Do You Sit in The Front or Back Passenger Seat of a Taxi/Uber/etc?

On a recent trip to the US, a colleague of mine stated that in Australia everyone sits in the front of a taxi. I pulled him up and said "Hey hey hey, don't talk for ALL Australia here, NO-ONE does that!"

Since getting back to Australia and asking around, the split has been far more 50-50 than I realised.

So purely out of curiosity. When you get in a taxi/uber etc, do you take the front passenger seat, or grab one of the rear passenger seats?

Poll Options

  • 225
    I sit in the front passenger seat of the car
  • 468
    I sit in one of the rear passenger seats of the car


  • +17

    Either depending on the car.

    Much more comfortable in the front though.

  • +76

    I sit in the front if I'm the only passenger, otherwise we sit in the back.

    • +1

      Same.. except if its a Taxi then always at the back

      I remember 1 year ago the uber actually asked me to sit at the back (covid n all)

  • +5

    Either, depending if I am travelling by myself or with someone else.

  • -1

    Easier to exit close to street if at back.

    But don't sit directly behind driver seat. As they can't see you so they feel less safe.

    • +23

      But then how do I tickle the back of their neck?

      • +4

        With fingers or tongue?

        • +2

          ¿Por Qué No Los Dos?

    • +2

      Is this a joke that's gone over my head?

      • +1

        Only if the person behind has a really long tongue

    • +6

      it's a safer bet for the passenger to sit behind a driver.
      if in a car accident the driver will subconciously try to avoid collision on driver side of the car to save themselves from harm first.

      • Spot the weirdo in Ozbargain ahahaha

        • +3

          Yeah definitely gave me Dwight vibe.

          • -1

            @Save 50 Cent: imagine a tv show about normies how boring would it be

            woke up
            went to work
            came home
            had dinner
            watched tv
            went to sleep

            the story of your life

            • +2

              @SpicyStew: replace tv with youtube and that's pretty accurate

        • -1

          spot the sheeps zzzZZZZZzz

          • +2

            @SpicyStew: Meant no offence -> I thought your comment was funny :D

  • +4

    Rear- cause female and the only time I have taken cabs have been from taxi ramps where they put you in the back (airport, Crown if I left work late).

      • +24

        Hi, how does it feel to reinforce her point about why women sit in the back?

        • -5

          Wtf? That escalated quickly! It was just a lame joke about how everyone assumes everyone else on the internet is a male.

  • +21

    For me, I used to always sit in the front, but then moved to the back after Covid started as I felt some taxi drivers seemed to prefer it these days (I've seen a few put their bags and stuff on the front seat so you can't sit on the front).

    I'll also more likely sit in the back in the city then more regional towns.

    I will change this up however depending on where I'm going. For example a trip to the airport I'll probably try to sit all on the left side so I don't have to open the door into oncoming traffic.

  • +7

    Back if I'm by myself, front if there's four of us and someone has to sit at the front

  • I'd rather walk than get in an infested cab, or repeatedly data-raped by Uber

    • +1

      An Uber driver might feel the same way, in case you can’t live up to your name

  • +16

    I'm always back passenger side now - since covid. Pre covid i was front passenger.

  • Depends on the driver and the car tbh.

    • +1

      So you like to judge a book by its cover ay

      • +18

        As a woman, most often getting a taxi when alone, absolutely.

  • +12

    Hey hey hey, don't talk for ALL Australia here, NO-ONE does that!

    Funny if as you said, “NO-ONE does that”, isn’t that talking for ALL Australia as well, which you declare, one shouldn’t do. 😁

  • +9

    If I am on my own, the front.
    If I am with 1 other person, in the back.
    If I am with a group, i sit in an available seat.

    • Thanks, saved my typing 😂

  • +9

    With taxis it's always the front to be on the lookout for any meter f**kery but for Ubers I've started sitting in the back ever since COVID forced it because there's less pressure for small talk, I actually really don't care what time old mate started his shift nor when it ends.

  • -4

    Depends on whether you are male or females.

    Females don't like the idea of the driver doing this….

