This has to be the lowest it has ever been right?
Have fun.
This has to be the lowest it has ever been right?
Have fun.
$92.75 without Prime.
Ah yeah. It was missing the usual "Prime Exclusive deal" in bold font on this listing.
Note: This is the 980 not the 980 Pro so no use for PS5.
thank you, i bought first and thought later but after i thought i cancel
That’s the way
me fail english to
Pffft, killjoy. Thank you, I apparently can't read.
Seeing deals like this on OzB, are the benefits of staying up late,
except I don't have Prime membership (yet!), hah
Well you should hand in your OzB license
Well this fit be into a Lenovo gaming 3i 2021 model as a replacement for the main oddly sized SSD? Thanks Op
. it should , just use google if your not sure type Lenovo gaming 3i 2021 m.2 and see what comes up
what are the extras of the pro
It can be used in PS5.. rest wise, youll need to DYO research champ
Use it on the PS5? so you can put one extra game on it? come on 1TB minimum for the PS5
pci 3 vs 4 and dram vs ramless….these will last years so buy better and as you upgrade your PC you can recycle as external storage …..
Thank you bought for the ps5 been chasing one of these
//On second thoughts 500 GB is still small, any larger ones on discount?
Well crappy 500gb versions are $33 cheapest in Australia as a comparison so not bad deal
I guess, no?
As someone clueless about PC building, what should I look out for to check for compatibility? I'm running an old rig and my HDD recently died leaving me with only 256gb ssd :(
As long as you have an M.2 slot available, it should be compatible.
The newer generations of drives are faster if the slot is capable of those speeds, but will work on earlier versions of the slot.
As long as you have an M.2 slot available, it should be compatible.
Also make sure the slot is nvme compatible, it's rare but some only support SATA.
Absolutely this. Not all m.2 is Nvme.
Don't ask me how I know.
I think even if it doesn't have a slot you can get a pcie to m.2 adaptor, not sure if it's worth it to invest in an adaptor if you already have a upgrade planned sometime soon ,since pretty much all new boards will have m.2 slots.
I wanted a 2Tb but I'm not completely confident this will work in my setup so spending $60 is a cheap way to find out. I have a 1tb Crucial mx500 ssd m2 in my secondary slot on a B560m aurus pro board. It gives me 500mb/s read speeds. If this Samsung works in my primary m.2 slot I'll have a 1tb dedicated game drive with 3000mb/s reads for $60 can't complain about that.
This will work on your board, assuming you are running this model (or similar):…
Would this work on the recent M710q deal? I'm assuming this is a replacement for the 256 drive it came with. Or should I just go for a SATA 1 TB instead and get 1 TB and the existing 256?
I haven't had a desktop for many years so a little confused on the 2 different formats.
There is one M.2 NVME PCIe3.0 slot that would currently be populated with the 256, so yes you could replace it with this PCIe3.0 drive - no need for anything faster.
Thanks mate
Has anyone seen any 2tb deals at the moment?
Good to use as external drive in an enclosure?
Good question, would TLC SSDs in an enclosure suffer from voltage drop after e.g. 1 year of not using it lol
Nice. Just what the doctor ordered to breathe new life into an old'ish NUC currently running with a 5400rpm HDD.
Thanks, got 1.
Just tell me where can I use it and I buy it ..
It said only 1 left in stock so I bought 2.
Is PCIE 3.0 vs 4.0 really that much different for real-world gaming needs?
I'd say lack of DRAM cache is likely a big disadvantage for these SSDs IMO
Agreed. I ended up going for the 980 Pro.
Thanks. Got 2
Not Prime exclusive it seems.