• expired

nbn Unlimited 1000/50 $99/Month for The First 6 Months ($119/Month Ongoing, FTTP and HFC Only, New Customers Only) @ Superloop


Seems like a pretty decent deal… other deals posted are for lower speed deals.

nbn FTTP and HFC only.

Typical evening speed: 600/42 Mbps

for first 6 months then $119/mth ongoing
Save $120 over 6 months

For nbn 1000/50 total minimum cost is $99 plus any pro-rata charges for 30-day cancellation notice period.
Plans available to new residential nbn customers only.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1331)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Good stuff, less then 1 hour to switch over from ABB 100/20 plan to this.

    Speedtest confirming a massive increase in performance. Thanks OP!

    • What?1 What is your NBN connection type?

      • +1


        • A massive increase? What is the speed difference?

          • @Maths Debater: I was getting roughly 80 mbps before. Tested at peak and was roughly 700mbps. Just tested again and topped out at 905mbps! (Ethernet connection on desktop)

  • I remember when 1000Mbps plans were $450+ a month 6 years ago. How times have changed.

    • Aussie Broadband have offered residential customers 1000Mbps plans since May 2020.

      I know because I signed up on Day 1…

      $149 has been their price per month since then - with the occasional deal for new customers but not existing ones….

      Prior to that, most 1000Mbps offerings were business oriented….

      • You made me double check. Initially in 2017 for consumers in my state it was $1000 a month and later dropped to $500.

        • I paid $28k to get a FTTP connection here.

          Now they have done the whole street for free….

          • @TheCandyMan2020: Very unlucky. I've had FTTP for nearly 11 years now :P

            Back then if you went on holiday you could come back to find your street had been completed and your house was skipped. Very hard to get them back after that.

  • Anyone know if they need VLAN tagging ?

    • +1

      They do not

  • What speeds is everyone getting? I just switched and am getting 180-220 down and 40 up —- FTTP

    • Reboot your router

    • HFC, around 600-700, definitely not the 800+ some people are claiming in this thread.

  • Why would you need internet this fast if you don't play games? I have 100/20 with Exetel and it's good enough for downloading 2-3GB movies in minutes

    • +6

      No buffering 4k phub on all TVs in the house at the same damn time.

    • +1

      Why would you need internet this fast if you don't play games?


  • +2

    bit annoying that have to call them a month prior to cancel though

    • I called them a day before a new month was about to start and they cancelled my service right away.

      • Didn't they charge pro-rata?

        • I cancelled a day before I was about to pay for a new month. They didn't charge me for anything.

          • @GoonSack69: not sure how it worked for you guys.

            but when I called them they told me same thing as their TC mentions:

            You can cancel your Superloop nbn Home Broadband Service at
            any time by giving Superloop 30 days' notice


            • +2

              @ozbnb: Which is one of the reasons I will no longer use Superloop. Yes, the chances of having a hassle such that I would want to move away at short notice is small, it does happen. And it has happened at Superloop in the past when they installed new routers that disconnected people frequently taking weeks to fix.

  • 5 minutes to sign up, less than an hour to churn from ABB.

    Getting above 900Mb/s - happy customer.

  • I am on Telstra UltraFast Plan for $125 per month (a special discount, that will expire soon), is it worth it to switch to SuperLoop?

  • +1

    Signed up at 6am, service active by 6:45am.

    Been with Aussie broadband since 2017 , this offer is too good to keep paying $150 at Aussie

  • +1

    Been with Superloop for 4 years on a grandfathered 100/40 plan paying $75 per month with discounts. This is tempting… but 100/40 is still good for me

    • Good deal for $75 - should stay with this.

  • I signed up from ABB 100/40 to this, effective from 1 Jun. Pretty sure there is a lot of churning from ABB for this deal. Here's hoping I dont need to contact SL support for anything in the next 6 months.

  • Just signed up. Fingers crossed everything will go smoothly, and hope it's as good as suggested.

  • Something wrong with my transfer. 😢
    Submitted request to transfer from ABB @ 9:40am, still no update.

    • Just spoke to provisioning, may take up to 5 days as I've requested to transfer a VOIP account from ABB as well.

      • Same happened to me, decided to just cancel the VOIP over chat and they completed the order like an hour after the chat.

  • Had a very bad experience with these guys. They stuffed up my port. Had to transfer back to my old provider and they want to charge me a full month for one day of service when it never worked to begin with. Need to get this sorted out before the due date hopefully.

