Playstation 5 Disc Version - no bundled games so save a little bit on the God of War Bundle version.
Edit: Back in Stock 2:15pm
Playstation 5 Disc Version - no bundled games so save a little bit on the God of War Bundle version.
Edit: Back in Stock 2:15pm
The poor sods thinking they did well with the recent Target deal.
Bro I just bought it on target like an hr ago dammmmmm
Cancel the order ❌
Getting awfully close to my $597 purchase price last week with the Amazon/Sony pricematch+Amex 100 off deal.
I think this is a new normal re pricing.
can sony pricematch gamesman?
not with coupon deal
I don't get the coupon rule, behind the scenes it's somewhat no different than setting sale price stock limits. Eventually retailers are going to realise they can get people to stop price matching with competitors and just all use coupons instead of sale prices.
We only have a few days left before amex Sony expires hopefully Amazon does something
@bansharkfin: I have already locked in a price with Sony at 697 but hoping there will be something soon coming up with Amazon to relock it again and to use my amex. Already purchased a controller and dualsense wireless charger.
@nnaa8287: only issue is that Gamesman is not an authorized retailer and Sony will not honor the warranty. It has to be via Gamesman and the buyer bears the shipping fee.
@Soled Out: Response from Sony AU:
Since the retailer that you have selected is a parallel importer, we are not able to match the price. Currently, overseas sellers/importers of Sony products are not eligible for price matching.
I spoke to Gamesman after this and they honour the 1-year warranty by directly sending the items to them. Not sure how the consumer warranty applies.
@AndrewMTG: Amex is an American express credit card offering $100 cash-back on purchase of $500+ from Sony
@nnaa8287: Seems to be mixed messaging on this. I messaged Gamesmen last night on eBay and they replied "Confirming that we are an authorised Australian Sony/Playstation seller and have been since the release of the PS1. All of our consoles are covered by Sony Australia's warranty."
@scrappydoo: I agree as i spoke to Gamesman team a while ago and they said the same. I don’t know why Sony is responding this way. I feel Gamesman is equally good. Just get wherever it’s cheaper.
@nnaa8287: Correction based on recent communication with Gamesman. Seller bears the shipping fee for under warranty products.
@nnaa8287: Okay but the response you received from Sony that Gamesmen are not an authorised retailer, are not covered by Sony Australia's warranty and are parallel importing appears to be incorrect
@scrappydoo: Just spoke to the Sony Support team and they confirmed that Gamesman is one of the authorized retailers. Not sure why the response is different from Sony Sales Team. Now have sent an email to Sony for written confirmation.
@nnaa8287: An update from Sony Support team:
Thank you for your email. is one of our autorised retailer for Sony PlayStation products.
$20 max but still kicking ass on previous deals .
never kick donkeys its animal cruelty, but good deals.
Hmm…thinking if better with game or get dual controller for another $50 or so.
what deal with 2 controller?
This is an insane deal and an ATL!
Thanks OP. Never going to play God of War in my life - this one will do.
You monster /s
With the cashback later today and the discounted ebay gift cards I already have, its cheap as hell
Can we stack the 22% off code with the gift cards?
nothing that says you cant use gift cards
Aww paid full price recently but had lots of fun since then so.. worth it
That's it, no ragrets.
Thanks OP. Great deal. Now to get the son to do some chores.
got the disc version with 2 controllers
good deal
hopefully i use it
available for 2 hours! now that scalpers don't care
They already made a fortune. ha
Back in stock
no it isn't. Link still says out of stock and price back to $799.95
Edit: my bad… it is OOS but $799.95 is without the ebay Plus discount
Back in stock
Off topic but I recently bought an used PS5 bundle with GoW game, however the code has been redeemed. Any way I can get the game from the seller or basically I'm SOL?
SOL mate… the code has been redeemed to a PS account and can't be traded in any way now.
What's a SOL?
sh*t out of luck
what firmware version did it come with?
also is that with disc or with voucher code?
You've probably wasted more time pondering this than it would have taken you to cancel lol.
Cancel from their desktop site, I don't think you can cancel from mobile. I use Firefox on my phone and was able to cancel on my phone by requesting desktop site, just did it this morning.
Almost 100 sold in 6 hours
OzBargain directly responsible for the next interest rate increase
You can tell people are struggling with the cost of living when they have to wait for the PS5 to be discounted before they buy it. Hard times ahead
Or that the Ps5 has been price jacked for so long so people aren't going to get it unless it's a good deal or an upgraded model.
is this a human or bot
May one even mutter… $549.99???
waiting for 549 mark
Ordered. Thanks mate!
are we expecting this to be cheaper during EOFY sales?
Well I suppose I may as well grab one then lol
Thanks OP, Ordered here,
Last time ordered in Amazon deal but the disk was not going inside, got a replacement today after chat with Amazon rep. Now the replacement one is taking disks in but not reading the disks, not even the reading sound or a notification. Very much annoyed by Amazon and placed a return again. Got defective products two times in a row by amazon. Surprised my baby girl with it but not lasting longer. Luckily this deal saved me. Hope I will get a brand new working product.
did ya order used or wut happened
Replace disk with disc, then you will probably understand.
@AndrewMTG: First PS5, disc drive wouldn't accept any disc. Replacement unit, can insert disc into the PS5, but PS5 doesn't appear to read the disc. So he decided to request a return (probably for a full refund). His baby girl was amused with the PS5 units for a little while. Now this deal landed so he's happy.
@AndrewMTG: Who cares. I hope he was drunk when writing the comment. Otherwise, we need his daughter to grow up quickly so she can translate his comments for us.
Held out buying this or series X from the past few deals in case there was a better one. Glad I waited. Got one, thanks OP.
can't wait for PS6 to come out in 2 years time, o… you guys are still buying ps5s? :D
$649 with game :)
50 left .