Does Uncle Tobys Sell Whole Rolled Oats?

Random question:

I bought Uncle Tobys "Rolled Oats - Ancient grains" to make muesli, after reading comments on here about how creamy Uncle Tobys oats are.

The ingredients say "Whole grain rolled oats". Nowhere on the packet does it say "quick oats". The word "porridge" doesn't appear anywhere.

However, they are quick oats, the kind used to make porridge. Does Uncle Tobys not sell whole rolled oats, and does "rolled oats" not mean "whole rolled oats"? Unfortunately, you can't see inside the boxes to know what you're buying.



  • +3

    This really sounds like a question for Uncle toby or google.

    • +2

      Yeah, Google sends you directly to the Uncle Tobys pages. 1st page lists the ingredients on OP's purchase and 2nd is a factsheet explaining the difference between what consists of their rolled oats and quick oats.

      It uh, it really is that simple?

      • -3

        Link? I can't find that factsheet. Ingredients do not say "quick oats". Do I need to search google before I buy anything at the supermarket?

          • @Crow K: Thanks, doesn't help. The packet does not say anywhere on it that they are "quick oats". There is even an image of whole oats under the bowl on the front of the packet. But clearly you can't read what people write, or you would know that that link doesn't help. It's a very confusing product.

            I think I'll just go back to buying cheap oats.

            • +2

              @ForkSnorter: Lowan used to have as good rolled oats as UT, if they still exist. The big grocery store brand ones are crap

      • +2

        I genuinely wonder how people that ask these questions get on in life if they can’t google a quite straightforward search themselves.

        I copy and pasted that question into google to try it too, and its easy to navigate to the fact page 🤷🏽‍♂️

        Side note: I’m also super impressed how many people have taken the time to write reviews about porridge with photos on the uncle tobys website.
        Thats some commitment.

        • +1

          Now you know why the zombies bought so much dunny roll during covid.


        • To clarify your confusion:

          The packet says "rolled oats". The contents are quick oats. The uncle Tobys page talks about the difference between rolled oats and quick oats. So, am I an idiot, or are you just nasty and have low comprehension?

          • +2

            @ForkSnorter: Hey good news, I put my old man glasses on and called up Uncle Tobys product support and asked them whether "Uncle Tobys Rolled Oats - Ancient Grains" contained either rolled oats or quick oats, because "I" thought they tasted more like quick oats and I've been eating oats all my life.

            They said "They are definitely rolled oats" and offered to send me a link to their online factsheet about the difference between the rolled and quick oats.

            I said no thanks because I have internet literacy and ended the call. Long story short, you need to take your fight to Uncle Tobys themselves now, I guess?

            • @Crow K: clearly you don't eat oats or porridge often. Whole rolled oats are a physical grain that you can see, about 5mm-1cm in size, and they look like a grain. Quick oats are fragments of oats, they look like a powder at a distance, and a coarse powder up close.

              • +1


                they look like a powder at a distance, and a coarse powder up close

                (just staring at this poetic sentence like it has some sort of H P Lovecraft mind-control working in the background of it)

      • +5

        I’m still confused by this thread. How can one tell without looking inside the packet which Uncle Tobys products contain rolled oats and which ones contain 80s Pop Rock duo Hall & Oates??

        • +3

          ~it's in the list
          it's the thing you missed
          no wonder you're pissed
          it was on the ingredient liiiiist~

          ~it's on the list, you missed, no wonder you're pissed~

          • +2

            @Crow K: Pri-i-i-i-i-i-vate jibes, are mocking you…..
            a-bout your break—-fast food

  • I think 'whole' vs not is literally the size of the oat. Similar to long-grain vs broken rice grains, they're both the same food with the length being different.

    You'd be fine with this:…

    Quick oats, I believe, is even smaller/broken oats so they microwave quicker.

    • I buy the quick version of that. Coles and Woolworths sell both versions in their brand. The difference between normal and quick is the quick has been roughly ground so liquid is absorbed faster. Both are 100% Australian oats.

  • -1

    Unfortunately, you can't see inside the boxes to know what you're buying.

    You can't?

    Since when?

    • +2

      Most rolled oats are sold in clear plastic packets, so at least you won't be fooled into buying porridge.

  • +8

    Buy the homebrand ones. Much cheaper and cleae packet. Why pay extra for commodities? Its like paying a premium for branded sugar. Same producer!

    • I agree, that's what I usually do.

