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La Marzocco Linea Mini Coffee Machine + Bonus 12 Month Coffee Subscription $6,799.20 Delivered (Was $8,499) @ La Marzocco


I follow LM on Instagram and just noticed this promotion. While stocks last..

I purchased this machine 2 years ago and I use it every day. Yes it is very very expensive and no I do not use Aldi beans with my machine.

Also comes with a 12 month subscription to Single O (12 X 1KG bags I believe) which would work out to around $700 depending on which beans they let you pick.

Edit: Looks like the bundle is also on sale. The mazzer electric grinder usually goes for around $1200

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closed Comments

        • +2

          Congratulations! I don’t think you’ll regret it at all.

          I have the plumb-in kit but have yet to install it for two reasons: the filtration setup required, and drilling through my stone bench top.

          Using the reservoir has been easy as, and I haven’t felt any strong urge to expedite the plumb-in. I’ll do it one day, but it’s such a low priority.

          I’m using a Mazzer Mini Electric grinder. It depends on your workflow. If you appreciate the control over single dosing then you’re better off with something like a Niche Zero as the Mazzer likes to retain a bit. I used to single dose, but today appreciate the simplicity of just having a hopper of beans ready to go. I haven’t noticed any significant decline in quality over a few days in the hopper. Also, the Mazzer Mini is just a beautiful grinder and built like a tank. I have it in white to match my white Linea Mini and they’re just perfect together.

          Don’t worry about the haters. We all spend our money in different ways. I know adults who dump money into Lego of all things. Coffee - and the process behind making it - adds so much value to my life. This machine will pay itself off, I promise you. But guess what? It’s not always about that.

          • @thrillhouse: Yep, my feelings are very similar on the plumb in kit. It’ll happen… one day…

            I think the Mazzer Mini is the way I’ll go. Seems to be the “default” option with the machine, LM even sell it themselves. And you’re right, it looks the goods too.

            Very well put by the way. Thanks! :)

          • @thrillhouse: Thanks, it has come in the mail today. Setup was super quick and painless. It's awesome.

    • But think of the savings compared to buying a couple of coffees out each day

      • It takes about 6 years if brought $4 one everyday

  • Absolute bargain. Just need to check with the mrs if she will let me buy 10 of them.

    • -2

      Sorry your Mrs just bought a Tesla. No coffee machine for you…

  • Anyone know what the maintenance and cleaning is like for a machine like this? Clean every ?? coffees and take it to service centre after how long?

    • +6

      I backflush daily and run the cleaning powder through it and once a month or so. I also soak the baskets/steaming wand in the cleaning solution whenever they get a bit mucky. Everything to do this is included in the box.

      I also just had it serviced after 2 years. The tech who came out said it was in great condition. I booked this though La Marzocco and it cost me about $500 but they replaced a bunch of parts.

      • +1

        Thanks for the answer!

      • +18

        Replace a bunch of parts after two years for a $8k coffee machine?? I'll stick with my Breville dual boiler.

        • +7

          That's just ridiculous. $8000 machine with no pressure profiling and needs service every 2 years. Yeah…I will stick with my Breville dual boiler as well.

          • @carlJack: It'll last a lifetime & have parts long after your Breville can be serviced, but yeah, they're targetting someone who this will be the last machine they'll ever buy, or small restaurants & bars

            • @dsgfh: My Breville cost $500, has a grinder, and was purchased almost 4 years ago. I have done zero maintenance on it and use it 2-4x a day.
              Do I need to do the math?

              Reminds me of my Swiss watch that needs a >$600 service every couple of years.

            • @dsgfh: My Breville DB was bought in 2016, and in January had an issue with the steam pressure escaping and i had it serviced and cost me $350.

              No other issues so far and I only clean whenever the electronic "clean me" alerts show up.

        • +5

          backflushing daily seems excessive in itself. i think the techs are taking this guy for a ride lmao

      • +4

        It’s all just preventative maintenance. Nothing was actually broken. Part of the service is replacing the group seal, shower screen, handle spring and safety valve. They will also rebuild the steam wand, expansion valve and vacuum breaker.

        I’m sure lots of owners would go without the service and never had a problem

          • @dcash: And you sound like someone who never owned the nicer things in life.

            • @keejoonc: I have plenty of "nice things"; I just don't need to be ripped off to make a decent cup of coffee!

          • +1

            @dcash: To post my creds before arguing against you;
            I use a double boiler Breville as my daily, and I have a rancillo 2-group for special occasions (when I can be assed waiting 10min for it to warm up).

            These are different class machines. You're not wrong casting a cocked-eyebrow at that level of preventative maintenance, but as someone who has worked on the Breville and a 'commercial' quality machine, the Breville is destined to die. Maybe in 5 years, maybe in 15. But it will die. Too much plastic, under-sized elements, and custom-model specific hardware. This La Marzocco however, will be using somewhat-standard components and will outlast OP if he does indeed keep getting it serviced like that. Likewise, he too could let it fall into scummy disrepair after 10 years of no backflushing or maintenance, but it'll still be in a better position than the Breville.