  • Off Topic: Any idea on the list of White Label providers for ABB?

    Origin NBN is one of the ABB white label providers but not cheap.

  • If you got a referral code HMU. Will trial SL for a while and if it shits me then I'll move to Launtel or ABB i guess.

  • Has anyone churned from TPG to Superloop?

    I'm with TPG at the moment and need to give 30 days notice to them.

    Can I request to Superloop that with this plan it starts 30 days from now?

    • Same situation.

      TPG said I need to stay until end of current billing cycle which just started as I am not going to get any pro rata refund.

      • Yeah TPG have the same 30 day notice if you need to leave. I asked if they could match the pricing of Superloop but the best they could do was give me 2 months free if I stayed for at least 6 months via contract. But the price would go up to the normal $145.

        Ended up giving the notice to TPG for the cancellation.

        Superloop has a field where you can request a connection date which I put as the same date as TPG last day. Cutting it close hopfully all goes smoothly.

  • Check my address and got the following:

    Right now, the NBN Co is rolling out a major upgrade to connect your home to the internet with a faster, more reliable fibre optic connection known as Fibre to the Premises (FTTP). If your home is eligible for a FTTP connection, the upgrade is FREE.

    Simply choose from one of our Flip to Fibre™ plans and get ready to access speeds of up to 500Mbps.

    Does it mean I should not choose 1000/50 plan?

    I am aware in the FAQ it says that connection can't be determined until they do testing upon installation. And I will be downgraded if in reality the speed that I chose is not achievable.

    With the message above "speeds of up to 500Mpbs" does it perhaps mean that I will not get speed higher than 500Mpbs anyway?

    • +2

      Superloops top speed used to be 500/50 and recently it changed to 1000/50. They haven't updated that page. You can choose any speed tier up to 1000/400 on nbn FTTP and get those speeds if your router is capable.

      • +1

        Thanks Twix. Helpful info.

  • Went to switch away from ABB, they offered my existing 1000/50 plan to be discounted to $119/month for the next 12 months.

    Given the much better customer service/support I'll stay put. :)

    • ABB offered you $119/month for 12 months?

      • Yup they did, effective from the next billing period.

        • +1

          Good deal! ABB has a better infrastructure compared to SuperLoop.

  • I've switched to this deal on Wednesday and it's running fine, but haven't heard from my previous ISP yet. Do I need to contact them and let them know that I'm no longer with them (worried about billing issues later on), or no need for that?

    • +2

      How are you connected?

      If it's FTTP Superloop will just active the new service on the next available port on the NTD, so you're existing provider will have no idea that you have a new service. You'll need to contact your old provider to cancel.

      If you have FTTN/C or HFC then you should have been 'churned' away from your old provider, automatically cancelling the service with them.

      • HFC. Thanks

      • If it's FTTP Superloop will just active the new service on the next available port on the NTD, so you're existing provider will have no idea that you have a new service. You'll need to contact your old provider to cancel.

        That wasn't true for me they took over the port and I got an email from ABB saying my service is cancelled.

        • Using the next available port is more common. ISPs can take over the same port with your permission.

  • +1

    1,000/50 = 600/42? WTF? How do they get away with that?

    • That's during peak times and all of them do it, probably shouldn't be allowed to though I get that.

    • +1

      It even says Typical evening speed: 600/42 Mbps, and the attached fact sheet just below where you select the plan mentions (in part):

      Typical evening speeds are based on the download speed test
      results of existing customers between 7pm and 11pm and are
      subject to change

      All ISP's now state a typical evening (or peak time speed), but it does not mean that is the maximum speed you'll get on the connection. In fact, you'll get full speeds most of the time (typically around 940/47 for a gigabit connection), and there's a good chance you'll even get these speeds during peak time as well.

    • TES is meaningless. Make it too high, and you get fined by the ACCC. Make it too low and people like you react like that.

      • +1

        Not meaningless if you use it in the evening.

        • Typical speed is meaningless in the sense that it is no guarantee that you will get that speed. You might get more, or less. If they advertise their typical speed too low, people like you react as if that's the speed they're going to get. If they make it too high, people like you won't be scared off from signing up, but if they can't maintain that speed on average, typically, then they risk getting fined.

