Do you wear slippers around the home?
Been trying to find some in the shops but besides a couple of different styles of UGGs and Tommy Hilfinger ones it seems it's slim pickings.
Looking for mens here.
Do you wear slippers around the home?
Been trying to find some in the shops but besides a couple of different styles of UGGs and Tommy Hilfinger ones it seems it's slim pickings.
Looking for mens here.
Muzeeb clan colours?
They will still want the new ones
Looking for mens here.
I suppose you can try your luck on OzB. Maybe look at dating sites as well ;)
Uggs slip on. Wear them pretty much all the time in the house.
I think they're unisex.
edit: This is them:
They need another sale, I'm outta slippers…
Think they decided to stop posting after getting banned for spamming deals and other dodgy business practices. They said a small minority of OzBargain has ruined the chance of any more deals by calling them out
Their last comment was a deal for women's slippers at $51 (down from "$102") which was made after the ban so I guess they were right about not posting any more deals
Poor delicate petals. Probably shouldn't be in business at all if they can't cope with some negative comments/people.
Over priced IMHO, especially the ugg label with is 🇺🇸 owned. Also not great for wet from the shower, or sweaty feet.
According to their website they are 100% Australian made and owned. Lasted me for about 18 months so far. For $30 I’m not complaining.
There is some dispute over whether the soles are Chinese or Australian made which is one of the reasons why they were getting all the negs
@SpainKing: Interesting. Can’t say I’ve looked into it deeply enough to know the finer details of their sourcing and manufacturing. But good to know!
Needs a poll on "Yes" or "No".
Yes I do and either Kmart or Target depending on what they have and price. Only wear them in winter.
Ask and yee shall recieve
i before e except after c
In science, the weird experiment, conducted by a species of ancient beings, seized the opportunity to show that the 'i before e except after c' rule isn't always reliable
@xrayed giraffe: …except in a zeitgeist of feisty counterfeit heifer protein freight heists reining in weird deified beige beings and their veiny and eidetic atheist foreign schlockmeister neighbors, either aweigh with feigned absenteeism, seized by heightened heirloom forfeitures (albeit deigned under a kaleidoscope ceiling weighted by seismic geisha keister sleighs) or leisurely reimbursing sovereign receipt or surveillance of eight veiled and neighing Rottweilers, herein referred to as their caffeinated sheik's Weimaraner poltergeist wieners from the Pleiades.
@bmxr: I before E except after C, or when sounded as 'A' as in 'neighbour' or 'weigh,' which makes English a delightfully weird language to learn
Helps keep the floors clean. Even if your floors are nasty I still wouldn't wear shoes inside. You can still wash nasty looking floors. Shoes outside step on all sorts of shit.
Shoes outside step on all sorts of shit.
Quite literally, too.
Why do you need slippers to keep floor clean? Wouldn't barefoot also have the same effect?
Obviously they go to the supermarket barefoot.
So Briz-Vegas
Weet-Bix sponsored from Drake/Foodland…
People who wear their outside shoes in the house are animals.
I wear slippers inside because we have floorboards and it hurts my feet to walk around for an extended period of time without any cushioning.
I use whatever is available at target with a soft lining, but after a few months they get squashed to the point that you need to buy a new pair :(
People who wear their outside shoes in the house are animals
I always thought that Homo sapiens were animals
Which is why dogs and cats are animals
They are also the type of people who use only toilet paper to wipe their ass. No soap and bum gun. Imagine the wild oral sex.
Dogs and cats don't usually get given a choice, about what they wear on their paws outside and then inside…
pfft, 100. You need the covered toe for winter and the open toe for autumn/spring ;)
Wabaki :)
why exactly ?
they are free, and disposable when dirty after a month or two.
Wear socks. Double up as floor polishing and then throw them into the washing machine. Top tip!
Random wet patches in the kitchen, or after a shower = ewww
But all it takes is a drop of washing up liquid… for the ultimate low cost clean!
So long as you tend to drop enough water to exact enough coverage each week
I bought from Temu for like $4, very comfy
the temu slipas
Yes. I wear woollen crocs (yes, go on laugh 🙄🤣) and hubby wears Grosby from Big W or Myer (whoever has them on sale)
knock off non lined crocs for me inside, they were getting too thin in the sole to wear outside (not in public, just to the bins etc)
Hey look, it's me exactly. Most comfortable (and most sanitary) inside slippers I've had, and still plenty warm in winter with a pair of explorer socks on as well
chuck them in the washing machine occasionally too
Kmart for $6, wear them for winter then when it starts to warm up I throw them away and buy a new pair again the next year.
