• expired

Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010 or Office Mac 2011 for $10 - $15 for Qualifying Emails

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Microsoft home use program are offering Office Professional plus 2010 or Office Mac 2011 for $15
Works on my @gov.au email and also supposed to work on @edu emails too

15/10: Does not work with myspace anymore.

Try your work email as it might work …Trial and error
Please post your email domain if it works

Remember this is a digital download

Working domains

  • @nsw.gov.au
  • @dell.com
  • @sa.gov.au
  • @une.edu.au
  • @au.fujitsu.com
  • @ato.gov.au
  • @wa.gov.au
  • @ventyx.abb.com
  • @utas.edu.au
  • @unimelb.edu.au
  • @team.telstra.com
  • @victorchang.edu.au
  • @vic.gov.au
  • @vline.com.au
  • @thomsonreuters.com
  • @vodafone.com
  • @brisbane.qld.gov.au
  • @au.gt.com
  • @csiro.au
  • @pta.wa.gov.au
  • @tabcorp.com.au
  • @utas.edu.au

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closed Comments

  • I had to wait for 3days as well, I used US, but had to google US zip code and a mobile number for it to work.
    Great bargain for $10, now if we could get Windows 7 or 8 for under $20 would be great. I have a legit win XP, but don't think I can upgrade to Win8 for $15.

  • Having payment issues. I got the email through Myspace after a lengthy wait and now I can't seem to pay without the 'your transaction is under review' error.

    I have tried multiple credit cards.
    I have tried my VPN.

    Running out of ideas.

    • HUP India?
      HUP NZ worked fine for me.

      I'm pretty happy with $10, I reckon the risk with saving $2.20 and not getting the product at all is not worth it.

      • I used India as my country and received the full product for INR 450. Successfully activated the product key after installation. I also phoned Microsoft Australia Product Key Team to verify the product key and they confirmed it to be a valid product key for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Home User Program.

        So I took the risk and still received the full version product.

        • You can also check the key with Microsoft VAMT 2.0..
          It shows up as Pro Plus R (means retail)

        • Indian software is a Perpetual Retail License. Any idea about the difference between full and perpetual retail license??
          Thank you.

        • +1

          New Zealand HUP is cheaper than India $10 NZ = $7.92 AUD
          Not sure what the answer to that is..

        • Hi Mate,

          Thank you.. Just wondering its says that current version only works on PC only. Will i be able to use on laptop??
          Thanks.. cheers.

        • PC = Personal computer.
          Means you can't use it on a PS3, xbox or other platforms.
          If your laptop runs Windows or Mac OSX operating systems then you can use it.

      • What risk? You bought from the NZ site. That was NZ$10 - so around AU$2.20 saving anyway.

        • That's $5 saving compared to the $15 aus hup site, comparing hup india to hup nz, I'd rather pay $10 knowing I'd get the Product key, rather than risk saving 2.20 by purchasing from hup India and have the possibility of the purchase be under review.

  • @tabcorp.com.au worked for me

  • Can anyone please tell me whether I can use it in more than one computer?

    • +3

      I spoke to Microsoft Australia Product Key Team and they confirmed that it can be used on one desktop and one notebook.

      I am currently using it on my notebook and a desktop computer. Very pleased with this deal. All thanks go to the original poster. Good on you mate, keep up the great work.

  • Hmmm my emails to my myspace account are still getting bounced back. It's been over 24 hours since I activated it. It seems I can send an email from my myspace account to the same account though.

    • +1

      If you have read all replies, then you would have noticed that for some users it took more than 40 hours for the account to accept emails from outside email addresses. If you remain a bit patient, I am sure it would definitely work as it has with all of us here. Honestly speaking I was in the same boat. I was also being impatient and that is when I found out that my myspace email address would not accept email from MSHUP. Please keep on trying until you are able to buy it.

      • over 2 days now, and myspace email still not working…..little wonder no one uses myspace.

        • I created mine last week and it's still bouncing…

          Edit: could not login despite verifying email and getting a welcome message. Tried to reset password with the very address they sent the welcome to and they said no username found. Awesome stuff MySpace.

        • over 3 days now

      • it's been a whole week now, and i still can't receive any mail in my myspace email. keeps bouncing when i try to send to it. i have the correct settings allowing anyone to email me but it still doesn't work. does anyone know how to contact myspace support? can't seem to find a help@myspace function anywhere on myspace.

  • -1

    Do they accept Paypal? How big is the download?

    • No to paypal, it's about 950MB (from memory - mught be a few MB more or a few MB less)

      • One of my friend created a myspace email address about 2.5 days before and incoming emails are still being bounced back. I am very hopeful that he will be able to receive emails very soon. As it took a bit of time with everyone else here, however sooner or later they have been able to buy this product using their newly created myspace account.

  • Now downloading mine as well as MS Project and MS Visio.

    Ended up choosing NZ as the country as putting in billing details to meet US details checks was way easier.

