This might be on interest to some home diyers. I believe this thing is usually 479 bucks so it must be on runout. That's a fair discount.
Full Boar 1700W 18kg 30mm Hex Demolition Hammer Kit $149 + Delivery ($0 C&C/in-Store) @ Bunnings

Last edited 03/06/2023 - 08:18 by 1 other user
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It's a very specific job.. so no point buying unless you'd use it imho.. I wouldn't use it cause I have a smaller sds hammer drill which is fine for around the house and garden… This would be for someone removing a decent concrete slab imho
These are 18kg and you might only need it once or twice in your life
Or perhaps never.good for that 4090 that doesn't fit in the case
you might only need it once or twice in your life
But it's a live saver if you do.
And a waste of money if you don’t.
I had a 36v SDS Max that cost near $1k. This looks like a fun toy for $149
Pretty sure this would be way more powerful
I'm absolutely sure it'd be way more powerful
would this help with my lower back pain?
If you were holding it wrong I'm sure it will help …. Make it worse..
The sorest my back has ever been was using one of these. And the pain came on suddenly while I was sitting at the computer later. Still not sure how that works haha but it was pretty bad. It’s hard to always have good form when digging into a hole
It might be you sit too much. Get up mate 😘
jack too much
It might if your holding upwards to demolish a concrete ceiling.
I'm sure there's probably a video of this on YouTube, likely filmed in eastern Europe somewhere.
would this help with my lower back pain?
As long as you have good form, it won't make it worse. I've got a bad back (if it goes, it can be weeks of pain), but I've used one of these things for 4-6 hours over a 3 to 4 days and got stiff and sore, but haven't put my back out.
I hadn’t seen this site before. Pretty cool. Not yet sure how to use it haha
no stock inner melbourne …… and in wanted one …..
Yeah pretty much just a spattering of regional stores. Shame.
Good find though.Still in stock at Total Tools, read the rest of the thread
Thanks for that.
Yeah the Bunny's one has anti vibration whereas the TT model linked lower in the thread doesn't.TT does have an anti vibration model, but its $449!
So the Bunnings deal certainly looks much better on paper.
jack hammers are great especially if you dont have a post hole borer, especially at this price
i used the jack hammer for it, losens up the ground like butter and then easily lifted the dirt out with a shovel
doesnt have to be used for concrete only. one of the holes had leftover concrete from the build, crushed straight through it (imagine doing that with a hole borer)
it would cost more than this to hire a post hole borerYou just gave me an idea to fix my fence.. lol
I don't even own a fence and now I'm considering getting one lol. That's a great idea though, anything to make digging holes easier. Especially for jobs where an excavator is overkill.
they make an attachment called a clay spade for jack hammers when digging in ground .
And that's why I want one, breaking up ground but no stock as usual.
They're great if you do have a post hole digger too. I've had this one for 10 years, when I built my fences and 100m of retaining wall I smashed both. A lot of rock and shale where I am so the post hole digger couldn't always get down as far as I needed, the jack hammer smashed the risk and the auger dug the hole
it would cost more than this to hire a post hole borer
Pretty well why we got ours. Very stony and steep block. To date, it has dug out/leveled about 10-15 m2 of garden beds, dug out a LOT of old concrete, been used to dig holes for about 15 trees. Maybe 70-90 operating hours, and has saved a lot of painful work with spade and pickaxe.
Get the clay spade attachment for digging holes and tree roots - it's like magic! It'll even break up low grade concrete.
I was holding out on a cheap Hilti but now I've seen this premium Full Boar Bunnings special, I couldn't resist the urge. Cheers OP
Don't think U can lose at this price lol
Dem reviews
Would it work on a tree stump.
Yes… the size of the stump will vary the amount of work. Worked for me on a moreton bay fig stump about half a metre tall and about a metre around, with their giant root "fingers" going everywhere. That took a lottttt of hours.
Yes - but get the clay spade attachment, which is good for soil, softer rock, and with a bit of effort, will go through roots.
For roots and small to medium stumps, I've done a combo of clay space, chisel attachment and a recip saw. Be prepared for a lot of swearing though.
For large stumps, time involved may make a professional grinder a better solution.
I bought a cheapy version of one of these about 15 years ago, heavy ugly and ozoney.
Co-incidentally just loaded it in the wagon this afternoon for another job digging holes in rocky ground for tree planting spots.I reckon the old dear has probably done about 200 hrs of work, from demolishing a giant moreton bay fig stump, to burying numerous beloved family dogs, to cleaning the teeth of an elephant at the zoo (just joking) to breaking up various old concrete drives and stuffs.
When I bought it I thought…if I get about 10 hrs out of it, it will be a winner…compared to renting one. The critter just won't die.To the fella above who was saying about using one gave him the sorest back he's ever had… I hate to think how sore my back would be if I had to use a pick and crowbar instead for my jobs!
Definitely right about using a pick and crowbar compared to these haha. I think it’s mainly just that the type of work these things are involved with is always ridiculously hard work. These make it a lot easier but it’s still certainly not a cruisy day if you’re busting a jackhammer out for any length of time haha
Maybe counterintuitive, but I dug decking foundations out with a crowbar the other summer and the work will do your musculature wonders.
Besides personal pains and sore backs. Is the product any good for home slab loosening etc please. For $149 ?? TIA.
For $149 yes it will do the job. I've had mine for 10 years and it's taken a beating
Mate got one of these and it broke very quickly. Buyer beware imo.
I have the older model of this and it's been fantastic. Have demolished driveways, walls, pulled out trees, dug holes (with a spade bit they sold for like $30).
