• expired

[NSW] 30% off Default Market Offer & No Increase in 2023 @ Globird Energy


As per the title, GloBird currently seems to be the most competitive energy provider (at least in NSW) offering prices 30% lower than the reference price and guaranteeing NO Increase in 2023!

In addition to this, you can also get the following discounts:

  • Further 1% lower with 1% direct debit discount
  • Further 1% lower with 2% pay on time discount

Lastly, you could potentially also get the $50 credit upon joining, see deal here.

Note: The deal may be similar for other states as well but I can't attest so have marked it as NSW only.

Update: There have been reports from users that their rates are different when using a referral link compared to when checked on comparison website. If this applies to you, please ensure that you don't signup with higher rates and instead call up GloBird and ask them to apply the referral manually to their advertised rates. You will have to reach out to your referrer to get their account number etc so that GloBird can manually apply the referral.

PS. Please always check your welcome email as that should have the rates which applies to you. All the best :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (239)

$50 account credit for referrer & referee.

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GloBird Energy
GloBird Energy

closed Comments

  • +23

    Wow they actually ARE cheap again.

    Originally, about 6 months ago, what they're showing now, was the price.
    When I compared them to NECTR just 2 weeks ago, they were WORLDS more expensive; almost 1:1 with the new Origin rates.
    Now they're back down again. I dislike instability.

    Thats my only experience with them; but anecdotally this isn't uncommon for them.
    Just be aware that being billed monthly, they're ALEGEDLY known to jack prices.

    • +9

      they're ALEGEDLY known to jack prices.

      That's right, however they are promising no increase in 2023 so probably not a bad rate for 6 months :)

        • Why do you need to pay that if switching providers?

      • +26

        Got an email from them the other week. They are upping my electric rates by 70%. They claim increase cost, which is about 25% more in VIC. However, they're taking the piss making it 70%, trying to capture people who don't follow-up with these type of stuff, disgusting as they're doing in a time where people are starting to struggle.

        • +3

          Same experience here - was on about 33c peak, and they increased to nearly 50c. I left for Redenergy after which Globird send me a proforma email asking if there's anything they can do to make me stay

          • +7

            @bom72: "Yeah there is, can I keep my current rate?"

            Globird: Don't let the door hit you on the way out

            • @dbmitch: I tried them and some other popular retailers, but gave up. Lock in and they change it, regulators change market pricing annually, this alone gives them ample excuses/ reasons and oppos to maximise their fees.

              Then moved to energylocals.com.au, a non profit run for the members. Rates are wholesale / no markup and consistently near the lowest cheating ‘cheapies’ of the month.

              Since moving there years ago I’ve not had a reason to change. Major relief given how all these companies treat the breaches of customer data they fail to avoid every other month.

              Presently they’re a bit more than glo/tang and co, as market prices have just ratcheted again, thanks to the AER deciding on increases in the industries’ favour… again

              • @resisting the urge: I note on energylocals their energy rates will change 1 August. Do you know if the new rates area already published, and would you mind sharing?

        • Same experience hence decided to move to Tango energy.

        • I hate to be blunt, but it’s not a companies responsibility to be responsible for those who are “struggling”. Don’t forget just like any other company it’s a business first. Vote with your money and take your business elsewhere if the competition is better.

          • +2

            @Johnsmithaus: As someone who has worked for multiple energy retailers in Vic for a long time, yes absolutely they used to game customer inertia with regular price rises. It was clockwork.
            The state govt then mandated the comparison rate and created the energy compare website, which succeeded a bit in ending the party - all the tricky huge pay-on-time discounts on inflated base rates disappeared.

            But I hate to say it - as with so many things customers get milked because on the whole they don't get off their asses.
            The govt keeps flicking $250 at us to do that, but the ass is large and heavy …
            The problem is that most consumers don't shop around, so on the whole competition is reduced.
            So for the ones who do shop around, all they can get is a less bad deal - there are precious few good deals to be had.

            • +3

              @Roddi: Righto then, please help us decipher the bullshit and pick a retailer haha!

              Consider myself relatively intelligent, but I cannot make heads or tails of most energy offerings, which I assume is deliberate.

      • +5

        So long as that's actually contracted in.

        That was what sold me on NECTR, they were a few cents higher than the bottom of the barrel cheapest, but their promises were in their documentation, not just on their website.


