This multi-DAC DAP originally retailed for $2999 and now it's being cleared out for $1250.
Expensive? Yes, but a truly premium audio player.
This multi-DAC DAP originally retailed for $2999 and now it's being cleared out for $1250.
Expensive? Yes, but a truly premium audio player.
They use the same AK4499EQ chip, although the SE200 also has the option of outputting through ES9068AS x2, which produces a different sound.
tempting to try these hi end players ..
They don't sound much different to a mid-range fiio. Honestly I can't hear any difference with the outputs from a decent hifi players.
they sound amazing. I already have a high end Astell & Kern and it simply sounds better than anything I have cheaper than it, I have 7 MP3 players of different price, mostly Sony's. But really the higher end players are for audiophiles because the mid range Sony NW's for instance sound fantastic, but dont have as much detail as the A&K's.
what audio files are you using with your mp3 players? Mp3?
FLAC, and the higher the better, 96/24 or 44/16, the more you get into the hobby the more you can clearly hear the difference. MP3 at 320 or 256 if you have to. Actually some albums ive found sound better with MP3, mostly though its FLAC.
@rumblytangara: Grado headphones for the big ones, for IEMs there's Timeless AEs, QKZ x HBB Khans, ibasso IT01s, i have an assortment but they are my faves. Ive found that IEMs though dont really do the higher end players justice, they sound better with the mid range stuff, so high end player + decent 'biggie' headphones is the go.
What is your use case? listen to music in your toilet? Not much good on the bus with all the background noises with not so noise canceling high dif headphones.
For me, it's excellent when your workplace has hotdesk setup - when you need to unpack and packup your stuff whenever you're in the office
How is this compared to the iPod?
Can you feel/hear the $1000 difference?
I am considering going back to ipod, carplay gives me the sh!ts
Sigh, I remember the days of spending as little as possible to get something that sounded like the real thing, including the Red Wine Audio iMod. Which apparently you can DIY for under 20 bux
Can you feel/hear the $1000 difference?
No, you just have to convince yourself that it does because you spent too much.
Can you feel/hear the $1000 difference?
Fools on the internet dripping with confirmation bias will say yes. The objective evidence says no — the difference between decent mainstream electronics and "super premium" electronics is almost always less than what our ears are capable of distinguishing. If you can hear a difference at all, that doesn't mean it's better. Different is different, not necessarily "better" in any objectively comprehensible respect.
But if you want to drop $1000 and wallow in confirmation bias, have at it. It's certainly less stupid than pokies.
If you want to spend $1000 on portable audio, spend it on headphones. Ideally low impedance headphones which can sound great with any old headphone jack. If you are considering high impedance headphones, combine the cost of a headphone amp into the total when comparing to low impedance headphones.
But even then, that assumes you will always be listening to music in a quiet room. If your use of portable audio mostly occurs in noisy environments such as literally everywhere other than a quiet living room then screw the "quality police" and get a decent pair of noise cancelling headphones. I don't give a shit how amazing your headphones are — good noise cancelling headphones will always sound better than the very best $20,000 headphones you can buy if you're on a train, or walking down the street, or in an open plan office, or sitting near a crying baby in the doctor's waiting room.
You can definitely hear a difference. But is it better? How do you define better? More bass? More balanced? Higher highs and lower lows? Closer to the original (which was mastered through unknown questionable equipment)? In my opinion its not worth it as I will just run it into my car stereo through BT anyway. Finally, if your listening to electronic music (EDM, Rock, Rap, ect) then the sound was completely synthetic in the first place and probably sounds different to you vs the artist who made it, do what even is the original sound?
I own Fiio M11 Plus LTD, AK SP2000 and iPod classic.
There is a difference, but i would say the difference among those players is much much smaller than the difference among earphones/headphones.
I would spend the budget on earphones/headphones.
you’d need very good earphones to get value out of it …… and not sure car speakers via head unit would do it justice ….
Depends, I guess. I have a Mazda with the factory fitted Bose system in it. Sounds pretty ordinary. But if I plug my Fiio M11Pro into the audio jack and select that input, there is a huge improvement in audio quality. I was genuinely surprised; turns out the Bose amp and speakers are not too bad, it's the front end that lets the system down.
But it's not a particularly friendly user interface, fiddling with the Fiio in a phone mount when changing albums. Would probably require the forethought of setting up a Playlist and that's not me, haha.
I learned recently while looking for a (much less expensive) DAP, that the very English sounding Astell & Kern are entirely South Korean.
I think I can stretch to a Shanling M1s if I can get it for under $300.
This is like paying for a Dolce & Gabanna kettle when you can get a Sunbeam etc for pretty much the same functionality..
But the D&G water has a more premium taste in my tea.
No it doesn't.
Yes it does, your palette isn't refined enough to tell the difference…just like your hearing isn't astute enough to enjoy a $1250 audio player ….
Leave these higher beings alone and come join us normies and our normal water and smart phone audio….
I believe the term you're looking for is snake oil. The copium that audiophiles inhale is massive.
how would this compare to Surfans-F20, which is $143.65 on amazon
You probably couldn't tell the difference in a double-blind test. Or maybe you can, golden ears.
Astell&Kern…. My dream machine. 😭
I'll use this to listen to my podcasts!
I might get one and use a text to audio converter to read OzBargain deals.
Another thing that's worthwhile remembering is that our hearing goes downhill from the time we're in our 20s and by the time you're in your forties and fifties and upwards which is when you have all that disposable income, you most likely can't pick out many of the differences anyway.
I challenge anyone to hear difference with a mobile phone in a double blind listening test.
Just spend your money on decent headphones.
It would be very easy to notice a difference in this case because a mobile phone simply wouldn't be able to power my headphones enough. Even at max volume, my Fidelio X2s sound way too quiet when connected to my phone.
Correction then: just get a Fiio player or similar if you have a poor-quality audio output on your phone or get a phone with a proper audio output (headphone AMP).
This audiophile shiny money extortion machine can not be justified or distinguished on a blind listening test with a proper headphone output device.
PS and BTW, do you walk around the streets with your Fidelio X2s on? Otherwise, how would you justify a portable player over a desk one. There is a reason why high impedance headphones are intended for indoor (home or studio) use.
I absolutely hate that a bunch of people always feel entitled to, and are allowed to shit post in threads like this. If you're not interested, just ignore the thread.
I just feel pity for audiophiles (or any other delusional persons) and want to help.
Does it make you feel good to be someone who sets out to kake other people feel bad? What kind of a life are you living if this is what you set out to do? Honestly, you can be better than this.
Sure, sometimes reality does feel bad, does this mean we need to hide from it? Cover our eyes and ears and pretend it is not there.
@redrich2000: Audiophiles, similar to people who believe in astrology, homeopathy or anti-vaxxers - they have a magical thinking and hide from facts. And yet, you refer to naivety.
For example, the subject device does not provide any benefits to the sound quality to a $100-200 audio player. And yet naive people are ready to pay x10 more for what they beleieve in. It makes me sad.
Why this and not the SP2000?…?
I’m assuming money is not a problem of course…