• expired

nbn Unlimited 1000/50 $99/Month for The First 6 Months ($119/Month Ongoing, FTTP and HFC Only, New Customers Only) @ Superloop

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Seems like a pretty decent deal… other deals posted are for lower speed deals.

nbn FTTP and HFC only.

Typical evening speed: 600/42 Mbps

for first 6 months then $119/mth ongoing
Save $120 over 6 months

For nbn 1000/50 total minimum cost is $99 plus any pro-rata charges for 30-day cancellation notice period.
Plans available to new residential nbn customers only.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1319)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

          • @TheCandyMan2020: Eero isn't very good from what I've seen, there's a subscription required that unlocks basic features of other routers such as Asus that off it as standard.

            Only good thing appears to be thread/matter integration in the router, if you have any of those devices.

            • @Ifndefx: The reviews I have read rank it right at the top in terms of dual band mesh networks for performance. Not as good as tri-band though.

              I guess it depends if you need parental controls and other crap. Personally I don't so the lack of customization wouldn't be an issue to me.

              I think I'll buy a 3 pack next time Amazon have it half price…

  • is this ISP any good?

    • Performance is more than fine. But from what I've read, customer support, not as good.

      Specially if you're coming from ABB or other more premium NBNs

      • To be fair, I've never had to call for support, and I've been with them for a very long time now. Do seem to get random dropouts late at night though.

      • How many times do you need support in a year if you are on FTTP?

  • Do they supply POI charts like Aussie?

  • Very good deal.

  • Can most new NBN modems/routers handle 1000mbit connections or do you need a specific model? Just signed up with another provider a few weeks ago and bought a tplink modem.

    • I have bounced through most of them on a TPLink AX1500 with the same router on them all.

    • I mean, it depends.

      For Ethernet, yes. I don't think I've seen many routers without a gigabit port.

      For Wifi, the answer is a bit more complicated. Depends if you have a mesh system or not, and if the advertised speeds on the router is full or half duplex speeds.

      Hence even if they advertise a gigabit or close to speeds over wifi, usually this is best case scenario, and may not reflect in day to day usage.

      • Mine says max speed on 5ghz WiFi is 1300 Mbps. So will that be ok

        • Again, it would depend if that is half or full duplex speeds. You may be able to achieve near that speeds, but depends on the specs of your router.

          You could always try it for 1 month see what the max is. Then revert to a tier lower for the following month if you feel that the speed you are getting isn't worth it.

  • Their referral system doesn't mention anything about this discount, still not sure if it is included.

  • +1

    Does anyone know if the More 12 months @ $104 (1000/50) is ending any time soon?

    Thinking of going Superloop for 6 months, then jumping to the More 12 months plan.

    But much rather jump straight to More if they are ending that deal anytime soon.

  • I'm tempted back with this price but last time I had this mob I got constant disconnects and intermittent Internet issues.

    • yep me too, twice move back to sl, same dropout issues, although that was on fttn, I now on fttp

    • This was my experience too, started out of the blue and SL couldn't help, this was after 12 months of it working well.

      Switched back to ABB and the issue went away.

    • It's been a month.. it's all good, maybe fttp is different, was fttn b4.

  • Thinking its time to finally ditch the 4 year old Belong modem and get some decent speeds. Whats the best modem to pair with? Medium 3 bedroom home multiple devices.

    • Ax6000 is great

  • Anyone been gdtting gbit on hfc? Im tempted

    • just signed up. will let you know. first time SL customer.

      • Thanks mate :)

        • @BuDWiZe swapped over in around 40 mins. speedtest showing 450mbit down, 18 up on laptop next to router. i'm happy going from 250/25 leaptel.
          phone reporting 570/18 same location.

          • @slankets: Guess thats why they say avg 600 on hfc :(

  • Superloop is good, I have been with them for over an year. Latency for gaming is good as well as streaming with vpns.

    If you call them and ask for existing user discount they will match the 20$ that is given for new users.

    Speeds for me is 800 - 970 in the evening / peak (south-east Melbourne)

  • +1

    What does one do with this kind of speed?

    • +11

      Run speedtest

      • Lol yaa

    • 10 GB download takes 10 minutes
      100 GB download takes 30 minutes

      If you're a gamer, you would take advantage of 1 Gbit it just faster to download and play. Who wants to wait 4-6 hours for 100GB to complete downloading on 100 Mbps connection? :-)

    • +1

      Instant gratification

    • Less buffering on 4k corn

    • Download games and game updates on consoles. They are hugh these days

  • Unfortunately where I am in Victoria we are still on FTTN but spoke to a guy doing some work in the area & was told in about 3 months we should be upgraded to FTTP.
    I will be jumping on that ASAP.

    I see 250's/500's even up to almost a 1000Mbps that you guys are posting whilst some of us sit here 50Mbps… I'm so jealous

    • +1

      I think if you are eligible for the free FTTN to FTTP upgrade, they might be able to progress it quicker than 3 months not sure.

      At least that was the case for our place in Vic.

      • Any idea how I know if I'm eligible or not ??? Will do some research & see what I can find…

        Thank you

        • +1

          Check here. If it's not ready keep checking every week.

