• expired

2 Documentaries Free to Stream @ Palestinian Film Festival Australia via Vimeo


The 2023 Palestinian Film Festival Australia has been postponed, and two documentaries from previous years have been made free to stream.

From their website:

The continuing crisis in Occupied Palestine is heartbreaking. Our thoughts, prayers and love are with the innocent and vulnerable people caught up in this latest war. This is not the time to hold a film festival. It is time to mourn the dead, pay our respects to those suffering and work together to bring an immediate end to the ongoing atrocities against innocent civilians. It is for these reasons, we have decided to postpone the 2023 Palestinian Film Festival Australia.

In an effort to promote an increased understanding of what is happening in Occupied Palestine, the Palestinian Film Festival Australia is making two documentaries, 1948: Creation & Catastrophe and Gaza, screened at previous Palestinian film festivals freely available for all Australians to see.

1948: Creation and Catastrophe by Andy Trimlett and Ahlam Muhtaseb.

Through moving personal recollections of both Palestinians and Israelis, 1948: Creation and Catastrophe reveals the shocking events of the most pivotal year in the most controversial conflict in the world.

Gaza by Garry Keane and Andrew McConnell.

A portrait of a people attempting to lead meaningful lives against the rubble of perennial conflict and going beyond the reach of television news reports to reveal a world rich with eloquent and resilient characters.

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closed Comments

  • +135

    Please could we just remember that this is a bargains website. Can we keep the armchair politics out of it?

    • +31

      How many other film festivals are giving out free movies?

    • Agreed

    • +6

      Unfortunately, the politics is right there in the first sentence quoted from the website above. Rather than take the opportunity to empathise with suffering, they deny the existence of Israel. Not a good start. Perhaps those comments could be deleted?

      • +54

        Where does it deny the exist of Israel?

        Are you saying that because of the reference to “occupied” Palestine? You realise that Israel has been building settlements on land that was not theirs, in contravention of international law. So it’s not a false statement.

        And even then, it’s not denying the existence of Israel. I’m not sure what you’re on about.

        • +18

          building settlements

          I don't think people got to see the videos,
          where houses are demolished at 4am
          or where local councils just re-zone houses
          and claim it's "theirs" now,
          or when people just walk into a backyard
          and say "excuse me, can you leave now?"
          (and then the military moves in, and supports the trespasser).

          If the Australian population were all ready to give indigenous recognition,
          then maybe there are also people indigenous on all lands around the world …
          even "that" strip of land , … and they also want recognition and their homes back.

            • -4

              @wormarts: I'm shocked, shocked, that a disagreement on Palestine could get somebody so aggressive and hysterical :-)

              • +10

                @bargaino: It’s not a disagreement. You actually made something up, and then tried to defend your position when called out on it.

                Your failure to acknowledge that makes it even worse.

                • -4

                  @wormarts: You are choosing to not read the dog-whistle. And you choose to respond with ad homenim insult and obscenity, instead of rational debate. Show some respect for yourself at least, if you cannot find it for others.

                  What exactly was your interpretation of the wording then?

      • +25

        The UN and the International Court of Justice (amongst others) use the term “the Occupied Palestinian Territory”, the government of Israel uses the term “disputed territories”. Both of these terms refer to the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), neither terms deny the existence of Israel.

        • -5

          Totally agreed. But read the quote again. "The continuing crisis in Occupied Palestine is heartbreaking."

          So only Gaza is heartbreaking? There is no crisis in Israel, no thousands murdered? or is that all part of "Occupied Palestine"? No acknowledgement?
          The quote is highly partisan, to say the least.

          the movies look good, BTW!

      • -2

        Maybe Israel and Palestine could both be deleted?

    • +4

      It's not against the rules. Perhaps consider using a filter if you don't want to see issues

    • -3

      Honestly, this film festival sounds like da bomb. I's raeli would like to see it. Hamas does it cost? It's free!

    • -1

      Glory to Palestine.

    • +2

      Armchair politics NO. Respectable informed (dialectical) debate YES.
      ~2.5 millennia wisdom: If we avoid politics we are doomed to be controlled by the inferior - that will decide for us :(

    • Starting with you.

  • +31


    robeh 12 hours 53 min ago
    Ozbargin needs to do something about these 'deals' from hyper partisan outlets, these aren't deals, you just want to spread shit, as you have done before

    quadrapus 1 hour 26 min ago new
    I agree.

    • +6

      If you can't see the difference between the 2 very different bargins, try opening your eyes

    • +5

      I agree

      • +5

        What a hypocrite

      • +10

        You negged the Daily Wire deal after agreeing that this type of post shouldn't be allowed. That moral high point only lasted until you saw a deal that matched your ideology. Hypocritical.

    • +5

      Ozbargain bizarrely frothed at the mouth for that pathetic What Is A Woman hate campaign. Why should this be any different?

      • +7

        But can you tell me what is a woman?

        • +41

          Someone who covers their drink when you're walking past, big wheels.

          • +3

            @OfTheOverflow: But what is a woman?

          • -8

            @OfTheOverflow: And he couldn't answer folks. It's so interesting to me, it's like going to the Zoo and watching something inferior to you do something so cute and stupid.

