• expired

$20/M off for 250/25 & 1000/50 Plans and $10/M off for 100/20, 50/20 & 25/5 Plans for 24 Months @ Swoop Broadband


Swoop Broadband is offering $10 or $20 dollars off on NBN plans for 24 months. Similar to the Aussie Broadband deal, it also extends to Swoop's lower speed (50/20, 25/5) plans and for twice the time.

Speed (Mbps) Typical evening speed Coupon Monthly for 2 years Ongoing monthly
1000/50 TBA 24NBN20 $129 $149
250/25 TBA 24NBN20 $109 $129
100/40 90 ? $99 ?
100/20 90 24NBN10 $89 $99
50/20 44 24NBN10 $69 $79
25/5 22 24NBN10 $59 $69

Referral Links

Referral: random (51)

Swoop Broadband purchases: Referrer and referee receive $15 credit per month for 6 months.
Swoop Mobile purchases: No offer

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closed Comments

  • +2

    never heard of swoop, anyone whose used / using it can comment it vs leaptel / aussie broadband?

    • +1

      I've been with them for 2 years now, great service. Young lads on the call centre are helpful Aussies working from home

    • I churned through 6 providers over a year and these guys were the best of the lot, up there with Launtel.

    • +1

      Good international ping if that is important to you. Swoop use PPPoE whereas Aussie use IPoE/DHCP.

      • any ideas on pings to the Genshim Impact's Asia server? asking for a friend :)

        • Sure, give me an IP be and I'll ping/trace it for you.

          • @Celebraces: thanks bud, here is the IP address


            by the way, what's your postcode? I'm in Melbourne 3020

        • +1

          169ms. I'm in Gippsland.

          • @Celebraces: nice ping

            can u also kindly do a trace route? any evening slow downs? any random PPPoE disconnects?

        • +1

          Sure thing!

          > tracert
          Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
            1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  x.x.x.x
            2     7 ms     8 ms    10 ms  bng101.ndcm1.au.as58511.net []
            3    11 ms     7 ms     9 ms  ae3-200g.cor101.ndcm1.au.as58511.net []
            4     7 ms     7 ms     6 ms
            5    22 ms     7 ms     8 ms
            6    91 ms    90 ms    91 ms  ae1-200g.cor101.m1.au.as58511.net []
            7    91 ms    91 ms    91 ms  ra6-80g.cor1.m1.au.as58511.net []
            8    93 ms    90 ms    90 ms  te1-0-46.cor3.ydce1.au.as58511.net []
            9    91 ms    90 ms    91 ms  ra1.cor2.ydce1.au.as58511.net []
           10   136 ms    91 ms    90 ms  te2-0-45.cor1.pe2.au.as58511.net []
           11    91 ms    91 ms    99 ms  fo0-0-0-11.cor101.eqpe2.au.as58511.net []
           12    91 ms    90 ms    95 ms  hu0-0-0-0.cor101.ndcp1.au.as58511.net []
           13   170 ms   172 ms   171 ms
           14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
           15     *        *        *     Request timed out.
           16   169 ms   171 ms   173 ms
          Trace complete.

          Evening speeds have been solid, overprovisioned to about 105mbps; I am on 100mbps FTTP. No random PPPoE drops, current uptime is 16 days (due to last router reboot).

          • @Celebraces: thanks mate

            also once ordered, what was the provisioning time? like order to getting connected?

            • +1

              @ibtihaj: It has been a while, it wasn't instant but wasn't more than a day or two from what I recall. Being on FTTP meant I didn't have to disconnect my ABB service first.

            • +1

              @ibtihaj: Signed up last night and was connected by 1130 this morning! But wait times on the phone for customer service took about 2 hours! Must be cos of the OB post! And the call back function while on the phone didn’t work

      • Wouldn't IPoE be superior to PPPoE for ping given the lower encapsulation overhead?

        • Back when they were DCSi they had a blog post about why they use PPPoE, I remember reading it but can't seem to find it anywhere now.

          • @Celebraces: They're a small provider so likely an issue with managed backhaul, but that overhead would still add a tiny bit of latency compared to another provider using IPOE on a similar premium network

  • Any reason to pick these guys over AussieBB, the undisputed champions, when prices are the same?

    • +1

      Discount is twice as long, and available on lower speeds

    • The 1000Mbps plan with Swoop was a lot faster for me than with Aussie. Your mileage may vary but was substantial for me.

  • +1

    leaptel are offering cheaper, also 12 months

    100Mbps/20Mbps - $74.95 p/m
    100Mbps/40Mbps - $84.95 p/m
    250Mbps/25Mbps - $99 p/m


    • +1

      Superloop are doing 1000/50 at $99/mo for 6 months. I have them a try, let's see what this will look like.

  • +3

    Same price as Tangerine regular price and they have discount for first 6 months and no lock in for 24 months

    Been with Tangerine for 3 years now and can't fault them. 52mbps on a 50/20 plan, can't complain and that is on fttn

  • An i linked with them for 24 months? Or if it just the maximum period they will offer the discount? Might switch from superloop to these guys after my plan goes back to $59

    • +2

      Appears to be no contract, minimum term is 1 month

  • -6

    No 100/40. No deal.

    • +2

      They have 100/40 it’s $99 discounted.

      • Gah. I went to their site and it didn't show for me! Doh. $99 discounted is too expensive though

        • Yeah it’s crazy expensive, not worth it.

  • +8

    For those wondering, prices after discount:

    25/5 Mbps
    Typical evening speed 22Mbps

    50/20 Mbps
    Typical evening speed 44Mbps

    100/20 Mbps
    Typical evening speed 90Mbps

    250/25 Mbps
    Typical evening speed TBA

    1000/50 Mbps
    Typical evening speed TBA

    • +3


      • Agreed, More than 'More'

    • If you don't churn providers after discount ends to chase another discount, hand in you ozbargain license post-haste.

  • More is cheaper and the speed has been very good so far.

  • +1

    I really like this page on Swoop, can't find any other Retailer that does the same

  • -2

    Best deal I thought was from mate
    For 6 months $20 off:
    25/5 $39
    50/20 $49
    100/20 $59
    100/40 $69
    250/20 $79

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