• long running

ALDI PAYG $5 Valid for 60 Days (Recharge Min $15 for 1 Year + 6 Months No Recharge Grace Period) @ ALDI Mobile (Telstra Network)


Pay As You Go
Pay only for what you use, when you use it. Our prepaid starter pack is ideal for occasional use and has a long 365 day expiry on PAYG Top Ups.
The 3-in-1 SIM card fits all handsets, so you can BYO phone and comes with $5 credit* included.
*60 day expiry on included credit

Aldi mobile use Telstra Network

We use parts of the Telstra 5G, 4G and 3G network to deliver ALDImobile coverage to more than 98.8% of the Australian population

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  • +10

    Cheaper than the amaysim deal by 305 days

    • OP does this work on a Telstra locked phone?

      • It doesn't.

        • But it’s website said it can be used on any device!

            • @Coo: On their website:

              “ 3-in-1 SIM
              Fits all handsets
              No matter what phone you have, our 3-in-1 SIM fits all handsets.”

        • Which device does it work on then?

      • Yes it would.

  • +3

    Number expiry is 1 year but the $5 credit expires in 60 days, correct?

  • +3

    Link to the actual product

    Cheaper than the 365 day amaysim deal by $5

    amaysim deal you get 365 days to use the $10 credit, you only have 60 days to use this aldi $5.

    Pay only for what you use, when you use it. Our prepaid starter pack is ideal for occasional use and has a long 365 day expiry on PAYG Top Ups.

    It is only 365 after you top up, does not include the initial $5.

      • +5

        Thats not how it works…


        After the 60 days, your service is considered expired. Hence the 60 day expiry

        Your service expired less than 90 days
        You can still receive calls and SMS but can't make calls or send SMS.

        You ONLY get 365 days if you top up.

        If it has been 180 days after expiration

        If your service expired 180 or more days
        Due to the lengthy period of time the service has been inactive, the number will have been returned to the original 'owning' Telco and we will not be able to recover it.

        If you do not top up, then at most your number will only be kept for 60+180 days = 240 days.

        Looks like it must be purchased online.

        It is available in store too. I posted the previous expired deal and did my research beforehand. This is no longer worth it after 24th May. Amaysim deal is better + it has esim

          • +8

            @easternculture: No one really cares about network when parking a number.

            $20 for 14 months on telstra mvno (you do not get the full telstra network like boost)

            amaysim is $20 for 24 months on optus mvno (also do not get full optus network)

            Also your title is wrong and extremely misleading.

              • +5


                18 months for $15 ( including 6 month no recharge grace period) so still cheaper for parking a number .

                You forgot to add the initial $5 so ends up $20 for 18 months

                The point of parking a number is to not worry about it expiring.

                In your scenario you have to activate it, wait 2 months for it to expire, wait 6 months for the grace period, and then recharge $15 to get 18 months.

                Amaysim you activate it for 1 year $10. Next year another $10. Total $20 for 24 months.

                Please stop. You keep providing misinformation and then people have to correct you.

            • @CodeXD: Amaysim doesn't use the full Optus network? I don't believe that.

              • @Wardaddy: https://www.amaysim.com.au/about/coverage/#accordion-e7a9ec4…

                Currently the Optus 4G Plus network is a data-only network. The 3G network is still used to make and receive calls so you’ll drop back to 3G signal whenever you make calls.

                • @CodeXD: VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is the technology that enables voice calls to be made on the Optus 4G Plus network. VoLTE is available everywhere the Optus 4G Plus network reaches. With VoLTE you’ll notice some great enhancements, such as great audio quality, faster call connection times as well as the ability to talk and browse at the same time when on a 4G connection.

                  • @Wardaddy: There are some inconsistencies on amaysim website.

                    I found your quote on this link which also says

                    This is important to ensure your phone can make voice calls on 4G in the future. You may have heard of VoIP for your home phone and NBN. VoLTE is a similar thing but for mobile and will allow your phone to make a voice call on 4G. You might see it called HD Voice elsewhere. Our calls on 3G are already High Quality, and we are due to make VoLTE available to customers in 2022.

                    I'm not with amaysim so I cannot confirm that VoLTE is available. Happy to be corrected.

                    • @CodeXD: Me either, but I know VoLTE is on Coles so probably on amaysim. I think theirs is less a web site and more a cobweb site.

                    • @CodeXD: VoLTE is available on amaysim.

          • @easternculture: Some people use these sims to hold onto specific phone numbers. So they don't care about the network.

            Or if just using it with an old phone for a number for buying / selling, verification codes, when signing up to stuff etc, then if you have good Optus reception at home it doesn't matter.

          • +1

            @easternculture: Wrong, you must top up another $15 at the time of activation. I did this 2 weeks ago.

            And still 1 year period, not as you image 14month. You can do your test.

