This was posted 12 years 6 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sunbeam Coffee Grinder EM0480 $98 at BigW

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Just saw this in store @ Kuraby QLD - good price for a good grinder (I've had mine for 5 years now and is still grinding well).

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closed Comments

  • that is a bargain, they usually sell for $100 second hand on gumtree

  • +2

    Bummer not available online.

  • +2

    My fist is free

  • I'm noob to the coffee scene. Would this grinder go well with the aeropress? I'm looking for the best single cup making system without forking over big dollars and I was told the grinder selection is very important.

    • It's a conical burr grinder. So it'll basically go well with anything you're making coffee with. Best place to start with brewing coffee IMO, a good grinder

      PS I have EM0450 model. Only difference is plastic casing instead of aluminium. Good deal

    • +2

      Not really familiar with the aeropress but IMHO grinder is more important than the machine, even a high end machine is going to make crap coffee if the grind isn't right too course or too fine. Conical burr grinders like this one are the best for ensuring consistent grind i.e. each particle is the same size, this is important and is also why you should avoid the chop style grinders.

    • Yes you can. I used this with my aeropress while I had it (upgraded now)you can adjust the grind to suit what you are going to use it for, and using fresh coffee beans, makes a huge difference over supermarket ones.
      Its a great low end grinder.

    • Hi dkmvs_com,

      The short answer is YES, and it would work well! If I see one I will also buy one for my Aeropress.

      The long answer..

      I have an Aeropress and I have experimented a bit with grinders for several months. Unlike espresso ANY grind will work with the Aeropress but they will change the taste of the coffee A LOT!

      A finer grind will be MUCH stronger through the Aeropress, and it will also be very difficult to push the coffee/plunger through the filter paper. I real fine grind takes a fair amount of force to get the coffee/water through. But this will give you strong coffee.

      A coarse grind will result is coffee with far less strength (NOTE: I did NOT say weak!). It'll also go through the filter papaer e.t.c. much easier.

      The only other thing to mention is that based on the taste you get from a grind, you might also adjust the amount of coffee (or water) you use each time. It's a balancing act.

      I don't have this grinder, but I see no reason why you would not be able to achieve a consistent grind to suite your taste.

    • Thanks for the feedback, looks like I'll be swinging by the Big W this afternoon!

  • Great grinder!

  • Thanks OP. I'm going to get one of these.

    Now I have to work out what is a good quality plunger to get for it. I've just learnt that a French Press is just another name for a Coffee Plunger.

    Anyone have any recommendations (stainless steel v glass, double wall v single wall, …)?

  • +6

    Good price for a proper (conical burr) coffee grinder.
    But if you want a REAL bargain - maybe you don't drink coffee every day - how does $30 sound?…

    That also is a conical burr, same brand, just hand-held, and amazingly cheap.

    • That's actually surprisingly cheap for a passable grinder. Should put that bargain up yourself!

      • Yep, the Grindmaster has been well received each time it's been up…especially when it was $25 delivered! :)

    • I concur. Excellent! I wasn't prepared to spend $98 on a coffee grinder (not to mention I am too lazy to go to a bricks and mortar) when I am the only coffee drinker in my house, but $30? S**t yeah! Bought a digital meat thermometer to push it over $50, resulting in free shipping.

  • +1

    Any idea how long this will go for? Staff sale on this weekend so Woolworths Limited employees get 10% off. ;)

  • Had this grinder a few years now and that is a bargain for anyone wanting to get a half decent conical burr grinder.
    Great consistent grind, particulatly on the regular same beans each week.
    Certainly shows when you get crap beans.
    Only negative is it's a little noisy.

    • Will it be able to grind beans to absolute powder, I mean flour-like powder? I am a a Turkish coffee drinker. Thanks in advance.

      • +1

        Well my Samsung EM0360 will, i think. I use a french press plunger, and for that it requires a coarse grind, and i have it on setting 17, it goes bewteen 5 and 25 or something like that.
        Well 17 is pretty fine, and the difference between 25 and 17 is definately noticeable.
        I reckon the finest setting will be flour like powder.

        • Thanks Josh, but I still really like to hear about the EM0480 too.

      • +1

        Just tried with my EM0450 on lowest setting and while it's not as fine as flour it does grind it quite fine, enough so that if I put it in my espresso machine that it would nt be able to pass water through it. Hope that helps

        • Thank you very much :)

        • I'm coming in late here, but I have an EM0480. If it's not grinding fine enough for how you like, you just ring up sunbeam, and they will send you some washers/spacers. They raise the level of the lower burr so that it can grind finer. I was grinding on 1 or 2 (out of a range of 1-25, 1 being finest) before the washers. After installing both of them, I am now grinding on about 17. This is for regular espresso machine. If you wound it down to 10 or so with both washers, you'll get flour and maybe need to unclog the grinder occasionally! ;) although it's easy to pull apart to clean, no tools required, simple instructions. (although you will need a small spanner/socket to put the washers on that one time if on the off chance it's not fine enough for you).

      • +1

        Can't say I've experienced Turkish coffee.
        Guess it would, as mentioned by someone below, I've had it so fine when tamped down normally, not even really hard, the machine can't push the water through. On the 1-25 setting I'm on 8 to get a perfect grind that tamps down just right and extracts nicely. If I go finer than about another 2 or 3 settings it's getting towards powder. I'd be too worried about damaging the grinder going too fine.

