but cool 👍
What do you mean "already" ? The Diablo 3 starter edition was released 3 months after Diablo 3 came out. I'm surprised they waited this long, tbh.
I heartily recommend throwing your hours at halls of torment instead lmao
Bahahahaha go Blizzard
D4 is wide like the ocean but shallow as a puddle that sucked the gold out of peoples hands
The fact that they colour code the build options gave me some kind of brain damage.
It's basically "click button, moar better".
Felt like the 2000s WC3 aRPG maps.
Blizzard desperate to put some life into a game that's clearly dying or should I say already dead.
Kind of glad they forcefully refunded me when I bought it at launch on xbox via the glitch that was posted here.
POE always f2p just saying
S1 was sh1t .. S2 much better.. Further improvements still needed
this is just funny,
big pass Blizzard, but thank you so much, ha ha ha
I'm not going to pretend the game is perfect as there are a lot of things they can and hopefully will improve going forward but at the same time I've had fun with it on and off since launch. Season one was terrible but season two so far has been a solid improvement. The story was infinitely better than D3, but that's not saying much I suppose. D2 is by far the best Diablo game, though.
Seems like it's the in thing to rag on the game, meanwhile the same players keep buying the same rehashed sport and cod games every year ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Eh people can hate on it all they want but I got my moneys worth at launch. Then again with Season 1, and again with season 2. I expect that to continue with future seasons as well as they keep improving it. Not many games you can say about that.
people are just being hateful to farm their internet points, always turns every gaming deal into reddit
I've only started playing through it as a rogue recently and I've already gotten a lot more hours of enjoyment from it than I have from a lot of games these days. Once I finish the campaign I will have gotten good value and a lot of enjoyment from it. Maybe I'll play through it again as a different class some day, and if so, that's a hell of a lot of hours of entertainment for the money.
Some people these days seem to expect the earth, the sea, the sky, the heavens, as well as a free blow job from a game.
they are just blindly following online hate
Look at the buggy piece of sh*t game called Lords of the Fallen that just released and people are actually making excuses for them and praising them
It's rated as MA15+. There's your answer.
lets not act like parents dont let their young kids play these devil worship games anyway
I don't think ur child is going to hell by slaying demons
No one believes in the devil more than Christians.
ok boomer
It's delightfully devilish, Seymour!
The aim is to kill diablo, not worship him..
To be fair, the necromancer class is not exactly Christian/Jewish/Muslim friendly.
Yeah, kill him so I can take his place.
AAA+ troll sh*t posting. Would read again.
This game is a joke
for a triple A game that didn't take long…
Lots of people saying this game is trash but not saying why. Please educate me (never purchased 4, enjoyed diablo 1-3)
It's easy to be negative about a lot of things, you should make your own mind up on it. Like D3 I think it'll get better over time, but it is effectively the same in a slightly different skin. I enjoyed my play throughs with a few characters with the story and unlocking areas and trying to get some builds going but i stopped during season 1 as it did feel like a slog, end game stuff was not varied or exciting and my group moved on to other things. So imo, it was worth it in how much time and enjoyment I got to play. Wouldn't buy the battle pass though, for a $100 game to then try and milk you further is just awful.
Will go back to it when I get that action-rpg itch… in a year or touch base with POE again.
Depends why you like aRPGs.
If you like:
-Customising your builds
-Doing creative and offbeat setups
-Even progression of characters
-Have build variety in the end game
-An interesting end game
-Being able to cast skills non stop
Then D4 probably isn't for you.
If you like:
-Cool graphics
-Cool cinematics
-Top tier voice acting and music
-Simple builds
-Less customisation of characters
-A decent story for the first half
-Don't care about last half of game
-Default attacks
Then you will enjoy D4
To me aRPG has always been about trying to make a character you think is cool and enjoy playing.
I loved the initial gameplay of D4, but most aRPGs are kinda slow at the start and don't give you 20 skills or insane DPS etc.
Going back to play Titan Quest hurts my brain sometimes because the first 10-15 levels are molasses compared to my dope end game wardens or brigand etc.
But D4 persisted with the hurry-and-wait skill cool downs… And the annoying and stupid multiplicity of rare item options (+5% DMG to CC monsters woo!) Was too much.
Most aRPGs won't have you using a default attack ever again after 20 or so levels.
what a flop of a game