• expired

Dental Extra Cover (with up to 2 No Gap Dental Check‑Ups) from $149.70 Per Financial Year @ ahm


I think this is a deal and not sure if people are aware of this one.

It is a dental cover only and it's 50% extra cover meaning you get 50% back up to the annual limit which is annual bundle limit of $500 (across routine + complex + major dental).

The deal part is that you can get no gap dental check-ups at selected dentist "to offer you up to 2 dental check-ups per financial year with no out of pocket costs (up to your annual limit)."
Use this link to find the participating no gap dentist https://help.ahm.com.au/hc/en-us/articles/115009693807

No gap check up means
- Periodic and comprehensive examination (012 & 011)
- Clean and polish OR Scale and clean (111 & 114)
- Flouride Treatment (121)

X-rays,Tooth extractions, Fillings and other stuff would be at 50% back up to the annual limit.

Assuming, a standard checkup with dentist/hygienist is around $200 (correct me if I'm wrong). Then you can essentially get 2 check ups + clean per year (worth $400) from $149.70 per year for a single person, plus cover for complex and major dental should you need it.

Doesn't have a price for family cover, don't think you get this cover as a family. Also can't get a price for couple but should just be double of single person.

This would be a good deal for someone that just wants/needs dental care, and pretty cheap to get the basic dental care you need. It's 6 weeks free after their first 60 days if you get it before 30 June 2023, or you can add it to a hospital cover for up to 12 weeks free on combined hospital & extras, using code 12WFREEWW.

Also you get ambulance cover (exclude Tasmania and Queensland which have State schemes) as well which is a bonus.

(Duplicate offer removed from title — Mod)

Referral Links

Referral: random (294)

Referrer gets $100. Referee gets 6 weeks free after their first 60 days. Plus, any 2 & 6 month waiting periods on extras waived.

Related Stores

ahm Health Insurance
ahm Health Insurance

closed Comments

  • +88

    Petition your local member to get dental included under medicare

    Sure, get this if you think you need it, but petition your local MP too.

      • +1

        Heck we certainly pay enough taxes to expect a bit more coverage under Medicare. over the last few decades how much have taxes gone up? And how much has Medicare improved? We need to stop wasting tax income on inefficient infrastructure projects and welfare scammers. Not enough MPs even want to talk about these points. Crackdown needed.

    • How do you petition that

      • -4

        Just like the politicians can give nurses and pharmacists more power against the doctors union.

        Exactly the same way , we can get more dentists and increase supply as we sure as hell we can't reduce the demand. Pollies can allow more dentists to come in here and practice.

    • -5

      Read up a lot on this last election. If we ever got a denticare, whilst it would be great to have "free" dental, someone has to pay for it. I remember reading an article saying our tax would shoot up 20% if Denticare happens.

      I don't know about you all but I'm in 2 minds paying more tax, especially when I know I'll be paying for those that don't care about their teeth and drink soft drinks and eat sweets multiple times a day (certainly know a few people like this).. think the same bums on the dole but in a dental sense.

      Maybe I'm just being too cynical..,

      • +16

        By that logic people who don't take care of themselves should just die rather then be covered by Medicare. The ROI on dental care is huge, especially preventative. This short slighted, selfish mentality is how you end up with god awful American policy

        • +5

          Exactly. The US has the highest cost for healthcare in the world, yet for many the outcomes are quite poor. Their system is broken. We do not want to copy them (in fact, many US policies we have copied have hurt our people).

        • I think everybody in this forum is so used to getting freebies that they just want government to just make it for free.

          Without a single thought about how economics works..

          You fix this problem by increasing supply not by increasing demand and making the government pay for dental.

          If you do not want us going like America the solution is not to make it free.

      • You are the reason why America is the way it is.

        People like you.

      • Even if taxes would increase to cover it… then good.

        Taxes are paid by the rich. They can cover it.

    • -3

      Denticare is a terrible idea. Young people paying higher taxes then ever before and already can't afford basics like housing and now you want them to be taxed higher to pay for the Dental care of millions that don't work? Many struggling to afford their own dental care and now you want them to not only pay for their own but others - with the tax hike to cover this they probably wouldn't even be able to afford the Gap to see the dentist and lose access to any dental care. Entitlement gone wild.

    • -2

      Kids (under 18) are covered by Medicare, adults should be too.

      "Petition your local member to get dental included under medicare" - probably pointless for me to do though, my Federal Member is a Liberal and Liberals don't care for the poor. Still, sending an email takes little effort compared to arranging an in person visit.

