Initial Victorian State Budget Thoughts

Interested to hear people thoughts on the few things been released from the state budget in Victoria so far…

Obviously not the most reliable news source but:
- new tax of minimum of $500 per investment property and up to $975 + 0.1% value of the land over $300k
- payroll tax increases by 0.5% for over $10M in payroll and 1% for over $100M

Now not saying landlords don't have a spare $500 per property per year but this will all but certainly be passed on.

Same goes with payroll tax, the 0.5% or 1% will just come off employee salaries in some way or another.

The government blamed this somewhat on their surprise on interest rate rises (which the everyday person is coping too) and their solution is to add to the fire of rising cost of living by just taking more.

Do you think this is going to become the new normal where government screw up and the people pay for it?

Poll Options

  • 252
    Yes, it's happening more and more the people in the government have no idea how to manage money
  • 30
    It's been happening for ages how have you missed this
  • 99
    No, you're making this bigger than what it needs to be
  • 14
    Send in the bikies


    • +1

      It's hilarious all these people whining about Dan Andrews and declare incompetence. Yet the opposition couldn't provide anything to convince voters to rally behind their policies.

  • absolutely this should be happening.. and it shoudl also be charged to those who were residents of ViC during 2020-2022 and have since feld the state. this should actually be done by Qld as well to pay for the hotel stays their residents used while in quarantine in Sydney

  • +6

    I like it, ultimately being a landlord needs to be less attractive and people with money to spend should be steered away from inflating the ever burdgeoning real estate market by the speculative buy and let of housing.

  • +21

    It seems like majority of ozbargainers couldn't grasp Year 12 economics and spoon fed by and Murdoch propaganda

    Tax is just another tool to fight inflation. The cause of inflation is that there are too much money in the system and that will need to be drained out.

    No government in their right mind would tax low and middle class, they have already suffered enough. Taxing property investors are more palatable.

    Don't parrot the Murdoch's line "Think of the renters". Ask any middle class american who went through Reagan's trickle down economy if they have seen any of the benefits.

    Rent is determined by free market - Supply & Demand. If landlords are forced to increase rent to cover cost, this allows other investors who are better at managing cost to come in and offer a better deal.

    • -2

      As a landlord I’ll be passing on the costs to tenants and adding another 5% for the inconvenience. I’ll never have a problem finding tenants. Can’t say I did economics in year 12. I prefer stem.

      • +5

        Well you're currently not optimizing your rent if the statements you've just made are true.

        Thank you for your charity

        • You’re most welcome. :)

    • +2

      These taxes aren’t being introduced to curb inflation.

      • +4

        Either way, they still remove money from the economy, which has the same effect.

        • No; they just create more debt for the lower class, as they’ll get hit by it in the end

          • +3

            @Danstar: Yeah nah

          • +1

            @Danstar: So raising taxes for the so called “rich” will lower prices for the “poor”…makes sense

    • +2

      These taxes are being brought in because Dan spent too much money and has to find a way to pay for it. This has absolutely nothing to do with fighting inflation.

      I find it funny that you say ozbargainers can't grasp year 12 economics while trying to spin this as Dan trying to fight inflation? Just a couple of months ago he was critical of the RBA for raising rates, you know, the people actually trying to fight inflation.

      • Just a couple of months ago he was critical of the RBA for raising rates, you know, the people actually trying to fight inflation.

        A lot of people were critical of these rate rises, because it affected them personally.

        • Yet dan has the power to affect everyone in the state of Victoria

  • Anyone who works out has worked for the government knows how qualified and experienced they are and make well informed decisions.

  • $369 billions worth of nuclear submarines ain't gonna pay for itself

    • +2

      State budget?

      • +3

        General state of affairs for pollies from both fed and state levels funding pork barrel projects to enrich themselves and their mates. Justification for $369 billions of nuclear subs was to defend our trade routes with chyna… from chyna. For context, they are increasing Medicare budget by just $2.2 billion…..…

        • Yes, and the data just released shows USA & UK are now leading the real estate investment race. AUKUS is double dipping on our sovereignty. USA may as well own the dirt, they own the deed.

  • +5

    Get ready my Tentant.. Passed on and change

    • +1

      So generous of you that you gave a rental discount before this despite knowing the tenant can afford it.