            • @anxuanyu: I just activate a $5 sim. You just choose 'do not recharge' and continue. I can port in successfully from a Boost prepaid this morning.
              Still $5 for 2 months.
              I did try amaysim for last 2 days, wasting 2 $10, and 7 hours with the live chat, going no where,
              finally go to Aldi and buy $5 sim, port in within 5 minutes
              I will not use Amyasim in future (at least buying it online. They come pre-activated and difficult to port in a number.

  • Can these be esims? Eg. to use as a second number.

  • +3

    Hasn’t this deal been running for about decade? They sell them in every Aldi store near the counter.

    I bought one ages ago that I later converted into a $99 a year unlimited calls 15GB data plan.

    • +1

      It was $5/first year for a decade, now it's $15. So arguably it's a separate deal.

      • True that!

  • +6

    ALDI PAYG 365 Days $5

    Misleading! It changed 4 days ago to worse offer! Used to be 365d credit for $5.

    Parked Number with Aldi may now be lost in under 1year!!
    Never lost a number after over 1 year with Amaysim. (Receive email with offer to stay for another year for $10 top up.)

    Cheaper than the 365 day amaysim deal by $5

    NOT - if you want to use credit beyond 60d. Or want to extend for another year.

    The expiry period of the included $5 credit is 60 days.

    Then pay $15 to topup to get
    365 day expiry on PAYG Top Ups

    Amaysim: $10 top up each year.
    Aldi: $15 top up each year, after first 60d!

    Amaysim credit & number is good for 1yr!
    Amaysim has referral credit.
    Amaysim has had free call days this month if on PAYG!

    *If you are on Amaysim plan & don't recharge, it automatically goes to PAYG for 1yr without charge! And keep ypur bonus credit (from referrals etc).
    I've used Amaysim for years to park number & receive calls.

    Free / profit Boost SIMs (on Telstra) can be used to park number & receive incoming calls & SMS for about 6 months.

    • Don't forget that Aldi Mobile just adjusted it recently, which may prompt other Telcos to do something similar as well.

      • which may prompt other Telcos to do something similar as well.

        Aldi were the outlier, offering 365d for only $5.
        Aldi have now moved to the more 'normal' 6 months grace period before disconnection & loss of number, if not recharged.

        So unlikely - Aldi are the one who has come in line with most Telcos!

        • "6 months grace period" could be already exist like others. I have never been on an Aldi Mobile plan so that no research had been done on it.

          I have a note listing all the so called grace period for all the Telcos that I have dealt with.

          • @Neoika: Now shown in Deal title.
            6 months is usual with major SIM providers / telcos.

            Discussed in comment - to counter EC's overhyping of Aldi advantages "for only $5"!!

            Aldi mobile is pretty ordinary now. Never used them - been too many free SIM Deals, with much better offers.

            Amaysim are still good to me😃
            Got so many free SIMs over a year back, which automatically went to PAYG (some with credit). So emails arriving saying they're disconnecting the services.

            Now with Belong ($80 SIMs for 2K Telstra Plus Pts). Earnt pts from Deals here.

            You must have a long mobile info list!😉

              • +1

                @easternculture: Poor you😭

                So you won't share a fantastic mobile Deal with us, because we corrected your mistakes & your overhyping mistaken advantages for just $5 in this Deal…

                Sadly I will withdraw my imaginary offer
                - I was about to give away $1M here, but now decided not to…
                As you said… "ill keep it to myself"🤣

                I've called out your dummy spit before!

                If you didn't repeatedly get things wrong, then justify why you're right - you wouldn't cop the criticism!!
                A salient life lesson!

                Best not to mislead in Deals!

                  • +1

                    @easternculture: childish honest, in response to yours.

                      • +1

                        @easternculture: Your usual reaction - criticise the other person, call them names, rather than calmly reflect on your own bad behaviour.
                        Then refuse to engage.
                        Now that's very childish!

                        I've seen you do this in other Deal's.
                        Not a good look.
                        You used to be respected…

                        [UPDATE] Now you've taken your ball & run away home. As the negs piled up!

                        BLOCKING commenters, after spitting the dummy at us.

                        Paraphrasing what you said…
                        "I was going to post a free mobile (sob), but now (sob), ill keep it to myself (sob)"

              • +1

                @easternculture: These are just constructive feedback :)

                There's nothing with getting something wrong, just learn from it when people correct you. It is entirely up to you if you want to post another deal or not but just because a deal didnt pan out doesnt mean you should give up.

                However, if you're going to continue this behaviour then best to stop posting deals.

                  • +1

                    @easternculture: Another dummy spit! Hope everyone is keeping count🤣

                    It's going to be a lonely existence EC - ignoring everyone😭
                    Your choice!

  • +1

    I would buy the $30 Amaysim, which is usually in sale at Woolworths or Coles for $10.

      • +1

        Depends where you are. Sure, if you're in rural area then yes telstra is better but aldi does not use the full telstra network.

        telstra vs optus network is objective based on where you live/work/travel to.

        • I wish I could be as subjective about the objectivity

  • +1

    Now changed to 60 days, and need to top up if want to get 365 expiry.

  • Is there a cheaper option than $5 for 60 days .. for 'Sim Sluttin' purposes!?

