VIRGIN ACTIVE -Gym/Group Exercise. Free trial!!!
12 weeks half price on long term membership now. Minimum commitment of 12 months. Free trial available
Membership price varies with gym location.
VIRGIN ACTIVE -Gym/Group Exercise. Free trial!!!
12 weeks half price on long term membership now. Minimum commitment of 12 months. Free trial available
Membership price varies with gym location.
Referee gets 1-day free trial, referrer gets 2 weeks free membership if referee joins within 30 days.
It's commonly knowledge that to achieve the peak muscline form you must refrain from sex and masturbation. All the energy you save can be used to finally open that stubborn pickle jar.
reported to virgin active
I tweeted it to Richard Branson
is it x'd it now?
I tried to X, but netnanny blocked it…
Member Since
15 min ago
Bondi Junction
$55/per week
Wow, that's crazy expensive, and that's the cheapest option, it goes up from there
And here I am trying to justify $600 a year for my local gym..
$55 a week is insane.
Yes, normal price $3K for 12 months for a gym membership on OzBargain? Doesn't sound like much of a bargain
You'd think with fees like that they'd have a budget to pay for advertising instead of just posting on OzBargain.
I am an active virgin
…I'm not virgin but active :D
The Virgin Gymcel vs The Chad Burger Enjoyer
really you put VA in your name and you dont mark as associated bahaha enjoy ban
I used to be a member of Virgin Active for a little over one year (part of that was during the lockdown period in 2021).
As someone who predominantly does HIIT classes, this gym wasn't really good for me. While the facilities included boxing, yoga, reformer pilates and a very small free-weight area, I mostly did the HIIT classes. My issues included:
* The member experience is a joke. There is no app, and there is no ability to waitlist classes. If it's full, you just need to keep checking if it becomes available. They also had a strike policy when cancelling "late" that if you breach, you are unable to book more than 1 class at a time for a full calendar month. However, their definition of "late" is after 8pm the night before. I personally trained in the evenings, which meant I had to cancel by 8pm the night before for a class at 7pm the next day otherwise I would get a strike, even if the class is not full.
* The HIIT classes were incredibly repetitive, and only used dumbbells, kettlebells and some cardio machines (treadmill, ski erg, bike erg). There's only so many exercises you can do with dumbbells and kettlebells without it feeling like the same thing (even though they had 3 "types" of classes).
* Mid-way through the membership, they changed the format from alternating the 3 types of classes every day on a roster (e.g. A, B, C, A, B, C) to starting with A on every Monday. This meant we'd end up repeating class type A on a Saturday and a Monday. Their reasoning for it is because the city gym is closed on weekends so the members who go there end up doing the same class on a Friday and a Monday. Sorry but this gym is not the city gym, so why are you making decisions that affect members here based on issues that members somewhere else complained about? They did not consult anyone about this, and due to the backlash they reverted back to the old format.
* The fact that classes are not consistently the same time every day (e.g. on Monday it might be 7:10am, the next day it's 7:25am etc.). As someone who works and has to plan my day, this made it incredibly hard to commit to a schedule. Their reasoning for this is because they felt it's the most balanced so that people are able to attend a HIIT class one day and a yoga class the next? AFAIK they did not consult members about this decision.
I sent an email detailing all of this as feedback (which also resonated with other members and trainers) prior to the lockdown period, and they said my feedback had been heard. Nine months later, when I left the gym, they asked me why I was leaving and I asked them to pull up the email from 9 months ago. Their response "wow this is some really good feedback"… none of it had been actioned.
Hi Rep, the way I read this sounds like it's actually longer than 12 months. Seems a bit misleading?
Also be ready for the constant phone calls harassing you to rejoin after you leave.
Is this guy associated? Or? Like WatchNerd said, it seems like it's longer than 12 months - misleading information!
nah he aint actually thats what i got told
Joins. Posts advertising 11mins later, logs off 1 min later.
oxymoron ?
or just Referral SPAM ???