This was posted 12 years 6 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Quality Bike Stand - $59 Delivered


Did you buy one of the Progear Hybrid Bikes a few weeks ago? I did, and I was looking for a stand to get the bike off the ground to make it easier to do adjustments. The stand that I found is from the same people that sold the bikes.

Now that it is delivered, I am very surprised how heavy and strong it is for such a small price. Even the freight must have been significant due to the size and weight of the box.

If you are considering a stand too, I would recommend this. It seems that they've sold almost 900 to date so I'm not alone in getting one of these. I really like my bike too, it was a great value buy!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Clicking on the pic and link takes me to an eBay page saying…

    This purchased item information is no longer available.
    There are a number of reasons why this information isn't available. The most common reason is that item details for purchases are not kept for more than 90 days.

    • +1

      Thank you for letting me know. I think I had a link open in a different tab that was pointing to the deal that has since been modified/updated.

      I've fixed the link now. Sorry about that.

      • You're welcome, Jdr.. no worries. :)

        Another thing I just noticed - you may wanna change the title to something like "$59 delivered (to selected areas)."

        I put my postcode in (Gippsland, Victoria) and it said I'd be paying $85 delivery for it.

        Edit: I just put a Melbourne metro postcode in and it said $70 delivered. I'm not sure if it's actually "free delivery" anywhere.. it looks to me like they've said "free" just because the price varies to wherever you are. Down towards the bottom of the page they've got a postcode/delivery generator thingo that dictates what your freight is gonna cost.

        • Their postage page says free shipping and I don't see anywhere to discriminate by postcode. Certainly I don't remember having to enter a postcode during purchase and it was delivered to Brisbane for $59.

          I'm not sure where you see that different rate?

        • Strange that you got free delivery. I just put in Rocklea, Brissy (4106) and it says $90 delivered.

          If you scroll down towards the bottom of his page, you come to a "Shipping" section.. it's there that the freight/postcode calculator thingy is.

        • +1

          Ok, I just tried my postcode and it says $90. So it has no relevance to this offer, it is $59 delivered. There is no place in the purchase process that you are asked for your postcode and the postage page only lets you get the rate for "Australia" and that is "free". Even to Gippsland :-)

        • Cool, Jdr. But I just mailed him for clarification all the same. ;P

          Lol let's see if he tries to jip me on the price. =)

          Edit: I might just add.. even though at purchase there isn't anywhere to add your postcode, that doesn't mean much. Sellers usually send an updated invoice with freight/delivery added.

        • No, I'm sure in this case. I didn't enter a postcode anywhere during purchase and it was sold at $59. See also Denlife's comment below. I'm sure :-)

        • Lol Denlife's comment below doesn't count. I too could purchase one right now and pay $59.. but that doesn't mean that tomorrow, when he gets online, that he won't contact me and send me a seperate invoice for delivery. ;P

          I only click the "pay for it now" button, immediately after purchase, if I'm absolutely sure that it's got correct delivery charges etc. Split invoices for the one item is bad. If there's a problem, and you need to make an eBay/Paypal claim, you can only claim on one payment per item - so you'd miss out on getting your delivery costs back if they were on a seperate invoice.

          On this deal here, I most definitely wouldn't be paying $59 before I'd spoken to dude. And if he did wanna charge me for freight, after I'd paid $59, I'd be getting him to refund me and then get him to send me a new invoice with both charges on it.

          Anyways, as you're sure that your sure, then I'll take your word for it. …. Lol whispers but I'm still very interested as to what dude himself has got to say about it. :)

        • +1

          No probs, you should proceed however you want to. I paid $59 straight away and mine was delivered in less than a week to QLD. If they were operating deceitfully like that, it would reflect in their feedback score.

          The bikes were shipped free too, and they are much heavier.

        • +2

          Ahhhh, Jdr.. it is with much chagrin that I now slink back into this thread, shoulders slumped, with the foul acrid stench of defeat wafting around me. (lol melodramatic much??) =)

          I would like to make you privy to some correspondence I have recently partaken in…

          Subject: Postage: (Me) sent a message about NEW BICYCLE BIKE REPAIR STAND WITH BONUS TOOL TRAY #160609135029

          Dear lifespan_australia,

          Hiya there,

          Can you please confirm for me that delivery is free on this item? Or am I to go by the freight charges of the postcode calculator in your Shipping section?


