Mine is 466 mbps currently paying $85/month
So far so good, no interruptions
How about yours?
Mine is 466 mbps currently paying $85/month
So far so good, no interruptions
How about yours?
average forum poster
There is one or two recent posts in which people are happy with 1Mbps for $10-$15/mth.
this must be from the prepaid mobile phone post?
Let us nerds brag okay.
Who's your provider, Op?
Telstra, living in Syd cbd Apartment
A 60 second google search would tell that that most 500mbps + plans which you’d need to be on to get 466Mbps cost over 100+ im paying 110+ for 500 at leaptel and that consider a good deal. Don’t know how to tf you’re only paying 85 for it at Telstra I just looked their 250 plan is currently $110 for the first 6 months than $140.
Are you sure that your actual download speed and not the theoretical line speed showing on your modem? Because if so you should be sharing details of the particular service you’re using with telstra, how you manage to get that price.
At best its 6 month deal which will roll over to something substantially more expensive.
At worst its shared by the entire apartment at a really high contention ratio and crippling peak time performance.
@jaimex2: It's 5G fixed wireless, which means basically no infrastructure needed by the simple expedient of not offering it in cells where they don't already have excess capacity. So no capital investment, they basically only need to pay the marginal cost, which is peanuts compared to CVC. Doubt Telstra have even 50k people on it, maybe they'd be able to get 250k once they open it to wholesale.
But there's no question about price, just speed.
To get more information if I am getting ripp off or good deal
You have only asked about the speed not the price, so how does that help you see if you are getting a good deal ?
Some people may get very high speeds but may have data caps. For example, I get up to 600Mbps on my 5G connection, but I pay $85 for 400GB which IMHO is pretty poor value despite the speed. I’d rather have a solid 250Mbps connection with no data caps, so speed is not everything.
Agree 100%
There is absolutely no point to this post
It's pointless, but so are many of the other threads :)
Speed, beyond a fairly low threshold of 'fast enough ' just doesn't matter.
I used to be on 300/300 in another country (it was the cheapest plan). Almost never noticed it beyond the occasional torrent. Gig up and down was maybe another $20 a month, never bothered with it. My neighbours were on 2.2Gb (again, only $20 more but a different provider) and only had 4 concurrent zoom users, which I found hillarious.
Here I'm on 50/20 at nobody at home notices any difference (except for me)
The really annoying thing with NBN (besides it being expensive compared to elsewhere is that it is so wildly assymetrical. Doesn't affect most people who just download/stream, but the common threshold of 20 up is… just a touch on the pathetic side imo.
Another daily example of why OzBargain forums are broken without a downvote button.
The first commentator scored his/her first badge in this post.
Yes. ePeen engaged. I'm on 1000/50.
L33t H4x0r (ง'̀-'́)ง
yes and you don't need to answer honestly either.
900+ up and 900+ down.
(Just to humble the OP!)
I have that in KB/s!
Mine's just UP and DOWN.
Mine is
25000000 down and 4000000 up.
Eat that humble pie.
yeah that in bits. :(
Getting around 700-960Mbps down and 46Mbps up
Superloop $114.95
What are you doing with all that b/w?
Replying to you on ozbargain
Hahaha best reply ever
I've been with Superloop for some time and am very happy with them. Only on 100/40 but find that's plenty for our needs. 4 person house with all TV watching online, several laptops on the go and I work from home 90% of the time.
only got 50mbps but still able to do a lot of things, netflix, nba, wfh etc.
whats the best speed at $70 per month these days.
100/20 for that price. Plenty of deals posted in this very website
Those "deals" are for 3-6 months, so unless you want to continuously hop around or pay the $90+ after such time.
What about for us poor Perth folk who get the half the advertised speeds because our traffic has to go for a return trip across the Nullarbor? We haven’t got many providers with local infra
Payback for getting off so lightly with covid.
CBA switching every six months for these deals. Wish one of them would break ranks and have this sort of pricing permanently.
For 12 months you can have 50/20 for $59.95 or 100/20 for $74.95 assuming your flavour of NBN is capable of it of course.
Mmm FTTP so tasty.
I've been hotspotting off my $12.50 optus tablet. 5g seems to be an option. $60 for 50/15
Data capped?
@Gravy: The optus tablet is 30gb then shaped to like 200KB/s. The 5G home internet plans for iinet are unlimited.
800mbps down/ 40 mbps up, paying $39.99 a month. I’m guessing mine is likely the best value.
Are you going halves with the neighbour? Haha
Who is that through
May I ask who is your provider, and where are you located?
Telstra in Syd cbd Apartment
clearly no fixed line and some kind of degraded high latency mobile broadband
Yeah you can't dangle those specs at that price and not say how on Earth you've got it!
300Mbps Cable Ultra Broadband and you're getting 800 down? Typo? I'm blown away if not. That's quite the bonus bandwidth they're letting you have if not a typo.
@JownehFixIT: There’s a forum on Whirlpool about it, I think some people get 900 on the plan. They just say 300mbps in case of ‘peak demand’ but I’ve always had a stable 800.