        From what I've seen of friends with the same grinder, the number setting will be different to another machine and their beans. You just learn what settings work for your machine and beans.
        See also others posts below everyone on different settings. If you go down this path and have a half decent machine too, you'll start to realise with fresh beans what crap Vitoria, insert other big name brand coffee here,… etc is out of a packet! Fresh beans 2-3 weeks from roasting/purchase is my limit for them to go in the bin now.

        Take a look at all the forums on if you're into coffee. Fanatstic amount of info in the forums.

        • Thanks buddy, I appreciate it.

        • Fresh beans 2-3 weeks from roasting/purchase is my limit for them to go in the bin now.

          First world problems…

        • +1

          Yep. Life's tough here in the lucky country at the moment.
          Don't get me wrong. I hardly ever throw any out.
          Only buy what I need fresh.
          Just pointing out that you do notice the quality of coffee decline after 2-3 week old beans.

  • +1

    I've got the Samsung Grindmaster EM0360, the one for $30

    I bought 2 from a Big W 1-Day Deal offer back in March, i paid $25 each, with free delivery. Bargain.
    Gave one to Mum for mother's day.

    It's great, beacause it's a bargain stick mixer, as well as the grinder.

    It grinds really well, and fast. I've only used it for grinding coffee, but you can use it for nuts and seeds too (although i've heard it's not as good with them).

    It's been posted before here, at various times… - (see bottom post for reference of $25 price)

    • Samsung? Please don't insult this product

      • ooops, i mean Sunbeam. ;_;

    • 85 gram hopper?
      That's not a hopper. I'd be refilling it all day long.
      The machine in this post takes a 250g bag of beans easy. Almost a weeks coffee grinding for me without refilling.

      • +1

        you should not store them in the hopper they will go stale faster. just put in what you want to use.

      • 250g = "almost a week" (6 days)

        85g x 3 = 255g

        Equates to refilling once every 2 days, not "all day long".

        "you should not store them in the hopper they will go stale faster"


        • Can the EM0360 grind for espresso machine?

        • Grinder in appliance cupboard with coffee machine.
          Cool, dark place. All good.
          Don't really consider less than a week in the hopper 'storing' them. ;)
          My theory is that if I fill the hopper each time then it is only opened twice for my 500g bag of beans to only be opened once to use the whole lot inside of two weeks.

        • yes, it can grind for expresso machine.

          good theory Hitchy

  • I have the Sunbeam Cafe Crema machine and a grind setting of 15 is perfect for this machine with fresh beans. Any lower and it clogs the machine, and higher and it is watery.

    • +1

      I have used mine with both a Rancilio Silvia and Sunbeam EM6910 - 15 is about right for the Sunbeam but I needed to reduce it to around 12 for the Silva. I've also noticed that different beans need different settings as well e.g. Vitoria coffee from supermarket needs to be ground finer than beans from Baybeans, I think this may have something to do with how fresh the beans are.

  • +1

    Don't you love it when you decide you are in the market for a coffee grinder… you decide you will wait until one comes up on OzBargain and then a week later, there it is!?

    • i was looking at a bur hand grinder for roughly $60. I got this

  • Thanks very much - picked one up at Rockdale Big W this arvo. There were about 4 left on the shelf.

  • Just picked one up from watergardens VIC. Lower price was not marked but did scan for $98. Can't argue with that.

  • I only drink a few coffees a week. I wonder if this is overkill? oh well on my way there now.

    Update :

    Just grabbed the second last one from Melbourne Cbd QV location. The last one looked like the box has been opened a few times but all there. btw They didn't have the handheld in store

    • I was hoping to spot a handheld Sunbeam Grindmaster EM0360 to have a look, but couldn't see any in store.

      I bought one of the EM0480's from Livingston (Canning Vale), WA. There were four more on the shelf, the "CHA-CHING" sale price labelled as $98, the end of sale appears to be 07/10/2012.

      Given it a couple of tries so far and it's working well straight out of the box on a 12 setting. Can't seem to avoid a bit of mess while grinding straight into the filter basket/portafilter/("group handle"? says the manual), but there's an included plastic nozzle to try and direct that flow a little.

  • There were 4 or 5 at the canberra centre this morning. As mentioned above, it was marked at 200 but scanned at 98.

  • Read the specs for the EM0480 on the BigW site; Boxed Contents: Coffee Burner! eek.

  • 1 left in Brisbane MacArthur central. Thx OP

  • There were about 4 boxes left at cumberland park (SA) today. Price on shelf was $198 - scanned at $98. Awesome grinder! thanks OP :D

    • None left at Cumberland Pk..Picked one up at Marion, not sure if any left there

  • I got mine yesterday from NSW Blacktown. there are still 2 left if my info is right.

  • Bought one yesterday in Menai. 2 left on the shelf there. Unpacked the unit but was rather unimpressed by the flimsy plastic hopper. Obviously that is the part that was engineered to fail first.

  • -1

    I took the last of three at the South Yarra store yesterday. Was ticketed for $198, scanned for $98.

  • Got one of these to use with my Rancilio Silvia. Great machine!
    At this price, an absolute bargain / must for any home barista.

  • i went to harvey norman yesterday and they price matched it.

  • Picked up 500g bag of Lavazza coffee beans from Wooloworths tonight, for $10, down from $18.50. :)

  • These are still on sale. Picked up one from Gawler, SA on the way home from the Barossa Valley yesterday. They had stacks left there, still marked as $198 on the shelf though.

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