Silvergate Capital, which was an up-and-coming US bank, has suddenly collapsed after customers started rapidly withdrawing their funds in a panic (deposit runs). Bloomberg published an article today which discussed this, along with another, Silicon Valley Bank, that was teetering on the edge of collapse, and has done a rushed capital raise to prevent the same type of demise as Silvergate.
Are we seeing the start of the next crisis?
For those not paying attention, it had a ripple effect and banking stocks globally have been pummelled. Today was not a good day for the ASX, but especially the banking sector. Although the major banks are considered very safe, there could be more deposit runs, meaning others start panicking and taking their cash out of the lesser-known banks and parking their money elsewhere.
Interested in the thoughts and opinions of the community, as there are a lot of money hoarders here!
EDIT: Silicon Valley Bank also collapsed overnight in Friday trading.
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