      • +1

        It's had it below market for 3 years. I've absorbed enough

    • What, you haven’t converted your property to an AirBnB already? /s

  • +1

    Do you think this is going to become the new normal where government screw up and the people pay for it?

    Since when has this not been the norm?

    Also, I doubt there will be few cases where the extra land tax will only be $500. How many landholdings are worth less than 100k these days? Plus there will also be an additional 0.2% on the (up to) 250k difference with the new lower threshold. Multiply that out by 9 years, it's a pretty significant amount. You can bet it will be passed on.

    Here's the full excerpt

    From 1 January 2024, the tax-free threshold for general land tax rates will temporarily decrease from $300 000 to $50 000. The family home will remain exempt from land tax. Those who pay land tax will attract a temporary additional fixed charge starting at $500 for landholdings between $50 000 and $100 000. There will be a $975 fixed charge for landholdings above $100 000 and the tax rates will temporarily increase by 0.1 per cent for both general and trust taxpayers with holdings above $300 000 and $250 000 respectively. These changes are estimated to raise $4.7 billion to repay COVID debt over four years.
    It is expected these tax changes will apply until 30 June 2033.

  • Jump the state simples! chehgghhg

  • +9

    I have family members that cashed in furing the 2020 / 2021 and we are talking about 250K plus - Received all these grants for their businesses when they didnt need it - They've purchased property with it. Now they are complaining about it.

    During covid, they were raining in the cash being all happy.
    Now, they are upset that they need to pay it back when it wasn't warranted. Yes, some businesses did suffer, and I feel sorry for them. For the ones that didn't and benefited from all the cash, I say suck it up.

    • I say pass it on to the consumer and laugh 😆

      • +2

        Small Business does the with everything and complain every step of the way that "their backs are to the wall".

    • That model sounds just like farming. Biggest pork barrel around

    • U will eventually learn that when there is hand out u should grab as much as u can cause eventually government will wanna claw back and u end up netting 0. Better 0 than negative.

  • +1

    Victoria is such a sad state, shit climate plus insane tax.

    • And it's like a Harvey Norman Kitchen Showroom. Cookers galore.

  • Personally I'm enjoying round one of the dumpster fire, each budget will be worse than the last for a good decade.

    I have a lot of friends and family who stand with Dan and defended his mis-management of covid. I get to mock them from my new home in SE Queensland.

    • +1

      I don’t remember any other state premier in VIC doing anything for the state other than selling more lands to developers and getting Peking duck in return. I’m happy with my rail crossing removed.

  • +9

    We need to pay more taxes for the stuff we want.

    Starting by hitting up little landlords is a good start.

    • +5

      CGT and Neg Gearing should go too. The argument that these scams help investors put roofs over renters heads, is dead buried and cremated. Free up the market for ownership for first homes and stop foreign ownership of residential properties for 5 years,period. Migration numbers should be limited immediately till housing our existing citizens is moving forward.

  • +1

    Hi People,

    Regarding the changes to land tax I wanted to confirm.

    Does it effect if your name is on 50% of another property but the other person 50% is PPOR.

  • +1

    Just Chairman Dan f$%#ing the population again. Nothing to see here.

    • +1

      What did he do wrong?

      • +1

        The unthinkable.

        Did not throw enough money at the people here complaining about him, asked people to do the right thing by others, and saved too many lives during covid pandemic. He'd be in the good books if he had employed (and paid top dollar) all the health, economy and pandemic experts bagging him, who seem to have all bought time machine periscopes..

        • +3

          Where did he save lives? Victoria have the highest Death toll from covid…

      • +2

        What has he done right? Completely mismanaged covid resulting in highest death toll in Australia despite spending the most time in lockdown, meanwhile continued to spend spend spend (also wants to keep spend spend spending on useless projects) and now we have most debt in the country, lowest credit rating etc.

        Then he points the finger at everyone else, including the RBA, then turns to the tax payer to bail him out. We are already the most taxed state in the country.

        I can see a future where Victoria is the California of Australia, people end up leaving in droves because it is just too expensive to live here.

  • +5

    For those complaining about taxes being shoveled back onto renters.. Is there any realistic way to tax landlords without them shifting back onto renters?

    • +6

      I mean, if you're a landlord, you would be trying to maximise income. New taxes doesn't magically mean tenants can pay any rent increase.

