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Steplight Remote Controlled Power Sockets (X3) – 33% OFF - $29.95 + $7.95


Received this in an email from Steplight.

Normal price $44.95 + delivery

Remote controlled power sockets give you full control over standby power usage.

You’ll save money by ensuring your appliances and equipment are turned off when not in use.

Standby power now accounts for well over $100 per year on typical household electricity bills, so you can’t afford not to act!

Price includes 3 x Sockets and 1 x Remote.

Product Specifications
Model: Watts Clever ES-AUS1005
Recommended Retail Price: $44.95
Maximum Watt Load: 2,400 W
Power Rating: V AC 10Amp
Transmission Frequency: 433.92MHz
Transmission Distance: 20 Meters
Remote Dimensions: 12.5 x 4.5 x 1.7cm
Power Consumption: The remote control is battery powered (battery included). The sockets use less than 0.5 W of power when in ‘off’ mode.

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closed Comments

  • These power point devices are also available at Jaycar - I got mine for $30 on special - normal price $45 as per OP. Quite handy devices, work on radio frequency, so can work through interior walls.

    • EDIT: learnt to read the post..

    • Not the same, maybe similar

  • +1

    Yes same I bought them from Jaycar a few weeks back for $30 :)

  • .

  • 19.95 at Aldi

  • Bunnings sells a Kambrook branded version. I own some and they work fine. From memory, the same price for a pack of 3. I checked their website but couldn't find them. This doesn't sound like much of a deal to me.

  • DO any of these products have a light on the remote to tell you whether an appliance is on or off? I'd like to use it in a meeting room and checking the heaters are all off would be handy from the door, not walking around to each one.

    • Yeah a light would be handy, and what sort of wattage can tehse switch, can they do say a 2000W airconditioner? nvm read the op - 2400W.

      • I had a couple of Jackson sets rated for 1000W. My 72W fluro aquarium lights would screw them up, because it wasn't indicated in the specs was that the switching relays have trouble handling inductive loads.

      • The Aldi ones have a light, at least the ones I got do (not the same as in the link above).

        In fact its too bright! I have one on my bedside light (I am lazy!) and had to put tape over the blue LED as it gave too much of a glow in the bedroom.

        Highly recommend these gadgets but I don't think the price here is anything special. Plus the Aldi ones came with 4 sockets + remote and one socket also has an optional dimmer function on mine.

        [EDIT] this is the type I have:


        • We were meaning a light on the remote, to show you if whatever it is on or off. Like something in a different room etc.

        • Oh sorry, misunderstood.

        • You'd have to pay a premium for robust two-way wireless communication to facilitate it, as the current ones can be hit-and-miss which would cause the light to get out of sync with the switch state. Plus, LED indicators in this context would slash the remote's battery life from years to weeks/days.

    • DO any of these products have a light on the remote to tell you whether an appliance is on or off? I'd like to use it in a meeting room and checking the heaters are all off would be handy from the door, not walking around to each one.

      Even without a light it's simple - just hit the 'off' switch on the remote. lol

      • This is where the one in this bargain might be better than the COTD one. The COTD one has one button per device - OFF/ON where the one in the deal has ON and OFF. You can never be sure the COTD one is off unless you go to look at the LED or turn everything off.

  • You can get these free from Embertech :)

    • I thought Embertec stopped their offer?

  • Was at Bunnings today. They have an Arlec 3 pack with controller for around $29 - slightly cheaper and no need to pay postage

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