• expired

$20 off Per Month for 6 Months on Any nbn Plan (New Customers Only) @ Mate


Offer attached to the AFL Record, seems to provide a $20 discount when I go to sign up

Referral Links

Referral: random (79)

Referrer receives $50 bill credit.

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Mate Communicate

closed Comments

  • Link to image?

  • I've reported the person who upvoted this mate…

  • M-aaaaa-AAAAAAAATE

  • +2


  • New mean ….
    I'm with them 3 months ago

  • +4

    Is this the 4th best nbn or just luck

  • +16

    If you don’t mind a provider that will provide you with a connection that often underperforms in what speed tier you pay for and is often congested, go for it. Was with them for all of one day before churning to Exetel. You get what you pay for with mate.

    • +4

      Wow all that experience from Mate in one day, lucky you didn’t trouble shoot with them and just jumped ship.

  • +1

    Not worth your money even after the discount

  • +9

    I was on Mate for 3 years, but got sick of the massive speed fluctuations. So I moved to Exetel and haven't looked back!

    • +1

      Saving of $20 /month isn't worth it.

    • Wow how did you even tolerate them for 3 years??

      • +1

        They used to be with Vocus, then they changed to Wireline and went downhill like a mate sleeping with your partner.

    • +1

      Yes, speed issues and slowdowns in evening, moved to Tangerine who are great so far.

  • +3

    It's free on ch74

  • +2

    Really mate is that bad?

  • Mateeeeeeeee

  • +2

    Stay away from Mate unless you like throttling during peak hours

  • +1

    As a mate to a mate, don't do it.

  • +2

    Stay away from Spintel too, unless you are in Sydney. Everything flows through Sydney.

  • +6

    Avoid them like the plague.

    Horrible reliability and speed.

    Wouldn't even join of they have me free internet for life

  • $39 for 6 month is very cheap, if IDC about internet slowing down will I be okay or does it actually DROP out to the point of no internet?

    • +3

      I got 5Mbps on the 250/25 plan - I couldn't even last a day with them.

      They used to be good when on the Vocus network, then it all went pear shaped when they went to Wireline.

  • -1

    Very bad speeds but it's what you pay for I guess

  • My review of MATE for a few years. If you are not gaming, it was pretty good value. I mostly had the speed advertised. Then a few months ago, speed also dropped. They couldn't fix it, I went to LeapTel and they are great.

    Gaming is always bad on MATE - lots of latency.

  • I thought I'd try Mate.. they are cheap for a reason.
    General usage was ok, but I'd just get random dropouts that would only come back after resetting the HFC modem.
    Never happened with any other provider.. left after 1 week and no longer get dropouts.

  • Had them for a few years and they were great but there was some change of ownership and they went completely backwards. To rub salt into the wounds, their support staff would constantly say the problem was my end, must be my equipment and so on. Changed to Exetel without updating any equipment and my service is now a rocket ship.

    Donate your money to charity, not this mob.

  • I get there isn't any good feedback around this mob. I don't use for gaming as most we use netflix etc….from those who had it in past, is it not worth for that as well. we looking at the cheapest plan basically which comes down to $39 a month. thanks

    • They may actually be decent enough for your particular location.
      You'll only know when you try.

      I tried it.. and didn't like it.

      • True, I hesitated so much before I grabbed spintel deal with less than $50 for 100Mb last time, I enjoyed so much with stable connection even though I was in Melbourne. I'm with tangerine and I didn't like Tangerine so I'm considering to move on even though it's less than 6 months., I will consider little more of Mates

        • fair enough. I think their cancellation process doesn't seem pain so may as well try and see I guess. is there a pro-rata refund in case if you have to leave early?

          I have just finished Aus post broadband discounted offer.

          • @s0805: I haven't use mates but tangerine, tangerine have no pro-rate refund so I have to plan well to avoid waste. I'm planning to stay near full 6 months.

            how was Auspost broadband?

            • +1

              @Ryoon: Auspost was very good….hardly any drop outs but again we are not using very heavy…at most netflix etc…

              • +1

                @s0805: Can vouch for Auspost too, no issues on HFC connection with them (but not heavy user like yourself).

                Just swapped to Tangerine and it's… ok. Had some drop outs even in Teams meetings but I think I can live through it being the cheapest plan atm!

                • @Craze: Thanks for sharing your experience, I was on Auspost insurance for cashback, it was good too in general.

                  Auspost special on items are often great deal too, so Auspost is doing every other businesses great except their core business of delivering letters and parcels, aren't they?

              • +1

                @s0805: Thank you for sharing a valuable info. My experience of Tangerine hasn't been great, experiencing random dropout but not so significant impact as I'm currently working in the office and I'm very casual gamer with Xbox and mostly using for netflix, Last night Netflix on xbox1x indicate that speed of internet is below 10Mbps so movie was stopped. haha. I'm on 100Mbps plan though.

                • @Ryoon: singed up. Hopefully given we don't need more than 25MB plan, may get away with it. If not always move out early.

  • They are so unreliable the modem make this sound (Sorry Gen Z) :

    Beep beep….Ting! Ting! Ting!

  • I churned away from mate due to slow speeds during the afternoon. Switched to superloop and so much better.

  • Anyone know how long ago you have to have been with them to classify as new?

  • When does this promo expire?

  • did mate price just increase?

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