This was posted 1 year 9 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD] Tomatoes $0.98 Per kg (Bucket Lots), Avocado 3 for $3 @ Skippys Market Fresh (Rothwell)


Rothwell Fruitbarn has been reincarnated as Skippys Market Fresh.

in Office Works shopping precinct at 743 Deception Bay Rd, Rothwell QLD 4022

Tomatoes $0.98 P/kg (Bucket Lots),
Avocado $3 for 3
Bananas $0.98 P/kg

They have Indian honey at $7.99 a kg container but I support australian apiarists.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    They have Indian honey at $7.99 a kg container but I support australian apiarists.

    I support hardworking b's all over the world.

    • thanks Jerry Seinfeld

  • How big is a bucket? Obviously for $1 it's a deal, but would be nice to know roughly what you get. Or are they roughly a kilo each?

    • +3

      The bucket is 98 cents per kilo innit?

      • The "random weight buckets" under the 98c/kg threw me and the scale of the image seemed like they were way smaller than what you'd need to get to 1kg. Though on second viewing I think my eyes were seeing cherry tomatoes…

        • +1

          Great price, tomatoes are pushing up to $10/kilo in my neck of the woods, go grab some buckets!

        • +1

          bucket is a loose term.

          not a 98cent bunnings bucket. smaller.

          would fit on a babies head.

          • @altomic: Probably you could fit 2 babies heads in a bucket

          • @altomic: … the fact "bucket" needed explaining shows a colossal downfall in society. How many Tiktok videos does one need to watch to get to that level? lol

            • @Charity: The fact you can't grasp that buckets come in different sizes…..

              • @altomic: the fact that you thought it was an attack on you says you are on his level

                • @Charity: the fact that you thought I thought it was an attack on me says you are on his level - dude, grow up

    • They use the same buckets at the store I shop at. I'd expect about 2kg per bucket.

  • +5

    only $10.90 per kg at woolies this week!

    • +1

      Barjane, I'm grabbing two!

    • +3

      Inflation is crazy and they are still saying it’s about 7 percent. How fake the figures are. I used to buy the $2 Vietnamese rolls from coles. Now they are like 3 bucks and they reduced the rolls size. They look so small now. That’s like more than 50 percent inflation. Nearly everything is up in price.

      • +2

        Inflation is nowhere near 7 percent. It is minimum 25%.

        • source?

          • +2

            @31mop: Just look around you mate. You might be too rich to notice but we poor middle class do.

          • @31mop: Tomato source?

  • Please send me some.. :-)

  • +1

    Too far from where i am but thumbs up to any deal local to QLD.

  • +1

    This is really cheap, the lowest i've seen is $2.99 a kg at blunder rd, oxley

    • where on blunder rd? I'm not paying over $10

  • +2

    "Deception Bay Rd", hopefully the name doesn't check out. Really good deal though.

    • nope, there's nothing deceptive about it. I live not far, and it's a shit hole.

      • 31mop is understating the shitholeness …

  • +1

    It's been this price since at least Saturday. The stock didn't seem fresh on Saturday morning and I doubt they've got fresh stock now.

    • They looked fine. Im using them for a sauce.

  • Do you get to keep the bucket?

    • No ;(

  • +1

    Locals call it "Frothwell Fruit Barn" because the bargains are so good.

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