$50M Winner - What Is The First Item You Will Buy?

Okay, one of the FB group member posted this anonymously. Obviously, jealous person initial reaction will say its fake or “photoshopped”. He already uploaded several photos as evidence, and even the monitor screen of his lotto account.


Anyway, as per the title, what is the very first item you will buy if you win this much $$$?


    • +2

      Not if they keep their mouth shut….

      • +1

        That's probably harder to do than keeping your murders a secret.

      • +2

        This is key. Tell no one.

        • +1

          Talkin' to myself because I am my own consultant

  • -1

    Food for the pantry.

  • +7

    Pay off debts of family and close friends.

    Travel 1st and business class.

    Sell house and move to a nicer house in a better neighbourhood but same locality.

    Buy an apartment in a European country for the northern summer and attend sporting events. eg. tennis; French open and Wimbledon.

    Invest the money diversely. Try and live off the income. See a financial advisor for advice only; but not let them take any control.

    Update my will.

    • Yeah look after a few close friends as a big once off thing would be nice. The good friends I have known for a while I feel are smart enough with money. Donate some to smaller charities in smaller amounts to not overwhelm them as all.

      Find a hobby that is enjoyable and can be turned into a way to create income

  • +16

    Zinger box

    • +7

      Upsized, because why not?

      • +2

        plus all the suggested snacks? ;)

        • +3

          Let's not get crazy…

    • Make it a Zinger Stacker box because you know, can afford now

    • +1

      Shut up and take my money

  • either the anon is the someone's mom from Melton posting on Facebook or one of the poorer people who won $5M each only.


    $50M. buy apartment building n charge $1K rent per room. Use balance of the money & live like wolf of wall st.

    • The mum from City of Melton bought a single ticket online

      Possible? Screenshot shows single online ticket

      • +4

        She bought it off OzLotteries. Screenshot shows TheLott website so I don't think so

  • +3

    Open up a shop for price matching with a retailer.

  • +4

    Hire a limo full of naked bimbos to go and hand in my resignation form.

    Then party at my beach house with said naked bimbos. Then i can afford private hospital after my heart attacks.

    • +4

      Sounds like "Weekend at Bernie's" prequel.

  • +7
    1. I would pay off my mothers mortgage, give her an allowance (shes really bad with money lol) to retire overseas which she wants to do.
    2. I would pay off the mortgage of the 2-3 people who helped me in my life and stayed with me and supported me
    3. I'll buy myself a modest home and eff off and travel the world on a "budget". I am not all for that high lux life, material things no longer interest me anymore.
    • +1

      but the question is, What Is The First Item You Will Buy? ;)

      • +5

        Ohhh my bad, I went off to la la land.

        Most likely a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant by myself. :)

  • +8

    My property is already paid off, I live on a farm. Even with $50 mil I wouldn't move. I'd buy properties for the kids but have them as investment properties until they decided to move out of home. I'd also have trust funds put aside for when they move out of home. I already commit a quite a bit of my wages to charity so I'd make a few nice donations to them too (Food Bank, Lost Dogs Home, G'day Bird Sanctuary), pay off my family's debt & mortgages, we also fully sponsor a child and have done so throughout their schooling. I'd also provide the family with a savings fund too. Then I'd pay the best accountant I could find to help with investing the rest and live off the compound interest.

    Might buy a few more alpacca too.

    • +1

      you are very good human for sponsoring a child and contributing to the charities. I wish you win the lottery.

  • +1

    I would pay off my cousin's mortgage. I would buy a friend an EV and also buy an EV for a teacher at my kid's pre-school. She is just such an amazing person but drives this massive gas guzzler and my kid adores her.

    • +1

      While you're giving out EVs….can I have one?

      • Are you working in a field where you are under-appreciated and underpaid?

        • +1


  • +9

    A federal politician. Not sure what to to do the $49.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999M in change,though

  • +1

    A ticket for next weeks powerball

  • +2

    High yield investment vehicle… Maybe a Mercedes Benz AMG A200? and dont spare the "bells and whistles"…

    • No such thing as an AMG A200. You want the full fat A45S. The A200 comes in an 'AMG line' but I think you can aim higher than that.

  • +5

    Call me salty because I absolutely (profanity) am. I hate seeing this shit, I'm entitled and deserve it more than anyone else. Can't change my mind.

    • should be a 10M jackpot cap, and rest trickles down lesser divs

  • +2

    I can tell you that the first thing I do would not be to brag to randoms on Facebook about it.

  • Pay off the house and get a job doing what I like, not what I have to do to survive

  • +1

    I was planning to do this if I got $100m

    1) 10 mil for me and wife
    2) 10 mil for our kids
    3) Rest all for charity.