      • Only eligible children are covered by CDBS at participating clinics, though from my understanding pretty much all children can be seen at public clinics (YMMV for accessibility and wait times for this however).

      • Yes and they probably understand economics better than your labour union hack who hasn't held a real job for his entire life.

  • This does not include free ambulance cover in Queensland.

    • Updated

    • +19

      Thats because being a Queenslander entitles you to free Ambulances across Australia, one of the best deals of all time https://www.queenslandcountry.health/cover-options/ambulance…

      • Does this mean as a person with a QLD license who is constantly travelling and living for a short time between different states I’m always covered for ambulance anywhere in Australia?

        • You have to prove its your principle place of residence, so if you travel for work it's ok but if you actually live somewhere else it will fall under that state.

  • I've been with ahm black 50 saver for years and certainly gotten my money's worth with included dental check ups.

    X-rays have always been included too in the no gap deal, but that might be up to individual dentists (Pacific smiles).

    • +7

      How are you feeling knowing that your claims history is now on the web in perpetuity and that Medibank/AHM knew that they had data security problems in 2018 but seem to have done nothing about it.
      I'm not sure that i'd feel better now.

      • +26

        The crooks know I care about my dental hygiene.

        • -1

          It's not just the crooks that know your dental history. Anyone can easily enough download the data now that it's in the wild. Friends, family, employers, insurers, marketers,… Hopefully there's nothing in your health history that someone might use to blackmail or discriminate against you.

        • +3

          From your comment it’s clear you may not understand the value or worth anyone can extract from information like that. Which is a shame because not looking into how it can affect you, let’s companies get away with this.

          Yeah, at best watch as your dental insurance costs suddenly change when you switch providers after they’ve seen your history

          At worst, pray that none of your information can be cross referenced against other databases to identify who you are, where you live, where you keep your money and other information that can be used to steal your identity.

          No one cares about data leaks until they find credit cards and home loans taken out under their name.

          No one cares until they’ve been a victim of identity theft and have to spend years explaining to every future employer, bank, insurance, tax agent, etc.

          No one cares till they can’t get a basic phone/SIM card from optus or telstra because your credit is ruined so deep that even paperwork explaining what’s going on still requires 6 weeks of follow up to get a sim and phone.

          I’ve seen this happen to more people who did everything to secure themselves than not, fall victim to horrible things because of information of theirs that have gotten leaked.

          Pray mate, that you aren’t there unfortunate soul who some guy happens to target because he saw your info on a few different leaks and managed to put enough together to ruin your life, even though you did everything right, none of it will matter.

          • @SmoothCactus: Just jumping in here to let you know that this isn't factually correct - unlike car insurance, life insurance, etc etc…

            Health insurance premiums will NOT change based on your lifestyle, previous claims, issues etc. You could have rubbish teeth and 5 fillings a year, and you will pay the same money for the same product as someone who has immaculate teeth and only goes to the dentist every 2 years. This is the law for private health in Aus

            As for the data side of things, separate point, and fair comments. Although I probably align with @JoeIT.

  • +9

    I left AHM on principle after the hack (medibank). I say vote with your wallet if you want them to improve!

    • Who did you go with?

    • But serious question, who did you go with and why? I can’t seem to find any comparable. Does any have no waiting period?

      • -2


      • +1

        HCF, Bupa

      • @yoquierotaco I went with HCF. A few dollars more per month more expensive for me.

  • +2

    My latest Checkup, Clean & Fluoride 012,114,121 was $270. Makes this a Bargain IF you are close to a no gap provider.

    • +12

      …and if you actually like them. And that they don't charge any other items during the checkup.

      • +1

        opg xray….

        • Extraoral and intraoral photographs, periodontal charting, oral cancer screening, occlusal analysis, pulp testing, dietary analysis and advice, oral hygiene instruction… I'm a clinician myself and by god have I heard it all.

          Not saying it's wrong to charge some of these items - like, if your clinician spends 10 minutes with you reviewing your brushing, flossing, interdental brush use (e.g., shows, has you demonstrate with plaque disclosing liquid, corrects your technique, has you demonstrate again) then that's certainly justifiable - but a lot of these no gap places give you 15-30 minutes only to do a full patient checkup/clean and there is definitely not enough time to be giving everything a proper go.

    • Did you get 50% back from the extra cover?

  • +9

    we should start ozbargain campaign to include dental included in Medicare.we all can sign it and share it so others can sign it too.

    • -2

      Have you ever thought if everyone got free dental care, what does that do to waiting times? What does that do to availability of appointments?

      The solution is not to bring in legislation and make it free, The solution an economic terms is to increase supply so it can meet demand.