  • i buy rolled oats from

  • +2

    Get the feeling you've been rolling your own last night…

  • +2

    Wouldn't buy Uncle Toby's just on account of them being now being owned by Nestlé.

  • -4

    Can't ask a simple question on here anymore, without getting a bunch of nasty smart-arses who think they're extremely intelligent and that google solves everything

    • +6

      You seem really uptight.
      Maybe introduce some bran to your oats regimen.

      • Quick oats? or Rolled.. maybe some uncle tobys will work?

        • All Bran( to avoid confusion with quick oats in the muesli bowl.

      • +2

        Not even a mention of oats, let alone quick Vs rolled.🤷‍♀️

      • you got "Comment score below threshold." without any votes

    • +1

      The issue your having is the question you asked.
      You’ve asked about something that is very easily found on google.

      Of course people are going to wonder why you didn’t just search yourself.
      Plus it’s also such a random discussion point that it lends itself to getting a little banter.

      And FWIW

      bunch of nasty smart-arses who think they're extremely intelligent

      Basically sums up 99.99% of people on the internet and especially those that frequent forums.

  • +2

    First world problems.

  • +2

    I wasn't really complaining here. Just confused about terminology perhaps. I have thought my whole life that rolled oats are what's in muesli, and that quick oats are porridge oats, i.e. fragments of oats. And the links people sent to the uncle tobys page don't solve this, because they contradict what's in the packet.

    • +5

      For what it's worth, the number I called was 1800 025 061

      I pressed 4, asked to speak about "Uncle Tobys", then "Breakfast" and then asked for whoever was in charge of "Oats" and they gave me someone in product support (I think he said his name was Rob, he only said it at the beginning to the call, and they'll likely have a call centre so I doubt you'd get him as well)

      Maybe you'll reach a more satisfactory result doing it yourself.

      I frankly don't care how 'nasty' you think I am (though I've spent more time than you have solving your oat problem, both online and on the phone, let the record stand), but I think it would be hilarious if they received more calls from lifetime oat enthusiasts specifically accusing them of lying about what oats they have in their packaging.

      Good luck, Grampa, stay confused and angry.

  • +1

    I have a feeling that rolled oat production sites in Straya may have been reduced or amalgamated. A lot of home brand whole rolled oats not contain more dross,seconds,discoloured,fragmented and other inferior contents. There might be additional 'seconds' streams on the production line these days, but things have changed. UT are probably value adding their other downstream products with what ARE closer to 'quick oats' than whole ,clean rolled type as per normal. All that said, UT support is the place to ask or arc up. Provide feedback to this thread so we can ll punish them at the checkout, if they are using dodgy labelling or duping the mob.

    We could be on the cusp of a porridge revolution or war.

    • -2

      I have a feeling that rolled oat production sites in Straya …..

      Really? What is your experience with rolled oats production sites elsewhere in the world? Is the rolled oats quality better in Bosnia & Herzegovina? Antarctica?

      • It's a feeling based on a global trend, but heaps of industry is being centralised,(usually after foreign takeover) and by judging the similarity between non brand rolled oats products now, and VS a few years ago.
        The poor consistency seems to be uniform for all home brands.
        Not an oat connoisseur, or across the global market,but if I was I think (another trend) the USA would be claiming oaten superiority.
        Global ag food production is a massive juggernaut, and like all juggs, the market rewards centralised locations, automation and minimum workforces (or cheap ones). Maybe that also explains the quality drop. Are all our oat products local?

        See how clean the oats look in the link below?…

        Homebrand (based on appearance) are usually much dirtier looking with more dross and fragments. Bit hard to quantify by such small imagery. Have a gander next time you go shopping

        • I've noticed the disparity between not just the appearance of various rolled oats offerings but also the taste & texture - homebrands always look like the poorer cousin.

          However, we've recently switched from Red Tractor to Coles Organic range & I could not detect any difference between them, aside from the price, of course, when they are not on special. I wonder if the Coles Organic is perhaps a dupe ??

          I expect that there are grades of oats just like with any other food stuff and that it varies throughout the year depending upon seasonal changes. I also expect that if the packaging states that it is Australian grown then the provenance is correct.

  • +2

    Why Uncle Toby's?

    Just buy some Woolies branded rolled oats-…

    $2.60 for 1.5kg.

    Admittedly I only buy the quick oats but the regular rolled oats look good to me and the same as the more expensive name brands.