    Probably that's why I didn't win it… lol… :)

    • +7

      3) Rest all for charity.

      For 70M (or less depending on the amount of kids) i'll change my legal name to charity.

    • +1

      you have 8 kids is it?

  • Put most of it into AU and US index funds, a small proportion into bonds and savings acount just in case. Possibly put it into a trust so that I can't burn through it all.

  • +2

    $23M VAS
    $23M VGS
    $2M donate / gifts to family
    $2M travel / live it up for a while

    • +1

      That's a lot of VAS

    • Best advice in this thread, although i'd probably get some sort of tax efficient structure (trust???) before investing in funds.

      • you end-up paying accountants .. lol 😂

    • +1


  • +3

    God i wish that was me ='[

    now i got to go back to f—ken work

  • KFC

  • -1

    The area health service I worked for had a staff member ( we don't know who or which hospital they worked at…it was just known that she worked for one of them,and rumours were that she was a MO) that won $117 mil in Powerball a while ago now,but she was on record as saying she was going to continue working (she apparently"loved her job" that much)….and maybe buy a new car.I could not help but think "seriously ? You have won the sort of money that wars start over,and you want to stay in that job ??? (at least you have enough money to pay for the lifetime of therapy you apparently need).I would be dropping those shackles quicker than you can say "winner", buying a house in Paris,Capri, London and Bondi,then financing a heap of animal shelters ( and making them like resorts…aircon in every individual,brick house for all animals,cooked meals every day and day spas on tap).

    • Look, I would honestly still continue working because;

      • I genuinely enjoy my job, and I feel fulfilment
      • It's absolutely dumb to quit the very next day and make yourself a scam target
      • I've done the whole "no working" thing before - bloody awful (admittedly, it was Centerlink and Uni holidays but, awful)
      • I'm 32 - have more years in me left
    • Wow, how can you use so much punctuation, but still use it incorrectly?

  • +14

    'Would you like to add Guac to your burrito for $2'


  • A nice cup of tea

  • A surf board and a private beach in Bali/Thailand/El Salvador.

  • -2
    • Fail. Wrong lottery - wrong date

  • I wouldnt make any very large major purchases and i certainly wouldnt let it be public knowledge. Some renovations to house, maybe a new car or at least a low kilometre one and a good caravan.

    Invest the rest and after at least 6 months of time to consider what to do with the interest from the appropriate $49,500,000 invested.

    Always reinvest part to keep growing the total but then assist family.

  • Pay off the house and car then take 12 months leave without pay to ponder what comes next.

    You have to find something to do with your time and work is all most of us know. I like what I do and wouldn't mind the option of going back if I was bored.

  • +4

    Fighter Jet

    • Elephant

  • +7

    I’ll spend most of the money on Charity. Except if she’s not there then I spend it on Crystal.

  • +3

    The first thing I buy is intelligence and a brain.

    Why is someone uploading evidence of their win? It's so easy to accidently dox yourself and then have every bleeding heart, scammer, and other assorted criminals after you because you suddenly have $50M and obviously lack common sense.

    Best thing for the winner to do is sit down, shut up, and think.

    • only a gosspgirl would be inclined to brag

  • +5

    Probably milk. I'm out of milk.

    • You could buy a cow, that way you won't run out of milk.

  • +7

    first thing, keep my big mouth shut. No dumb anonymous posts or telling friends and family as long as they "keep it secret" as sure as hell they won't.

    Then purchase house and car and a holiday home at beach, keep $10m in bank account and distribute the rest to various foreign accounts as a hedge.

    also it appears to be fake. It was a powerhit entry, he would have won slightly more than $50m if it was real.

    • +1

      yes I wonder - do actual winnings appear as round numbers like $50M ?

      • yep with a powerhit you get cumulative winnings and the winning amount is all your winnings combined so no it would not be a round number of 50m. i.e. I had an entry a few months back and I won Division 4 which was about $500, my winnings showed something like $1100 as being a powerhit I won other lower divisions as well.

  • House with land and privacy.

  • +4

    During a bad patch I was a bit depressed and tired. At that time I had to do a 4 hour drive to see relatives. During that drive I entertained myself with a similar question - What would I do if I won millions? This is what I decided. Also, I was so entertained thinking this through that the 4 hour trip went by very quickly.

    I decided:

    1. Wait for a couple of months before doing anything. Keep quiet about it and think the options through properly.

    Then probably:
    2. Buy a house in a great location and move there.
    2. Upgrade to a better car.
    3. Give a large amount to all immediate family members as either a payment against their debts or as an already established investment in their name (like EFTs). This would be on the basis that they don't blab to others.
    4. Do the same for very close friends and key extended relatives - those who have been significant to my life.
    3. Give a donation to a couple of key charities.
    4. Invest the rest in a diverse portfolio.
    5. Live off the earnings to fund a great lifestyle with a fair bit of travel to interesting places.