      If it was so easy then why not start a campaign to give everybody beachfront houses.

      • every developed country that does have free dental loves it.
        Wait times for people who cant afford it (me) is infinite.
        Supply/demand cultists forget that it does not apply to things with inelastic demand (remember economics 101?)

  • +2

    Even better if combined with a referral code - $132.43/yr after the 6 weeks free promo, plus no waiting period

    • the EXTRAS6WF says waiting period apply and adding the referral says only applies to hospital cover

    • Says referral only needs hospital insurance for me

      • Ah apologies, just read the terms and it appears to require hospital+extras

  • +5

    Is it only the Pacific smiles dentists? That's all I can seem to see.

    • +1

      Same…the closest one is over an hour from here. Not worth it for me.

    • Yep. They're associated with AHM

    • +2

      Urgh that sucks. Been there and it's always different dentist, don't seem to care much, just in and out as fast as possible. Much prefer my local dentist who seems to care more.

  • +3

    Price only valid with Government Rebate for single income under 90k. Goes up to $199 with no rebate

    • Meaning?

      • +8

        Do you earn over $90k a year? Then it'll be $199.

        edit: It actually increases in increments over $90k, over $140k is $199

        • Does the government rebate change if I already have hospital cover?

          • +2

            @HardQuiz: Oddly, no. You can have even more than one lot of extras with more than one provider and get the rebate on them all BUT you can’t claim the same service with more than one. That would be fraud! But you can claim the limits on a fund until it’s worthless and then claim on the other fund; or if one funds extras allows for dentures and another does not, then put the claim into the one that does!

  • +1

    Ok, can someone help me wade through my brain fog. Say I got 2 check ups at $200 each. Would I only have $100 left to use for the year for other routine, complex and major dental claims?

  • +1

    Meanwhile, those without insurance pay an arm and a leg for a checkup and clean.

    • +2

      Mildura health fund and AHM have excellent extra offerings so no excuses really. Or apply for the free stuff by all means; you need your teeth after all - personally AHM Black 60 is the best offering of all the health funds and I have a spreadsheet of them all to prove it. But this comes a close second

  • aHM is a no frill low cost health insurance. Others may have better perk and even better value for money but you pay for it. Unless it’s a niche insurance you are after then aHM is a good deal.

    • -4

      No frill, low cost

      Unless you value your privacy. I can imagine an AHM customer in a job interview, "Tell us about why you saw a psychologist 3 years ago?", or if you get injured in a car accident in the future, "we know that you visited a physio back in 2017, so that tells us that you had a pre-existing injury".

      A few $$ saved on your premium now, could turn into an expensive mistake. Remember that AHM and Medibank weren't even willing to spend $1/customer to try and get the data back.

      • +5

        Yeah, because giving money to anonymous criminals is a good idea.

        • +2

          Better than showing no care, no compassion for your customers and paying your CEO a bonus.
          Plus, the hackers know that they need credibility, otherwise no-one would pay. Personally, I'd trust an anonymous hacker whose reputation is on the line over the arrogance of the Medibank and AHM execs who have proven themselves not trustworthy.

          • +3

            @CacheHunter: Yoo why so salty haha, once your data is hacked then its there forever, even paying the ransomware. AFP know this hence adviced them not to pay, same as optus and other companies thats not in the news.

            Agreed with you on their execs who still got paid well

            • @countmein: You sound as if you’re suggesting that since it was hacked, we might as well stop complaining.

              They had opportunities to secure their data, spend more on protecting it and taking better steps to prevent this from happening.

              Insurance agencies aren’t being hacked every year like nothing. For this to have happened at all requires a serious lapse in security, standard practice, foreaight, and care for your data.

              This was inarguably preventable, and any security researcher and anyone that managed their networks will tell you that if they’re being honest.

  • +2

    up to annual limit is killing this deal.

  • New customers only I think..

  • +2

    I have AHM hospital and this exact extra cover.
    They've rolled over our annual extra limits again this year. Being based in Melbourne, there's heaps of Pacific Smiles branches. The Glen Iris one has been great.
    They've also given cashback a few years in a row due to low claims, it's not much, but all adds up.

  • +7

    If you need more work like fillings and extractions and things, medibank with their 2/6 month waiting periods waived on Top 90 is a good option. Major dental is 12 months so be aware they're not waived. Not as cheap, but you should only need it for a couple of weeks to get the work done and then can cancel. They also have a 6 week free offer if you need it a bit longer. Has a lot of other stuff covered too.

