• expired

[iOS, Android] MyFitnessPal 1-Year Premium Subscription for TL₺129.99 (~A$7.58) - VPN Required for Payment


Update: confirmed to work on Android by a few users, updated the title

I am a long-time user of MyFitnessPal and at times paid for the monthly subscription to keep an eye on my macros.

Today I looked into getting a better deal and I was able to score it for TRY129.99 (~A$7.58) Per Year! This is my first ever deal posted. I hope I did it ok. It worked on iOS. I have not tested it on Android though but I imagine it will be similar.

For reference, the Australian or in-app purchase price is A$129.99.

Here are the instructions:

  1. Go to your iOS App, change location to Turkey, and change postal code to 06590 (just use any or Google search it)
  2. Log into MyFitnessPal in your computer browser with VPN turned on and the location changed to Turkey. (I used Chrome with Windscribe VPN).
  3. Click Premium, you should see the Turkish price of TRY 129.99 and go through the process to pay with a card that doesn't charge international fees.
  4. Cancel auto-renewal, My Home > Setting > Subscription Settings > Auto-Renewal > Off

Enjoy, hope this helps someone :)

See new Long Running deal here

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closed Comments

  • +2

    is the food data on australian food useful or comprehensive?

    • +3

      Yes very detailed.

  • +3

    Wow price has dropped considerably since a year ago

    • +1

      With this method you are not paying Apple tax😀

  • +7

    If anyone on Android figures out a way to do this but use the Google Play credits, please share ;) have a few rewards surveys that are going to waste

    • +1

      Google One subscription accepts Google Play Credits if you want to have that, in case if you don't want credits to go waste. I am using that for my Google One.

      • +1

        yup ive running my monthly gcloud storage thru survey creds

  • +1

    TRY 799.99 for me on andriod

    • +1

      I have updated the instructions. I used the Chrome browser on my laptop to pay with the VPN turned on. Give that a shot.

    • +5

      TRY harder

  • +2

    Just did it via instructions in OP's post. Can confirm works with iOS

  • Wow.. I did this last year for $13 and thought that was a crazy steal

  • +6

    I use FatSecret, it's free and has access to the exact same database.

    • +1

      I was suspect about FatSecret offering similar features/info for free, usually it's paid for by intrusive data mining and selling of your data.

      But after having read through their T&C's and Privacy Policy, it seems legit and that they aren't predatory. Sounds awesome!

    • +1

      Is this true? Can't seem to find anything to verify this. If so it's a no brainer to switch.

    • -1

      I ran a test on this and it's definitely not the exact same database. Tried quite a few items in the pantry that FatSecret didn't have while MyFitnessPal did.

      • -1

        That's because it has a larger crowd sourced database, I'm referring to the core data. You're paying for MFP simply because more people use it.

  • +1

    Works so far but I only just created a profile so have 1 month free - hopefully it auto charges the TRY price when it auto renews!

    • Same here! I never used the 1 month trial so I'm hoping it auto-renews at that price, then I can turn off auto-renewal after.

  • What if I leave auto-renew on with my location changed to AUD, will be charged in AUD or TRY next year?

    • I think as long as your country is 🇹🇷 it should auto-renew with the same price unless MyfitnessPal pick up on this loophole.

  • Worked, thanks!

  • -1

    Is this cheaper than subscribing in app with iOS?

    • Yes.

  • Amazing!!! This worked on my iPhone when I logged onto my fitness pal in safaris incognito browser 😁 thank you!!!

  • +4

    It’s not comparing apples to apples since it’s quite a pricey subscription but MacroFactor is infinitely more useful if you’re serious about calorie control for weightlifting (at least). You just provide weight and calorie intake data points and it does the rest by inferring the calorie burn (which is the hardest of the three factors to estimate).

    I’ve seen noticeable improvement since switching to it (and doing Jeff Nippards 5 day full body routine)

  • +1

    Works fine on Android app as well. Thanks OP.

    • I don't think it does, you need to change your location as well as VPN

  • Many reviews complaining about the push for subscriptions and that might be a good reason for this comparing to the AU price

  • +1

    Is there a forum post for these multi-currency deals?

    So far I have:
    YouTube premium

    I believe Netflix & Spotify are options, any others ?

  • I haven’t used this since a free 1 year deal a couple years back. Just checked my app and it says premium under my name but when I click on subscription status it says 2021.

    What can I do to confirm I still have premium features enabled on my app? I do have the option to click “my premium features” in the settings so I’m guessing it’s bugged?

    • Do you see macros in the main dashboard?

      • Yep I see the carbs/fat/protein up top and I can also scan barcodes. Custom dashboard has macronutrients focused selected below premium features so I guess it’s still working for me haha

        • I guess you have a premium subscription.