  • +3

    First thing, probably pay full price for chocolate milk at Coles/Woolies.
    Then I would follow this advice from Reddit.


  • -1

    You don't actually get the 50 mill anyway do you? Don't you either get a significantly lower upfront prize or the whole prize paid out over many many years?

    • +1

      That's the USA you are thinkijng of… Here you get the money up-front.

      • Well there you go. Learn something new every day. Always though that wasn't the case. Lucky people's. Don't play lotto so can't complain that I don't win it.

        • +1

          I think it's actually fully tax-free as well, because it's considered gambling.

  • -8

    As a landlord, I would give all my tenants a year free rent after they occupied the home as good tenants for a period of 10 years. ie, 11th year FREE

    I would also then install the air conditioners they have been banging on about for years. They just have to buy the AC and i'll get it installed.

    Ummm, what else… I would really just continue the way I am going, but wouldn't tell anyone as people will take everything they can get their hands on… like OzBargainers who buy things they don't want/need just because of a price error, or to resell. Nothing against that, but a lot of OzBargainers are the human versioins of seagulls when there are chips about.

    • +4

      Wow, don't go too hard on the niceness there pal

    • You are the worst human ever

  • +2

    Buy a house in a nicer area Logan is ass

  • +2

    So easy to fake the website to show you've won.

  • +1

    GTR R34

  • +1

    4M -buy the family farm.
    1.5M -pay off family mortgages of brother & sister, give a similar amount to other brother who hasn't purchased yet on condition he uses it to buy a house
    1M -give to parents, let them retire without worry.
    1M -build dream home on family farm (likely wouldn't cost this much, All I need is a big shed with a workshop & a standard home)
    500K -dumb shit like cars, boats & other frivolous nonsense I would honestly struggle to spend this
    42M -long term ultra safe investments, re-invest most of the returns & live comfortably on the rest doing whatever I want on the family farm.

    • 1M bit stingey i'd give them 2 each atleast

      i'd live of the land too nice country home

      • Naa giving them too much would end with them (or their partners) doing dumb things with it & blowing it all.

        Thats why I would pay off their mortgages, it sets them up for an easy life but locks the cash away in an asset they won't just piss into the wind.

        I would also never tell anyone exactly how much I won/how I won it (let em assume my stocks suddenly went wild) . Easier to say it's all gone once I buy all the big ticket items I want & pay off their homes. I am already a miserable miser, that wouldnt change if I won big.

  • +1

    A 200k motorhome and a husky.

  • +1

    A small island and everything needed to live off-grid

  • Lol as someone who uses photoshop alot that's not even a good edit…… Looks like something done in paint. The alignment of the text itself looks way off as well as alot of other things I won't go into detail.

  • +1

    My current home, if not included. A getaway apartment in Manly NSW.

  • I don't think I'll settle down with that kind of money. No need to.

  • -1

    Give the wife half for safe keeping.

    Invest in 10 houses at 500k each, buy 10m in FMG, VAS, WBC, NAB, 5m in gold.

    Put 2m away for the kid in trust account.

    A Tesla Y. A new PPOR.

    Should leave me $1m in cash after all that.

    Quit my other job only doing UberEats from now.

    That's about it really

    • +1

      What's Aerith gonna do with 25M?

      • Date Zack behind my back 😂😆

  • I'd buy an annuity that pays a very decent wage for rest of my life (inflation adjusted).

    ie. 200k p.a.

    Even if i lose it all, I'll still get this monthly payment.

  • +8

    Rock up to work with a pimp cane and smoke cigars all day long until I get fired, then buy the company and fire the person who fired me

  • Obviously, jealous person initial reaction will say its fake or “photoshopped”. He already uploaded several photos as evidence, and even the monitor screen of his lotto account.

    Under "Entry Type", why is it spelt PowerHIt with a capital I and not PowerHit?

    The "$50,000,000.00" numbers at both the top and bottom of the page are also the wrong perspective with vertical positioning on the bottom number off by a few pixels

    These days, viral and guerrilla marketing campaigns are quite sophisticated

    • https://i.ibb.co/Qr4BVyq/demo-Copy.png
      The above image is what I copied and pasted from my recent ticket to check your claim. At 100% the font looks odd and it does look like a capital 'I' but it isn't

      … you seem to be incorrect about the other stuff, too, or at least the reason it appears that way.

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