    • +3

      I'm listening…

    • +1

      They all seem to have been busted at-least once by the ACC, hopefully they all have learnt.

    • Now they're back down again. I dislike instability.

      Totally.. but in my understanding, once you sign up, they don't change the rates for a year - as is the case for most providers. Happy to be corrected.

      • +10

        Might want to check your T&C. All new contracts I've seen with major providers in 2023 have comments allowing price changes with notice. Simply Energy gave me 1 week notice on a 30% increase about 3 weeks ago. I'd been with the less than 3 months. Energy Australia bumped me up twice in the previous 12 months. I doubt these two examples are alone.

      • +2

        They are about to increase mine in Aug. Signed up at 3 months ago. At Vic.

        • Same here!! Took 6 weeks for gas to switch, had one bill at the sign on rate, then I got the increase notice!!

      • Signed up to Globird Jan, transferred in Feb, price jacked June

        • So the new rate is even better than I was on for the first 6 months this year, and significantly better than what they tried to move me onto July 1 (Moved to another provider). Power prices for in Sydney.

          Below are your new energy rates which will take effect from 01 Jul 2023.

          All dollar amounts on this notice are GST inclusive.

          Charge Description (Power)

          Current Rates
          Before Discount(s)

          Current Rates
          After Max Available Conditional Discount(s)
          Daily Charge ($/Day) $0.7700 $0.7469
          Anytime Usage - Step 1: 0.00-20.00 kWh/Day ($/kWh) $0.2739 $0.2657
          Anytime Usage - Balance ($/kWh) $0.3080 $0.2988

          Time is Australian Eastern Standard Time

          Total conditional discount(s) available for this plan is: 3% *

          This discount(s) applies to both the usage and daily supply charges

          Charge Description (Power)

          New Rates
          Before Discount(s)

          New Rates
          After Max Available Conditional Discount(s)
          Daily Charge ($/Day) $0.8030 $0.7789
          Anytime Usage - Step 1: 0.00-20.00 kWh/Day ($/kWh) $0.4059 $0.3937
          Anytime Usage - Balance ($/kWh) $0.4510 $0.4375

          Time is local time

        • Current Web offer:

          Daily Charge $/Day 0.67100 0.65090

          Anytime Usage - First 20 kWh/Day# $/kWh 0.26620 0.25820
          Anytime Usage - Balance $/kWh 0.29700 0.28810

    • +2

      Do they have the PDF Basic plan information? I don't really trust if it is just on the banner.

  • +3

    Their network charge is lower than my current provider. That charge accounts for about 40% of my electricity bill.

    I suspect with all the new investment required to connect the grid to the new solar and wind generation, it won’t be long before the network access charge is the biggest part of our power bills. Maybe electricity will be free and you will just pay a flat rate to connect the wires to your home!!! /s

    • +7

      I know you said /s, but I think that is close to where it is heading.
      Much of the cost for renewables is fixed, and relies on large transmission links to ship power from where it is windy/sunny to where it isn't.
      Add to that the social issue of apartment dwellers and renters who can't easily install their own PV, and there will be pressure to solve the supply cost effectively.

      With high prices for fossil fuels and environmental considerations, I think people will increasingly prefer to pay more for a predictable connection cost, that maybe covers the first 25kWh per day, or similar.

      • Saul Griffith (engineer/evangelist) describes renewables as moving the debate to a “cost of finance” rather than a cost of fuel. That is the main cost of running a solar farm - aside from maintenance - is the financing cost - as opposed to a coal-fired power station where coal is the main cost.

        While maintenance is an issue for the grid, the cost of financing the poles and wires will be what we are going to pay for, so yes the network charge will become a bigger part of our power bill.

        On a cool sunny and windy day, they will have more electricity than the country can use, so electricity will become cheap and going off-grid will become much more attractive to avoid network costs.

        • +1

          Hard to see any serious network off-grid move where the network already exists.
          To have reasonable power, you need 3 days usage in batteries to get you through a rainy week, and even then you will have times in winter when power is short.

          At the moment, that is something like $60k in batteries and another $10k in PV panels. And if battery costs fall dramatically to make it economic, those economies will be present in the utility network too.
          So while power usage from the grid will be lower where people can install PV, going off-grid won't be an option for most of them. The benefits of a grid with supply diversity that can be supported by gas or hydro in the small fraction of times it is both dark and windless everywhere is a lot cheaper and more reliable than trying to do it all yourself.