    • +1

      I was in the same boat. Only getting 50 max. But got fttp installed 2 weeks ago. Your time will come

      • Yep… Saturday it came up as eligible for an upgrade… Just rang an confirmed that I can upgrade & waiting for first appointment booked for ASAP… This next 4-6 weeks can't come quick enough… Like you my service was capped at 50mbps & with a very large family & all with their own devices (PC, Console, Ipad, Phone) I'm hoping the boost will satisfy everyone here…

  • Anyone tried calling aussiebb and asking them to match it?

    • Last time I asked ABB to price match, they said they would not even consider it.

  • If I am upgrading from FTTN to FTTP, will someone need to run wire in the house and install socket on the wall? If so, that will be from the ISP or NBN co?

    • +1

      Of course its new cable as its all fiber and it will be a box mounted on wall with a modem and psu inside

    • +2

      nbn NTD and fibre cable will be installed. The installer will be a contractor and not from your ISP.

  • I am currently with TPG for internet and their speed is absolute shit.

    New to this NBN world - Is this a better provider than TPG for speed and reliability? Do I also need a phone service or can just sign up for NBN?

    • i think it's important to know what speeds you pay for vs what you are getting?

      No you don't need a phone.

      another user posted this for a generalization. superloops customer service can suck a bit by the sound of it so it depends how confident you are if you know what your are doing. hardware can also play a factor with plans like these too.

      "p3r514n 9 hours 6 min ago new

      If you're already with ABB, Launtel or Telstra, you'll be hard pressed to notice a difference."

  • What’s the typical single connection speed during peak hours?
    I had more 250 before. The multi connection always gave me 250 but single connection was something less than15Mbps. Couldn’t even watch YouTube.

  • Set up FttP with Aussie and my 1st free month expired yesterday, so perfect timing. Thanks for sharing

  • +1

    cheers, signed up and activated in 20 minutes

    • 40 min here, HFC

      • FTTP

    • Have you compared speeds yet?

      • +3

        I changed over in about 40min. HFC. Getting 624/43.

      • getting 750-800 right now.

        was on 500 tpg before getting 560

  • I was with Superloop 3 months ago. but seems I can still sign up with the deal

    • -1

      I was with Superloop 3 months ago.

      I was with Superloop 1.
      This was before the last two acquisitions.

      They was pretty good back then.

      • so if we sign up now will be still eligible for $20 discount?

  • +2

    Existing users: You can call retention team & they'll put you on the new plan with $20 discount. They tend to upsell VOIP or mobile services as well which I just signed up for VOIP PAYG home phone plan doesn't have any base charge.

    • I was just able to do this as a Superloop 1 customer. Phone number for the Retention team is 02 9138 7948.

      If you add services you get discounts off your bill as well starting at $5.

    • Would you mind telling me what voip payg you use for your home phone plan?

      • seems like they actually threw me the free home phone plan? it's marked as retention unlimited plan which seems like $10/m plan but free.

  • Churned from ABB, HFC connection getting 940/48, about the same as ABB considering tolerance levels. I had ABB for the last 7 months (forgot to churn last month) and I called ABB precisely zero times, and in the 6 months preceding that I was with Launtel and contacted them precisely zero times. If you are in an area that has good stable infrastructure, probably not worth paying significantly more for customer care if you're unlikely to need it. Of course, just like insurance, you don't need it… until you do. Time will tell :-)

  • I was with SL before and they were great but did the FTTP upgrade with ABB 9 months ago because the SL 1000/50 plan had a hard speed limit of 500mb down does anyone konw if that has since changed?

    I'd love to cut $55 from my plan (ABB 1000 + Static IP - $155pm) but pretty sure I have to wait until 12 months on FTTP as per conditions of free FTTP upgrade!

    Found this in the ABB T&C's :

    Downgrade/Cancellation fee
    NBN has advised that fees may apply if the NBN plan
    connected to the service is downgraded or cancelled
    within 12 months of the upgrade, the following scenarios will
    attract a $200 downgrade/cancellation fee if done within
    12 months of the FTTP upgrade and service connection.
    • The NBN plan is downgraded to a plan below
    Homefast for previous FTTN connections or Superfast
    for previous FTTC connections.
    • The service is transferred to a different provider.
    • The service is disconnected, even if it is being
    reconnected by someone else at the property (e.g.
    someone moving out and someone else taking over
    the service).

    So $200 if transferred to a different provider?

    • +1

      Out of curiosity, why do you need the static IP? I have a bunch of services that need direct connection and always thought I needed a static IP, or rather, I thought I always needed a real routable IP (as apposed to CGNAT), but have since discovered I don't and have everything I need setup with Cloudflare tunnels now. Everything from camera's, Home Assistant, remote backup, all done with Cloudflare and it has the added benefit of being waaaaaay more secure too. Biggest plus, I no longer need to care about static IPs and CGNAT providers.

      EDIT: Don't worry, saw your edit, you're locked in so mostly moot, just food for future thought.

      • +1

        I don't need static IP anymore per the same reason I've moved over mostly to CF Tunnels as well just not dropped the static yet until I've completed the migration, and going to SL with CGNAT I obviously won't be bothered.

