• expired
  • targeted

Collect 1000 Everyday Rewards Points if You Switch to 'Bank for Christmas' @ Everyday Rewards App

  1. Check your email and see if you've received this bonus, or check in-app "Ready to Shop" section. You don't need to activate this offer.
  2. Tap the switch now icon in the offer email or tap the account icon in app on your top right corner
  3. Account -> Choose How You're Rewarded -> tap "Bank for Christmas"
  4. Set up a reminder on this post/ or on Google Calendar, somewhere like 10/June and switch back to Auto savings after you've received the bonus points. It's very likely there will be a 2nd round of bonus points later this year.

Promotion runs from 00:01 AEST 22/05/2023 until 23:59 AEST 30/05/2023.

Qualifying for this offer
To qualify for this points booster you must change your Rewards choice from Automatic Savings or Qantas Points to Bank for Christmas. If you switch your Rewards choice from Bank for Christmas to Automatic Savings or Qantas Points at any point throughout the promotional period you will not be eligible for this points booster.

How it works
1000 points will be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card within 10 business days of switching your Rewards choice from Automatic Savings or Qantas Points to Bank for Christmas. This offer can only be enjoyed once during the promotional period.

When will I get my points?
Your points will be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards card within 10 business days of switching your Rewards choice.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (959)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +2

    Does it make sense with inflation so high? Probably better off using your rewards balance now and shopping at places like Aldi.

    • +22

      It makes sense if you do what OP suggested and switch back after you get your free points.

      • +1

        Oh! I didn't know I could do that. I waited until December to switch back last year.

    • +1

      There was the same promo last year for 2000 bonus points. Go figure!

      • +1

        Yeah I thought they were getting a bit less generous with the special boosters

  • +3

    I have notice that quite often WW don't send the email but offers can be in the app, so worth checking if you have it

    • Good tip. But this time this isn't an offer that you can boost, so you will need to rely on getting the email to know if your account qualifies for this promo. If no email, then I wouldn't suggest switching to Bank for Christmas as that could lead to you not qualifying for next round of promo.

      • +13

        Mine appears in the ready to shop section of the app already boosted.

        • +2

          ^this. No email. But it's in the app "Ready to shop"

        • +1

          I don't normally look in the Ready to Shop section so good to know. Thanks for the info.

        • Mine was like this as well. No email. And apparently boosted.

          • +1

            @pikapika: Same.

          • @pikapika: Please note that even if the offer already shows "boosted", you still need to go into your account settings and make the switch to Bank for Christmas.

        • Please note that even if the offer already shows "boosted", you still need to go into your account settings and make the switch to Bank for Christmas.

    • +2

      thanks, found it. no mail

  • +1

    nice ;) that way the scammers can get more than $10 at a time

    • yep, my thoughts too. I never switch to banking. My sister in law had all her banked money for Christmas taken from her account (last year, I think)

  • +1

    What if you're already on bank for Christmas? Can't switch back first as you'd only guarantee ineligibility by that point.

    • Too late for this round but you may switch back now and wait for next time.
      they run this twice a year.

    • I'm on the same boat, yep not eligible for this

    • Same here, got offer but im already saving for xmas, may be, they want us to switch to next spend and back to xmas.

    • Argh I just changed over to bank for Christmas a week ago due to all the security issues and got the e-mail!! So won't be eligible for this round unfortunately 😑

  • Didn't receive this but
    - 2000 pts $40 spend at BigW
    - 1000 pts $50 spend at WW online
    - 5000 pts $110 spend over 2 weeks at WW
    - 30000 pts when switching to Origin Internet + 12 months Paramount+

    Seem not bad

  • +1

    Even if you want to spend Rewards points as you accumulate, always safer to park the points in 'Bank for Christmas' until you want to make a transaction. Theft of points is very common with Rewards but it seems they can't steal the points when they are not open to use (i.e. Banked for Christmas). A lesson learnt hard way after losing a big amount of points last year (Woolworths returned them though).

    • +1

      How are points easy to steal though? I don't understand this.

      • +1

        I guess all they need is a card number or barcode. There's no PIN or anything. I would assume it could be a stolen database or guessing game by someone internal.

        • +1

          Perhaps! And yet we've never been informed out details have been leaked. I mean I know FlyBuys is a pest but atleast they put a code when you redeem the money adds a little more security.

          • @pikapika: There are several ways this could happen:

            • Someone manages to get a hold of your physical Everyday Rewards card.

            • Someone looking over your shoulder at a checkout to get a glimpse of the account number.

            • Someone breaking into your email account and grabbing the account number from an Everyday Rewards email. (I don’t know why Everyday Rewards thinks it is okay to provide the uncensored account number on their emails, whereas Flybuys only provides the censored account number, which itself is different to the barcode number you use at stores.)