    Use the promo code on this page: https://www.medibank.com.au/health-insurance/extras-cover/

  • +4

    Some pacific smiles no longer offer the No Gap service. My local one stopped doing it. They said the dentists that work there all decided they will no longer offer the no gap check up/ scale and clean / fluoride.
    Another one not much further away still does it.

    • Interesting! I wonder why.

      • +2

        Not worth it for them. AHM will only pay $X for those procedures, but the dentists now want to charge more.

  • Good price

  • Signed up for this last week, great deal for a couple as well for around $300 and ambulance cover included. Just the two check ups will cover the cost.

  • +1

    If I'm with another provider (Medibank) as a family, without extras…can I sign up with these guys just for extras?

    • Yes. Hospital and extras are seperate offerings. See my other post on even having more than one extras too. Black60 is my pick bang4buck

  • +1

    Does the price change if you earn more because of the rebate?

    • Yes - click the green bits at the very end of the page to change your income and/or age. Will go up by ~$50 if you don't get any rebate, or a sliding scale if you only get some rebate.

  • +3

    From my understanding the no gap is only at Pacific Smiles dental which is a corporate
    They pay their dentists less commission and are very kpi oriented which isn’t to say they’re any less qualified but it’s something to keep in mind

    • My mileage definitely did vary. My local has been very good. They were quite gentle and talked through everything, patiently answered questions. They don't overservice like some dentists. Good with kids and adults and a friend who was quite anxious about seeing a dentist and needed a little work done. At his request they used the gas for his extraction (covered under the Medibank Top 90). He'd been told by another dentist he needed 4 teeth removed, turns out he only needed 1 removed.

      Just depends on your local Pacific Smiles, but you are more likely to get that kind of experience I guess being a chain.

    • The one I worked at didn't really care for money KPIs like I've heard other corps can be, and last I heard is the only guy who got fired for not making enough money might as well have been giving away treatment for free. Say what you will about PSG but money tracking was not one of the issues. NPI, on the other hand… ugh.

  • +3

    I went to no gap dentist was told I have 12 issues to fix. When I went to another dentist with a small gap payment they told me nothing is needed to be fixed. Go figure 🙄

  • As someone who has neglected their teeth and gums for over 20 years is this a no brainer for me? I reckon I probably need a deep cleaning or two. And another wisdom tooth extraction. Would it cover a periodontist and gum surgery?

    • +2

      Yeah, complex dental is included but remember it's only a limit of $500
      So, seeing a periodontist and the fix, is not going to be cheap. Seeing a highly trained specialist.
      I'm speaking from current experience.

    • +2

      Read the PDS. Periodontist is covered. Wisdom tooth is 12 month waiting period before you can claim (not waived - they are only waiving the 2 and 6 month items), and remember the max you can get back in a year is $500 and you are going to be paying way more than that so may be best for you to consider another policy that pays more. That said - you technically don't qualify because the PDS makes it clear that all claims are subject to their doctor confirming that it was not a pre-existing condition and I suspect they can get out by saying a lot of yours is wear and tear or was pre-existing. Suspect they can't deny a claim if you suddenly get tooth pain after you have joined, but if you go for a long list of stuff thats not been done in 20 years then their PDS is clear that they won't pay. Also please ensure you understand that if you go to your own denist they will only pay out $26 or something for a checkup that you will pay $200~ for, and they pay something like $36 for a clean and polish - so basically you can only go to their Pacific Smiles places.

  • +2

    Dental99 only charges 99$ for ckeckup xray and clean. No brainer

    • +1

      Are they any good? I always get worried about cheapy services when it comes to health stuff. Been tempted to try but been too scared by stories from a good friend who had sub par work done at one of these no gap/corporate (or whatever) dentist…

      • They are just fine. Pick a dentist not an oral health therapist whilst booking. All dentists will try and find problems to keepyou coming back

        • +3

          That doesn't sound convincing lol..

          • @milobob: They have both dentist and oral health therapists. Whats wrong with that?

  • Medibank / AHM Happily Let Your Data Get Stolen !
    Don't Forget

  • I can recommend this deal - both my sons have been signed up to it for a couple of years. They get their 'no gap' dental appointments at Pacific Smiles Town Hall.

  • +2

    Wait, so what happens if I go to a dentist that isn't pacific smiles? Can it still be no gap depending on what the dentist charges, or is it only no gap because of an agreement between pacific smiles and ahm?

    • +2

      It sounds like if you want no gap you need to find a Pacific smiles that has a dentist that does no gap within that centre? A post before said some dentist in Pacific smiles were dropping it (I'm assuming its like bulk billed GPs not bulk billing anymore). Sort of limits your choice…

    • +2

      AHM said going to non-pacific smiles will cover 60% up to limit

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