            So I think you're entirely off the mark calling this machine junk, however I also think buying a Brevile Double Boilers @$700 every 5 years for 50 years would be arguable better than buying this for $7k. I just wish that wasn't the case for the sake of the environment.

            • +1

              @Xheis: Don't think heating up a large chunk of metal to make a 30ml espresso is a particularly strong environmental argument.

              Would definitely not call LM junk though.

            • +1

              @Xheis: Based on your analysis you need to keep spending $500 every two years so the La Marzocco can last 10 years? Or you can buy a Breville dual boiler machine for$1k and easily get 7 -10 years out of it and use it daily. For the record my dual bolier is 10 years old and just had a service/descale and changed the original pump for $400. Still runs like a dream.

            • @Xheis: The junk comment is because OP suggested one needs to spend $400 a year to keep the over-priced machine in good order, whereas my Breville has required $100 one time in 10 years to keep running (and is now at 11 or 12 years and still running). Therefore if the La Marzocco is not junk, then it can only mean the Breville is the absolute epitome of coffee machines!

              From my experience the $700 every 5 years is more like $700 every 10+ years — insanely better value than the LM.

              To suggest that the LM will last forever would only be because almost every part of the machine will have been replaced every few years — not because it's manufactured to such a high standard. If you want something that'll last forever, maybe an old Boema or something (where there's not really much to go wrong anyway!)

      • +1

        These things need very little maintenance esp if your using reverse osmosis water or using a water softener filter. Might need the odd o-ring or gasket changed every 5 or so years. I've used my Grimac La Uno that I rebuilt for almost 10 years now and only had to change the o-ring on the steam wand once. The most common problem coffee machines get is scale built-up from the water supply

        • And yet my Breville has run happily for over 10 years on ordinary non-RO non-softened tap water, with no gasket or o-ring changes.

          • @dcash: The hard water causes a build up of limescale in the pipes and group head affecting water flow. You may not notice it in day to day use unless you look out for it. O-rings and gaskets will eventually perish with the heat. If you're lucky enough to live in an area with soft water you won't be affected by limescale.

            • @42: I just descale the machine every now and again. Doesn't everybody?!?

              • @dcash: "Pros" recommend water softener filter and not descaling as it might dislodge pieces of scale that can block pipes.

                • @42: That might be a problem in your $7k machine, but it's not a problem in the Breville ;)

  • +4

    Waiting for "my Kmart $15 rice cooker can do the same" comment.

    • +7

      Don't think the $15 Kmart rice cooker can make coffee, but I could be wrong

      • This feels like a challenge… And I don't even drink coffee… Which will probably help with what I might classify as 'coffee' for such a challenge…

      • Depending on the temperature it reaches, it absolutely could make coffee (that would need to be filtered of course)

    • -7

      A $20 drip filter would clearly be better value than this over-priced trash, that apparently needs $400 worth of servicing every 12 months.

      • -2

        Still cheaper to service than my car, and tastes/smells much better too.

        • I wasn't aware that you could drive around in the coffee machine. In that case perhaps it might be worth $7k.

          • @dcash: I wasn’t aware you could froth milk with a drip filter and that $500 in 2 years is $400 every year?

            • @2025: Surely anybody who spends $7k on a coffee machine, believing it creates the perfect cup of coffee, isn't spoiling that perfect cup by diluting it with milk!

              And yes, I was accounting for inflation xD

              • @dcash: Or, you could have the v60, siphon, aero press, toddy, and an LM Linea Mini in the home.

                • @ankor: Sure, but only if you want to feel like a dope for spending $7k on a machine that forces hot water through ground coffee beans - the same way your $50 aeropress does.

                  • -1

                    @dcash: You’re just trolling now.. It’s nothing close.

                    • @ankor: Then why would you want both a $50 aeropress and $7k LM machine?

                      • -1

                        @dcash: Cos I like coffee.

                        • -3

                          @ankor: So sometimes you like bad coffee from the aeropress, and sometimes you like good coffee from the LM? That's a weird way to 'like coffee'.

                          • -1

                            @dcash: If you're making bad coffee with an aeropress, then that's on you.

                            • @ankor: You're the one that said your aeropress was "nothing close" to your LM. Not me!

                              • -1

                                @dcash: Yeah.

                                The brew method and the number of ppl who can be served at any one time are very different. Hence my earlier response.

                                I never said the aeropress was bad coffee tho.

                                • -1

                                  @ankor: The brew method is the same - forcing hot water through ground coffee. And with both you can serve as many people as you like.

                                  • -1

                                    @dcash: If you're gonna troll, at least put some effort into it?

  • Great deal. Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Ona Raspberry Candy is so good ! The School my wife works at has a cafe that uses ONA. However I still use ALDI beans in my ECM haha.

    • I feel for your ECM.

      • To be fair it is just a base model Casa V. But in all honestly I really do like the Aldi Medium beans

  • +1

    so for the people who have these kind of machines, what do you use for water? Bottled mineral water? Brita filter? Do a bit of chemistry with distilled water and epsom salt?

