• expired

$20 off 100/20, 100/40, 250/25, 1000/50 nbn Plans for 6 Months for Customers Upgrading from FTTN/FTTC to FTTP @ Aussie Broadband


The promo flyer

Power User Unlimited Data nbn Plans

Speed tier Typical evening speed Price 6 Months Discount
100/20 97Mb/s $99/Month $79/Month
100/40 97Mb/s $109/Month $89/Month
250/25 244Mb/s $129/Month $109/Month
1000/50 600Mb/s $149/Month $129/Month

The fine print:

THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW. *Additional external costs may apply. Currently only available for eligible customers with a FTTN or FTTC connection. Offer subject to service qualification for nbn™" FTTP upgrade.
NBN may recover costs if services are downgraded/cancelled. A $200 downgrade/cancellation fee will apply if customers who accept this nbn upgrade downgrade to an ineligible plan or disconnect within first 12 months. Not available at all premises, Current FTTN eligible nbn"" plans are from 100/20 or higher, Current FTTC eligible nbn™ plans are 250/25 plan or higher. $20 off for 6 months available on nbn 100/20. 100/40. 250/25 and 1000/50 unlimited plans. Not available at all premises. All prices subject to change without notice. Actual speeds may vary due to external factors including in-building wiring. Offer ends 11:59 pm AEDT 31/10/2022. New connections only. **81% of Australian homes on low-speed tier plans based on ACCC nbn Wholesale Market Indicators Report from May 2022. Typical evening speeds based on ACCC MBA results from June 2022. ^ Most Trusted Telco as per Roy Morgan's 2022 Risk Report, visit aubb.me/roymorgan for more information. Full fibre upgrade T&C's apply.

Referral Links

Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    for Upgrading FTTN to FTTC

    why wouldn't you upgrade to FTTP?

    • +2

      Must be a typo. They aren't doing any more FTTC connections as far as i'm aware. Must be FTTC to FTTP.

      I just wish FTTP was available here too. Crappy FTTN area. And since the NBN still hasn't yet got around to laying fibre optics in the ground for the FTTP upgrade so still stuck on some thing like FTTN like i am. This area is set to be upgraded to FTTP but as far as they've got is laying some conduits underground for it. They've still got to lay the fibre optics for the FTTP upgrade.

      Even with FTTC to FTTP upgrade they've got to get around to connecting the appropriate cables to the fibre optics at the street. This stuff all takes time.

  • Current FTTC ellgible nbn™ plans are 250/25 plan

    How do they get 250 on FTTC?

    I thought max was 100/40 on FTTC???

    • I believe some atleast offer higher on FTTC. Maybe specific areas too.

      • 100/40 is the top speed nbn are allowing over FTTC. Anyone on FTTC that wants 250Mbps and 1000Mbps has to swap to FTTP.

        • I thought gfast or whatever was a thing in some areas? If not, my bad.

          • @scuderiarmani: nbn done g.fast trials but canned it for mass rollout.

            • @Twix: That's a shame… Wonder why… Copper is still copper. Who's dumb idea was it to use copper instead of fiber and then upgrade to fiber anyway?

    • +2

      You are correct. Max is 100/40 on FTTC.

      The 250/25 plan is the minimum plan you must go onto once you've upgraded to FTTP. You must stay on that plan (or higher) for a minimum of 12 months or pay a $200 fee.

    • My house is FTTC and I was able to get 250mbps plan. Just couldn't get the 1000 and NBN wanted 17k to upgrade.

      • +2

        250Mbps is not available over FTTC. By the end of this year or next year you can swap from FTTC to FTTP through a participating ISP and signup for 250Mbps or 1000Mbps.

        Connection type Maximum speed
        FTTN, FTTB, FTTC 100/40
        HFC 1000/50
        FTTP 1000/400
      • +1

        Apologise. Not sure why I keep thinking I have FTTC. Just checked on nbnco and it's HFC

    • +1

      It means, that if you are on FttN. You have to go on 100/20 or higher when upgrading to FttP. Or if you are on FttC, you must go on the 250/25 when moving to FttP.

    • Yeah i think it's quite unfair that the NBN forces FTTC to FTTP upgrades to have a minimum 250Mbps plan to be eligible but for FTTN to FTTP upgrade it's 100Mbps. They are basically forcing FTTC upgrades to pay more money.

      • basically forcing FTTC upgrades to pay more money.

        If you switch to More Telecom when upgrading, you'll only be paying $83 for 12 months for 250Mps. You can then go to another provider or drop back to 100Mps without penalty.

        • That's for commbank customers only- $83.

          • @BlazzingGun: anyone can be a commbank customer.

        • +2

          Are you OK jv? You're coming off as almost helpful here.

  • +1

    May wanna fix the title. You don't upgrade to FTTC. You upgrade to FTTP if you are eligible. Or wanna pay a fortune….

