This was posted 1 year 10 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Back Order] WarCraft: The Beginning 4K Blu-Ray $19.89 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Hey guys,

WarCraft on 4K Blu-Ray is now on discount at Amazon AU.

It looks absolutely stunning in 4K with the Orc and magic CGI.

Highly recommended!

Mod Update: Now on back-order. Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $16.64 if you apply the coupon for $3.25 extra off.

  • +1

    Seems to be more expensive than usual on camelcamelcamel?

  • +2

    Man after being a fan for decades I found this movie just barely interesting, felt like the most generic fantasy movie they could make but certainly worth 1 watch at least.

  • This movie somehow felt so 'cheap'. The sets and production design was disappointing. Like watching a soapie.

    Whoever directed the Blizzard cinematics all these years should've just directed the movie as well.

  • +1

    Yeah not a great deal, I’m afraid, even Sanity is cheaper. I like a visual stunner as much as the next person, but this is the kinda movie that’s a bargain at $9, not $19.

  • -6

    Trailers looked like a shitty larp, hard to part with money for CGI something I'm tired of

    • Weeeeeell the whole game is CGI sooooo it kinda makes sense

  • +1

    I actually enjoyed this movie. Storyline was fast-moving and interesting. Never played the game, but love fantasy movies. I was disappointed they never continued it. Still hoping they'll make a sequel one day…

  • Zug zug.

    • ready to work.

      • Oft i go den

    • Dabu!


  • 29% rotten tomatoes rating.

  • +1

    I actually enjoy the movie to be honest. I feel they captured the look and feel of the World (of Warcraft) perfectly. This is coming from someone that played WoW from launch in November 2004 until early 2010 and never went back.

  • Wasnt this the movie where the company most renown for their stunning FMV scenes, decided to go Live Action?

    Ive read all the books, and played all the games up until WoW; is it really worth a watch?

    • Yes definitely!

      • Cool. Ill give it a go.

        I kind of lost hope after WoW just said screw it to most of their previous lore.

        Ill always remember when I stopped playing.
        I was standing in front of an ancient protector thinking to myself "wow, with the help of some wisps and Yggdrasil, these things held the burning legion back, and now I get the honor of standing before them…"

        When a Level 60 character came by and killed one.

        I couldnt understand why the elves sacrificed so much when this ONE dude could have taken them out; EFFORTLESSLY.

        Such a HUGE imbalance completely ripped me out of the world. Gameplay didnt match the lore anymore.

        I still read all the text from all the WoW quests, and all the "books" in the library and stuff, so I'm still mostly up to date; but man, they dont seem to be getting much right in their world story anymore.

        You sort of have to forget warcraft 1-3 for it to make any sense.

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