          (Me) :)

          — (Me)

          Dear (Me),

          Dear (Me),
          Thanks for your message.
          Yes, we offer free postage for this item. 
          If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
          Have a good day!
          Best Regards,
          Lifespanfitness Customer Service Team(C)

          T: 1300 351 420

          You have been correct all along, and I have been.. ~words momentarily catch in throat~.. uhhh.. I was wrong. Good job.. you keep up the good work! ;D

          ~wanders off kicking a rock~

          P.S. Lol BUT, it is always best to check these things for oneself, just to be sure. ;P

  • Great find thanks. I bought one. There is a section where you can select postcode (delivery to Perth was about $168!!) but it clearly states $59 including delivery, and that is what I was charged just now.

    • I think you won't be disappointed. I was actually surprised at the sturdiness for such a price.

  • +2

    I have this exact same bike stand, and would not recommend it. The plastic snapped when I tightened one of the nuts too much (because the main arm kept slipping). The ebay seller kindly replaced it, but the new arm does the exact same thing. You need to balance the bike perfectly centered or it just drops off to one side. Bad design. Shame really, because other than that it's well built. One minor design flaw ruins the whole thing though.

    • I can't say I've noticed any problem so far. My Progear 18.5 inch is hoisted up into it. Like anything though, I try to tighten the clamps evenly and not overtighten. And certainly trying to keep it balanced would reduce the stress. I would also not keep it in direct sunlight on an ongoing basis so that any plastic parts don't become UV weakened.

      Sorry to hear that you had a problem (and I assume lumiere had one with this stand too as he voted positive to your comment).

      I'll definitely use caution with it. If it's a general problem, Lifespan is going to have 900+ shitty customers chasing them.

      • +1

        Meh, if it doesn't bother you then all good. It just seems those clamps that attach to the bike exist to hold it in place if it's not balanced, yet it spins on the bar, so kinda pointless! Meh!

        I didn't buy it through lifespan, but like I said, the seller was good and replaced the first one. When the second one was doing the same thing, I made sure I didn't over-tighten this time (and break it) and just put up with it.

        I did buy a treadmill from lifespan years ago, and it was great :)

        • +1

          I'm certainly taking your experiences into account when I do some bike adjustments this weekend. Even if I end up backing it off a bit and letting it free-pivot a little, I think it is still a sh*tload better than trying to do the adjustments with the bike on or near the ground (or upside down) :-)

          It would be interesting to hear what problem "lumiere" had.

        • +2

          jdr, the vote was not intended to be a comment on the product but on the value of the comment. I have no personal experiences with the product but found the information that sloppy shared helpful as a potential purchaser.

        • fair enough :)

          I'm still happy with it so far, even though my opinion of the organisation concerned has taken a dive based on

  • Has anyone bought the bike rack for the car from lifespan australia? I wouldn't mind knowing if that's any good. I'd be keen to buy that before a bike stand.

    • +1

      Can't help you there. But those latches and Velcro straps would want to be strong! The stresses from vibration and movement make me a little paranoid attaching the bike behind the car. I picked up a secondhand double pole Mac Rack (made in Aus I think) for $15 off eBay and that is all metal and has clamps. I do have confidence that it won't let the bike move anywhere.

      Sorry I don't know about these racks. If it was me, I wouldn't get one of them.

    • Certainly looks like the one. Was that December last year or before that? Good price if they ever do that again, but I wouldn't have waited, I needed it now.

  • Nothing rivetting to report, but coincedentally I bought this last week, and it arrived today! I will be also using this on the pro gear that I bought from ozbargainmyaccountisempty!

    • -3

      ..given this stand was substantially cheaper ($40) from Aldi closing in a year ago, and we also bought a bike from LIFESPAN, I think a voucher or some loyalty incentive (cash back?!) should be provided to the loyal ozbargain/LIFESPAN customers….. What say you LIFESPAN???

      • +1


  • In case you missed jdr's post above, note that the seller of the stand is coming in for some serious flak in relation to an earlier OB post:

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