    OR DO THEY? :)

  • +5

    Before covid you'd sit in the front. Now you sit in the rear. You'll find most Uber drivers have their front seat all the way forward anyway.

  • What kind of maniac sits in the front with the driver when catching a taxi/Uber alone..

    • +4

      Um, me. I like looking out the large window while injecting silent farts into the seat.

  • +7

    i surf on the boot

  • +3

    need more options - used to sit at the front, now prefer to jump in the back

  • +4

    I sit in both of those seats. Standing, kneeling etc is uncomfortable

  • -5

    Then there's the other question.

    Do you talk to the driver?

    Had two different experiences the other week when I had to go to hospital.

    I went to the hospital by taxi. The first thing the driver asked me when I got in, carrying a bag, was how was I. Yes, I know its what everyone does in this country. Ask people how they are. I never know how to respond, to be polite or answer honestly. He took it really badly when I responded to his question that when you are taking someone to hospital, and they look like they're going to be there a while, its probably not a good idea to ask them how they are, they might tell you. And you probably don't want to know.

    The hospital provided me with transport home. I had to share with another guy who was being dropped off first. And he just wouldn't stop talking to the driver. The driver was elderly, and here he was trying to negotiate the twisty narrow back streets of dog knows whatever suburb in a largish passenger van, and this guy kept talking to him. For the driver it was like trying to talk on the phone while driving. And doubly so, because when you get old you are more susceptible to cognitive overload. When you've got to do something else at the same time you're doing something difficult you can't make decisions as fast as they need to be made, and you make mistakes. But the other passenger didn't have the sense to shut up and let the driver concentrate on driving.

    • +20

      I never know how to respond, to be polite or answer honestly. He took it really badly when I responded to his question that when you are taking someone to hospital, and they look like they're going to be there a while, its probably not a good idea to ask them how they are,

      Mate, he's just being friendly… He doesn't know your situation exactly, no need to say anything more than a 'Good, thanks' at most.

      • +3

        My default answer is "im alive". Generally speaking no random wants to hear your problems and are just being polite. But im not great either so im not gonna lie haha.

        It does spark some interesting reactions that have turned into good conversations, and it has shut people up completely. Either is fine with me.

    • +4

      Interestingly, my last trip in an Uber was a trip back from the airport with my partner and the driver asked upfront if we would mind if he took a phone call. He was soft, and turned the radio on.

      Problem solved - driver gets to enjoy his phone call, we avoid awkward "do we, don't we" tension.

      I'm curious if it tanks his rating though, or if he's selective in who he asks.

    • I do sometimes- though I haven't been in a cab in over 10 years. The last cab I had was home from the city at about 3am (working late and missed the night bus). Driver was talking about how people complained about his driving. He turned full around WHILE THE CAR WAS MOVING to look me in the eye and ask if I thought he was a bad driver. He was the security guard at work's cousin or something so I got a cheap rate, but still.

      I made sure to close up extra fast then. The nightbus driver used to take the bus right up to my driveway if I was the last passenger left, so was almost a taxi anyway.

  • +3

    Do You Sit in The Front or Back Passenger Seat of a Taxi/Uber/etc?

    People who sit in the front generally want to 'talk', those that sit in the back, just want to be left alone.

    In the US, lots of (real) taxis you can't access the front seat anyhow, so everyone sits in the back by default.

    • Why can't access front

      • Surely you have seen a movie with a NY cab in it….. that is why.

  • +1

    When my uber came he said get in the boot.
    I wasn't sure and then next thing I was in the boot.

    • +1

      Did the driver provide skin lotion instead of bottles of water?

  • +1

    Front of a taxi.

    Generally, the rear of an uber.

    The uber's always seem to prefer you in the rear seats, or at least that's how it generally looks when I jump in. Front passenger seat loaded with some driver personal items and pushed all the way forward for better leg room in the rear passenger seat.

    And as others have said, depends if you are travelling alone or in a group.

  • +1

    Always back. Too many awkward convos with drivers when I'm not interested in talking.

  • +1

    I like to role play like I’m in a limo, so I’m in the back. 😂

  • +7

    Rear left seat & once seated, I always call my husband/friend/colleague, etc to tell them that I'm in the cab/uber, leaving xx place & provide ETA.

