Currently cheapest available elsewhere is $1,849.00 under Apple Education pricing.
Also available for the same price ($1797) with shipping for Prime members at Amazon AU.
JB Hi-Fi price is $1799.
I am a bit confused on this, I didn't think this chassis ever housed the M2.. I thought it was just the M1 that got the "pro" designation.
More importantly, this "pro" has 2 thunderbolt ports and a headphone jack, furthest thing from a pro model. You want the 14" or 16" model which has a proper array of I/O.
Yeah it is basically an update of the old version just with the M2.
Good overview at Ars Technica…
Agree with you - either get the Air or the 14”
Thanks for that, I guess they have a whole bunch of older chassis that made it worth whacking the m2 in there. Interesting, another financial landmine set by Apple palming off inferior "current" products.
thanks for sharing
Yep - I've got an intel MBP13 with the touch bar, and it's pretty useless.
Touch bar is not just useless, in most cases.
Unless you have some particular need for it, it's a semi-reliable, functional pain.
This one, at least, have a separate ESC key. But still.
Any ideas if we will see sales on MBP, MBAs in the near future after Apple's announcements last night?
not sure which retailer it's matching, the current price is
Just in case potential buyers aren’t aware, this is the ancient design. Would stay away and get an M2 Air, unless you really want the semi-useless Touch Bar.