This is a great price for this wheelset. Cheapest in the world and it has good return policy's.
Item will be shipped from New Zealand so might take 1 more day to arrive.
Use the coupon: FIRSTPURCH2012 to get $10 off
This is a great price for this wheelset. Cheapest in the world and it has good return policy's.
Item will be shipped from New Zealand so might take 1 more day to arrive.
Use the coupon: FIRSTPURCH2012 to get $10 off
Its coming up as $499 for me before discount code is applied. No deal at that price.
If you are not racing in the hills, these look the same but slightly heavier and half the price:…
BTW, What is the difference between these and the $140 Shimanos?
Sorry guys, bought them last night and sale ended probably an hour after i listed.
Basically fulcrums have a great hub, though it does make a lot of sound. They ride smoother than the shimano's and the weight plays a big part.
'3 wheelset'…perfect for trikes :)