This was posted 12 years 6 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W - Pope Lawnmower $198

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Bought this from the Mirrabooka store today, they had one more left. It's in the catalogue as well

After doing some online research on the cheaper brands I noticed comments said go for a Briggs & Stratton engine. People bagged the cheaper Sanli brand. The main issue will be wear and tear to wheels, catcher and other parts besides the motor. People will also recommend you could buy a 2nd hand better brand, such as Honda.

Lawn mowing services cost about $100 these days so I'd say this is a good value entry level mower to get the job done yourself. And its red so it goes faster.

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  • -1
  • +6

    pope mobile

    • LOL! That's the fist thing that came to my mind when i saw the title too.

      • I was disappointed to be honest when I saw that this was not in fact, the popemobile

        • It comes with a funny hat though….

    • +1

      So it's bullet-proof then?

  • How's this compare with the automatic also at bigw

    • I've used my automatic once.. for $138 seems a good deal.

      starts first pull, really powerful. tackles things my old Victor 4 stroke would have issues with it

      catcher is a little small but looks the same size as the Pope mobile.

  • I have a pope lawnmower and I would not recommend it if you need the catcher. The outlet flow into the catcher is only half of its full length, with the result that it became blocked up within a few meters and would require manual dislodgement. Basically this mower was unusable for me with the catcher on, performed okay without it however.

  • The catcher is not very good is it…. to me thats a fairly important part of mowing a lawn, catching the clippings.

    • I've never really been able to fathom why someone would wish to remove the clippings given you end up extracting nutrients from the plot. Unless you're a bowling club i guess…and the Pope's visiting.

      • Grows back twice as fast. Not much fun in Summer. I'd rather knock back more beers than mow the bloody lawn.

    • my dad does gardens and he usually mulches back into the ground rather than catching for most lawns…

  • Yes these have a very poor catcher system. They clog up very easily. They also hold very little clippings and fill up super quick. If you have any kind of substantial yard you will never want to go near this mower.

  • +1

    If you want a cheapie lawnmower, wait until you see a Talon lawnmower on sale at Bunnings or BigW somewhere and buy one! I bought one about 5 years ago thinking it would just be a throw away before first service, but still going great guns… starts first time every time.

  • +2

    Friends don't let friends buy cheap lawnmowers, always ends it tears…

    • +2

      We were never that close…

      • well, if you buy me dinner first…

  • how about this compare to ?

  • i got the 909 16" B&S engine from masters for $179

    has a plastic catcher not a soft one

    does the job-ish…

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