  • .utas.edu.au email works.

  • Using Myspace and MS-NZ, my order is stuck at the "awaiting review & approval" stage for 4 days now. Has anyone gotten an approval after you received that message? It seems MS has caught on with this scheme.

    • What payment method did you use? Maybe because you put an australian address?
      I used whitepages.co.nz to generate an address :) Paid with an ANZ debit card (Visa)
      Friend also did the same (with whitepages address) and it worked fine (I assume he also used Visa)

      • I used an Aussie address since Bruce from Oz said it worked for him. I paid by NAB Visa debit card.

        Still nothing from MS, so I think my order is rejected.

        • +1

          Use a New Zealand Address, I think Bruce from Oz may have been lucky.
          Check your OzB messages and try again, I've sent you a valid NZ address

        • Can you please send me valid NZ address as well thanks?

        • +1

          Open up your contact details (in user profile > Edit tab > account settings
          Go to Private Messages and tick it Allow private messages

        • Done TY :)

        • Rule 1: I am always lucky (usually) :)

          Had no prolems with my Aussie address with Qld, Australia as provence, leaving country as NZ, but they may be checking after a high number of orders.

          Possibly your bank refused the transaction as the address did not match your CC. If that is the case, a false NZ address will not help. It will depend on your bank/CC. Others should be able to give advice on this. I used 28Degrees MC to avoid exchange costs.

        • +1

          No Bruce, my bank never received a debit request from MS.

  • Hi Everyone..
    I just got email today in myspace.com
    Now i can buy from the website.. thank you easternculture

  • Myspace.com email also worked - took probably 2 weeks for the confirmation email from Microsoft to arrive.

    Previously my myspace.com email account wasn't receiving any incoming mail but now it is.

  • Anyone know which version is for MAC? Does it come with Outlook?

    • Mac Office 2011..
      Apparently it does.

      • is it worth to get with the backup cd for extra $15?

        • You can just download the installer off the net from anywhere.. the important/valued thing is the license..

  • Is the download link a 32bit or 64bit version?
    Where can I get a 64bit version?

  • One of my friend is still waiting for his Myspace email address to accept incoming emails and he created his Myspace account on 19 September 2012. No wonder people do not use myspace email addresses. Will update if he is able to receive email from Microsofthup.com to allow him to buy the product. Seems like a long wait as another user here said that he had to wait for two weeks for this to happen.

  • +1

    Created two my space accounts over 2 weeks ago still no go.

  • Got mine just now.. took ages lol. but I was in no rush! Just purchased! Cheers! now I'm legit for cheap ! :)

  • +1

    @flinders.edu.au doesn't work
    neither does @myspace.com anymore? Does anyone know why? and how I can work around that?

    • Does anyone know why?

      Most likely because those unsure of the glitch kept calling up Microsoft Australia to verify its validity, getting them suspicious (if a home user can find out if a key is genuine or not through a free microsoft program, I'm pretty sure they would've seen the origins of the keys that have been asked to be verified) and hence the loophole is now closed.

      How I can work around that?

      You can't, it's too late. This isn't technically a legit "deal" per se, with the mass amounts of people who don't read Terms and Conditions, knocking on their doorstep to ask about this "deal I saw on ozbargain" will obviously attract attention.
      This is exactly the same as asking Apple Support for help with Jailbreaking your iPhone/iPod/iPad right after a new one is released, although Apple is aware of Jailbreak (hence why some of the "features" in the new iOS are actually taken from Jailbreak tweaks (the most obvious one is notifications, suspiciously looks like SBSettings).

      • Cool, thanks for your quick reply, I totally understand what you're saying. I thought (hoped) maybe I'd done something wrong. Bummer for me but awesome for the rest of you that got it at such a cheap price.

        • You can get the same product at $99 though.. it's still pretty cheap for legit office
          Office Pro Plus has the same programs as Office University.
          Though if you are considering this method, please remember that Office 2013 should be released alongside official Windows 8 release day (28th october) and it may be a good idea to hold off to see if they have a $99 version of that, whether it is worth $99, only when they release it will we know how they tweaked Office 2013 since the preview version

        • You guys are right. It does not accept Myspace email addresses anymore. When I enquired about my product key, I did not tell them that I bought it using myspace email address and I told them that it has been supplied by my employer. However they have caught up with the error on their website that allowed us to buy it using myspace email address. Good luck to all those who could buy it before and bad luck for us.

          Thanks heaps to original poster for bringing us this great deal.

  • Can vouch that this worked for my wife which is studying at Sunshine Coast University - great bargain for students!

  • +1

    Sucks that student.unsw.edu.au doesn't work. We're legit students too stupid micro$#! >=(
    Even my cse.unsw.edu.au (Computer Science) email doesn't work, despite the fact we can get access to all this useless Dreamspark Premium crap using it.

    • Depends on whether or not your institution is participating in (paying for) the program, not your student status.

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