To celebrate the official launch of a new online fashion shop "Style Avenue - Luxury designer bags + fashion clothing" (, we are happy to offer $10.00 off and free shipping on all orders! No minimum spend required!
We stock boutique and international brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Zara, H&M etc. All products listed are 100% authentic - money back guarantee. Here at Style Avenue, our prices are always lower than the recommended retail price, and stock is very limited, so be quick to grab something before it get sold out! (INVENTORY IS LOW / SOLD OUT ON CERTAIN STYLES ALREADY).
eg. ZARA Appliques Petals Dress is currently selling in store for RRP$139.00 - we are selling it for $119.95!! (don't forget the $10.00 off too!)
Deal valid for one week only! Expires 11:59pm, 23rd September 2012
Mod: Removed freebie tag
there isn't many things to choose from! :(