Simpsons No Longer on Ten Network? Should The Government Step in?

Hey Guys

Noticed that Simpsons no longer play on channel 10…is it related to it being bought by evil Disney

I rem it being in channel 10 ever since I was kid. And as an adult after finishing work would come to it to watch an old Simpsons episode followed by a new on an hr later. I miss this. I rather not subscribe to Disney and watch on demand ..I like the excitement of not knowing which episode they will see and the buzz of knowing thousands are watching it with me…

Should the gov step in :0

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  • 150
  • 43
  • 110
    Buy an oled


  • +1
  • +3

    Nor is Simpsons related to the government, as it never aired on the ABC.

    • +12

      “Bart vs. Australia”?

  • +10

    Write a letter to Albo

    • +15

      need a referendum

    • +12

      "Oi!.. Mr. Prime Minister!"

      • +3


        • +1

          Eh, mates! What's the good word?

    • +1

      Don't forget to sign off as "your fav mate Alan" and you should be sweet.

  • +1

    Escalate to The Vatican

  • +29

    As per above not to do with Government but I support your right to be outraged and fully support you taking it all the way to the Prime Minister

    • +10


      • +9

        Eh, mates! What's the good word?

        • +4

          I got nothing more to add, I deserve a booting

    • -1

      Anto syphon laws have to do with government

    • +1

      *Proime Menister

  • +2

    In other news it was surprising to see Futurama on Disney+

    • With new episodes!

      • Those asinine morons who canceled them were themselves fired for incompetence.

      • That are complete garbage

        • Like a New New York pile of garbage? Or a Zoidberg house garbage?

        • +1

          I knew it :( I loved that show, I don't want it brought back. I don't want it to become The Simpsons. Let it die with dignity.

          At this point Futurama will run so long it will eventually be set in the present.

  • +16

    I'm going vote buy an OLED because I think this whole post is a trojan horse for OP to justify buying an OLED.

    Although 6pm Simpsons on channel 10 was peak life in the 00's

  • +7

    Vote yes on the Simpson referendum

    • Yes No 242?

  • +18

    The Simpsons haven't been good in two decades.

    • +2

      Sad thing is this is not even an exaggeration

      • +7

        I recently watched everything to the current episodes. It does get better after season 30/31. Not great like seasons 1-8ish but way way better than the crappy in between seasons, like that stupid manatee episode.

        • +8

          Gunnar, I don't use the word "hero" very often, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

    • +2

      I reckon 25 years.

      • 25 years ago was 1998. Whoever negged me, tell me what good episodes came after 1998?

        • +1

          I liked the Spider Pig part of The Simpsons movie!

          • +1

            @idonotknowwhy: I liked the movie when I first saw it but on second (and subsequent) viewings realised how much it sucked

          • @idonotknowwhy: Spider Pig. Spider Pig. Does whatever a Spider Pig does.
            Can he swing? From a web. No he cant. He's a pig.
            Look out! He's a Spider Pig.

            Simpsons has been going downhill since the Monorail episode. But I do love singing that song :-)

        • -2

          Nah there were good seasons for a few more years after that. E.g. I think that was when we had the episode of Homer's BBQ pit becoming art.

  • dont we have a deal for you

    3 months 13.99

  • Stop the world - I wanna get off!

  • +2

    Al Gore has a lot to answer for. Your TV set used to offer enough entertainment to satisfy everyone. Then along came the interweb and stole everything that people liked. Soviet Russia had a criminal category that described it. Parasitism. Where someone buys things just so they can add a profit margin for themselves before they sell it to the people who want it. They threw the parasites and other speculators into jail.

    My pets hates? F1 and MotoGP. All we get of F1 now is the results. And MotoGP has completely disappeared as if it doesn't exist. Unless you pay some parasite streaming service. Service isn't the word for it.

    My view is that Australian governments should not use our money to subsidise and promote local events in series like F1 and MotoGP unless the people running those series don't just then use it to promote the business interests of the streaming services of getting us to sign up to them to pay to see the rest of the series.

    • Al Gore has a good book

      • +7

        Mr. Vice President, someone finally bought a copy of your book, sir!

  • Monkey is on Netflix. It had the same slot at some point. Could be a worthy substitute.