      Landlords can't raise rent any more without risking no income coming in after tenants leave. No renter has unlimited money and can get cheaper rent elsewhere. How does one make rent everywhere more expensive? So what landlords and REA trying to do is tell everyone everywhere that taxes are going to raise rents in hopes that they can get away with increasing rents to cover that extra cost.

      Think of it the opposite way, government gives landlords money on top of the rent paid by tenants. Will landlords everywhere lower rent? Lol, no.

      • +5

        The end of the thread is here>

        "So what landlords and REA trying to do is tell everyone everywhere that taxes are going to raise rents in hopes that they can get away with increasing rents to cover that extra cost."
        (word right there)

        Greed is good.
        "FQU, I'm alright", is the Gospel according to Howard.

        • Well isn't that part of the underlying issue that has caused the spike in inflation for the past year. Manufacturers get slugged with higher energy, material, transportation costs and much of that has been passed onto consumers at a household level. Don't see how this is any different.

    • +3

      From this thread it seems they will complain no matter what

    • +2

      Yes, increase capital gains tax when selling.

      This is a tax on landlords' gains (not an ongoing cost).

      This should deter landlords from buying more properties (since profit margin is crap)

      This means more housing stock and theoretically lower house prices.

      • +1

        U forgot there is 400k new migrants coming in the snap up anyone who is selling. If u r renting no chance u will be able to compete with cashed up middle income migrants.

        • … which in some cases will be targeting students via OS family ownership (have already purchased and are sitting on the empty house) , to either house direct rello students or milk other students wallets dry.
          Both sides of govt have enabled this train wreck to housing, and adding 900K more humans should implode the model relatively quickly. Who knows, Indo may stopping our boats in 10 years time, LOL

      • +1

        Capital gains tax on investment properties should be a flat 50%. Time to punish the greedy speculators that have been driving up housing prices for decades.

        • Disappointed I can only up-vote once.
          Have this voucher

      • "This means more housing stock and theoretically lower house prices." - Why do people believe this myth? A renter that stops renting and purchases a property does not increase housing stock - there is still exactly the same number of houses and exactly the same number of people. The only thing that increases housing stock is more actual houses being built.

  • +1

    This budget is the best thing to happen to vic…will make ppl take the opposition more seriously

    • +1

      A decent opposition leader would help people take the opposition seriously.

      • +1

        Pluck a name from the Vic LNP hat who you think fits the bill? Moira Leeming,maybe?
        The job is a poison chalice at the moment, of their own doing with a BIG helping hand from voters choices at the last election.

    • There's an opposition?
      An opposition leader?
      People take voting seriously?

      Wow, that's trippy

  • +9

    Imagine owning a $1m investment property and thinking the sky is falling in because of a $1,000 p.a tax.

    • Many of those same people would also have a decent mortgage attached to their property and just as likely to be middle income earners. Doesn't make it any easier to find that 1k if you aren't renting it out also.

      • +5

        If you are living in the place, you won't pay this tax.

        If you are renting it out, you'll pay the tax.

        If you aren't renting it out, you're probably plumping it up to sell or trying to find new tenants. Good news for you it's a great time to sell, perfect time to put a large amount of cash in the bank and easy time to find new tenants.

        If your place is empty and you can't find tenants, move into it.

        If you're strapped for cash but want to maintain a $1m holiday home, nobody can help you. However you probably would do a better job being the Premier of Victoria compared to the current guy.

    • +1

      Just pass it on to the renter. The poor will foot the bill in the end.

      • Landlord is the one going to be poor if the tenant leaves on receiving a rent increase and no one wants to pay the higher rent. Who's going to pay for the landlord's mortgage then?

        That is assuming that the landlord already increased the rent to what the tenant was willing to pay otherwise the landlord was being generous?

        Most likely that the landlords are going to pay this instead being able to pass it onto the tenants.

        • I don’t think you know how the rental market is at the moment… renters will pay

  • -5

    Gutted by this new land tax. We have a holiday home that doesn't get rented out. It's out investment for ours and our kids future as we have little super. We still have a hefty mortgage on it. Dan and he side kick think investors made bank over covid yet those who use their homes as a get away made nothing. Heck we couldn't even visit our home for 6 months over those two years. Disgusted that there had been this blanket ruling for all investors. Not everyone has an extra grand lying about to pay land tax. And then he has the audacity to tell us to claim it on tax. How can I when I don't rent it out.