  • +1

    I was checking this lot out last week and calculated that they wouldn't be too far off from Red Energy in terms of cost for me, as their Controlled Load 1 rate for Ausgrid is quite high compared to their competitors.

    Although it would almost definitely be cheaper all around to just replace the electric water heater with a heat pump and connect it to the regular meter.

  • +1

    How can they afford to do this?

    • +7

      probably they bought electricity futures while the prices were down - not sure how it really works in practice but that is the only way I think they can offer lower prices in 2023.

      • Yeh same as NSW government they had minimal increase in cost comparatively. Just 7.5% on network charges nothing on energy as they pre bought power.

    • +4

      By screwing their existing customer base, and hoping they can’t be bothered switching. They’re most interested in the fresh meat, but ironically they treat them nicely until they’re ripe enough

    • +3

      By gouging Victorians it seems

  • +16

    Horrendous prices is VIC. They are above the reference price across all 3 electricity plans.

    • +5

      Yeah I'm with these guys in VIC. I need to find a better provider for sure

      • Me too, unfortunately, no provider is better, for now.

        • +5

          I'm in VIC and been with Globird for many years. In process of switching to Tango, much cheaper.

          • @snensnay: I am given this rate now for Gas with Tango.

            Daily charge (¢/day)

            Non-summer rate (¢/MJ)
            May – Oct
            First 50 MJ per day:
            Next 50 MJ per day:
            Next 50 MJ per day:
            Next 100 MJ per day:
            Balance per day:

            The increased rate from Globird in Aug.

            Gas Daily Charge ($/Day) $0.7150

            Gas Usage Winter
            - Step 1: 0.00-100.00 MJ/Day ($/MJ) $0.0299
            Gas Usage Winter
            - Balance ($/MJ) $0.0249

            The daily rate for tango is higher than Globird.

            • +3

              @OhNoUShiz: I switched to Tango from Globird because of the massive recent VIC electricity rate hikes.

              For gas though, yes the daily charge was higher but I was still (slightly) better off switching to Tango based on my usage.

            • +1

              @OhNoUShiz: Do your maths. Model your usage from your bill on both rates and see which is better. Tango much better for me.

              • @snensnay: How do you calculate for Tango rate for all the first 50MJ as compare to Globird 100MJ per day which is much easier to calculate?

            • +1

              @OhNoUShiz: Same, which is why I'm switching from Tango Gas to Globird Gas.

      • Same.

  • +7

    I'm with Globird in Victoria but they're hiking prices so I'm going to churn. No issues with them but it's always prudent to look for alternatives when you get a notification of rate rises. Fortunately they've provided about 3 weeks heads up

    • Any recommendations?

      • +1


      • AMBER

        • I noticed some retailers start charging fee, to lower their daily charge, to make it seems cheaper.

          • @OhNoUShiz: you mean Amber? Amber works very differently to all the retailers, trying to pass on the actual market price (and charge a subscription fee)

            • @randomdude14: Amber and some other retailers. Yes fixed subscription fee. I did the calculation globird is still cheaper in the daily rate compare to amber.

              • @OhNoUShiz: Now that's a sign of inaccuracy. You CANNOT really do a comparison as the Amber rates will be the market rate in the future. You could take an old bill an use the average cost for comparison but that is totally off. Only way to really compare is taking the market pricing report at half-hour intervals and compare with your usage at the same intervals which is mere impossible.

                • +1

                  @randomdude14: Thanks for the explanation. I didnt get how amber charges.

                  • +1

                    @OhNoUShiz: all good. Took me a while to figure that out too. It was great pricing in VIC at first, then last year was a bit of an anomaly with the market pricing skyrocketing (and most retailers made losses that were covered by their insurance) - but in a normal market they always come out ahead. (admittedly, I'm particularly upset about the energy mafia in this country)

  • Where do they say no increased rates of 2023?

    • just under the flying man on their website.

    • +2

      Worthless promise. Less than 6 months and everyone just raised their prices. Earliest will see further rises is 2024.

      • Thanks. Currently with Red energy locked rates till Jan 2024 anyway and this is cheaper.