    • I have a delonghi dedica and I use fridge filtered/Brita filtered water

    • +8

      Holy water

    • Spring water

    • I have an Isomac machine and use Brita jug water - no problems after many years.

      • oh so Brita filter is good enough? Always wanted to get a decent coffee machine but the whole hard water situation just puts me off.

        • +1

          You would want Brita's limescale filter, not the normal variety most people use. People who spend this much on a coffee machine will most likely have it plumbed with filter.

    • There is an entire industry built around packaging tiny amounts of activated carbon into proprietary plastic cartridges and getting you to replace the filters monthly.

      Get a gravity tank water filter such as a Berkey. A $150 pair of water filters last 6000 gallons/22000 litres, and they filter much more out of the water than rubbish like a Britta jug sustem can ever do. Notice the Britta filters advertise they remove chlorine and improving the 'taste' of water, they aren't even real water filters

    • Use brita water. The hardness seems to be just perfect

    • -1

      I just empty the bed pan. Gives a unique flavour you just can’t get at any cafe.

    • For what its worth, you're aiming for two things by adjusting your water: Changing the flavour and (hopefully) reducing the likelihood of scale build up in your machine.

      For most people, filtered water is sufficient. Typically we're talking in-line carbon filtering.

      Other people (like myself) may have a RO/RODI system (fishtanks), which presents a great base zero-scale water. There's legitimate debate about RODI water striping ions/material from your coffee machine which could be more harmful than scale build up. So far as I've ever found, there's no evidence to suggest that would do more damage / more quickly than scale build up, however there's some simple work arounds:

      1. Follow a recipe like RPavlis Water. This takes RO water and adds back the required minerals
      2. Half-Half. Just blend your tap water with your RO water until you have a satisfactory PPM

      Hope the above helps.

  • I’ve had my Rocket R58 for a few years now. I’m considering upgrading to a dual-group machine - recommendations?

  • +3

    This or a pod machine?

    • This! No contest.

      • +1

        There’s this thing called sarcasm

        • Really!?

        • +3

          Hey Sarcasm, I’m dad

  • +2

    Catch 22; you can afford the machine but only have money left over for Aldi beans.

    • +5

      *you can afford the machine because you PREFER Aldi beans ;)

      • +1

        There might be truth to this lol.
        Spending crazy money on beans doesn't help me get closer to the LM

  • Wonder they do not have any other colours?

  • If it was 24 x 1kg of beans, I'd be tempted (well, more tempted), but 12kg just isn't enough beans. 1kg only lasts us about 2 weeks.

  • +3

    Good deal, ugly machine.

  • +8

    Thanks OP, bought a second one for the bedroom.

    • +6

      I don’t think a coffee machine is what she meant when she said she’d rather flick the bean

    • Sounds weird but that's my dream too. Have a nice coffee machine on the balcony of the master bedroom for a good morning coffee

  • +3

    lol I love the contrast with everyone going off & few negs for the knives yesterday but $6000 coffee machine is all good

    • +2

      If you can save on the daily $5 knife juice then you can justify the knives

    • +2

      The knives were a joke and you can find much much better ones for half the price, this is basically a commercial machine.

      • Username checks out

    • No way in hell do I think this is a good deal for me personally but the poster isn't having a wind up or posting for a joke.

  • +1

    Thanks OP

    Just ordered two, one for my butler, and a second for the dash in my Bentley.

  • +7

    I’d like to TRS this as well

  • -5

    Thanks OP, bought 7

  • How is this superior compared to the $600 breville ones? Is the brew consistently good?

    • for one you can froth milk in about 5 seconds

      • +1

        After how long of a warm up?

        • Who knows mate, people with these put timers on so they're ready to go

        • +1

          Linea mini has a 20 minute warm up linea Micra is a 5 minute warm up from memory.
          But your first point around consistency is true. These would be more consistent also from the $500 range 8m not sure which machine would get close to this. The closest would be the BDB

          • +2

            @maverickjohn: Yeah this is key. Anything below the Double Boiler probably can't produce the same espresso shot consistently (or at all), but the BDB really does punch above its weight on this like this.

            There's some notable differences: Rotary pump helps for flow and pressure vs the BDB's vibe pump, and both machines have their own pre-infusion that would have differences. Both have PIDs, but you'd probably ride them differently anyways.

            Honestly, I think this is a luxury good that will bring joy to those in the hobby, else just get a BDB.

            • @Xheis: Very well said. I chose my e61, precisely for those reasons, i have a rotary pump dual boiler dual PID with pressure profiling. Cost me 3.8K but worth it. however i notice the worth of this as i drink 3- 4 coffees a day. doesnt mean its 3.8 times better than BDB, but for me i appreciate finer details in coffee making..

            • @Xheis: vibe pumps IMO have their advantages - 1. cheaper to replace (i replaced mine for $35, now imagine the cost of replacing rotary). 2. pressure buildup is slower - arguably better for brewing, particularly for machines don't have preinfusion.

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