    • If you own property, you may have to pay land tax. If your home is the only property you own you will not pay land tax because your home (principal place or residence) is exempt.

      Or you can gift the holiday home to one of your kids?

      • A 12 and 15 year old? But guess it's food for thought down the track. But having said that it then becomes a tax liability to them.

    • +1

      We have a holiday home that doesn't get rented out

      Not everyone has an extra grand lying about to pay land tax

      Not only you refuse to pay 1k tax on a 1m house, you also open admitting you're contributing to rent shortage by keeping a house empty

      • And you assume its worth 1m? Its certainly not. And as for renting it out, id rather it sit there empty than have some renter trash it and cost me thousands in repairs. I see plenty of rented houses around us where the renters dont give a hoot about the inside or out. Why should i feel sorry. I work very hard for what i have and will use it how i see fit. Judgy much?

    • Poor,poor you.
      I'm sure the homeless ppl you cross the street to avoid, shed a tear for you, in your desperate hour of "need".H-hm

      • Love how people assume so much about a person they know nothing about. Oh thats right its the internet…how could i be so foolish to think otherwise.

        • "Love how people assume so much about a person they know nothing about. Oh that's right its the internet…how could i be so foolish to think otherwise."

          I guess we missed the part where you uploaded your whole life circumstances for us to form a better conclusion,, or everyone 'having a go' skimmed fwd to the FIGJAM chapter.

    • +4

      Too many contradictions here.. An investment property which is a 'holiday home that doesn't get rented out'.

      These are exactly the type of properties that Governments target for tax and if it gets increased there is plenty of reasonable justification for it especially under these circumstances. If it is a problem, then sell it, pay your capital gains tax and invest in something else.

  • The states in bad shape, they need to cut big infrastructure projects to realistically get the debt down. Considering the context, the budget did not go far enough - the debt is still scheduled to grow by tens of billions even with these measures.

    The Labor party has been so successful in Victoria and in power so long that it now is forced to grapple with its own overspending/overcommitments, which was happening well before the pandemic.

  • +1

    All u business and renter who received handouts and free rent during covid better have saved that money to be paid up now.

    And the liberals are no better. Government in this whole country hasn’t been functional for last 20 years.

  • Few questions:
    1. Why is it "fair" for landlords to help to repay Covid debt ? Is it because we assume landlords are rich people ? If so, is it fair to tax all people whose net worth is greater more than 300k ? Oh I see, state gov cannot do that. But they forget that making property investment less attractive means less revenue from stamp duty. Let's see if it's a smart move or not.

    1. State gov only has a few cows to milk from: pay roll tax, stamp duty, land tax, and selling public assets. It's unlikely that this budget can fix the debt. I expect more to come, most likely in the form of selling public assets.
    • +1

      They need the money, it has nothing to do with fairness - clearly it is not fair.

      It would be fairer to cut the $200 billion metro rail loop that badly failed a cost benefit analysis at a rate of about 65 cents return for every dollar invested, and will not be finished until 2084 (when the world, and modes of transport have likely all changed radically) according to the parliamentary budget office.

  • Why not look after citizens and tax the hell out of foreign ownership of land and businesses.

    • Because (a) them foreigners own our arses and influence govts (b) we are a stupid country. And (c) about to import more people into an already broken system. Wasting resources,and our opportunities to enrich foreigners,(and it was always thus.) The crunch is coming as capitalism runs into the hangover of too many humans not enough resources.
      AUKUS will save us.
      This on top of a global recession closing in.

  • +3

    Why are you people complaining? You overwhelmingly voted for Dan. Even after he ruined your lives for 2 years, you still voted for the abuser. Enjoy!!! Keep standing with DAN! EN-JOY!!

    • Dan 'Da Man' sends his sincerest love to all the whingers>

    • I left the state. But I’ve still got property there haha.

      • I left the state. But I’ve still got property there haha.

        Eh you got the better deal. I'm still here and without any property anywhere. 😁

  • +1

    I know a few people in Melbourne who worked in cash in hand job during Covid. They would deliberately go for a Covid test every 6 weeks to get the $450 payment - I am only talking about 2 people here, you multiply this by as many as you want and you'd know why Victoria is in a kind of state it is.

