We have a heap of TESTO GH 90 Capsules by Muscle Science Xtreme, the ultimate solution for taking your training to new heights! Whether you're a man or woman, you need the right balance of testosterone to estrogen to support optimal lean muscle growth and fat levels. With TESTO GH, you can achieve maximum performance with its unique formula of active compounds that work together for the ultimate boost.
TESTO GH by Muscle Science Xtreme - 90 Capsules $39.95 + $9.95 Shipping @ NutritionKing

Last edited 09/04/2023 - 15:04 by 1 other user
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Its crap. Don’t use it.
First make sure you have good diet with enough vitamins. The one natural compound with has significant impact in testosterone is Tongat Ali.
Interesting, I'm not up with the current situation - is this tongat ali safe?
It is mostly safe. I have taken it on and off for around 8-9 months from Nootropics Depot. I have noticed strength improvement in gym and slight improvement in free testosterone. However, i am already in healthy range so that might be the reason. But, some people have seen drastic change.
Thanks, I'll give it a go
"It is mostly safe."
Side effects: Increased Heart Rate, Hypertension, Increased Risk of Stroke, Restlessness and Insomnia, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Depression, Hair Loss, Gynecomastia, Liver Toxicity .Sounds awful to me.
@Heaps for Cheaps: Even panadol has some serious side effects. There are people using it for long term and it is generally considered safe. However, if you have some health condition it is better to consult with doctor before taking anything.
I've never heard of Nootropics Depot. The website looks kind of sus. Are they in Australia?
How do they compare to Nutrition Warehouse or Amino Z?
*tongkat ali.
It’s GRAS. Generally recognised as safe.
Whether you're a man or woman, you need the right balance of testosterone to estrogen to support optimal lean muscle growth and fat levels.
Horny Goat weed
Estrogen blockers (wait.. I thought you said this was for women)
What's your TGA listing number?
Ok sure appreciate your personal feedback however we have had plenty of customer in Australia love this product … look into the effects of Boron on Testosterone and 5a Hydroxy Laxogenin
We are a re seller not the Brand
Wait.. So you are selling it but don't have a TGA listing for it?
All this stuff is snake oil.
Literally this.
The only instance where you might benefit from test boosters is if your natural hormone level is below normal. Protein powder is probably the only useful supplement on the market and even that isn’t necessary if you’re consuming enough protein through your diet.I agree to a point and I’d add that taking creatine, safe doses and a clean one does add the necessary benefit to lift or work harder in a session.
Your submission of personal information through the store is governed by our Privacy Policy, which can be viewed here: [LINK TO PRIVACY POLICY]Yep I'm going to give these nubcakes a miss.
actually got to workout to get benefit from supplements
How many mls per day?
I want to be massive like you
Any ‘test booster’ supplements aren’t doing jacksh_t let’s be honest. Go and peddle your snake oil elsewhere.
Anyway I off to Gym as you got to actually do the work to get benefits from supplements as well !haha Yes true supplements are worthless if you sit at home and dont do any exercise or even understand how to Train and Eat ! so again than you for all your feedback but have to do some actual exercise
Wait a second.
We are a re seller not the Brand
Unit 3/ 7 Norval Court, Maroochydore QLD 4558Most popular places at this address
Studio Republic
Nutrition King
X-Golf Maroochydorehow to Train and Eat
Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up
Those trensandwidges are gud
Lmao I bet you flog Isagenix too you snake oil merchant.
If you do worry about your hormones being imbalanced please go see a doctor.
looks like they deleted their account after posting this.. lol
This has to be a record for a rep deactivating their account
He's trenning at the gym
Now THIS is extremely aesthetic
Rubbish ..please do not buy or use..Edit..I have been working out since I was 19 and now I am 49.. I have seen it all and done it all including roids and competition.. just work out and get stay healthy ..6 packs and 30 inch thighs is repulsive to most women so please do not use this crap
Well said.
Social media makes men think they must look like a jacked roid rager and they can definitely get there naturally with only a small monthly fee of $XXX per month for some mysterious “secret” no one knows. The fitness industry is a scam.
Thank you. Your report will be forwarded to the appropriate area of the TGA for investigation..
Well please do not forward anything without my consent..Stating the obvious for potential users is one thing..snitching is another.. do your own thing mate ..My comment was for potential buyers..I do not report and do not like people who do ..the seller may be a crim or a young fella trying to make a buck .. either ways not buying the crap they sell or stopping others from buying is enough for me
Well please do not forward anything without my consent.
Already forwarded this via email to my grandpa
I recieved the email..should never ever have had the little shits
Wow he deactivated his account..!!!
Snake oil. May as well light your money on fire.
I was told to dose up on Creatine at least 5 grams a day … does that seem reasonable advise?
I believe creatine is the most studied supplement and has shown positive effects.
The recommended daily dosage of creatine can vary depending on individual factors such as age, weight, and activity level. However, a common dosage recommendation for adults who engage in regular exercise is to take 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day.
Taking more than 5 grams per day is not likely to provide any additional benefits, and in fact, may lead to potential side effects such as gastrointestinal distress or dehydration. Therefore, it is important to stick to the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying medical conditions.
ChatGPT skipped reading the studies on loading phase leading to ‘saturation’ levels faster.
Would love to see the evidence that 10-15grams can lead to dehydration.
I know nothing about hormones or supplements. But this rep has clearly never worked in customer service given their incredibly thin skin, as evidenced by their reactions to the comments.
I love how the OP assumes we’re a bunch of lazy IT nerds who are unfit and have a poor diet. Real professional 👍
Hey that’s me!
Username does not checkout.
resellerseller and condescending towards commenters here who are just trying to look into the business. Not like I was going to get this anyway but now this business is going on my blacklist.Wow - the OzB bully-boy pack is out in force on this one. 😯
its 2023 everyone and their dog knows the secret sauce is tren or nothing.
the plural of testo is testi
So much bullying made the OP deactivate his account, lol!
Thanks everyone its the first time we have submitted and deal like this but we have more to come