danielagain » user profile
Member Since | 26/04/2016 |
Last Seen | 28/01/2025 |
Location | Brisbane |
Recent Activities
danielagain replied to CrispyChrispy on Do You Sit in The Front or Back Passenger Seat of a Taxi/Uber/etc?
My default answer is "im alive". Generally speaking no random wants to hear your problems and are just being polite. But im not great…
danielagain replied to pegaxs on Recommendations: The Worst Possible nbn Provider for Unappreciative Person
Commander has 4G Optus backup. Which surprises me with those reviews.
I have a burning desire to know why!!
danielagain commented on What Do I Replace Telstra with?
Unless you set up the change or agreed to it, jump on livechat and ask them to move you back to your previous offer! If they wont ask for a…
Isolate the 4G modem by testing it directly plugged into your PC, if that works the issue is likely isolated to something to do with the…
unless you apply DRM to the video file, they are not DRM protected ??
Try OneDrive, most videos can be played in the browser. check here: [OneDrive video…
What state are you in? in QLD, I would send a [Form 11 (Notice to remedy…
last time I was on a cruise P&O had an ob-board wifi based application that will allow you to chat and locate eachother, however no push…
danielagain commented on Telstra Website ERROR - Are You with Telstra Simplicity? Overpriced MessageBank Charges Not Mentioned in Full Rates
The CIS is below the "Buy a $30 SIM" button? I have always received a CIS when updating, renewing, or adding to my Telstra offerings. take…
danielagain commented on USB-C to USB-A Cable Recommendation
I have a [BlitzWolf…
[@Question](/comment/5233166/redir): [Try here](http://bfy.tw/EmnF)
[@Question](/comment/5232983/redir): Cheap is subjective to what you want\need if you want 100gb, then 70 is cheap. have a look at the…
[@Question](/comment/5232942/redir): goto optus shop, get sim card, buy modem, should take less than 60 minutes get a month to month plan,…
you are renting a room and shared space, there is obviously a delay in the NBN move. if you want internet and are willing to pay, just get…
IF Internet is included in the price of your rent, then you would just be paying twice for internet. do you rent a room, an apartment or a…
Anywhere from 5-50 a month for low end, low requirement, low spec. To hundreds or thousands per month depending on requirement. Its such a…
How many concurrent users are you looking at? What database technology? What app language? Using any external services? Vps is virtualised…
depends on the application, what SLA's you have with your users, how "heavy" it is, and how many $$ you want to pour into it. eg. 2000…
yes, but try to extend only the main WiFi Access Point, extending and extender is not a good idea.
I just got the Telstra Frontier Gateway, to avoid these sort of issues and downtime when moving. got the gateway, turned it on, 5 min later…
[@onebutters](/comment/4878822/redir): you talk to the disconnection team to get a quote for what it will cost to port out also.
Just lodge an application with you local CAT (civil and administrative tribunal), you may have to pay penalties such as moving costs, but…
Thanks, I'll give that a try, i dont think your going to get better than 15gb @ $50 a month at this stage, but as per Wiede below >I am on…
danielagain commented on Time to Renew My Telstra Contract
How did you get 14gb?
danielagain commented on Good Deal or Better Options Around? - Asus 15.6" X541UJ-DM309T Full HD Intel Core i5 $999
if it is only for netflix, don't waste your money. [NEW Lenovo 80U2002YAU YOGA 310 11.6" Intel Pentium Processor 4GB 128GB SSD 2in1…
so all working: > * Calendars - Both syncing across devices and online and sharing with wife > * Tasks/To do - As above > * Sharing mail…
danielagain commented on Home Exchange Server
I wouldn't run a home exchange server. What is your Sync issues with Gmail? I use Outlook w/ gmail IMAP and have no issues, except on the…
danielagain commented on Writing a Letter to New Owners of House?
Do it, the worst they can say is no. Maybe offer to bring lunch?
danielagain commented on Portable air conditioner for Brisbane
When I got mine about 6\7 years ago, it was $550 from bunnings. I got one that didnt need a drain tube, because I did not want to have to…