Yes. With socks. This years uggs for inside, last years uggs for outside.
(Kidding, I wear last years uggs while my gf steals this years)
MUJI, otherwise what i take from hotels when i stay there still have a stash from our last few trips to japan.
Thanks got some Muji ones.
werent they closing down ?
Muji has a great range of reasonably priced house footwear / slippers. They're good quality, comfortable and lemast at least 1-2yrs.
product link ?
Japanese room shoes / Uwabaki (上履き)
Chinese invented them, but Japan has perfected them.
With my Uggs at end of life, I went for Zullaz via Amazon.
Uggs but the Mujis are tempting; also the Camper felt clogs.
Soft sole uggs. Perfect for hardwood floors so you're not clomping around in something with a hard sole.
I use crocs and socks when cooking. I have a pair of slip on ones I picked up for $6.99 at ALDIs. I wear them whilst sitting on the couch or just wandering around.
Barefoot in the warmer months, and in the cooler months short fuzzy Ugg-like boots.
I wear half leg ugg boots. A couple of years ago The soles came off. I sewed them up with some string from the carpet my cat was kind enough to rip up for me. They lasted another 2 winters. Now they have come apart again. I could replace them, but I'm getting cold feet.
Cold feet — might be time to replace that carpet then.
What??? Thought must aussies would be going barefoot year round.
Only in the supermarkets though.
Same ☺️
Only those Aussie who are trying to get the record for the most bunions/hammertoes/plantar fasciitis/tendonitis, bacterial and fungal infections or lead poisoning.
The folks who can't afford shoes will tell you they've done it for years and "never got sick from it yet." 🙄
Archies… I will let you guess what they support.
The separation of the church and state?
foot arches?
Slides or flip flop?
Maseur sandals, my current ones are about to break so on the lookout for any deals as they're around $50
Someone negged me for this???
People are crazy. I have balanced it out though
Uniqlo room shoes. The sole is comparable to memory foam. I scored mine from the discount shelf a while back and they’ve been great.
Definitely second this recommendation. So comfortable.
Found a cheap pair In big w. About $10 and super soft sole. Great for evening when relaxing in front of the tele
Cheap slippers from Big W in winter. Then in summer, the flipflops are worn.
I live in a warm climate with hard floors and wear Archie's thongs indoors, with a separate pair for outdoors. They are so comfy!
$20 UGGs or $10 thongs.
I prefer socks rather than slips.
Where do you find $20 uggs - they're about $60-80 for ugg slippers around Melbourne, even in an the factory outlets ive tried
here's an example plus a bunch of coupons ..
link please ?
@Nickels n Dimes: Got a few from here. Not available anymore at the price though.
i see OP has already bought a pair of cheapo muji slips (no disrespect, muji goes alright!) but for anyone else reading who tries to purchase aus-made as much as possible i can give some recs:
these guys i have had for maybe three years now? they're decent but absolutely wrecked by this point. if you intend to walk on anything slightly wet and you are frail or less mobile, do not buy these - i am young and have good balance and i've nearly died so many times lmao. looks like they're actually on sale atm, $50 is a good price in my opinion.
these guys i have just purchased recently and my lord they are a step up in comfort, warmth, and robustness. definitely much higher build quality and materials. they'll likely be far too hot for me to wear when it's warm but they are damn comfy. better sole on them too if you ever intend to go outside, and they are not slippery.
concrete floors here so they're a must all the time for my bony feet! I just wear some Fila slip ons
UGGs are the only one that gave lasted more than a year worth of use. I'm going on 2.5 years with my current set.
Others have worn completely within 1 year
No, i use a robovac ;)
one under each foot?
I fly a lot so i take hotel or plane slippers home. Wear them until they break and pull out a new one from the drawer lol
Have over 400 pairs.
Ugg style from like citybeach or surfstitch, whichever have the best price.
I got some of the nice leather ones from Aldi. They are boots so you can run in them if you want to, but only come up past the ankle to make slipping off/on easy.
$30 or $40, which I'll admit is on the pricer side for me, but they fit great and have lasted for years.
Same style as this
The trick is to always wear socks with them.
currently wearing some type of orthotic thongs.
looking to upgrade
maybe something like crocs.
need slip-ons for outside entry ways too
Got the free ones from hotels.
Tartan slippers from best and less. $5 on special. Lasted 2 winters so far but might get a new pair next winter and donate this pair to the pet dogs.