    • +3

      Great idea for safety, especially for females 👏

  • +1

    Front drivers seat.

    • OP needs this option for people who drive Ubers.

  • In the front until 2020, back seat since.

  • +1

    Front always so I can direct where the driver is going.

  • Rarely take taxis, usually only for the odd work trip so I get in the back as it's easier with hand luggage.

  • Where do I have to sit in a bus?

    • +2

      At the back with all the cool kids.

  • +2

    Front seat if I'm open to chit chat

    Back seat if I wanna zone out or have stuff to do on my phone or laptop

    Have never been in a taxi (in Australia). Only Uber / Didi / Ola

  • +2

    Front seat - i'm not an American.

  • Pre-Covid - Front
    During Covid and now - Back

  • +1

    I used a taxi once 30 years ago i sat in the front.

    Couple of people in the back with friend, partner or child . But ultimately its up to your personal preference but if i was on my own i would feel rude sitting in the back. Decades ago I would of said the vast majority sat in the front.

    Why has it changed?

    ●We have busier lives now we don't want to engage with others.
    ●People watch a lot of overseas TV and movies and copy overseas customs.
    ●Some people see it as a service industry and taxi and uber drivers are beneath them.
    ●Possibly if your a female you may feel more comfortable in the back seat
    ●Some may want to feel special being chauffeured.

  • Always in the front, even when my wife is in the back lol

    Just easier to stay aware of where we are and what's going on, and to direct the driver as required.

  • I'm 6'4 with a Prosthetic leg so i sit in the back behind the driver with my leg on the passenger side. Freaks some drivers out that I'm sitting right behind them until I knock on the leg.

  • +2

    Pre-covid - front.

    Post-covid - back.

    • +1


  • +1

    I think Australians used to predominately sit in the front, but as international travel has got more common where sitting in the back is the norm that has begun to creep in more here too.

    For me it has been a transition, from always sitting in the front, to 50/50, but to be honest I'd prefer just to sit in the back and be left in my own world without pressure to communicate. Most front seat chats with drivers have actually been positive, but it is still a bother.

  • -1

    Front seat for an Uber
    Back seat for a Taxi

    Found I getting a better rating when I sit in the front of an Uber, were as Taxi's don't have ratings

  • -1

    Sitting at the front is more friendly and respectful I would say.

    • -1

      I don't feel there's any different level of respect whether you sit in the front or the back maybe if you jumped in the boot

  • -1

    After a big night out, the back

    Normally, front. I always have questions for the Uber drivers

  • I ask the driver where they would prefer I sit, if they have no preference then I sit in the front, chat for a few minutes to be polite, then open phone and read emails etc.

  • I don't ride in taxis and I always sit in the back left seat of an Uber. I like a bit of space between myself and the driver

  • I used to sit in the front. However I read somewhere that Uber drivers prefer you don't unless you need to (car occupancy), so since then, I've sat in the back sear. I don't really have a preference. Whatever is going to keep people the most comfortable.

    • +1

      Specifically: (#4)

      Be a back-seat rider
      Sitting in the back seat gives you and your driver a bit of extra space. This also ensures you can safely exit on either side of the vehicle to avoid moving traffic. And just because you can’t reach the stereo, doesn’t mean you can’t make a few music requests.

  • Blue light taxi's for me, and then only ever in the backseat.

  • A lot of Australians infact do. More so than the US.

    Don't think you can in the UK or Japan for comparison.

    Covid has changed things. That's for sure.

  • +1
  • I sit in the back because I don’t really like talking.

  • Didn't think the US had the option to sit in the front of a taxi. We do here. MPTs are the best.

  • I do both

    but sitting in the back lets you do work / more atmosphere

    front is if you are planning to chat to the driver

  • I drink and drive.

  • +2

    I remember an ad while flying on a QANTAS flight of someone getting in the front seat of a New York taxi and the taxi driver saying "You're from Australia right? They only ever sit in the front seat"

    • Scrolled all the way down for this comment!

  • depends on your intentions -

  • -1

    Easier to do a runner from the back seat

    • By how much vs front passenger seat ?

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