• expired

FREE Measuring Tape from Joe Button


I just signed up for it so I don't know if they'll follow through once they've been OzBargained…

After you sign-up you need to send them an e-mail requesting the "signature canvas Joe Button measuring tape", so make sure you can SEND from your disposable e-mail "Mr Seymour Butts" :)

I found out about this website accidentally when reading an article about Airtasker.com - turns out the CEO is a co-founder of Joe Button.

Well that's Secret Santa sorted…


Ummm…it's not looking good… Thought to myself, "Why didn't they force us to pretend to like them on Facebook?" and had a look at their Facebook fan page (http://www.facebook.com/joebuttonsup). Scrolled down to July 17 and it said "There's only a limited number left so make sure you email us at [email protected] if you want one sent to you :)" and then scrolled down to July 16 - "Announcement: we're giving away FREE signature JB tape measures for the first 100 sign ups!". Maybe the editor for the web-version forgot some pretty relevant information?! Assuming the worst, sorry to the ~3000 people or so who wasted their time, and congratulations to the 3 or so blessed people who shall henceforth smugly roam the streets measuring things with their luxurious strips of linearly-segmented canvas…

…the rest of us can sleep easy knowing a pizza cutter and Ferrero chocolates should arrive anytime soon.

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Joe Button
Joe Button

closed Comments

  • +1

    exactly what i needed. thanks so much OP. fingers crossed now.

  • Thanks, kind Sir Seymour Butts!

  • Did you say FREEEEEEE!??!?!?

    • +3

      LOL. Forgotten about the pizza cutter. I should call the ombudsman in the morning.

  • +9

    This is gonna go great with my ring checker!

    • +2

      All you need now is a free sample of warming gel.

  • +2

    I've been wanting to get a tape measure for ages, but always forget.

    Thanks for the post. :)

  • You can also get from Ikea for Free… LOL

    • +1

      Some people's waists demand longer tape measures.

    • +3

      But this one isn't paper.

    • I've got one of these paper tape measures stuck to the side of an Ikea office cabinet. It comes in remarkably handy for all manner of things.

      I need to buy a cheap vernier caliper from jaycar.

  • nice one, thanks

  • Great find OP, I needed one too, thanks!

    Hopefully they don't pull a 'Ferrero' once they find out everyone from Ozbargain is onto it lol

  • -3

    I was too lazy to register, so I just sent them the email requesting the measuring tape instead.

    Wish me luck friends.

  • +4

    Thanks, been wanting a measuring tape. Was using a piece of string and then measuring the string.

  • Is this just in inches though?

  • +4

    OzBargained already?

    Sorry, the website is currently under maintenance

  • +1

    GONE…..Site under maintenance???

  • OzBargained!

    • +1

      Lol I'd laugh if they actually had a sign up there saying 'This site is experiencing a high volume of traffic (OZBARGAINERS, P*SS OFF)'

  • Let's not forget the discount coupon you get with the measuring tape too!

  • +1

    Okay, I got an email today back from them. They asked me to fill in a survey and they would send me the tape. Survey took a whole 60 seconds to complete. I expect my tape soon.

  • http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YSQFYG2
    This is the survey I got for the tape

  • Got my tape, thanks Joe Button

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