    • -3

      flyer says FTTC though

  • +2

    Lol what

    • -1

      who knows ????

      Maybe the work experience kid is in their advertising department this month?

      • +2

        I assume OP's device might have corrupted RAM or a broken keyboard….

        • NBN may recover costs if services are downaraded/cancelled.
        • downgrade to an ineliable plan.
        • New connections oniv.
      • +1

        Sorry I was trying out ios16’s new photo to text

  • Was sent this flyer as well as one from iPrimus, but we 'only' have FTTB in our apartment building.

  • A $200 downgrade/cancellation fee will apply if customers who accept this nbn upgrade downgrade to an ineliable plan or disconnect within first 12 months.

    P.S. couldn't be bothered fixing OP's typos.

  • +4

    Broaband in Australia is such a joke. Taxpayers paid for the nbn yet it dowsnt run at full speed. Find me an affordabe nbn plan with uploads faster thann 50mbps. Like the stupid hfc plan 1000/50, what the hell?DOCSIS 3.1 is capable of 1gbps uploads.

    • +4

      HFC in my area is a complete joke. Regular maintenance outages (at least once a month). The NBN technician I spoke to informed me HFC in my area will be replaced by FTTC or FTTP eventually.

    • +3

      the joke upload speeds is to make sure businesses pay for the much more expensive business plans

      • Totally! Also, have you noticed that even 5g has upload speeds limited?

        • sadly i dont have 5g

    • +1

      DOCSIS 3.1 is capable of 1gbps uploads.

      The technology itself might be but that doesn't mean NBN's current setup is. Many cable networks around the world have simply ditched trying to upgrade their networks to be fully Gigabit capable and opted to go fiber instead. High chance NBN will do the same ……… some time in the next 10 years.

  • Promo/referral code invalid

    is it targeted? (I am on FTTC and my address is eligible for upgrade)

    • It’s not targeted. It’s NBN’s Fibre Connect program. If your LOCID is eligible you can upgrade.

    • Try calling and saying you seen a flyer with the discount code.

    • I checked with customer service, I have had a service within 6 months with ABB so I am not eligible.

  • Would you need to pay for a new modem if you upgrade from FTTN to FTTP?

    • +1

      Depends on what router you have.

      • I think it was the Telstra smart modem 2

        • +3

          Then you’re fine. NBN will install a NTD in your house, and you just plug an ethernet from the uni-d port into the WAN port of your router.

    • +1

      Most VDSL modems these days also have a WAN Ethernet port these days, so Unlikely (but still possible). What brand/model modem do you have?

      • I recently upgraded to FTTP and my Asus DSL-AC68U didn't have a dedicated WAN port so it needed to have a WAN port assigned through the router's settings through one of the LAN ports .

  • This would have been good 2 days ago when I signed up for the upgrade :(

    • cancel it.

  • +1

    If I switch to someone else (say exetel) but don't downgrade the speed (say staying on 250/25) after 6 months, do I still have to pay the $200 fee?

    • +1


  • I am on HFC and getting 1000/50.

    How can I get FTTP so I can get 1000/400.

    • That’s a business plan for like $400 per month. Google business nbn.

    • -1

      How can I get FTTP so I can get 1000/400.

      I'm looking at switching to the 1000/1000 business plan, so I can comment faster on OzBargain.

  • +2

    or signup using 'MOVING' code for 1st month free on plans inc 1gb

  • Can we upgrade to FTTP if just a tenant, or if I move to new premises without FTTP will I be billed for the upgrade?

    • +1

      Yep if the landlord allows it. You maybe billed $200 if you move within 12 months.

      • Would I still be eligible for another FTTP upgrade at the new address if I did move?

        • That depends on the location. For FTTC you will be able to. For FTTN check here.

  • Can i use this code even if I'm already on FTTP and currently on 1 month free with aussie broadband?

    • Nah.

      • +1


  • Do I need to hire a cabler to terminate fibre at my desire location inside the house?

    Is anyone able to share the experience, please?


    • nbn terminate the fibre and install the NTD. Some workers install the nbn NTD where you want. Some workers want to do the easiest install and won't give you a choice but you can deny the install and ask your ISP to rebook the install. If you don't want to stuff around hire a cabler out beforehand to install conduit and a drawstring where you want the nbn NTD installed.

    • This is the only reason I have not yet upgraded. The front room of the house is our lounge/theatre room and i don't really want the hardware in that room. The room where the computers and modem is one room back.

  • So this is crap you have to stay connected with Aussie broadband for 12 months or else $200 cancellation fee.
    So really you will need to pay full price for 6 months and 20 off for 6 months.

    • +1

      I believe all ISPs charge a $200 fee if you don't sustain a high-speed plan for at least 12 months after upgrading to FTTP.

      • Except for Exetel who are absorbing the $200 cost themselves and allowing plan changes after 1 month.