    • Free / profit Boost SIMs (on Telstra) can be used to park number & receive incoming calls & SMS for about 6 months.
      Outgoing calls, SMS & data only for first 30d.
      Handy with dual sim phone or hotspot use. 'SIM Slut' for over 7years😉

      • Thx … trouble is the number i want to churn is currently on Boost 🤦‍♂️

        • +1

          Hello Wally, we meet again😉
          A "golden number"?

  • Use this for my burner phones

    • +1

      You're missing out on the profits & Data from the numerous Boost SIM deals😉

    • Stringer be proud.

  • +3

    Was $5 for 365 days! How ia this a deal? No longer a deal Aldi.

    • The chocolate ration has been increased, from 20 grams to 25 grams

  • I've been checking at my local Aldi(s) and they've not had any in stock for quite some time.
    I asked and they didn't know when they would get a restock, but confirmed they've had no stock for months.

  • +5

    Cheapest way to park a number for 1.5 years for $15 or use standy on telstra network

    This is wrong.

    You are paying $5 for the sim and then $15 for the recharge = $20.

    You can park your number at amaysim for $10 per year, so $20 will get you 24 months there.

  • +1

    lmao, this is bullshit. I got a $5 SIM a few months back to leave in my Nokia for a year (50mb included would be more than enough for a year of m.basic.facebook), this is just a ~300 day reduction from what I can gather.

  • +1

    I dont know if you went to school or dropped out of all Mathematics classes.

    ALDI states that you are buying the SIM, THEN you need to recharge it past there. = $20
    Amyasims offer is much better, also stop being a (profanity) to other members as noted above.

    • See my message above
      I spent 7 hour and 2 $10 sim still cannot port in a number in Amaysim. They just cannot send the Authentication check sms to my old Boost sim mobile
      I just got an Aldi $5 sim. The number ported within 5 minutes. $20 wasted, although Amaysim said they may refund. Who knows?

  • +5

    easternculture has left the building Deal!

    Did more childish dummy spits!
    (Now removed)
    [EC said was going to post a very attractive free mobile Deal, BUT WON'T NOW because of all the criticism (of mistakes made by EC) in this Deal.]
    Yeah, sure you were!

    And said those who were critical are BLOCKED!! (EC promised not to look!)
    EC wont allow criticism!!😜

    And deleted every comment easternculture made, most defending EC's own mistakes!

    Very strange behaviour. RUOK EC?

    We all make mistakes. (I do!)
    It's how we handle our errors, that says a lot about who we are.

    Ozbargainers should be free to point out mistakes in Deals, that would otherwise mislead members!
    Not be BLOCKED & criticised!!

    This Deal is now very unlike what easternculture originally posted.

    Almost all upvotes were for the earlier misleading Deal:
    ALDI PAYG 365 Days $5 @ ALDI Mobile

    Changed… because of advice from members.

    Now can be seen as the mediocre Deal it always was - after Aldi recently removed 365d credit on the $5!

    I negged the Deal because of lots of early misleading errors.
    (Just think it was a bad day for EC😢)

  • +2

    Sorry. Gonna also Neg for an UN-deal. Or backward step non-deal.

    I way lucky enough to receive and activate my SIM before the deadline and get 365 days. 60 is just lame.
    My next SIM will probably be amaysim for a year and the win.

    • -1

      I way lucky, too. But not really enough, if I’m going to be honest

  • +4

    Previous offer was $5 for 365 days now only 60 days!
    Thanks for letting us know but not a bargain.

  • Previous offer was much better, now amaysim seems much better value for parking a number.

  • No bargain listed.

  • +1

    Amaysim only $10 for a year payg

    • Try the Deal below.

  • -1

    The "Beat that Aldi!" Deal:
    Amaysim $12 SIM Starter Pack for $6.
    Use $12 credit for either 2GB 30d, which rolls over as PAYG for 1 year (but no credit left), or as PAYG for 1 year (with $12 credit).

    Can use your own (non Amaysim) number, & store it.

    A much better Deal as long as Optus network suits.

  • Does it work on a vodafone vfd529 model?

  • Any lock fee for quitting Vodafone prepaid?

  • What a shit deal. OP should l2p.

  • 'Seems to be 120 days grace period, not 6 months if you don't recharge:


    13.1 If:
    (a) your PAYG Base has expired under clause 12.1 above; and
    (b) you do not recharge your mobile number within the next 120 days (Additional Period) –
    your Service may be permanently cancelled (which may result in permanent loss of the phone number)

  • I’m looking for a provider with Telstra as I just found out my phone is locked or should I say daughters phone for Xmas is locked to Telstra and they never advertised it was locked when buying and are asking $80 to unlock it, they also tell me it’s the manufacture that gets payment and does the unlock not them as I asked it be done free.
    I even said I move away from boost and my internet to make them change mind. But still said no.
    Boost is to expensive these days who else uses Telstra Network and currently has a deal was hoping to get a year plan thing.
    But paying $400 for a phone and asked to pay $80 to unlock is just crazy

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