          So it's a delicate balancing act of not scaring off people that have no idea what it means, and losing money that way, or putting it higher, but risking getting fined and losing money that way. Either way, it's meaningless, informs nothing, and is potentially costing them money. Damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

          • @[Deactivated]: I know exactly what it means. My comment was highlighting the incompetence of a supplier who's service can vary so wildly. Others (AB) can keep it at the advertised speed without a problem.

            • @Wardaddy: It's not incompetence, it's cost cutting. AB spend more on capacity, and pass those costs on to end users.

            • @Wardaddy: You realise aussie broadband also advertise TES of 600/42 right?

  • Just to say, via wifi fastest I’m getting is 700 down but via Ethernet I’m getting 930 down. It does make a difference.

  • Can some recommended a reasonable priced modem for this plan with good coverage?

    My place supports NBN HFC.

    • I'd go for something like this

      • +1

        Currently I am on TPG 250 plan and still using the modem vr1600v tplink provided by them.

        This is such a shit quality modem.

        Thanks for the link but looks like its now over $400. Too.expensive for my budget

        • If you're not in a hurry, I would suggest using the old one for now.

          When the one I recommended goes on sale, you can then decide whether or not you still want to purchase it.

          What is your budget?

          • @yolow: Around $200 to $250

            • @Ash-Say: Get the Asus modem. It's on special at the moment at jb hi fi. $249. But if you get the ultimate cards from Woolworths it will be $225. It's a WiFi 6 ax5400

    • +3

      Just get a Telstra Gen 2 router off ebay (either Technicolor DJA0231 or Arcadyan LH1000).

      They are cheap as chips, have a great WiFi range and are extremely reliable.


  • I am with Telstra paying $110/ month for 100/20 plan. Seems a no brainer to swap. I assume that service with Telstra will be automatically cancelled when moved across. What happens with the Telstra month payment.Will I pay a pro rata to Telstra or do I need to co-ordinate the transfer of service to happen on the billing day so I do not get hit by both.

  • Just picked up a TP-Link SG105e smart switch between my NTD and Router. Limited the egress traffic to 49984 which stops the upload policer kicking in. Getting anywhere from 8-900mbs and a solid 47-48mbs upload at all times.

  • Was worried after the comments about customer service but gave them a go because of the price, I'm not connected yet (HFC), but when I called to enquire I got through without waiting and the kiwi guy on support was very friendly. We'll see how the port goes, but so far it's been a good experience.

    I was told on the phone that in the account hub, you can change over CGNAT yourself, which I assume is +$5pm.

    Edit: webchat on the other hand isn't as good as phone support.
    Edit2: This is starting to become a fairly big headache, there system failed to charge the $1 auth, which resulted in the order being cancelled and having to contact phone support again to get it restarted.

    • Update, other than the price being better, Superloop sucks big time, bad billing system, terrible website that doesn't work the majority of the time.

      If I hadn't skipped on the second half of my Leaptel year for this price, I wish I had stayed, but now I have to stick it out until a better provider is on sale.

      They billed the $20 for the modem separately which is fine, but when I paid the $20 it went towards the next month's not yet due bill. They then emailed me saying due to terms they will charge me an extra $10 for not paying my $20 bill.

      It took a headache to get them to revert it and I can't actually see my account balance or anything because the web portal almost never works.

      It's possible that once this headache is over, it will be fine as long as I make sure the bills are paid whenever the portal might be working.

      Generally I have found that even if you need support and it's bad, it's infrequent enough to warrant paying extra as you are basically paying that difference for a single issue per frequency.

      AussieBB are better than most with support, but this plan would be +$50 per month with a support call maybe once per year, that's +$480 for support.

  • Can you downgrade to the cheaper plans after the upgrade to FTTP has completed?

    • Yes you can.. No additional charge fees.

  • This offer also applies to Fibre Plans (e.g. Opticomm), which for most providers normally has different pricing so that's good. Just signed up to 1000/50 and I'm consistently getting between 890-910 down and 53-56 up into my Google Nest WiFi. Sadly the router isn't getting above 500 over WiFi but via Ethernet I can get 830/54. Being in an apartment we get a lot of interference.