        • thanks mate, I'm with Exetel (upgraded to FTTP), can I change to another provider? It's been over 1 month now…

          • @homersyd: You can swap ISPs.

            So long as you stay on an eligible plan, nbn doesn't count it as a cancelation for the losing RSP and the 12 month timer gets carried over (at where it was from the losing RSP) to the gaining RSP.

            nbn did think of this scenario and sanity has prevailed.

            Glenn Ward - Exetel

        • @twix, 1) are you saying that Exetel allow plan changes after 1 month to below 250/25 (when upgrading from FTTC to FTTP)? … because currently I'm not sure they allow plan changes for 12 months after completing the upgrade (but they do allow cancellation with 30 days notice).
          2) is Exetel the only RSP that isn't charging the $200 cancellation fee for leaving within 12 months or is Superloop also not charging the fee?
          3) does an RSP stating that they are not charging the fee mean that the NBN won't or can't try and recover the fee via the new RSP to which you churn within 12 months?

          • @maverick:

            1. Yep with Exetel they let you swap from 250/25 to say 100/40 after 1 month.
            2. Exetel only from what I've seen.
            3. Nope Exetel are paying the $200 themselves if nbn charge them.
            • @Twix:

              1. Maybe someone from Exetel can confirm because they've said to others that you're stuck on the Flip to Fibre plan you initially choose for 12 months - but you always have the option to cancel and leave altogether on 30 days notice.
              2. Superloop doesn't mention the $200 in it's flip promo terms https://www.superloop.com/documents/legal/SuperloopHomeBroad…
              • @maverick: Exetel rep mentioned it on whirlpool.

                • @Twix: Which Whirlpool post? Exetel are currently saying no plan changes for 12 months after flipping. (Note: NBN say that after FTTC->FTTP flip, you can't change below 250/25 for 12 months and after FTTN->FTTP flip, can't change below 100/40 for 12 months).

                  • @maverick: Somewhere in the Exetel FTTP upgrade post.

                    Your right about FTTC speeds. The min upgrade speed for FTTN is 100/20.

                    • @Twix: Without seeing the post I can't see what the rep said but as for now, Exetel are telling people that you are stuck on whatever plan you flip to for 12 months. They might make one off exceptions if you ask but the current policy is you're stuck on the flipped to plan for 12 months - unless of course you leave altogether which you can do with 30 days notice. Sounds counter-intuitive I know but that's what they're saying.

      • Oww i already have FTTP so the $200 wouldn’t apply to me?

        • Are you with Exetel?

          • @Twix: No. Im with Southernphone

            • @Jklaro: You would have to ask SP.

  • Reckon you could downgrade, then take up this offer upgrading to previous speed to save 6 x $20 then revert to what you were paying anyway?

  • Is anyone actually eligible for an upgrade? My suburb has been listed twice including last year yet I still am not able to request an upgrade.

    • FTTP upgrades started mid year. nbn estimate 600k FTTN and 1 million FTTC locations will be ready to order FTTP by the end of 2022. With more FTTP upgrades coming throughout 2023.

    • I am one of the luck ones - upgrade done through Aussie FTTN to FTTP earlier this year.

    • +3

      Is anyone actually eligible for an upgrade?

      yep, i switched from FTTC to FTTP…

      Download: 263.48 Mbps
      Upload: 23.52 Mbps
      Ping: 2 ms
      Connection Type: Ethernet
      Server: TasmaNet Pty Ltd

  • I called them and they stated the code cannot be used by existing AussieBB customers. That's a shame, I'll give it a miss then.

    • +1

      I rang them yesterday and had no trouble getting them to apply the promo. However The NBN bloke showed up within a couple of hours. He had a quick look around, couldn't work out where the line enters the house and now it's on hold due to a problem with their network

      • Someone from NBN is coming out this week to hopefully get things moving. They showed up last week but we weren't home.

    • Port out to someone else with a trial and come back?

  • So how exactly do I upgrade to FTTP?

  • I need advice. I am currently with Telstra for my HFC NBN connection. I am looking for new NBN provider. If I were to switch to AussieBB, do i need to change the modem? Can anyone tell me any NBN provider that can use Telstra modem so that i dont have to buy new modem? thank you.

    • AussieBB works with the Telstra modem with no changes to settings needed, it works out of the box: well it did for me anyway

  • Can anyone share their experience about how flexible/restrictive is the choice of NTD location inside the house? Are the installers going to try to choose the connection box location that's least work for the installer or are they reasonable if I want it near the centre of the house?

    Also is it possible to confirm ahead of the installation appointment whether a specific location will be acceptable? Some of my preferred locations doesn't have existing powerpoint GPOs. So I am trying to avoid if I paid for an electrician to put in the GPO and then only to find out that the NTD cannot be installed in that area.

  • No price in title

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