Destination: Tokyo
Airline: Qantas
Valid Departure Dates: July to September 2023
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out
July to August are summer months in Tokyo, with September the start of Autumn
All listed flights are to Tokyo Haneda (close to the city)
Flights are on a mix of A330-300/200 aircraft
Flights listed have been pre-filtered to show only Qantas flights for convenience (just reset the filter to show all airlines)
Brisbane to Tokyo Flights from $1049 Return.
21/Aug - 03/Sep $1049
29/Aug - 10/Sep $1049
21/Aug - 04/Sep $1049
02/Aug - 15/Aug $1049
30/Jul - 14/Aug $1049
28/Aug - 10/Sep $1049
28/Aug - 11/Sep $1049
28/Aug - 12/Sep $1049
31/Jul - 14/Aug $1052
14/Aug - 28/Aug $1052
Melbourne to Tokyo Flights from $1049 Return.
30/Aug - 11/Sep $1049
03/Sep - 18/Sep $1049
20/Aug - 04/Sep $1049
03/Sep - 19/Sep $1049
23/Aug - 07/Sep $1049
14/Aug - 03/Sep $1052
30/Jul - 14/Aug $1052
13/Aug - 28/Aug $1056
16/Aug - 31/Aug $1056
02/Aug - 17/Aug $1056
Hobart to Tokyo Flights from $1050 Return.
30/Aug - 11/Sep $1050
30/Jul - 14/Aug $1050
03/Sep - 18/Sep $1056
23/Aug - 07/Sep $1056
13/Aug - 28/Aug $1056
02/Aug - 17/Aug $1056
16/Aug - 31/Aug $1056
03/Sep - 19/Sep $1056
14/Aug - 03/Sep $1062
20/Aug - 04/Sep $1062
Sydney to Tokyo Flights from $1050 Return.
14/Aug - 30/Aug $1050
02/Aug - 15/Aug $1050
16/Aug - 29/Aug $1050
31/Jul - 14/Aug $1050
13/Aug - 28/Aug $1050
15/Aug - 30/Aug $1050
21/Aug - 06/Sep $1050
26/Jul - 08/Aug $1050
30/Jul - 14/Aug $1050
31/Jul - 15/Aug $1050
Adelaide to Tokyo Flights from $1144 Return.
30/Aug - 11/Sep $1144
03/Sep - 18/Sep $1144
20/Aug - 04/Sep $1144
03/Sep - 19/Sep $1144
23/Aug - 07/Sep $1144
13/Aug - 28/Aug $1144
30/Jul - 14/Aug $1144
02/Aug - 17/Aug $1144
16/Aug - 31/Aug $1147
06/Feb - 21/Feb $1147
Canberra to Tokyo Flights from $1144 Return.
30/Aug - 11/Sep $1144
03/Sep - 18/Sep $1144
03/Sep - 19/Sep $1144
30/Jul - 14/Aug $1144
30/Jul - 15/Aug $1144
23/Aug - 07/Sep $1144
02/Aug - 17/Aug $1144
16/Aug - 31/Aug $1144
13/Aug - 28/Aug $1155
29/Jul - 14/Aug $1155
- Checked baggage, meals and entertainment are all included
- Please take into account any vaccine/covid test/insurance requirements when traveling
- Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!
For this deal and more cheap and great value deals (not just focusing on budget carriers) visit and subscribe to flightfinderau
So some of the oldest in the fleet.
The JAL is more but it’s better