        Yeah wasn't sure about the pre-12 month cancel as some earlier posts indicated they didn't get slugged a fee wanted to see if anyone else had issues with that if they had done a FTTP upgrade in the last 12 months…

    • NBN has advised that fees may apply if the NBN plan
      connected to the service is downgraded or cancelled

      From what I've read, they don't charge the fee in reality.

      • see that's the worry I don't want to pull the trigger and get hit with a $200 fee… guess it depends on your interpretation of the T&C's and or some luck when you do initiate the Churn…

        • see that's the worry I don't want to pull the trigger and get hit with a $200 fee…

          have you heard from anybody who's ever been charged this fee?

          • +1

            @jv: not that I've read so far but the T&C is pretty clear…

            "the following scenarios will attract a $200 downgrade/cancellation fee if done within 12 months of the FTTP upgrade and service connection."
            "The service is transferred to a different provider."

            Knowing my luck I'll be the one who gets the fee and everyone else gets lucky… hahaha

            • @karakaan: so they changed the wording from "may" to "will" ?

              How can they justify that if the NBN don't charge them the fee?

              • @jv: don't know, capitalism at its finest… lol ;):)

                I pulled that direct from the upgrade T&C PDF ABB sent me in Aug last year when they did my upgrade!

                But you are correct the section has both "May" and "Will" so which is it! Maybe it's "Will" if one of those 3 scenario's happens and "May" for everything else…

                I might call or chat with them to see if they will actually charge me, as they say "assumption is the mother of all FU's" :)

                • @karakaan:

                  capitalism at its finest…

                  nothing wrong with capitalism, but if they charge a fee for nothing, that is just theft.

                  • @jv: as I said "guess it depends on your interpretation of the T&C's and or some luck when you do initiate the Churn…"

                    or to the point ABB's interpretation…

                    :) :)

    • I get 850 down and 44 up. Not sure why you were getting 500 only…

      • SL initially offered Gigabit, changed to 500Mbps for new customers and recently changed back to Gigabit.

    • @karakaan SL are advertising 1000/50 again so you should get it assuming your router is up to the task and SL have enough CVC at your POI.

      Aussie BB are no longer charging the $200 penalty and has been removed from the T&Cs.

      • +1

        @Twix thanks, yes I was reffering to the early 1000/50 SL plans that even though they advertised 1000 they had a hard speed limit set by SL of 500mb along with a 3TBp/m data limit. It seems now they have removed both of those negatives which was original reason I went to ABB in the first place.

        I have a UDM-Pro SE so no prob with WAN throughput :) and my POI never hits limits so no issues there. I average 930mbps with ABB, don't get me wrong cannot fault ABB at all they are a great ISP with a great service but they are just simply overpriced these days and I never had issues with SL for the preceding 5yrs on FTTC they were great to.

        RE: the ABB T&C's that's good news but the question remains if they hold me to my original T&C's when I signed up 9-10 months ago or they have reverted all previous FTTP upgrade customers to the new T&C's you mention or it's just for new upgrades!

        • +1

          Nah they won't. Aussie BB ended up refunding the $200.

          For anyone that’s signed up before we fix this mess we will waive the $200 fee disconnect/downgrade fee. Anyone that’s received this fee already can contact our complaints team and they will refund it.

          is it possible to change provider after FTTP

          • +2

            @Twix: @Twix that's great many thanks for that… You are correct as per the Whirlpool forum, just to be sure I called ABB to confirm if I churned that fee won't apply and they did confirm it's is now removed from their T&C's and won't apply if I leave.

            lol… how's this spoke with SL and as I have only been gone from SL for 9 months I'm not considered a new customer so hence I'm not eligable for the OP's SL special.

            Hahahaha…. Damned if you do, damed if you don't guess that was all for nothing :)

            • +1

              @karakaan: An OzBargainer in the comments said they used another family members name and they got the SL deal.

              • @Twix: @Twix hmm… that might work but wouldn't they put 2 & 2 together based on the service address being the same! They surely wouldn't be that dumb…

                I could even use my Pty Ltd to register the service I guess as another option.

                • @karakaan: You would think so but apparently it works.

                  • +1

                    @Twix: @Twix Ok might give it a shot… but will use my limited company under a business plan I think, it is a slightly higher price after 6 months but better support and included static IP (not that I specifically need that anymore) and easier to claim on business tax.

                    Many thanks for the help once again, cheers!

  • +1

    Looks like Superloop are continuing to charge $5 per month extra for a static IP.

    • correct

  • How’s the international routing on Superloop?

    • -1

      It works often.

    • SL and Telstra are the best for international routing (so I was told from an NBN staff member).

  • I'm currently with Telstra and have the Telstra Modem, if I was to switch to SL do I need to change to a different modem or can I continue using the Telstra one? Is it better to switch and if so any recommendations?

    • you should be able to use it. SL uses IPoE.

    • +1

      Telstra modem is compatible with Superloop.

  • Lightspeed
    Typical evening speed: 600/42 Mbps

    Is such a large downgrade normal? Pay for full but only get 60% in evening?

    • Could be your router. What do you get off peak?

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