How are you getting it for $39.99 after the first 12 months?
@WoodYouLikeSomeCash: I only got away with that once, I tried a second time and they refused to give me the discount.
The service was crazy fast, but I got frequent drop outs, maybe every 30 mins or so. It was still usable, but you'd notice it on video calls.
I'm on that same service. They have scraped the half price for 12 months deal. It's now $80 for the first 6 months and then $90 after that. I'm now on $80 per month grandfathered fee. I typically get 500 - 600 mb down, probably worth the $80 per month really.
What???? Can’t find any provider with that price even with the slowest speed, you are lucky!
Telstra 5G is that price
No, it is not, he referred to iiNET Cable
@T-man: 1) OP hasn't responded
2) the link provided by another user to iiNet cable is for 300mbps service so, probably not the correct answer
3) yes Telstra 5G Home Internet is $85/month and is capable of such speeds.
(EDIT seems like you might be responding to that user.. damn OzB' forums for the lack of clarity in the response tree.)
@ESEMCE: Yes, I was talking about @WoodYouLikeSomeCash he is paying $39.99 a month for this speed 800mbps down/ 40 mbps up
250/20 (think its 20) Superloop $88 a month for 6 months
Rock solid service with no real fluctuations.
So what's the real price once the first 6 months are up ?
Dunno..dont care…i will leave
Ive got inconsistent FTTN right now. Am eligible for free upgrade to FTTP but have to step up to higher tier currently with Aussie BB so will be $100/month for unlimited data.
Sucks but seems theres nothing around for much less. Anyone else done the upgrade?
I did. And I stepped down to a lower plan the next month. It didn't prevent me from doing it so I guess it is all good.
Page 20
From a post on another forum (the one not popular with many here)
The NBN simply count the number of connections and disconnections within a 12 month period for each ISP. If the percentage is over 10% then there may be a $200 charge by the NBN on the ISP for each disconnection above 10%. But it's not attributed to an individual line just aggregate for the ISP.
What has this to do with stepping down to a different plan?
Am eligible for free upgrade to FTTP but have to step up to higher tier…
Sucks but seems theres nothing around for much less. Anyone else done the upgrade?I did. And I stepped down to a lower plan the next month. It didn't prevent me from doing it so I guess it is all good.
If someone takes the free upgrade to FTTP many wonder if they are 'stuck' on the higher plan or is there some sort of penalty from dropping back down.
This document shows that NBN can charge a fee to the ISP if more than 10% do that. But, it is on an aggregate level, not individual so unlikely to be a cost to the user and there is no reason currently for an ISP to prevent you changing back down.
@Grunntt: Ah I see but does changing the plan count as a disconnection? I didn't read the entire doc.
Ah I see but does changing the plan count as a disconnection?
From my reading of it (with my extremely poor understanding of the workings of the NBN), and a few comments elsewhere it seems to encompass both disconnection and downgrade.
Either way it doesn't look like an ISP could easily pass the cost on to an individual or even give an ISP real grounds for restricting people from moving back down unless they were getting a large number of their customers trying to do this.
Yeah we upgraded to Tangerine Telecom 500/50 for $99.90 first 6 months, up to $129.90 thereafter IIRC.
Speeds since day 1 were over 900Mbps down / around 35-40Mbps up. Had no technical issues since end of January, so no cause to use support just yet. Can't complain so far.
This $20 off for 6 months is valid even though it's marked as expired. 100/20 drops to $79 for 6 months. Aussie BB and some ISPs allow you to swap to any speed later on without penalty. Superloop, Leaptel, More Telecom and Tangerine have cheaper pricing.
Awesome thanks for the comments all. Next step scheduling an upgrade!
Does anyone have a decent NBN plan on an Opticomm network? I’ve currently got 100/40 $80/m with Exetel. It’s ok but I’d prefer a 250 plan and I can’t justify paying much more than that a month
What are you doing that requires those speeds if I may ask?
You can't pick an nbn plan on OptiComm. You have to pick an OptiComm plan. nbn and OptiComm are separate broadband networks.
Exetel have 250/25 for $83.95/m but it says new OptiComm customers only. Try haggle with Exetel. Leaptel 250/25 is $99/m.
I am on a 250/50 plan using Fuzenet as the ISP and embedded Opticomm as the backbone. I am paying $89pm. This is the highest tier plan Fuzenet offers in my building, despite the Opticomm tech telling me that the building infrastructure can do 1000/50
How are you getting 100/40 for $80 ?
50mbps. Enough for me to do online research in 720p.
gave up on NBN as such a poor service and went 5G mobile….more stable and cheaper
Hopefully the FTTP fairy will visit your area one day.
95/20 fttn
Nice flex, but thoughtless post. Where is the poll?
Poll added.
Don't have internet. I just don't believe in it to be honest. One day maybe.
Agreed, just a passing fad….
5084 DD
That is some seriously big DDs
where's the poll?
around 20
Vote now.
Typically 250/23Mbps with Tangerine, $110 per month.
I don’t mean to be rude but is this post just an opportunity to brag…?