I'm back with more enamelled cast iron from Crock Pot. Unfortunately the last one didn't last very long but this one is a deal of the day (whatever that means) so I'm hoping it lasts longer
This is 13 inches of raw, baking pan power for you to prepare anything from scalloped potatoes to some other dish starting with S that's wildly different. I'd say silverside but the butcher and my nan scoffed when I suggested roasting it in the oven
The other piece of metal and enamel I bought because it was significantly cheaper than the others is this 8 inch skillet that's also in a pretty red colour:
Crock Pot Artisan 8 Inch Enameled Cast Iron Round Skillet, Scarlet Red ($35.95) https://amzn.asia/d/4n4YfHk
What it lacks in inches it makes up for in smiles
It’s $102??