  • whats with all the disney shills spruiking for the corporates?

  • +1

    lol, simpsons hasnt been good for at least 10 years. at least.

    10 are doing you a favour.

    • +3

      10 years? I'm thinking more 20+ since the glory days….

      • oh i completly agree,

        Hence "at least 10 years. at least."

  • Just get Disney Plus. Though it is behind on new episodes so you'll have to wait a bit to catch up.

  • Damn shame. Should be a bootable offence.

  • Should the gov step in :0

    For what? Umm no but since the 3rd vote option is buy an OLED you should do that instead. I did and I love it.

    In case this was a serious question. It's has been on Channel 7 and sister stations for several years now. Episodes are currently broadcast on 7Mate at 7:30pm and 8:00pm each Thursday. Was on 7flix until not to long ago.

    It left 10 in 2017 due to Channel 10's receivership. It was due to Channel 10's new owners wanting to save money by not paying the "overpriced" Fox content fees.
    Fox being quite bitter after not being able to buy channel 10 when it entered receivership. Did some revenge by jacking the fees up expecting the new owners to "just pay whatever Fox wanted for it" which I'd say backfired.

  • Have a sook ****!

  • Should The Government Step in?


  • +3

    That's a bloody outrage, it is! We're gonna take this all the way to the Prime Minister!

  • It went to 7flix for a while and some nights there'd be 3 or 4 eps on

  • -1

    Does anyone watch free to air (except for perhaps live sport and/or news) anymore?

  • Buy an oled

    I marathon'd Simpsons seasons 1-10 a few year ago on my plasma screen.
    After that, I had black bar burn in on the sides for a good 3 weeks lol.

    I'd be afraid to watch The Simpsons on an OLED.

    • +1

      Do a marathon with the content on the sides with the 4:3 area in the middle set to black. Counter burn-in big brain emoji

  • Outrage!! What do channel 10 play now? For a few years, it was the only show they actually played

  • Gov't should've stepped in when they changed it from 6pm airing 2 decades ago

    Ruined my whole childhood scheduling routine

    1. Why are you watching tv?

    2. Get the internet

    3. Get Plex

  • -1

    Simpsons hasn't been good for longer than it has been.

    At least South Park still has the balls to do controversial topics.

  • Really?

  • Valid use-case to use the new submarines.

  • The Simpsons is on 7mate.

  • I don't know what (in 2023) is more surprising, people still watch free-to-air tv or people still watch the Simpsons

  • If the government can get involved to help Qantas by stopping Qatar from having additional flights / competition into Australia, then surely they can help with this too. :)

  • +1

    Since when is Simpson owned any channels

    Growing in Australia, I realised now these channels never really catered to Australia’s diversity, just USA woke brainwashing stuff mostly.. is no wonder most here sniff up uk/USA propaganda

    • +1

      The Simpsons was objectively brilliant though.

  • It left 10 when they were bought out by CBS who are a competitor of the Fox network who own the Simpsons

  • Piratebay it?

  • I think we are all embiggened to do something about this outrage.

    What?! No. I think you will find that embiggened is a perfectly cromulent word.

  • +1

    They could bring back Kenny Kidna too.

  • that also why ten now has MTV and foxtell dose not any more.

  • If only there was a way to get content that you don't want to pay for…

  • Sorry but I cannot imagine having a functioning brain and actually enjoying the majority of Simpsons episodes. You have to be in auto-pilot to find them enjoyable or worth watching.

  • I can picture Abraham Simpson writing a letter to the government.

    • +1

      those sickos of modern bride magazine!

  • That’s treason obviously, we are all part of the USA so that should not be happening

    Bring in the National Guard to restore order to Australia

    Kill all the rioters!

  • The Simpsons are on 7mate???

  • Bring back The Bill on ABC I say

  • Ch10 is the spiritual home of The Simpsons in Australia.

    But unfortunately the networks only seem to show the latest episodes these days. Unfortunately there's not been a good episode for about 25 years now.

  • Simpsons has been dead for 10 years now. Just a dead horse being beaten.

  • You can always buy a boxed set.

  • Sorry, shareholders, okgf'dthxbai.

    If you don't own shares, we don't cares.

  • The Simpsons on Disney+

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