  • Submitted an application to port my NBN and VOIP services from ABB on the 24/5. Still haven’t been churned across to SL. Called SL 5 times and kept getting the same answer, it can take up to 10 days for the VOIP service to be transferred. Called ABB who told me that SL haven’t submitted the request to transfer the VOIP service. Not inspiring any confidence in their service. Thinking about cancelling my application…

    • Oh dear. I just signed up online this morning for the 1000/50 and also getting my VoIP ported over from abb as well. How is it now. Did it all go through. If it did how long did it take?

  • I was migrated into Superloop from my republic. Just had to change address, and disappointingly they make me sign up to a new plan . Decided to upgrade to the 1gb. At least i get it at the discounted 6 month

  • Bring out the 8k televisions,
    download every 8k movie and place them back onto them free servers.
    Why compress if you can have a perfect raw feed?

    • is your nas powerful enough to run 8k movie

  • Just fyi, i m existing superloop customer on 250/25, i called them up and they allow me to take up 1000/50 plan for $99, as my existing plan is on their old system call superloop 1.0 and this offer is for superloop 2.0 so can be classified as a New Customer. Thats what the call center rep told me. Ordered the plan online and within 30mins i got connected to the new service, then i just called them back to cancel the old service! All done!

  • 2 weeks in and Superloop have the worst support and websystem of them all, I strongly regret leaving Leaptel with 6-months discount to go for this larger discount.

    It wasn't worth it, their webportal and payment system has been broken for over a week, they billed the $20 for the modem seperately and I paid that directly, but the payment went to the later owed internet bill, they then messaged me the next day saying they are charging a bonus $10 for missed payment for the already paid $20.

    I spoke to support and supposedly sorted it out, but since then haven't been able to access my account via the webportal.

    Today on the day the normal bill was due, without having been able to pay it this whole time as their emailed bill doesn't have a seperate payment method, without any attempted charges to my card they messaged me saying the payment they didn't charge didn't go thru and they suspended my internet instantly!

    2.5 hours of no internet, server down and housemates home business downtime, their call-line took forever only to be answered by a person who had no clue what they where doing. They told me I only owed $20 which couldn't possibly be true, I had to ask them repeatedly to let me pay them $99 regardless of what my account owes because they couldn't even figure it out.

    They understood every word I said, except for when I asked them about credit to my account for downtime, every time I asked that they pretended they couldn't understand me. We can't do much via the TIO for NBN related issues, but this was entirely on their end and I have been making screenshots for the last 2 weeks about it, I have lodged a case with the TIO for whatever pittance of a credit to the account for the downtime, but I will be keeping my eye out for the next equivalent deal as Superloop is excruciatingly terrible.

    I've never seen a provider that shuts off the internet on the day its due, regardless of the multiple payment systems issues on their end making it impossible to know whats due, what day and to actually make a payment. The actual internet connection is fine regardless of the account issues, the discount would have been worth it if the account management and support wasn't so terrible.

  • I was with myrepublic and the service were great but they sold the company to superloop,the service since are the worse combined with ADSL and the support is none,had to log to TIO everytime,yes,they have this much problems and can't solve the problem with their customer service that I have to use word of everytime!Im so angry with their customer service(hang up my phone again) that I have to write a comment and a neg…
    PS:check the recent google review and trustpilot they put on their website

  • Praying this is still available in 30 days when Exetel sets me free.

    • Hey, I can’t remember where I read this but I think this promo only runs till June 30th. I suggest calling them to confirm if you signed up before it ends but set the connection date as next month… if you’d still qualify.

      • Gave Exetel a ring and thankfully they waived the 30 days notice due to Superloop being a sister company / owning them. Gigabit here I come (hopefully)

        • Boom! Even better.

  • I was with the 100/20 deal with AussieBB, was getting 90/20. I switched to this, I have FTTP, and a third party modem-router (TP-LINK AC1200). I am still getting 90/20. It switched over a few hours ago, what the heck is going on? This is my first time switching, can any of you regulars fill me in on what I might be doing wrong?

    • Ac1200 there's your problem. You need a better router

  • So looks like my TPG service is now disconnected and Superloop is now active, even got the 'Superloop Service is active' email. But now what? For FTTP what are the settings I need to change on my current router? Would have been good if they give you the details in the email.

    • Just FYI for anyone else, there is no username/passwsord required for Superloop so in your router just set WAN type to Automatic IP/Dynamic IP.

  • Thanks OP, just signed up & used your referral code. :)

  • I've had nothing but problems with Superloop and DHCP issues on FTTP. Cancelling and moving to another provider

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