            • Someone grabbing the account number from a transaction receipt at some Ampol Woolworths MetroGo / Ampol Foodary service stations. Some of these service stations happily include the full, unredacted account number, and this is a problem if you lose your receipt (or a rogue attendant reprints it without your knowledge). I have also seen an Ampol attendant print a duplicate copy of a transaction receipt and staple to it the Woolworths paper fuel voucher redeemed in that transaction, before filing it away… so who knows what happened to the receipt!

            There is also the “unknown unknowns” (i.e. security flaws that neither we nor Everyday Rewards know about). For example, is there a rogue employee at Everyday Rewards giving out information on Everyday Rewards accounts with available Everyday Rewards Dollars? Is there a way for employees at a business accepting Everyday Rewards (e.g. Woolworths, BIG W) to see your full account number on a transaction you just completed? Is there an unknown security flaw that is allowing outsiders to find Everyday Rewards accounts with available Everyday Rewards Dollars and/or changing redemption settings? I am speculating at this point, so I will stop…

            Btw, it is interesting you mention Flybuys being a pest, because:

            • If you are a Coles Financial Services customer who has linked their CFS product to their Flybuys account, you can redeem 2000 Flybuys points for an instant $10 discount instore at Coles… although this is limited to 1x $10 discount per transaction. No authentication required!

            • If you live in some parts of Australia, you can redeem 2000 Flybuys points for an instant $10 discount instore at Coles… although this is limited to 1x $10 discount per day. Again, no authentication required!

    • +1

      Seems like it would be safer to just have the points converted to $10 whenever you hit 2k then? So you are spending it all the time. Seems like “banking for Christmas” would be the risky option…

      • No, banking for Xmas is like a wallet actually. You can quickly move money for instant use when you have to use it or keep there so it's safer. As you mentioned, ideal is to use it instantly as soon as you collect 2000 points but that's not practical often so you end up using it only in your next purchase.

        I doubt if they attack accounts with only 2000 points for theft though. Usually most cases I have read about are those who had $50-$100 worth points.

        • +1

          So a smart move would be to "lock for Xmas" if you've got a decent amount and just remember to unlock when going to spend it, I guess?

    • my SIL had hers taken from the banked for Christmas last year

      • That could be a pwd theft then because they can't access the points saved for Xmas without password, except in that timeframe around Xmas.

        • IDK how they accessed it, but she lost the lot. Not sure if she got it back from woolies

  • just did it, thanks.

  • Wait…. we're talking about Christmas already? Damn, where has the year gone?

  • Can I redeem this then switch out?

    • +4

      Yep just gota wait up to 10 business days like OP said.

    • +1

      You can switch out on 31 May.

  • +1

    Doing this will likely cancel the Qantas comp that's currently running through rewards.

  • Some people seem to be finding it already boosted for them in the app and no spend required, I think so thats not too bad.
    I wish they still showed the current points with the emails though- that was very handy

    • +1

      Please note that even if the offer already shows "boosted", you still need to go into your account settings and make the switch to Bank for Christmas.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you get 3x points on every shop if you save for Christmas? If true wouldn't you better off leaving it that way instead or going for the 1k points offers?

    • +1

      That is only if you are targeted with a booster to do this… and such a booster would only be temporary.

    • It actually shows in your account what you'll get when you go to lock your account. Mine is states 1 pt = $1.

  • What if tou have reward on your account, does get transfered to save for Christmas, or only new rewards earned?

    • It transfers those as well.

  • Please note that even if the offer already shows "boosted", you still need to go into your account settings and make the switch to Bank for Christmas.

  • Twice in a row my account got hacked and all of my points were used. It was quite a hassle to recover my points.
    For added security I now sit in 'bank for Christmas' and switch back to 'Auto savings' just before I am going to use the points. Flybuys points seem much more secure as they require a PIN.

    • +1

      I agree they need to somehow make this more secure.
      Given its happened twice to you, it might be worth getting a new account since someone probably knows your account and that it's active

    • FYI, Flybuys does not always require a PIN for instore redemptions.

      • If you are a Coles Financial Services customer who has linked their CFS product to their Flybuys account, you can redeem 2000 Flybuys points for an instant $10 discount instore at Coles… although this is limited to 1x $10 discount per transaction. No PIN required.

      • If you live in some parts of Australia, you can redeem 2000 Flybuys points for an instant $10 discount instore at Coles… although this is limited to 1x $10 discount per day. Again, no PIN required.

  • Thanks OP. $5 for a couple of clicks. Done.

  • +2

    Got my 1000 points today.

    • +2

      Also received mine today 👍

    • Is it safe to switch back if you already got the points?

      • +1

        I suppose so yes, but I will be waiting a few days first just to be safe.

      • +2

        If you switch your Rewards choice from Bank for Christmas to Automatic Savings or Qantas Points at any point throughout the promotional period you will not be eligible for this points booster.

        Just wait until 31/5.

  • I'm currently earning QFF Points with Everyday rewards. If I switch to Bank for Christmas and then switch back to QFF points after the promo period, will I still earn points?

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