          • +7

            @OfTheOverflow: You're the one who upvoted and are defending molesters (Hamas)in the comments. Bit weird, maybe a little bit of self reflection there bud?

            • +3

              @lookingforadeal7: Calm down mate, either choose to whine about gender biology or ethnic cleansing. Jesus wept, I don't have time to laugh at you for both.

          • @OfTheOverflow: hello 000 i'd like to report a murder

    • +16

      The existence of Palestinians is political?

      • +4

        They just didn't get their referendum,
        in spite of being indigenous to their land.

    • +1


  • +48

    My thoughts are we everyone no matter race or belief that are affected by war 💔

    • +3

      We all under one heaven.

      • +4

        Or sky..

        • +1

          or Universe?

        • -5

          May Allah shine down on you, glory to God.

    • -3

      doesnt deserve a neg ..

      • -8

        Why not?

        • +2

          how is the neg related to the deal? are you normal? ah yes i remember you are 'jv'

          • @johnfuller:

            how is the neg related to the deal?

            Read the voting rules.

            • +1

              @jv: so your down voting the deal or because of the politics ?

              • +1


                so your down voting the deal or because of the politics ?

                No, voting according to the voting rules…

                • @jv: which rule exactly

                  • -2


                    which rule exactly

                    Why do you need to know?

                  • -1

                    @johnfuller: The world is made out of 3 kinds, those who don't know, those who do and amongst the latter there are those who are bent on being on the wrong side of history.

                    • @ThePasserby:

                      those who are bent on being on the wrong side of history.

                      Albo has entered the chat…

  • +21

    Please keep politics off this site, we all know what this is.

    • +1

      what is it?

    • +34

      Yes, it’s genocide

      • Yep 100%, killing all Israelis sure does sound like genocide!

        • +34

          Yes, what Hitler did was genocide.

          Exactly the same as what’s happening to the Palestinians

          • +14

            @Shaquille Oatmeal: Difference is Israel give warnings eg door knocker bombs before taking down suspected Hamas locations.
            On the other hand Hamas just kill anything knowing they are doing the work of their 'prophet'

            • +4

              @Webbo: 😝😝😝

            • +10


              they are doing the work of their 'prophet'

              These days, they are probably more concerened with 'profit'

            • +23

              @Webbo: exactly, how do they not understand this? Israel tells them to flee south, and then they bomb them while they are evacuating!

                • +12

                  @Webbo: Those warning sure saved those fleeing children!, the warnings sure are saving those starving children, but the children choose their path right? they are enemies of Israel, of course they can be massacred!

                • +17

                  @Webbo: Yes. Israhell gives warnings to leave the area, and then kills the Palestinians anyway even after complying. Just like their soldiers shoot children and women for sports in the occupied territories in the West Bank.

                  deemed to be an enemy of their 'prophet'

                  For your ignorant mind, Christians and Jews are respected as "People of the Book" in Islam (the Abrahamic religions).
                  Try to read books and understand, and not just spew the crap that comes out of Western Media outlets.

              • +1

                @abjsdhasehasee: Anaylsis experts have said they can't tell what caused the explosion of the truck.
                They have also proven that some images and videos that claimed to be the same convoy are actually different vehicles.
                Even Amnesty International didn't say Israel attacked - they just left the Internet to decide for itself.

            • +4

              @Webbo: Get your education from somewhere other than Fox News

            • +5

              @Webbo: You are absolutely out of reality. Biggest open air prison (even the USA president says exactly loke this) 2.1m people got warning to move south? That's a warning!!!
              Then they bombed the people going south anyway.
              If there are terorist in middle is Hamas and Israel government would be fighting one of the top 3 positions.

            • +5

              @Webbo: yea right giving a 24 hr ultimatum to leave Gaza whilst blocking the only way out and also cutting electricity, water and food for gaza. Wow such an angel Israel is.

            • +3

              @Webbo: Hitler must’ve turned in his grave seeing that hospital bombed. Yesterday’s oppressed have become today’s perpetrators.

          • +4

            @Shaquille Oatmeal: I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter. Unlike our ABC, they're staying true to theirs.

        • +1

          They say is openly in front of camera too.


      • +1

        The demographic data just doesn't support your genocide claim at all. There are over 5 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and another 2 million Israeli Arab citizens. And the number keeps growing every year. Numbers don't lie in this case.

        • +2

          The stupidity in this room is mind boggling.

          Over 50% of the Palestinian population is under 18, and they are purposely having children so that they still have people alive to tell their tale.

          Get educated, or stop talking

          • +3

            @Shaquille Oatmeal: Having a very large young population cohort isn't a "proof" of any genocide. So I don't think you really understand what are you talking about.

      • +3

        lol, I think everybody knows both are politics, nobody can deny that

    • +6

      wait until you see the "China baaaad!" comment on any China related deals

    • +2

      so your down voting the deal or because of the politics ?

      • +1

        Not politics, terrorism….

        • +4

          its good you know israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 children today

          • +1

            @johnfuller: Islamic Jihad did..

            • -2

              @debonair99: hamas and Islamic Jihad shoot rockets which are very small and do not do much damage.. israel drops bombs/missiles that level buildings, go check the video comparisons online before you talk, israel is known for spreading lies

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