Similar to this deal, but not targeted. The thread is also helpful for P7PRO general discussion / points.
Priced cheaper than the regularPixel 7 in the Google Store
Similar to this deal, but not targeted. The thread is also helpful for P7PRO general discussion / points.
Priced cheaper than the regularPixel 7 in the Google Store
Plus can still do the 300 trade in bonus!
Spot on.
15% off at giftcards too
surely worth waitng for the pixel 8 to com out in 2 weeks at this stage
For what, the temperature sensor? Google's not really delivering much with the new devices unfortunately. I reckon you'd be better off getting the 7 Pro and later upgrading to the 9 Pro or 10 Pro instead.
for more price drops? if nothing else the release of the 8 will drop prices of the even more.
Aah ok I thought the suggestion was to wait 2 weeks to buy the Pixel 8 rather than for further price drops.
Google have added a little bit more than a useless temperature sensor.
A few points on that list is why I'll be buying the Pixel 8 Pro. That said if I already owned a 7, or maybe even the 6 and was happy with it, I'd probably hold out for the 9. But I'm still using a Huawei P30 Pro from 2019, it's time.
It's win/win really, the Pixel 7 lineup should continue to drop once the 8 is released for those who don't want to own the latest.
Not going to agree on this one. After years of using Google my kids got me to buy the iPhone 14 Pro max. Apart from the camera, totally unimpressed and disappointed. Wished I had bought the pixel 7 pro . The pixel in my opinion is more user friendly.
My iPhone gave me trouble within a few months and I took it to the Apple Store. Equally unimpressed with the service there.
I must add that I am using iPad for years and very happy with it.
being true premium is only about the price?
This is nowhere near an iPhone 14 Pro price buddy
The 8 will have video out so you can plug it into a monitor and use it as a desktop computer.
Oh yeah the Dex. I missed that in my list above.
It has been this price for a long time @ Google Store and JB HiFi.
Officeworks sells it for $887. And if you use Ultimate gift card available for purchase at 15% off it will cost you $754.
You can also get it even cheaper from JB HiFi if you use trade-in $300 voucher + Ultimate Gift card (15% off).
who would spy on you and for what? you are not that important. .
come on that's muzeebs burn account. everyone is spying on him since that $200 OLED monitor heist
Well now that we've brought it up, I've been spying on him since 2021. Pretty much all CornHub though.
Ironically the Pixel is the best phone for you to avoid being spied on by installing Graphene or Calyx.
Can anyone comment on their screen on time with the Pixel 7 Pros please?
Same price as JB