  • +1

    Signed up to one of their plans a few weeks ago after Energy Made Easy: https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

    • Hah, same answer 1 minute apart.

  • Hope that they are good. Energymadeeasy had it top of their comparison list for NSW and after reading mostly good reviews I joined them 2 weeks ago.

  • Ugh, they only give you an acceptable Solar FIT for the first 8kWh per day, then it plummets to uselessness.

    • Yeah it’s 1c in SA. But it seems like you can get a decent FiT OR ok electricity rates. Having both seems to be rare.

      • +1

        I have a battery, so I mostly just chase the lowest daily supply charge and the highest FITs. I more or less don't use grid electricity.

      • They were cheap for gas vs all other SA providers but 1c for FiT was pathetic.
        I ended up going with 'the people's grid'. Works out best for me with TOU and Solar

  • +8

    be careful with globird. they get you in with lower rates, then jack them up massively. you will need to change in 6 months i feel

    • +3

      I joined Globird three months back. I tried to contact them to find a better rate (just a random try) and I was offered a cheaper plan which they have recently come up with. Thus, I am on a cheaper plan than what I joined on three months back. Here are my current rates: https://imgur.com/Oaodh5G

      • +1

        Great information mate. I'm in a very similar situation - joined in May and have just received my first bills with the exact same "current rate" as you. I'm going to push for the "new rate" as it'll save me a good $100 over the year.

      • +2

        I used to be able to get quotes on my own address and bring up to them if it is cheaper than my current plan with them. They have since disabled it.

        • +3

          Try to use your neighbour's address for the comparison sake. It should work.

      • In wich state you are? I'm in Vic and price is about twice of yours.

  • +1

    I have electricity and gas and pretty much each month I bend over and get fisted by AGL repeatedly then I go to work.

    I can no longer handle the pain. Which plan is the best from these guys?

    • +1

      wear a chastity belt or live in a cave?

    • +1

      Just relax - it won't hurt as much then.

  • +1

    does globird charge demand tariffs? EnergyAustralia is killing me with demand tariffs which are almost double my actual consuption costs

    • Ask EnergyAustralia to attempt a tariff change with your distributor.

      • They refused so I switched.

      • If move to another retailer with TOU , then switch back to Energy Australia , will they change our one back to demand ?

    • +1

      nerf bowler

    • Energy Australia put me on Demand tariff too. I am trying to opt out. If it doesn't work, I will leave them.

    • I'm wondering this too. I switched to GloBird last week after Sumo jacked everything to "piss off" prices.
      But I was a on demand tariff on Sumo - I think that's the default for my address.
      I signed up to GloBird on their TOU tariff - I'm hoping it goes through, though I am expecting a call any day now saying "sorry, we can't offer you a TOU tariff"

  • Not cheap in Greenacre.

    • Yeah, not cheaper for me either. Definitely not as simple as "NSW".

  • +4

    Wonder if it applies to current customers. I received a letter from them early June stating the revised 1 July 2023 prices which is like an extra 11-12c per kWh.

    • I moved off to Nectr after getting the same letter, and can get new quotes for my address at the 30% below default offer.

      Can you post when the next monthly bill comes in to see if they move you to this offer?

  • I'm currently with Red Energy. What's the best way to compare the price with these guys? So many pricing structures I'm really confused

    • I'm on the phone to red energy to see if there is a better rate. Been waiting for 1 hour!

      • Just sign up to Globird and you’ll get a call from the red energy retention team during the cooling off period with a sweetener they wouldn’t offer otherwise.

        • i changed and never got a call from RED
          had electricity and gas

    • Im on Red Energy and this deal is more expensive YMMV.

      • Interesting. A LOT cheaper than Red for me.

        • Yeah. Must be difference of suppliers or something like that. The controlled load rate for Globird was several cents higher unfortunately.

  • Comes very similar to my power shop electricity account. Cheap daily charge, expensive kwh. Comes similar anyway

  • +1

    I was with them since last October for electricity and gas. I was very happy on the Solar Plus plan (20c FIT), regularly getting big credits on my 10kW system.

    Since the price hike, they are mid in my comparison. I'm with Powershop now, but Red Energy's rates are also good.

    • 20c FIT is really good, especially on a 10kWh system coming into summer.

      • yeah the FIT is definitely the make-or-break between plans for us now. haven't paid a bill since getting solar, but looks like times are changing.

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