Good tool to have in the shed for those occasions you'd be using a pick axe or crowbar.
doesn’t have the switch on the handle , it’s on the body of the jack hammer , so it goes all the time or it’s pressure activated ?
They are price matching total tools DETROIT 1700W 30mm-Hex Demolition Hammer 113422P
The reviews seem to be better than the Bunnings one but total tools delete negative comments.I bought this one, liked the drigger switch better.
Would this be good to remove floor tiles?
yes if u get the trolley mount
I took up floor tiles with the Aldi version of this last month, I was going to hire the trolley but just ended up using the jackhammer, it was fantastic, whipped large tiles off very quickly which left me with the concrete sheet underlay. For that the most effective thing was a smaller SDS hammer drill to get under it and lift it up. Still a hard couple of days work but appreciated having this machine.
This be great as a tree stump remover? If so, we got a deal. Got few stumps that need removing rather badly.
Behold, The Kanga.
Would this be overkill compared to a rotary hammer drill for removing a washing line post?
Mine situation is:
* Pole rusted at the base and fell over, so it's a rusted jagged but of metal almost flush with the cement.
* The post is set in a cement footpath , so would not be removing the whole block of cement.
* My idea was to chisel around the metal stub enough that I could could about 5cm off from the top, then fill in the "crater" with cement to make it flush with the surrounding cement.What do you think?
If you don't have a sds drill of some type.. this should be much better.. I've done similar too… Angle grinding out the metal was annoying
My rotary hammer drill is an sds drill, good to hear someone has done this in the past!
Angle grinder it to cut it near flush.
Then grind it flush with a diamond cup grinder.
Just buy a cheapie on eBay for a one off job.
If the rusted metal really annoyed you.
Cup grind to 10mm deep. Use structural grout to fill.
This is a good idea - grind away the metal and cement straight down. This sounds like it would create a really clean circular cut out for filling in, is that right?
You want a clean deep cut/hole.
If the edges are shallow, you’ll find the new cement will crack.
Thanks @hippyhippy and @JimB - I did both: rotary drill to chip away the surrounding cement then angle grinder to grind the stub, was very effective and straightforward.
Thanks OP, ordered for delivery - hopefully doesn’t get cancelled.
Is that a catalog special at Total tools? Strangely they have an identical looking and specced one for $269 too…Thats weird. Anyway looks like thats the actual normal price for these then and not over $400
The Bunny's one has anti vibration whereas the TT model linked here doesn't.
TT does have an anti vibration model, but its $449.
So the Bunnings one is probably worth more around the $450 mark.
Shame about the stock levels
thanks for this!! bunnings literally got 0 stock anywhere in SA,
They seem to be same, just different brand.
Bought one. Thanks OP!
Idea if have rocky clay soil in backyard to dig put plants in or putting in drainage
be careful where the air intake is for cooling. dont let dust or small rock get sucked in as it will destroy it.
check oil level before using as they do leak oilJust another thing I didn’t know I needed until it was cheap
The Detroit branded version of this is $149 at Total Tools right now too.
Except it's not the anti-vibration model. Must be the base model.
$449 for TTs av model.
I have one of these and use it mostly for digging, paired with a 135mm clay spade chisel it makes holes and trenches in poor soil a breeze.
Had one for years. Done about 25 holes in rock. Been great.
Just remember to always be changing the down angle or you will just dig the point into the rock and it will be stuck like King Arthur's sword.Sounds like you are speaking from experience 😁
Its the one bit of advice I was given by a mate, and I still ended up doing it.
But only once.I guess you weren’t anointed king?
Yes. But you can't buy direct. Only through Bunnings 😞
Thanks, this will teach that third little piggy
Saved me $150… it's out of stock at all the Bunnings in my local area and beyond. Bummer… funny that now I want it more! haha
Read the rest of the thread, it's in stock at Total Tools
You'll have to pay $449 for the anti-vibration model though 😉
I paid more to hire one in the past. Tempted to buy it even though I dont see any need for it at the moment.
I have used this before. Good tool but heavy. I wonder other brand demo jackhammer is lighter or similar weight?
Hilti is pretty damn good for jackhammers. Much lighter and better all round. For this price though, this is amazing value.
Could you use to make a diy basement, maybe add space to the home: re the housing crisis?
Build a dungeon for your dark arts..?
Josef fritzel.. is that you?
Phillip lowes brain spark to solving the housing crisis:…
Just picked one up. Man this thing is heavy! Comes in a great roller case though.
Does this break up those chunky retaining wall blocks around the garden lol ?
Thanks OP, got mine this morning.
Have absolutely no use for it though 🤣Well I ordered one and they are going to refund no stock in my area or something.
Oh well. I have a few months before i need to remove tiles
I wouldn't use this for tiles - it's really more for brute force trashing of concrete slabs - you are better off getting a smaller SDS unit.
I already have a Ryobi SDS drill
Hire a proper tool with the stand… Will rpobably save your back
If I start hearing "dak dak dak dak" I'll know there's a fellow OzBargainer in the neighbourhood and will go say g'day. 😀
Hmm do you think I could get a palm tree stump out with this ?
I found it was easiest to dig away the dirt around it as best U can.. and simply break it part by part using a crow bar thing.. one of these…
When you shove the bar into the palm tree stump? It will split it and U can remove peice be peice… Don't bother trying to get the stump in 1 piece .. similar to this suppose the demo hammer might also be able to split it, never tried it.
Just get a crew of islanders and shout them a Giga KFC Feast. Job done in 15 mins
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