  • +2

    Thank you so much, worked a charm.
    - Opened app on iOS ->More (three dots at bottom right) -> Settings -> Profile -> Location -> Selected Turkiye -> Changed postcode to 06590.
    - Connected to Turkey in VPN
    - Opened new private window in browser -> Logged in to myfitnesspal.com -> Clicked premium, signed up successfully.
    - Ordered pizza.
    - Napped.

    • +1

      Pizza! LOL! I am counting all the calories today.

  • Great deal OP, I've jumped on it! :)

    • Great

  • Thanks OP

    I'm stuck at the Free Trial page… the website doesn't allow me to start premiim without the free 30 day trial. I just want to pay and get it sorted lol

    • You will get an extra month.

      • Haha thanks 👍👍 I am hoping they don't close this off within a month

        And I got to remember to logon and cancel renewal too. I have gold fish memories these days 🤣

  • Congrats on the first post faizel! Killer deal

    • Thank you.

  • Looks like you can't do this with an existing account where you've already signed up in Australia. Am I right that this is only for new sign-ups?

    • -1

      In App settings, change country and postcode to Turkey, then do the VPN on desktop
      I rushed and signed up as AUS account, but above seemingly still works.
      Not sure if I should've joined as Turkiye acc in the first place.

      • Worked! Thank you. Maybe I'm silly but it wasn't clear from OP's instructions that those settings for postcode were in MyFitnessPal itself.

  • Nice one thanks

  • Thanks OP. Copped it for $7.46 on Android.

  • +2

    Great deal, but for android users can just download a modded APK lol

    • -1

      🤯Any link?

      • +1


        I ended up going this route after I couldn't get the VPN method to work. Connected to VPN via Istanbul, changed region, changed time zone. The app had been downloaded via my Turkish google account. Still offered Premium only with AUD.

  • Did this last month on iPhone. Have a Turkish iCloud hooked up so prices for MyFitnessPal come up in TRY. Will be fine aslong as you’re loaded up with gift cards

  • worked for android thank you. After paying on the web page i did have to log out and log back in for it to reflect on the app

  • +1

    What do you have to do in Android? Just change the country to Turkey? And if so, how?

    Also, can this be applied to other apps listed here (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/718277)?

    If anyone can provide step-by-step Android instructions it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Worked for android! I'm glad I still check ozbargain from time to time! Thanks op!

  • Could you please provide instructions for android users? Thanks

  • +7

    Worked on Android. Thanks

    Just followed instructions in description above but instead of iOS:

    Turn on VPN to Turkey (I used PIA)
    1) Open Chrome in desktop mode
    2) click on profile
    3) click on edit profile
    4) change country to Turkey and enter 06590 postcode
    5) click on premium and showed TRY129.99
    6) and pay. My card has Australia address but I left it as Turkey as country when paying with CC. Still went through

    You can probably do the same in the app, settings, edit profile but I just did the above and worked first time.

  • +1

    why would anyone pay for this

    • Yea, I'm wondering too but may be useful if you re aiming less than 15% body fat?

      • That’s why I started using this. I brought body fat to 12%. But Covid and working from home has raised it to 16%. That’s why I wanted to keep an eye on what I eat.

        • Ah yea, good. I always want to drop my body fat. Abt 18-20 now but I love my food too much lol

  • +1

    No need to pay for apps like this
    There are loads of good free calories counters and weight trackers

  • +1

    I've known of MyFitnessPal for a while, but haven't used it. I've got MyNetDiary and thought they look a lot alike. Since I've got mndand have a long history, I've never considered changing…

    From someone who's used both, how do they compare?



  • Probably a silly question I know, but .. can you pay in USD instead of TRY ? .. or it needs to be in TRY. My travel card does not support TRY so wanted to understand if that was an option tried or you need a credit/debit card with TRY

    • Open an UP account. Takes about 5 minutes and you will have a virtual card ready for payments

    • +1

      Travel cards are rip offs. Use a debit card from up bank, wise, revolut, ubank, all don't charge international transaction fees and give you a very good exchange rate

  • Ummm how do u change location sorry

    Edit: nvm found it. thx legend

  • I left MyFitnessPal because of the ads, removed barcode scanning and some other features. I went to Cronometer. The micronutrients and clean user face is so much better. If anyone knows if can do this deal for Cronometer, would be appreciated!

    • +1

      That is why I stopped using MyFitnessPal too but for this price I'd stick with MyFitnessPal

  • How does this app work (track) for home cooked meals?

    • you'll have to put things in individually if there isn't one in there already or use the closest meal in the result if your to lazy to add separate details i.e. Rice 1 cup, 200g Beef etc.

    • There is an option to add your custom meals. Each meal can have multiple ingredients and their weight/volume. You should be able to find most of ingredients on the app. For example, I have an omelete meal with eggs, capsicum, chicken and mushrooms.

      Once a meal is added, you can select it for any day breakfast/lunch/dinner. But yes, adding a custom meal is a bit of work if too many ingredients.

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