    This is just one example of a freebie! It wasn't a freebie after all now, was it?

    • And yet the lefties went crazy when the fed. Govt finally decided to scrap covid payments.

      • +3

        and like it or not, people who know about stuff (economists etc) are praising Victorias model of dealing with stamp duty, among other things.
        And just in case you ask> Google it

        • Economists are as useful as financial planners

          • -1

            @mlburnian: Yes, good point. Faceless unwashed internet plebs with Amazon bought rear view mirrors know best..
            Science is totally wasted on the West. They prefer bling over survival.

            • @Protractor: Get outta here with your big words…you undercover economist

        • And yet Victoria has become the worst state in Australia. Thanks economists 👍

  • I think it's a good thing that landlords are being taxed but it probably would have been wiser to tax them somehow based upon the rent that's charged per week. If you charged higher than a set standard for a particular size home, you get taxed more. Would help keep rents reasonable.

    • So a house in Bayswater should be taxed the same as one in Prahran if the they’re the same size?

      • Didn't say I was an economist, but finding a way to tax landlords which doesn't make it easy to pass the tax onto the renter would be preferable

        • +1

          "finding a way to tax landlords which doesn't make it easy to pass the tax onto the renter would be preferable"

          Unless the are no tenants willing or able to pay for higher rent, then additional expenses to the landlord will no doubt flow to the renters.

  • +4

    Funny how most of the critics of the Andrews government aren't even from Victoria.

    Andrews clearly has an overwhelming mandate from the people of Victoria to continue spending big to invest in the future of the state. It's plainly obvious that Melbourne is going to become Australia's most populated city and will need the infrastructure to support that population.

    The main reason for perceived housing inaffordability is because many new estates being built right now are plainly unlivable. It takes > 1 hour to get into the city from many estates that are only 30 - 40km out from the city because of a complete lack of infrastructure. Roads are completely packed from 7am in the morning because traffic flows through narrow chokepoints, there is no public transport, and there are no shops, schools, or other amenities in these new estates, so people are forced to contribute even more to the congestion to live life.

    The only way out of this hole is to build big, and the sooner the better. Rail crossing removals have slashed travel times from some of the busiest intersections, railway improvements, particularly through the west (e.g. the regional rail link) has made trains more reliable and frequent, the metro tunnel will unlock huge productivity boosts for people catching the train into the city, not to mention how many people will benefit from the West Gate tunnel, North-East link…etc.

    I personally still think the Suburban Rail Loop is a bit of a vanity project (surely building Doncaster or Rowville rail first would have been the answer), but I'm not a shill for Andrews - I'll gladly call his government out when I think they're in the wrong.

    The reality is that we need to build if we want Melbourne to be a livable city. Lack of infrastructure will turn us into Sydney, where you have rich inner-city suburbs, then anywhere beyond this radius is almost completely unlivable. This is the only way to solve the housing affordability crisis. We can only accommodate more people by building out, building up, or building closer together, and it's clear that people in Australia do not want to live in apartment buildings, and do not want to live in urban high-density blocks. If that is the lifestyle we choose and want, then we have to accept the expensive infrastructure bill it will cost to support that.

    People are moving to Victoria in droves, Victoria is currently in the best economic position of all the states (…) - it has the highest growth in gross state product (5.6%) vs. Australia's 2.1% growth in GDP, and Andrews continues to be re-elected with overwhelming majorities. He needs to double down and continue what he's been doing to get our state to this position.

    • -1

      I personally still think the Suburban Rail Loop is a bit of a vanity project (surely building Doncaster or Rowville rail first would have been the answer), but I'm not a shill for Andrews

      wait what, you're happy to take a dig at the rail loop but call me a clown for bashing it? You're a joke mate

  • +2

    The China model of government with no confusing left, right lies and a inter generational plan that is working for over a billion people makes me think our model is doomed to failure; and after reading the comments, now more so than ever

  • As the treasurer doesn't speak for me, I will be raising rent due to the new land tax rates.

    I've held off increasing the rent for a while but I will pass on the increased tax to my tenants.

    My tenants are already paying lower than market price so I doubt they will move out.

    I hope they won't but if they do, I'll get new tenants at a higher price (market rent).

    Very disingenuous Tim to claim rents won't rise.

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