Midnight MMXM3X/A(ebay.com.au)
Starlight MMXN3X/A(ebay.com.au)
(PRODUCT)RED MMXP3X/A(ebay.com.au)
A15 Bionic chip - 16-core Neural Engine
4.7in Widescreen LCD Multi‑Touch Retina HD Display
12MP Main camera
256GB Storage
5G Dual SIM (nano-SIM and eSIM)
1 Year Warrranty
Save $5 for every $117 with auto-applied code W1SSAVE5 (Max $200 off) — buyer cannot opt-out of this code. Prices adjusted for this discount.
If anyone doesn't know Apple donates from Product Red products to the Global Fund who use 100% of the donation to help communities in Africa with HIV and Covid-19 https://www.apple.com/au/product-red/
So the more red iPhones you buy from resellers, the more red iPhones Apple will need to make to give to resellers. So all other things being equal the red one is the one to choose imo. According to UNAids there are more women than men with HIV in the world and I'm sure they appreciate whatever it is the Global Fund is actually paying for in Africa.