Cheaper than buying the 4 pack of AA batteries alone.
This is the first time I've seen this sub $20. Possibly the lowest price seen on OzBargain?
Cheaper than buying the 4 pack of AA batteries alone.
This is the first time I've seen this sub $20. Possibly the lowest price seen on OzBargain?
Personally I would put the money towards a smart charger like the LiitoKala Lii-402 & buy some Ikea rechargeables for the win.
This can also charge bigger batteries like 18650.
i think the bigger Problem is that Stupid Micro USB lead that Attach s to the charger ….
USB-C or Bust !
I just leave it plugged in because it's not as though I need it for anything else. That way it's no different to any other electrical appliance with a lead. I don't even think about it.
slow charging is better for longevity. fast charging increase temp and shortens life of batteries.
It's more complex than this. Your statement is more applicable to lithiums rather than Eneloop NiMH.
NiMH requires a reasonably high charge rate (typically quoted around 1/2C, a bit more than a two hour charge) to trigger the delta temp/time dip that lets the charger know that the cells are nearing completion. Can't remember for sure, but once this is triggered, I do think the chargers slow down for the remaining.
If only I had an IKEA
I use the Opus BT3100 and I think it does a pretty good job. Better than the Panasonic in this deal anyway (which I also have).
Damn this takes 10 hours to charge though with the basic charger, I would personally prefer the smart charger
Perfect for me, I only need it for my Xbox controller. It takes longer to drain than it takes to charge the next pair and I can just keep rotating them around.
Buy two of them.
batteries are fine but the charger is rubbish
Duplicate is about products in the title, this isn't in that title so not a dupe
I don't have enough info to go on for sure, but I would not use this charger.
It's going to be similar to something like this:… only with slightly more current, as the "basic" charger gives an 8 hour charge time versus the 13 hour charge time in the review.
I am ballparking here, but that means that the basic charger is going to be charging at maybe 300-400mA, which is far higher than the ~50mA require for a safe long term trickle charge that NiMH batteries can sit on indefinitely without damage.
So if you toss a half-full batter into this "Basic Charger" you're overcharging for hours, at a rate of charge beyond what is considered healthy.
Get a smart charger, unless you know you're only going to be charging up fully depleted batteries. Or if you really don't care too much about the lifespan of your expensive Eneloops.
Don’t buy this, buy the Smart version.
I have had both, first the dumb one, it’s useless. Every charge takes 10+ hours and it hammers the battery whether it needs it or not.
The Smart one can be used to top up batteries in an hour or two without damaging the battery.
Got any deals on the Smart version?
Ok, I'll buy that one. Thanks.
Is that a smart charger though? Apparently good chargers will charge fast and fast is better for the batteries, instead of just bombarding it with slow charge for 10 hours. Or whatever, don't fully understand it all. Just don't want to ruin my large collection of Eneloops and Laddas. They my babies. I bought two of the ones Peter linked to anyway. I used to have the expensive MAHA charger but don't really want to pay $100+ again to charge just four at a time. $35 for a good one that comes with four Eneloops sounds like a deal.
@AustriaBargain: I'm not sure if this is a serious question?
To quote one of the latest multitude of posts on the Stenkol charger:
"This is a smart battery charger with individual minus or zero delta voltage detection (-dV/dT or 0dV/dT), has individual battery charging, can charge 1-2 AA batteries in 3 hours and 3-4 AA batteries in 6 hours, does not overheat the batteries as it is not a fast charger, does not require external power adapter like other chargers, can be left plugged in a power outlet instead of fiddling with power cables when batteries need charging, Australian electrical certification, available from Australian retailer"
Note: The charge is $10 separately, and 1900mAh or 2450mAh batteries for $10 or $12 separately. So if you have the batteries already, just $10.
@Tiggrrrrr: As this post overviews, the CC55 rates as "fairly fast and smart, fairly good" on
Have to assume Lygte is legit if he has all those fancy graphs and stuff. Would he rate the Stenkol charger as high? He rated the Ikea VInninge as "acceptable for occasional usage, but not as a regular charger"…
@AustriaBargain: Who knows how Lygte would rate it? He didn't like the BC-CC57, CC51, CC18, but liked the CC55, CC17, CC16 and CC14; so unsure you inference regarding the Vinninge and Stenkol.
I will assume that this was not a serious question; nor the follow up.
I ate an apple once. It tasted nothing like an orange.
To quote one of the latest multitude of posts on the Stenkol charger
Unfortunately, the people saying that don't have the technical skills to make such judgements, they're just quoting the writing on the box when they say it's a smart charger. As do IKEA.
That IKEA charger has problems.
Reposting a previous comment I made:
The IKEA STENKOL charger barely qualifies as smart. If you have one, try this test to confirm:
The STENKOL charger takes about 30 minutes to stop charging. For comparison, the Liitokala Lii-500 stops charging in two to four minutes. So the STENKOL charger is really bad at detecting the "battery full" signal, and is therefore likely to overcharge your batteries and damage them.
@Russ: "The STENKOL charger takes about 30 minutes to stop charging. For comparison, the Liitokala Lii-500 stops charging in two to four minutes."
The Panasonic BQ-CC17 takes 24 minutes to charge; the BQ-CC16 and CC55 under 10 minutes.
The Panasonic BQ-CC17 takes 24 minutes to charge; the BQ-CC16 and CC55 under 10 minutes.
I'll assume you meant "to stop charging".
Not sure what point you're trying to make here. The Lii-500 is a far better charger than any of the ones you listed, so it's not surprising that the ones you listed have detection times between the STENKOL and the Lii-500.
Still, you seem to be confirming that the STENKOL is the worst of the lot. Which is the point I was making.
It's been a while since we've had an Eneloop deal
Awesome. Thanks OP
batteries = great
charger = meh
get a better charger
Almost regret bought $35 one the other day, but turns out it was a better purchase. This one only has 2 lights and charges 2 batteries at any one timr. the 4 lights one is much better for individual charging and faster.
Panasonic AA & AAA Eneloop Smart And Quick Battery Charger, 1-Pack + Eneloop AA Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 4-Pack (K-KJ55MCC4TA) also on special $35.10 SS on Amazon
Thanks got this one!
Thanks OP. Purchased. Been eyeing for a while.
Am I looking at the wrong specs, or is this charger + 4AA eneloops cheaper than buying just the 4AA eneloops by itself?…
I was asking if this deal $21 for "4 AA + Charger" was giving the same batteries in my link that has "4 AA batteries only" but was $24.
i.e. "4 AA + Charger" was cheaper than "4 AAs only" if that makes sense - so I was not sure if the batteries was the same or if the batteries were different specs. If so then I would be better off buying this deal and getting a free charger thrown in.
Moot point anyway since the deal is over now.
I have told you the batteries are the same. I suspect reason for this: one with charger is special and priced very close to cost, while the batteries only are priced at retail, at higher price.
@foxmulder: Thanks very much for clarifying and confirming. I got confused when you linked the other charger as I was just interested in buying batteries.
@SimpleLeverage: ok, if you do not need the same deal in a hurry, just put in watched list with Camel and it should come around in few weeks.
Batteries only has $23.11 average pricing, thus at $22.46 is pretty good. Note Ikea sells 4x AA Ladda Rechargeable 2450mAh batteries at $12. Ladda is manufactured by Panasonic and are essentially the same as Eneloop.
Great timing, was literally thinking this morning that I need some new batteries