    Just like most raw produce such as milk, sugar, salt, flour, bottled water there's very little difference between home and named brand.

    Admittedly, I buy more expensive rice because the variety is different.

    • Rice quality and type are very diverse. Cheapest rice is not very good. I recommend short grain rice, sushi rice or arborio risotto rice.

      • Depends what I'm eating.

        Currently eating
        - Australian grown SunRice Premium Topaz Jasmine Rice, go to rice for Asian food, fried rice etc.
        - SunRice Super Premium Koshihikari, for Japanese/Korean dishes.
        - Alishaan Super Basmati - recommended here on OZB, used for Indian and Mexican dishes.
        - Arborio, unsure of brand, used for risotto. Only make it once or twice a year.

        The marketers love to use the works Super and Premium don't they? haha

        • And ORGANIC !! … don't forget the magicly selling "organic" mantra !!!

          • @LFO: I think Organic is objective and can be proven/disproven.

            Super and premium are objective.

            Grass fed beef or lamb is another one that annoys me. It costs more money to buy grain so of course farmers let their cows/lamb feed on grass.

            • +1

              @JimB: Funny thing is that feeding on grass brings far better tasting beef.

              About "organic": Yes it is very specific term but it is used just as a marketing tool. The produce might be organic but all the collection, processing and packaging makes it non-organic.

              • @LFO: "hormone free chicken"

                hormones haven't been used for chicken in Australia for 50 years.

                • @JimB: Good one!

                  Probably hormones have never been used all that much, as it is more expensive than common chicken feed …

  • All Uncle Tobys oats are “rolled oats”. The differentiation is quick rolled oats vs traditional rolled oats.

    • So it's how fast they roll them?

  • +1

    Ffs a new low arguments over bloody oats , Go figure….🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

    • Nah - endless posts about returning an opened mobile phone to JB is the limbo low

    • Theres been a few pissers in the last few days…. leave this for dead…

  • +1

    There's likely a 1800 phone number on the box for consumers to call. Ring and explain your problem, and if you're nice and polite, they might send you a gift voucher or something.

    • But is the voucher for quick oat, porridge or rolled oats?

      • +2


  • Only Uncle Toby would know.
    Good luck.

  • +3

    The ancient grains product you purchased is a blend including rye, quinoa and millet.…

    Perhaps the appearance is influenced by those other grains?


      (it's one hell of a ride)

  • +1

    Just the broken ones

  • They are tasty, does it really matter?

  • +1

    Are you after steel cut oats?

  • I left the supermarket varieties and went to the good folk at 4 Leaf milling in SA… and actually buy lots of their steel cut organic oats that are a great start to the day.

  • +1

    Can you post a photo of what yours look like?

  • +1

    I'm very happy with the rolled oats from Aldi. Nice big flakes, not all chopped up like quick oats.

  • Post a photo please, and let OzB adjudicate.
    In any case, you're paying ten times as much as no-name rolled oats.

  • From my experience on making porridge (breakfast) and also baking a cake (based on oats) the humble Coles Rolled Oats (Coles brand) are the best or with the best (and cheapest).

    Instant oats and the lot are heavily processed ones.
    Uncle Tobys (and many other fashionable brands and flashy packaging) will then co$t more but are about the same … the same after massive industrial processing ….

  • Just to add more confusion …

    There are rolled oats and also there are steel-cut oats … :-\

  • According to Carol Barnes(, Americans also don't know what rolled oats are.

  • dystopian replies

    feels like im in the twilight zone with this thread

    • what do you think tHho?

  • This is the weirdest thread I have ever read!
    As the OP alludes to earlier, the issue is in the terminology which they are using - specifically the use of the term "Whole Rolled Oats".

    The fact is that both the Quick Rolled Oats variety and the Traditional Rolled Oats variety are "whole" (ie wholegrain) rolled oats.

    Rolled Oats are oat kernels that have been steamed and then rolled into flakes.

    The only difference between Traditional Rolled Oats and Quick Rolled Oats is the size of the flake.

    Quick Rolled Oats are cut into smaller, thinner flakes which makes them quicker to cook. That's the only difference - the size to which they are cut and rolled.

    Both varieties contain the whole grain of the oat kernel.

    The difference in quality noticeable between different brands is due to the extent of the steaming process. The more intensively and the more times the oats are steamed, the softer they are.

    Uncle Tobys steams uses a triple-steam process to soften its oats. Other suppliers which steam for shorter periods will have oats that are tougher and take longer to cook.

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